Trapped 3: Together Forever (...

By WereNotInvisible

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Liz and One Direction are back.......again!!! *Please read Trapped and Trapped 2: The Truth Unmasked before y... More

Trapped 3: Together Forever (Sequel To Trapped 2: The Truth Unmasked)
Chapter 1-We Meet Again
Chapter 2-The Comeback Kids
Chapter 3-Getting The Word Out
Chapter 4-Cracking Under Pressure
Chapter 5-A Date With WHO?!?
Chapter 6-First Date
Chapter 7-Alone
Chapter 8-Breaking Up
Chapter 9-Last Chance To Take Him Back
Chapter 10-New Girl
Chapter 11-War
Chapter 12-Liam To The Rescue
Chapter 13-Liz's Revenge
Chapter 14-Seperate Ways
Chapter 15-Plan B
Chapter 16-Odd Bonding
Chapter 17-101 Heartbreak Lane
Chapter 18-I Won His Heart
Chapter 19-A Not So Nice Surprise
Chapter 20-Locked In
Chapter 21-A Night of Drinking
Chapter 22-Hello Tour, Goodbye Liz
Chapter 23-Odd Discoveries and Annoying Roommates
Chapter 24-Someone's In Love
Chapter 25-I Totally Just Blew It
Chapter 26-Finding Zayn
Chapter 27-Lost
Chapter 28-Crazy?
Chapter 29-Deadly Secrets
Chapter 30-Coming Clean
Chapter 31-Caught In A Trap
Chapter 32-A Big Red Sign That Reads "Danger! Trouble Ahead!"
Chapter 34-Shit's Gettin' Real
Chapter 35-Unexpected.....
Chapter 36-Welcome To The World Dylan Riley Payne
Chapter 37-A New Mother
Chapter 38-By My Side
Chapter 39-I'd Take A Grenade For Ya...Or A Bullet In This Case...
Chapter 40-Weak
Chapter 41-We Can't Just Leave Him
Chapter 42-Can I Have This Dance?
Chapter 43-You Can't Please Everybody
Chapter 44-I Really Love You....No Not You
Chapter 45-The List
Chapter 46-Lost And Found
Chapter 47-Your Worst Nightmare
Chapter 48-Save Me
Chapter 49-A Sudden Change In Home
Chapter 50-His Inner Demon
Chapter 51-Prentending To Not Care Is Harder Than It Seems
Chapter 52-11:11
Chapter 53-Near Death Expierences Are Never Fun

Chapter 33-It's All Downhill From Here.....Literally

3.8K 104 31
By WereNotInvisible

I anxiously await the arrival of Harry and the others, god it seems like forever since I left him that voicemail, when in reality it's only been like five minutes.

"Should we drive to the hospital?" Liam's mother asks.

"You can go on ahead. I'd rather wait for Harry," I mumble.

"Are you sure it's really worth waiting for them? You don't know if he even got the message. For all we know Liam could already-"

"Please don't go there," I beg, "I don't need to think of him that way right now. I already have way too much on my plate."

"Liz, I honestly don't think it's worth waiting. I agree with my mom, for once," Ruth states.

"Who's driving?" I ask, basically agreeing with them that I should just go right away instead of waiting for Harry.

Ruth, Nicola, and Liam's mom smile, glad that I'm agreeing with them. We all hop in Liam's mom's car and take off down the street to the nearest hospital. We arrive about 30 minutes later to see an ambulance's lights flaring. I bet that's the ambulance that Liam is in. We pull into the emergency room parking lot and park. Liam's family helps me out of the car, only for me to feel weak five seconds later.

"I'm exhausted," I yawn.

"We should get you a wheelchair," Liam's mom suggests.

"I agree," I giggle.

After being practically dragged into the emergency room, I'm eventually brought a wheelchair by a very kind nurse.

"My name's Julie who are you here to see?" She asks.

"Liam Payne. I'm his girlfriend and this is his family," I answer.

"Alright. I'll check to see if he can have visitors right now," she states as she walks behind the counter and types in the computer, "Liam's in critical condition right now. They won't allow any visitors right now. Lemmie call maybe they'll allow family. I'm not sure."

