
By forever_emison

519K 14.1K 8.9K

Alison returns home after being gone for 2 years. all of the girls are back from new york after Aria killed S... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53~wedding~
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85~cenna wedding~
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128
Chapter 129
Chapter 130
Chapter 131
Chapter 132
Chapter 133
Chapter 134
Chapter 135
Chapter 136
Chapter 137
Chapter 138
Chapter 139
Chapter 140
Chapter 142
Chapter 143
Chapter 144
Chapter 145
Chapter 146
Chapter 147
Chapter 148
Chapter 149
Chapter 150
Chapter 151
Chapter 152
Chapter 153
Chapter 154
Chapter 155
Chapter 156
Chapter 157
Chapter 158
Chapter 159
Chapter 160
Chapter 161
Chapter 162
Chapter 163
Chapter 164
Chapter 165
Chapter 166
Chapter 167
Chapter 168
Chapter 169
Chapter 170
Chapter 171
Chapter 172
Chapter 173
Chapter 174
Chapter 175
Chapter 176
Chapter 177
Chapter 178 ~Last Chapter~

Chapter 141

2K 77 27
By forever_emison

in honor of pll premiere! :) enjoy this special chapter!

no pov

victoria woke up in her apartment.

when she looked at my clock she squealed, "shit i'm gonna be late!" she shouted and got showered, dressed, makeup and hair was done in under 30 minutes.

"!" she said and grabbed her bag and ran out the door.

the only thing victoria hadn't noticed was the calendar that read october 16, 2014

victoria pov

when i arrived at school it looked totally different.

people i didn't recognize at all...

i got out and walked in, people staring at me like i was a freak.

what the fuck is going on?

i looked around the inside, obvserving people, seeing nobody.

i went into my pocket to take my phone out but when i pulled it out it was an old version of an iphone. is this the 5? what the hell?

i have no contacts in it...weird.

"hey you." i heard a familiar voice say.

i turned around and saw a dark haired, tan girl walk up to a gorgeous blonde girl...she looks really familiar.

"hey! there you are!" she squealed and kissed the raven haired girl happily.

3 other people walked over, a blonde, a tall brunette and a short brunette.

"hey team emison. looking gay, as usual." the blonde said.

emison? why does that sound so familiar?

"shut up hanna. where's caleb?"

my eyes widened in shock. that can't it?

"right here angel." a boy with short, ruffled, dark hair appeared behind hanna and kissed her lovingly.

holy shit. where am i? is this a dream?

so then the 2 girls that were kissing...emison. alison...emily...

then it hit me.

those are my moms.

"can i help you?" my mom said as she stared into my eyes with her intimidating blue ones.

i gulped and shook in my skin, feeling awkward.


"alison don't give the girl a fucking heart attack. relax sweetie. what's your name?" i am guessing my aunt spencer said.


"victoria what?" aunt aria said.

i gulped.

i can't be victoria fields...can i?

no. i want to see this. how they lived.

"miller. victoria miller."

nice victoria. impressive.

"cool name. are you new or something?" ma said.

"uh yeah...i um...yeah."

they chuckled, "don't freak out. this school's nice. and plus, you won't be alone."  hanna said.

"yeah. you have us now." mom said and put her arm hooked through my own.

"right girls?"

"obviously. let's take you to guidance, to get a schedule for you  miller." spencer said.

we walked down and i walked into guidance.

"i don't see a victoria miller." principal hackett said after the woman in guidance called him over.

"well" i pulled out a wallet and handed papers over. where the fuck did those come from?

"ah. it is right here. apparently we do have a miller. here, type in the number." hackett said and she typed in the number of my ID.

and i popped up.

what is happening? how is this happening?

he printed a schedule out and said to enjoy the school.

i'm a senior...i've never been a senior before.

when i walked outside the girls all smiled and i went through the day normally.

i was in science with ma and hanna.

we had to take a test and i said i would take it and it was super easy anyways.

after school i stayed with mom, aria and hanna while ma, spencer and caleb went to basketball.

i joined cheerleading. they let me on right away cause i am kickass at cheer.

after it i stayed with alison and she was waiting for emily...i mean i stayed with mom and she was waiting for ma...

"looking good fields." a girl said to my ma as she practiced alone.

ma chuckled, "thanks amanda."

"no problem. but you know...i'd like it better if next time you'd be doing those moves on me." she flirted and winked at ma and mom's face boiled with anger and clear jealousy.

she then stood up, "mandi, why don't you find another person to stalk instead of my girlfriend who has no interest in your scrawny ass who i'm sure has been with at least 5 guys this week. or girls. nobody knows if you are gay or straight so we'll just leave it as slut. move it along dead ends." she hissed at her.

mandi i am guessing, probably short for amanda, looked terrified and she scampered away.

ma laughed, "wow. you are a bitch."

i watched as mom gave her a look, "you should've told her off. but i guess you were too busy looking up her skirt." she snapped at ma and walked out of the building, me trailing behind.

ma ran after, "ali come on! it was nothing! i wasn't eyeing her babe come on." mom got into her car and started it when ma jumped in, "you're my ride remember?"

she shut the door and i got into my own car.

i followed behind discreetly and when they parked i parked down the road and got near the window to listen in.

