
By Fallen_Angel316

1.8K 54 30

Samantha and Cameron used to be the best of friends when they were kids. Reality suited none of them and that... More

Day One
Day Two
Day Three
Day Four
Day Five
Day Seven
Day Eight
Day Nine
Day Ten
Day Eleven

Day Six

94 4 5
By Fallen_Angel316

Yeah, I know it's been more than a month since the last time I updated but hell, writer's block can be cruel.

Anyway, I really hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it :D

Song on the side: "Backseat Serenade" by All Time Low. (<3)


Day Six

Samantha shut her eyes and wrapped her arms around her knees.

Her mom was gone and she didn't want to remember.

She lay on the floor of her room but didn't cry.

Her mom was gone and she didn't want to feel. 

She stopped trying to beat the smothering feeling. 

Her mom was gone and she didn't want to dream. 

She yelled at Cameron to get out of her life.

Her mom was gone and she didn't want to love. 

And Cameron? She didn't want to lose anyone else. She couldn't emotionally afford this whole situation again. 

Not now, not ever.

"She lied, she lied again. She couldn't help it. He craved for it."

The familiar words echoed around the room making me shift uncomfortably in my sleep.

"He craved for every falsely uttered word. He used the color of her tears to paint the sky as he watched her wings getting burnt."

My head spun around as I practically jumped out of the tub.

Yeah, given that he was the one who slept in the front seats for the past five days, he had sent me to the tub. Plus, when I came back after our cute argument, he was already tucked in the single bed so it was not like I had any other choice.

"Give it back," I breathlessly demanded, eyeing my i-pod.

"She kept telling she was fine. It was more than clear in front of his violet-gray eyes; he was losing her along with his own self," he went on.

He was standing on the table in our hotel room with his hand dramatically touching his chest.

"Stop!" I screamed.

"Didn't know you write, slutface," he mocked, raising an eyebrow.

I stared at him in disbelief for some seconds. Weren't we okay yesterday? I mean, yes, after Rosie's call things got sort of awkwardly tensed but I thought that we were past the name-calling thing.

I was obviously wrong.

"Hand. It. Back," I hissed venomously, clearly separating every word.

He kept staring at me with a cocky smile across his luscious lips.

"Tolstoy is a really bad influence, sweetie."

"It's not mine," I shamelessly lied.

"Yeah, right," he scoffed.

I gave him a flat look.

"I can see your fucking soul in here, Bradford," he said in a 'duh' tone.

I involuntarily hugged my sides feeling extremely uncomfortable. I seriously wanted to uproot his freaking eyes. I hated how exposed I felt right now, under his stupid examining gaze.

"I don't understand what you're tryi-"

"The rich girls steal, the pretty girls lie, the smart girls play dumb and the dumb girls spend their days trying to be all the above," he cut me off.

I widened my eyes for some seconds before bursting into laughter. Seriously, I hadn't had such a burst out of laughing in months.

"You didn't really quote Pretty Little Liars," I breathlessly uttered between my laughs.

He glared at me.

"Come on Cam, I get you love your little Rosie but seriously now, why would you guys watch it together?!" I asked adding a huge amount of irony as I pronounced the word 'love'.

You are more than free to say that it is because I haven't experienced real love yet, but Cammy here did not love Rosie. At least, not enough to watch girly shows with her, for God's sake!

"Why not? Whenever we don't feel like going out w-"


He shrugged giving up. "I bet you can think ten better ways to spend my time with her, right?" he asked ironically.

I snorted. "They are called sex positions," I said in a 'duh' tone, giving him a flat look.


"You don't do it a lot, huh? That explains a lot..." I said amusingly, wrapping a lock of hair around my index finger.

"Unlike you, she's still learning. I bet you have tons of experience to share, right?"

I bit my lip holding back a snort. This was obviously an indirect way to tell me that porn stars were less sexually active than I was, right?

"Well, given that my window is right opposite to yours, like you said, I bet you have heard how experienced I am," I shrugged, raising an eyebrow.

He grunted.

I blew him a kiss and made my way to the restaurant to fill my growling stomach. I grabbed some chocolate cake and a cup of coffee and headed to a table at the corner of the restaurant, right next to a huge window.

My gaze traveled behind the glass, right to the pure waters of the waterfall.

I wasn't really friendly back there but I seriously wanted to attack him when he started reading my book in a such mocking tone. He didn't know, of course, but writing was the only thing I actually cared about -besides Lyn- so I would not take any bullshit. Especially not from him.

Plus, whenever we talked he gave me the impression that his relationship with Rosie was like bullying in his life. By this I mean that the way he talked made me believe that neither had he chosen to terrify innocent nerdy people nor had he chosen to be with her. Okay, she was hot and all but when everyone expects you to be with someone and you're Cameron Shaw, you build a relationship with Barbie no matter how annoying she can be.

So, I did not get it. Why did he always defend her?