I watch as Julie looks up the number for the area in which critical condition patients are in. She picks up the phone and dials the number when she finds it. A few seconds pass until I hear her talking on the phone. Realizing that I still haven't heard from Harry yet, I decide to text him saying that he should just come straight to the hospital because that's where I am. I press the send button and the message is sent.

"They said they will allow you to see him. They say that he's not good. The only thing is that there can only be a maximum of two visitors in the room at a time," Julie tells us.

"I guess Liam's mom and I will go in by ourselves for some time alone then," I whisper.

"Who wants to go first?" Ruth asks.

"I do. I NEED to see him. If he doesn't pull through this will kill me. I'll never be able to live with myself if he's not here to help raise this baby," I reply.

"But don't you need the wheelchair?" Nicola asks.

"I can walk. My legs are starting to fall asleep from sitting in this thing for so long anyway. I'll be fine."

As Julie unlocks and opens the door leading to the critical condition wing, I get myself up and out of the wheelchair.

"This way please," Julie whispers in a soft voice, "you can't be too loud in here."

I nod my head in response because it feels as though there's a huge lump of nervousness in my throat that's prohibiting me from speaking. When we walk through the long hallway that leads to a ginormous room filled with hospital beds blocked with curtains, Julie points to the bed that Liam's in. I look over to notice that there's a curtain blocking Liam. I thank Julie and then practically tiptoe my way over to his bed, only to be stopped by a doctor about five seconds later.

"Can I help you?" The doctor asks in a rather stern tone.

"I'm here to see Liam Payne. I'm his girlfriend and the mother of his child. I was told that he's allowed family visitors and that there can only be two visitors at the most with him during visiting hours," I explain.

"We need to get some minor checkup tests done right now but if you wait in that chair over there," the doctor replies as he points to a small metal chair over on the other side of the room, "you can go see him once we're done."

"How is he right now?" I ask.

"Health wise? He's hanging in there. His heart rate is just above the average. His breathing seems to be fine."

"Do you know how this happened?"

"Well, from the looks of the pictures that were sent to us," he begins before he hands me the police pictures from the scene, causing me to gasp in shock, "looks like some lunatic tried to run him off the road. He was driving along the highway and some person apparently slammed into the left side of his car, shoving him over, off the side of the road, and down a rather steep hill. The car that shoved him over got away. All that we know is that right after Liam and his car finally stopped rolling, the only sound that was heard was the sound of screeching tires. That kid over there is damn lucky to be alive right now. No broken bones or anything. He's just severely banged up badly."

Oh my god.......

No words can describe how I'm feeling right now. Liam was supposed to be dead, but I bet he's holding on for the baby and I. Seeing him like this is just making me worry about him even more. I guess this just shows how much I care for him. Feeling as though my legs are gonna give out right now from all this drama I decide to go sit in the chair and wait patiently. This couldn't have been an accident. Someone had to know that that was Liam in his sister's car. It couldn't have actually been an accident, well, it could, but I assume that if it was the person that hit Liam would've stayed at the scene and called the police instead of a bystander.

About five minutes pass until the doctor reproaches me and tells me that I can go see him.

"Be very careful. He's extremely delicate right now and I'm sure you don't wanna hurt him anymore than he already it," the doctor whispers once I get up and out of the chair with his help.

At least if I go into labor right now I'm in a hospital.........

I sneak over to the far corner of the room to find the same curtain blocking Liam's bed once again. I slowly pull the curtain away, revealing a very beat up Liam. I cover my mouth and gasp in shock at the sight of him. I can feel tears welling up in my eyes, but I'm not gonna cry. I'm not gonna cry. I'm gonna stay strong for Liam, or at least I'm gonna try to. My eyes grow wide at all the cuts and bruises that he has on his arms and legs. Oh my poor baby. He has a black eye too. Oh god this is bad.......

He appears to be asleep. I walk over to the right side of his hospital bed and just stand by his side, seeing if he'll wake up. I gently tug his arm gently, trying to get some movement out of him. When I notice his eyes flutter open, a big smile spreads across my face now that I know he's alright.