 "alison i'm sorry okay? i wasn't looking at her like that though. i only have eyes for you. the love of my life." ma was trying to get mom to forgive her. i smiled at how cute that was. is that why i am here? to appreciate my parents more? if it is, i definitely do. i see them from a whole different perspective.

they were in high school and deal with the drama and shit and relationships and yeah.

  "i would never do that to you alison. i love you too much. i'm sorry. forgive me." she pleaded. 

 "i can't hold this in anymore."  mom said and attacked ma with her lips.

they started a very heated make out session and i will admit to looking away.

then it got quieter.

"alison...we don't have to-"

"no i want to. em i'm ready. i love you so much. i'm just...scared."

i looked in and mom looked nervous...scared.

she was a virgin until senior year?!

well she did "die".

not wanting to stay for the disturbing show, i left to go back to my apartment and went on the computer.

"alison dilaurentis, local teen back from the dead." an article read.

my phone buzzed and it wasn't from the girls, who gave me their numbers earlier today.

it was unknown.

looks like we got a new little liar in town. this should be fun.


i widened my eyes and searched around...wait...i know...i remember A.

mom said that in high

this ma?

i fell asleep, thinking about how this whole thing went down.

few days later

i followed and mom into the woods. the kissing rock? i've heard of this.

they had chinese food and were eating and talking until a black hoodie showed up and i hid in the shadows.

they ran and ran, A on their tail and i tried keeping up the best i could and then my ma was kicked in the leg and she tripped and i heard her mutter a "really?" as A.

the scary dark figure chuckled, "oops."

"EM!" mom ran over and ma fought against A but i knew it was fake.

"alison we have to go. come on! run!" ma shouted and A grabbed mom's leg, making her fall and hit her head, knocking her out.

i followed ma and A.

"really? really? great. just great."

"oops?" A said.

ma scoffed and picked mom up.

"you know you say oops a lot." she said and shook her head.

"and i was just making sure she wasn't going to suspect you anytime soon. so in my eyes, i saved your ass. and yet, i still have not heard a thank you."

i scoffed and ma scoffed, "and you will never hear one. damnit. she's bleeding. good job. real perfect."

"oh she'll be fine. just wipe it up and maybe an ice pack. now i heard you girls and caleb talking about a vacation. you'll need to be suited up."

ma sighed, "can't i have a week for just me and my friends to relax and have fun? or maybe a week for my girlfriend and i to have a romantic get away and thanksgiving?" ma said.

A laughed and she placed mom in the backseat.

she shut the door.

"you can be romantic when you aren't busy. you'll get your stupid fun but you have business to tend to emily. you aren't falling away from us are you?" A said.

"no i'm not. no falling." she said defensively.

"i hope not."

"i said no falling alright?" ma snapped, anger in her voice.

A chuckled, "i can see that. you're finally becoming one of us."

"i thought i already was one of you." she said, confused.

"well you are. but you weren't it all the way. you're soft but now i could tell you're hardening up."

"like the monster is overpowering me..." she mumbled, looking at the ground and i gasped when she looked behind her and spotted me..

"exactly." A said.

emily looked confused, then scared, then angry. she turned back to A.

"what do i tell alison that happened? she's gonna ask what happened after she passed out."

"she probably won't remember. just make something up. you've been lying about who you truly are. so clearly it comes easy to you."

she then rolled her eyes, "fuck you." she said and got in the car and drove away.

A laughed and ran into the wood.

i ran around and followed them back to mom's old house.

i went near a window, closest to where mom's window was, only it was story above me.

"enjoying yourself?"

i jumped when ma's voice hissed into my ear.

"o-oh uh emily...hey i was just-"

"spying? are you one of them?" she circled me, curiosity in her eyes.

"A? no. i was just-"

"you know. about me then. i saw you." her voice was warning and scary.

i gulped, "y-yes. why are you doing this. to mo....alison?"

"i'm protecting her!" she whisper/yelled at me.

"so you don't want to be A?"

ma sighed and rubbed a hand over her face.

"shut up victoria. or else i'll-"

"what? kill me?" i said and scoffed.

"yes. actually." a dark voice said and i stiffened.

"i got that girl of yours. take her or alison dies." A said and ma instantly grabbed me at hearing mom was in danger.

A led us to a dark van.

