Snatched {BDSM}

By TairBlossoms

191K 2.3K 187

If you behave I will reward you, but if you misbehave I will punish you. For my pleasure!" He purred the last... More

Snatched- Prologue
Chapter- 2
Chapter 2.2
Chapter -3
Chapter- 4 Part 1
Chapter 4 part 2
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 8.6
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter- 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter- 17
Chapter- 18
Chapter 19
~~Update~~ ¶


16.7K 189 15
By TairBlossoms

(Pic of Master)

I woke up feeling like my mind was cloudy. I look around, I was in a old wet basement, it smelled like mildew. There were girls in little rooms, caged like animals. "What the fuck is going on?" I ask, where was Mia? I tried to remember what happen last night? Was it even last night? How many nights had I been here?

I remember running from a tall guy with a mask on. Then hearing a scream I suppose was Mia's. God, what did I do? Mia doesn't deserve this, she was nothing but nice to me. "Gianna, are you there!?" I looked to the cell to the left of mine.

"Baby, thank goodness!" I say hugging her through the bars. "We have to get out of here, there -" She cut me off holding my hand.

"There's no way out! We just have to be strong, okay?" I nodded as a short boy walk to the door of my cell. I hope he didn't tell me to leave. I look to see there were six other girls and they are all naked. "The fuck is going on here." I say placing my hand over my boobs.

"Who knows," Mia says with lines of fear running across her face.

"All of you get in a straight line, from short to tall." The short dude says. None of us moved, the shock must be holding them back too, or maybe it was fear. I looked to Mia, as a tall man that looks familiar, said the same thing to Mia's cell.

"Now lady's I won't ask again." He says taking a step into the room. Mia lets my hand go, I was frightened to be without her, but I would be strong for us.

I was the first to stand in the line, there was no use in prolonging this situation. Also I wanted to see where they were going to take Mia. They all started to slowly line up, crying as though they were dying.

I mean I understand being afraid but crying wouldn't help. Al that does is could your vision and make you more exposed.

He led us down the hall up damp cold stone steps. I didn't like how everyone just stared as we walked by. Like do you really have to stare that hard, Creeps? My line stood in front of Mia's line.

"Now, your Cage Number is 666, and your's is 667. Remember when they call your cage number you step forward, then your name will be call, you step onto the circle stage hold out your arms and spin around- slowly." He paused looking over everyone. "The more obedient you are, the better you pointless life will be, Trust me!" He smiled and walked away.

"The first line has two minutes to clean, and be back where you are, go." The short dude says.

The girls didn't move, I looked around, 'Ahh these chicks kill me, your dead anyway. Face the music!'. I think as I walk behind him and the girls follow. "The waters cold!" I complain.

"Deal with it." Someone yells. Wow, I wash my body as fast as possible. My nipples were hard as a rock, how I would love for Mia to suck them. I giggle at the way my mind works. Naughty even in at a time like this. We towel dry, then walk back to our spot.

The tall guy walked down the line pinching all the girls nipples, and stopped at mine. "Seem your turned on, or was that water really that cold?" He ask with his lips right at my ear.

"A little of both." He smiled and moved on.

"Cage 666, Aww what a lucky number!" A man announced. The tall guy led the way then wave us on stage.

There was a thin man on stage with a megaphone. One way glass with a even smaller circle stage. I couldn't believe this! They were about to sell us like cattle. Do I look like a sheep or cow to you!? This was inhuman.

The man started calling names. "Chloe Amnesia." The tall guy pushed her onto the stage, she begins to cry.

"Lord." I whispered rolling my eyes.

"She's straight, plays the guitar, and a ballerina. We'll start the bidding at $10,000." Bids few across the room fast, she was sold in two minutes for $21,000.

A old man with grey hairs walked to the stage. She fell to her knees crying louder. I couldn't even understand why she was acting like a animal, like calm the fuck down. As I thought this the old man and thin man looked at me. Had I said that a loud or something. I looked the other direction. There were four girl ahead of me acting a fool. I just shake my head silently waiting my turn.

There was no need to make a fool of myself. We had already been abducted so there was no reason to boo-hoo. Just take your fate and be brave about it. Or at least pretend to until you find a way out!

"Gianna Grey." I step forward before the dude pushed me, I was not afraid to show my body, it was Perfect. From my almost oval face with heart shape lips, which were perfect for kissing, to my pinch-able cheeks, and my hazel cat eyes, that could capture anyone. To my perfect double C cup breast that was slightly covered by my long red hair that matched my personality and my ass that always had a follower, to my long toned legs. I lifted my arms and turn a few times. Why was I aroused? I don't know.

"Well, someone's feeling good!? Now, you can see she's obedient, and has a perfect body and mind, as she was accepted into Princeton. She did ballet for two years, can play the piano and sing, and has a passion for cooking- evening through that isn't needed." The tall guy walked on stage and whispered in the thin guys ear, a smile appeared. "She also like Girls!" The way he said it made me feel dirty- very dirty.

We'll start the bidding at $300,000!" He say and bids came in fast. "No, Mia!" I didn't want to go without her. He looked at me, the bids hushed away.

"Mia, she is your lover?" I nodded my head. "Boys, would you like two for one! Lesbians in the flesh?" Howls sounded and fell. "Can we find our lovely Mia and bring her on stage?"

He had just turned this shity ordeal into a real sick game, but I didn't care as long as my love is with me.

Mia walked on stage, my nipples harden all over again. Her hair was wet and she look cold, her breast stand at attention just waiting to be sucked, and her sexy ass and hips beg to be licked, how I could devour her whole.

The thin man searched for her I.D card. "Mia Hitch. She can sing, play the violin, and dance." She lifted her arms and I spun her around, lighten the situation. "We'll start the bidding at $900,000!" There were a loud number of bids. Please let him be young I pray. "I have $2.1million dollars. Going once, going -"

"$4.6 million." A man casual said loud over everyone. He slowly made his way to the stage. And god was he beautiful. His light green eye, bore into mine then Mia. He had a fit body in a expensive Gucci suit and Italian loafers. A clean shave and casual cut, perfect lips. My mind went to all things naughty, I look over at Mia, instantly knew we were on the same page. A slow smile touched his face.

"Going once, twice... Sold!" He pulled out his checkbook and jotting down the number. He took our I.D cards and walked over to us.

We both straightened our back trying to stand tall still only meeting his chin. Mia bowed her head, I stared into his intense eyes, I would show no fear, but his unblinking eye made me lower my head, feeling defeated. "Girls..." His voice, how I could get lost inside it.

"I only have one dog collar, but you two won't mind being close." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a black spike collar and put it with easy around our neck. "Perfect!" He attached a chain. "You won't embarrass me, by crying like those other animals will you?" He ask.

"No." We say together.

"No, Master. It's always yes or no Master!" He corrects sternly.

"No, master" I choke feeling degraded.

"Now if you behave I will reward you, but if you misbehave I will punish you. For my pleasure!" He purred the last part seemly to himself.

I nodded my head, as my voice fells me. I look at Mia, with such love and sadness.

"Yes, Master!" He corrected.

"Y- Yes, Master." I say softly.

"Good pets." He says tilting my face up.

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