"Hi Liam. It's me, Liz," I whisper gently into his ear.

"Who?" He asks.

"It's me, Liz. Your girlfriend and the mother of your child."

"I don't have a girlfriend," he faintly mumbles.

Oh my god what the hell is wrong with him?!?

"Yes you do. And you have a child too. See," I tell him as I point to my humongous baby bump.

"You should get that basketball out from under your shirt. You look fat with it there," he responds, causing me to gasp at his words.

He doesn't remember anything.........

"Do you remember how this happen?" I ask, just to see what his response would be.

"Yes. I was walking through the forest one day-"

Nope he doesn't remember a thing......

"With all my little bunny friends when suddenly a rainbow unicorn comes up and shoves its horn up my ass, sending my flying through the forest. I then landed hard and ended up rolling down a hill. The end," he tells me, causing me to giggle at his adorableness even though it's not good that he's talking like this.


"Who's Liam?"

"Oh my god........" I gasp and begin feeling tears stream down my face.

He's really REALLY bad........

"Excuse me, doctor," I call.

"Yes. What is it?" He asks.

"What's wrong with Liam?"

"Ah, yes. He has amnesia for right now. He apparently took a blow to the head which is what caused this. He has no memory of anything whatsoever."

"Is this permanent memory loss? Or temporary?" I ask.

"Usually it's temporary but if he's talking about fluffy bunnies and unicorns I'd say that he's gonna be like this probably for a long time. You could help him though. You could try to jog his memory by explaining everything with him, although it sometimes doesn't work depending on how bad they're talking. And in his case, I can pretty much guarantee that it won't work."

"OK, so his body condition will get better. Will his memory?"

"I'd say in about six months time he should be getting his memory back but I'm not guaranteeing anything," he states.

I cover my hands with my face when I realize that this is what Liam could be like for the rest of his life. I check my watch for the time when I realize that I've been in here for at least 45 minutes now. I walk back over to Liam, give him a gentle kiss on the cheek, tell him that I love him, and walk out with tears falling down my face. I step out of the critical condition wing to the waiting room to see Liam's mom and his sisters anxiously waiting for my return.

"He's not good. He has amnesia really bad," I tell them when I join them.

"What's really bad?" His mom asks.

"He told me to take the basketball out from under my shirt," I reply.

"That's not too bad," Ruth states.

"Oh really? I asked him how the accident happened and he said that a unicorn shoved its horn up his ass resulting in him rolling down a hill."

"I guess I spoke too soon......." Ruth trails off.

"Did the doctor say how it happened?" Nicola asks.

"Apparently someone ran him off the road and shoved his car down a hill. The sound of screeching tires on the phone was the culprit driving off, leaving the scene of the accident uncaught."

"Does he remember anything?" Liam's mom asks.

"Nope. He doesn't even remember his name."

"Oh my god," all three of them mumble at the same time.

Liam's mom eventually gets out of her chair and is the next one to go see Liam. As I'm sitting in dead silence with his sisters, I feel my phone buzzing in my back pocket. I pull it out to notice a text from Harry saying that him, the boys, and Eleanor just arrived and they want me to meet them at the front doors. I close my phone and excuse myself momentarily to go get them.

As I approach the front doors, I realize that I'm alone. No sign of anybody. I look outside only to see Eleanor approach the revolving door. I walk over to give her a hug but she rejects my offer. I wipe the tears from my face right as she begins speaking.

"Hey, we brought Liam a present. Louis has it in the car and he needs some help getting it inside. Would you mind?" She asks, wanting to know if I could help. I nod my head in response, "excellent."

We make our way out the front door together as she leads me to where Louis parked. I walk up to the side of the car in search of Louis when I suddenly feel someone's strong hands push up against my back, sending me head first into the side of the car. I groan in response as I rub my head when I'm suddenly pushed into the back of the van. I look up to the drivers seat while I'm still seeing stars when I notice that it's not Louis in the drivers seat...........

It's Zayn........

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