"mom." i whimpered and reached toward mom.

"mom?" emily questioned, weirded out.


"shut up and drive." A said and i sat in the back with mom unconscious.

when we arrived i was tied to a chair and so was mom and she finally woke up.

"A? e-emily?" she was confused.

"victoria? what's going on?"

"what should be done. we have a spy and she knows way too much."

"emily get away from that monster!" mom screamed and squirmed.

"can't. i have a job to do." she took out a gun and pointed it at me.

i gulped and felt overly nervous.

"w-what? n-no. emily no. not you. please not you."

"it's her. just face the facts alison. emily is A. but she loves you. emily you love her! i know you do!"

"no you don't." ma said angrily.

"the monster of being A is taking you over! you two are going to get married! and have kids! 3 kids that love you to death and one girl that annoys the hell out of you but you love her anyways because you call her your princess." i said, tears coming out.

they need to notice me. or else ma will kill me.

i need to keep them together. forever. that's how it's supposed to be.

"how do you know this huh?" emily said and chuckled.

"because! i'm that daughter! my full name is victoria estella fields! i'm your daughter. please. recognize me."

ma's eye twitched.

"emily. focus. she's lying. that's impossible." A said and mom was staring at me,  overly confused.

"you're not my daughter."

"yes i am! i know you ma! i know you love basketball and you truly want a penis! you get a penile implant when you get older and it makes you feel so much better about yourself! you and mom are married and you are so in love with each other! please's me. vic. i love you ma please. i just want to live with you again. i want to come home." everything i said was true. i am getting so homesick here. i miss mom and ma. olivia, skylar...even elijah...justin...cameron.

her face dropped and shock spread in her eyes, "victoria?"

she lowered the gun as she noticed me and i smiled in victory.

"NO!" A shouted and ran at me with a knife but ma shot A, making A fall.

she ran over and untied me.

we untied mom and she stood up.

"i-i don't are A?! and i have a daughter? i'm dreaming. this is all a dream." she said, not believing what is happening.

"mom. please. you know me." i said but she shook her head.

"no i don't! you're not my daughter!"

i sighed and grabbed her hands, "please. mom. we fight all the time. constantly. i say i hate you but i really love you. i love you so much mama. please remember me." i begged her, tears dripping from my eyes.

she stared at me and i felt her gasp and her eyes went a bright white color.

after a few seconds she was back to normal and i was utterly nervous and scared.

what the fuck was that?

"victoria." she said and smiled brightly.

"you remember me?"

she giggled and it was weird. she is so young right now.

so is ma.

and they were both really hot in high school.


"yes. born on april sixteenth, 2017 at 7:52 PM. my baby. oh my god my baby girl." she said and hugged me, sobbing into my shoulder.

i closed my eyes and smiled.

"i'm so sorry mama." i whispered.

"it's okay sweetie. it's okay."

"i want to come home. i don't like it here. i want to see elijah. i want my mom and ma back. my aunts and cousins. olivia...skylar. i miss it all."

she nodded and smiled, "of course you do...and you do need to go back. and you will. just promise me you won't be like me...please. i was rude to everyone. your aunts and i are very close but i did push them away. it took a long time to regain their trust. you have to regain the trust of your friends too." she said and i nodded, "i will promise. swear. i learned my lesson. appreciate what people are. what they have. you may not know everything about them."

with that, a wide grin was on her lips and she said, "this may hurt a little."

i frowned, "what? AHH!" i screamed as her hands came in contact with me, shocking me back to reality.

i woke up in my bed...i looked at the clock.

september 18, 2034

i smiled and jumped up, put clothes on and drove home.

i ran in the house and screamed, "MOM! MA!"

"victoria? what is going on? what did you do?" ma said, instantly rambling when she saw me.

i smiled brightly and hugged her, "i missed you so much. please let me come home. i learned my lesson. i understand your lives now. i know how life was for you at this age and mom too. i also know she was scared for me to be like her. that won't happen."

ma chuckled, "what is wrong with you? are you okay princess?"

those words.

and princess? god i missed it.

"what is going on down here?" 

i squealed, "MOM!" i ran over and jumped up and she screeched as she caught me.

i hugged her tightly, "i love you so much and i won't be like how you were in high school i promise. i know what it was like for you and i should look more into people before judging them and i'm sorry. i promise that i will appreciate you and ma more and i will be a better person."

there aren't words to describe mom's facial features right now.

it was the proudest and happiest smile she's ever given me.

"i am so...proud of you. i knew you'd come back to us vicky." she kissed my cheek and i giggled.

"i love you guys. you know that?" i said as i brought ma and mom into a group hug.

"we love you too vics." ma and mom said in unison and i just grinned.

i will change.


weird and random but special!


review and comment!

~stay fearless~

caleigh <13

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