Darkness - (a Reylo fanfictio...

By reylo-trashh

82.4K 1.5K 2K

The darkness runs through Rey and she can feel it. What will she do? Will she follow that path and become the... More

little one
don't underestimate my power
unveiling the truth
wake up call
great escape
new beginning
stay with me
who do you think i am?
first time
forever indebted

fear & dreams

7.3K 139 230
By reylo-trashh


It's been a year since the Starkiller Base and almost all of my troops were blown up, thanks to the 'Resistance'. It also marks one year since I killed my father and of course one year since the battle with my- I mean the girl, yea... THE girl, that filthy scavenger scum.

Only General Hux and about 50 storm troopers made it off the Starkiller base before it was totally obliterated. If you're wondering, I recovered from my injuries but I now have a nasty scar down my face just like my Grandfather. The Supreme Leader sent a transport to collect Hux and myself from the Starkiller base before it completely crumbled.

In the year that has past the First Order has been gathering thousands upon thousands of people to join us, the building of a new Starkiller has begun and there is still no sign of getting the map that leads to Luke Skywalker. We've searched over half the galaxy for him or any sign of the resistance base, and there's still no sign.

My thoughts we interrupted by a storm trooper. "Sir, the Supreme Leader has requested to see you." With that the trooper left, I sighed as a rush of nervousness ran through my body, I stood up and put my mask back on and left my room. I walked heavily down the hallways until I reached the door, as I entered I took notice to Hux who was talking to the hologram of Snoke, this room was identical to the one on the old Starkiller base, I made my way down to where Hux stood. "Kylo Ren, we have the location of Skywalker" I looked up at him,"Where is he?" I asked as my voice was filtered my the mask making it sound metallic. "He's been tracked to the Illenium system" he spoke down to me.

"I shall send my troops to capture him" Hux spoke up while I just looked at him, "Kylo Ren will accompany them there, where he will capture Skywalker and the girl." Girl? What?! My head shot up to look at the Supreme Leader, his head turned to look at me as I tried to conceal my thoughts. "Take that mask off! NOW!" The Supreme Leader yelled directly at me, his voice filled with anger. I reluctantly took of my mask, "look at me now Ren" he demanded, I looked up at him slowly. The Supreme Leaders voice was flat. "You have compassion for her." Oh no, he's can see through me. "No- Never. Compassion? For an enemy of the Order?"
"I perceive the problem, it isn't her strength that is making you fail. It's your weakness." The rebuke hurt and Snoke sensed my excitement at just the mention of her and the change in my eyes. "They have been tracked to D'Qar, we also suspect that it is where the resistance base is. You will leave in the morning."

Hux and I bowed our heads and with that the giant hologram was gone. "Careful Ren, don't let your interest in the girl cloud your judgment. I know how you feel about her, you have compassion and much more."
"You don't know anything Hux. Keep your Mouth shut and I shall spare your life. Prepare your troops and have them ready by 9am tomorrow morning." With that I stormed out of the room filled with anger, a passing storm trooper didn't acknowledge my presence and this fuelled my anger even more, I held my hand up and force choked them then threw them to the ground. I stormed down the hallway now masked, 2 passing storm troopers acknowledged me so I told them to clean up the mess.

Once I entered my room I took off my mask and stripped off all my excess clothing. My room had black and grey metal walls with grey marble floors, it was full of modern furniture. I entered my closet and stripped down to my boxers, I threw on a black t-shirt and flopped into my bed even though it was only 6pm. I drifted off into a peaceful sleep where I dreamt about my- THE, THE girl, damnit.

"Good morning my handsome husband" I was woken up by the most beautiful girl ever, "good morning my love" I smiled as I rolled over and planted a kiss to her forehead. "Where are my boys?" I asked her and as if on cue two 4 year olds came bounding into our room, "daddy you're awake! Yay!" They both chanted in unison. I sat up and they ran into my arms, "how are my boys doing?" I asked them smiling, "we're really good daddy! Mummy made us pancakes for breakfast! They were the best ever!" I chuckled at them as they ran off to their room. They were identical twins, the spitting image of me, right down to my big ears. I know their pain far too well so they've grown their hair out so they don't feel self conscious, they have miniature temper tantrums when it flops into their eyes when they're playing games so my beautiful wife pulls their thick black hair into 3 little buns each, they don't mind that though.
I promise that I will protect my boys, Anakin and Han from everything and anything. They will never have to experience the torture that I went through when I was in training to become a Knight Of Ren. Both of our boys are force sensitive and they will decide on their 5th birthday wether or not they wish to train to become a Jedi. If one, both or none of my boys get seduced by the dark side I will take it upon myself to train them correctly so they will never suffer the horrendous pain I suffered. 


QOTD: Would you be a part of the resistance or the First Order?
AOTD: I would be a part of the First Order

Hey guys, thanks for reading, voting and commenting! I really appreciate it. Go and check out @fandomsoundsinnocent , they write great fics!

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