I mean, seriously, it was ridiculous.

He couldn't have... feelings for her.

Could he?

I shook the involuntary question out of my head and started nibbling on my cake.

Half an hour later, my eyes were glued on my now cold coffee. I felt miserable and I didn't know if the cause was Cameron's mocking tone at my book or his whole attitude towards me. Yes, sue me but I couldn't get it out of my mind.

I was ready to make my way back to the room and stay tucked underneath the covers for the next dozen of days when Cameron's tall figure appeared at the door of the restaurant. He walked towards me and focused his burning blue gaze on me.

"Are you done eating, we need to go," he said coldly.

"Are you taking me home?" I asked leaving the room.

He huffed following me. "Why would I do that?"

"I don't know," I shrugged, "now that you had your time to laugh at my book and show me how much you love Rosie-"

"I don't love her. Don't use words I didn't," he snarled, eyeing me stonily.

"What do you want from me, Shaw?" I asked crossing my arms across my chest provokingly.

He remained silent and I could see tones of things running through his eyes. He took some steps closer to me, grabbed my forearms and pressed me against the wall of the corridor. He pushed his body against mine making my knees go weak.

"I want a lot of things from you, Bradford," he whispered, "now, though, shut your filthy mouth and follow me."

I opened my mouth to object but he pressed his fingers against my lips.

"No fucking questions and objections. Just for today," he said and smiled before getting off of me and walking to our room.

I silently followed him and changed into another dress and my combat boots. Meanwhile, he took his shirt off giving me a clear view of his dragon tattoo and making me, once again, want to run my fingers over it.

I averted my gaze and twirled my cross ring around my middle finger nervously. Especially now, I had to keep my eyes away from him.

"Come with me," he said with a side smirk.

"And why are you shirtless?" I asked arching an eyebrow.

"Do I turn you on?" he demanded.

I snorted. "You have no idea."

We got in the car and he drove across the riverside in complete silence. He was kind of weird this morning but trying to get in his mind would be scary so I decided against it. I put my headphones on and sang lowly.

When he pulled on the side and turned the engine off in the middle of nowhere I seriously started panicking. He was too intimate this morning at the corridor and now this? Was he planning on raping me? Or killing me? Or both?

I cringed as all the ways of murdering someone crossed my mind once again. 

"Not that look again, Jesus, I'm not planning on molesting or killing you, Bradford," he groaned.

I narrowed my eyes at him and he chuckled.

As we walked, we could no longer see the river or the waterfalls. I was genuinely curious, though, about where he was taking me. 

When a small ranch appeared in front of me, my eyes widened. 

"What are we doing here?" I asked.

"I remembered that you like riding horses so..." he trailed off.

I grinned and jumped on him, hugging him tightly. 

"Thanks!" I squealed.

Yes, this kind of reaction was definitely not me but I loved horses.

He remained frozen for some moments but then his toned arms hugged my back. For a couple of fading moments I could feel heat being radiated from his body to mine. I felt the urge to tighten my embrace and have him a little bit closer but something stopped me. Maybe common sense. When I tried to untangle my legs from his waist, I felt him holding me still for some seconds. It only lasted for a blink of the eye, though, so I thought it was just me. 

I got off him and followed him to the little chalet which was placed at the middle of the vast tract of land. An old couple greeted us and led as to the back of the ranch where the stable was placed. I was wandering and observing the place until I was utterly stunned by the majestic beauty of a black horse. 

I smiled as if it could see me and run my hand over its big neck. 

"Another admirer," the old lady said laughing, "my Roxy is indeed beautiful," she said caressing Roxy's black mane. 

"Definitely," I breathed out. 

They brought Roxy and another brown and white horse out of the stable and helped us ride them. 

"Are you sure you know how to do this, son?" I heard the old man's fading voice as I disappeared with Roxy. 

I let the wind take my tears away but the memories of me and my mom going to our island house and riding all day long made my body numb. It was a beautiful place, between the sea and the woods. Mother and I would wake up every morning and have breakfast at the porch and then we would get the horses and ride across the seaside and the woods for hours. When the sun went down, I would call Cameron and describe him my day while she would be cooking dinner. At night, we would go to the roof and talked about her favorite thing; the stars. 

Get a grip before you fall off.


I shook my head, forcing the memories to leave my head made Roxy go faster.

"Hey, cowgirl, will you wait already?" I heard Cameron's frustrated voice behind me. 

I chuckled at the nickname and slowed down. He was soon right next to me and hell, it actually felt nice. 

"It is amazing how the simplest things impress you, you know?" he muttered at some point. 

I smiled but didn't answer cause I seriously wasn't sure if he wanted to say that or if he was just thinking out loud. 

About ten minutes later, I had my first case of verbal diarrhea. I swear I wasn't intending on saying it out loud but it sort of slipped out-

"Have you ever felt so free with Rosie?"

As soon as I uttered the words, I felt my cheeks grow bright crimson in embarrassment. 

I quickly sped up wanting to disappear. I felt relieved when I realized he hadn't followed me. I had kind of said a lot of things to him but this was a whole different story; it sounded like I was trying to compete with his girlfriend; which I wasn't. 

As the time passed and I still had no sign of him, I started growing worried. Where the hell was the boy?

I turned around in order to ride back to where we had begun. 

An involuntary scream left my mouth when I saw him lying on the ground. He was not under some tree or something. He looked... unconscious.

I quickly got off Roxy and kneeled next to him. I placed my shaking hands on his chest and slightly shoved his chest. 

"Wake up, Shaw," I said sternly.

Deep inside I wanted to run and find some defibrillator or something but I had to remain calm and sane for now. 

"C'mon, dude, you're scaring me,"  I laughed as tears started rolling down my cheeks. 

He couldn't be hurt, as in seriously hurt. He couldn't. 

I pourred some water on my hand and ran it over his face. 

"Open your eyes," I demanded swallowing a sob, "please."

My voice almost faded as a lump made its way up my throat making me not being able to breathe properly. 

The same feeling of loneliness and suffocation I got when I heard my mother was sick surrounded me. No, I couldn't go through this again. He had to wake up.

"Cameron, please, wake up," I sobbed. 

Suddenly his body started shaking violently as he burst into a thunderous laughter.

"Y-You should... have seen-your face," he choked out in between his laughs.

I gritted my teeth and slapped him as hard as I could before getting on Roxy again and getting lost.

How could he do something like that? How much of a fucking heartless bastard was he?

"Samantha, wait," I heard his voice calling from behind me.

"Fuck off," I screamed.

"Okay, sorry, slow down!" 

"Fuck off!" I repeated louder.

He rode faster and came next to me once again. 

"It was stupid, alright, sorry?" he tried again.

"Save your apologies," I hissed.

When we headed back to the ranch and left the horses, I decided I didn't want to go back to the hotel yet. Deep inside I hoped he would leave without me. I wouldn't be able to calm down if he was around. 

I felt like climbing/hiking so I walked to the rocky side of the hill nearby. I started climbing.

At some point, I felt my stomach twisting and my vision blurring a bit but I ignored it. I had never been afraid of heights or anything so I just kept going. The dizziness grew worse as I went higher but I didn't stop. I wanted to reach the top and be as far away from Cam as possible. 

At some point, I blacked out for some seconds. Only for one or two seconds. That was all it took for me to fall. 

"Cameron!" I squealed and then my back hit something hard.

A few whimpers left my lips. Hell, I couldn't breathe.

My head hurt, my back hurt... And then nothing. 

When I finally managed to open my eyes, I was still lying on the ground. Only, this time, Cameron was next to me and my head was lying on his thigh.

"Cam?" I mumbled weakly.

"God, are you okay?"

"I-I guess," I whispered.

"You sure?"

A wave of pain travelled through my body. "Ugh, no," I groaned.

He tried to help me up but I only managed to fall back down. 

"C'mon get on my back," he ordered.

"Huh?" I asked blinking rapidly.

"I can't carry you bridal style, I should of climb back down so c'mon, hop on..."

For some minutes I just stared at him not really knowing what to do.

Yeah, captain genius, you may as well stay here until you're not disabled anymore.

Okay, inner shit, I got your point.

I weakly sat up and wrapped my arms around his neck as he helped me get on his back.

"You alright?" he asked.

"Uh-huh," I assured him. 

He carried me to the chalet where the couple's nephew wrapped my left ankle with some thick bandages. Thank God it was only sprained.

And yes, he did carry me back to the car and then the hotel room. He took me to the bathroom and placed me in the tub.

"I'm fine, I can wash myself," I growled when he tried to remove my dress.

"Can you? I mean, you're all black and blue and you cannot stand and..." he trailed off.

His cheeks turned a cute shade of bright pink as he started stuttering.

Cute. Shade. Of. Pink. SERIOUSLY?

Oh, shut up.

"J-Just let me help you for once, okay? I'm not gonna bite you," he said frowning.

"Okay," I mumbled.

He removed my dress and turned the water on. A mixture of blood and mud crawled away from my body. 

His hands along with the hot water travelled all over my body sending shivers.

When I was all cleaned up, he wrapped a towel around my body and carried me to the bed. He tucked me under the sheets and wished me goodnight.

"Cam?" I mumbled.


"The tub is wet, where are you gonna sleep?"

"I'll figure something out," he said smiling reassuringly.

I didn't even think about my next sentence, it just came out before I could stop it.

"Lie down with me."

He stared at me in shock for some minutes but then he took some hesitant step towards the bed. He lay down right next to me and the closeness made me feel surrounded by the well-known heat his body radiated.

Hell, something was really wrong.

Or worse, something was really right.


I love them :") I feel like a proud lil' mom now that they are all cute together, haha no xD





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