The Project (Zarry/Nouis)

By Fifty_ShadesOf_Payne

35.6K 1.4K 317

It all began with the project. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8(short)
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 19

797 32 2
By Fifty_ShadesOf_Payne

Niall's POV

I walked and walked and didn't stop. I think I walked for about 5 minutes when I stopped and decided to call Liam; letting the tears roll down my face.

"Hello?" I heard Liam's voice say.

"L-Liam?" I asked; my voice cracking at the end.

"Ni, what's wrong?" He asked; his usual concered self.

"L-Louis cheated on me and I don't know what to do" I replied.

"Ni, I think what you need to do is go back home and talk to him, I'm sure he has a explanation" Liam said. His voice always calmed me down.

"yea ur right Li, Thanks, how's it going with Danielle?" I asked as I walked back towards the house.

"It's going great, she's here with me right now actually, it's nice to hear from you guy's again" Liam replied. I heard a girl's voice in the backround and knew it was Danielle.

"same here, i guess i'll get back to you soon, miss you li, byee" I said.

"Bye ni, miss you to" He replied before we both hung up.


I made my way to the door and went in to see a worried Harry and Zayn pacing around, of course no Louis.

"OMG NI! why would you run out like that I was so worried!" Harry screamed before tackling me in a hug. I chuckled and returned one.

"If you ever do that again, you will regret it" harry said and Zayn nodded in agreement.

"what happened anyways? louis won't come from his room and I've been hearing him sob for a while now" Zayn asked. I sighed before making me way upstairs but not before telling them "I'll be right back". When I came to Louis' door I stopped and opened the door to see a sobbing Louis under the covers. I closed the door behind me and already felt guilt go through me knowing I did this to him.

"Lou" I whispered. I heard him stop crying and saw him turn his face to be faced with me. His face was filled with tears and his eyes were bloodshut red.

"Ni, Ni please don't leave me, I-It was a mistake, I can't live without you please" Louis said; his voice cracking in the end. I sighed before making my way to his bed and cuddling him in my arms.

"tell me what happened" I said. He then nodded and told me the whole story and I then noticed that it wasn't entirely Louis' fault.

"I'm so sorry NI, I won't let it happen again" he whimpered. I then kissed his forhead.

"Shhh, I forgive you" i whispered. We cuddled for quite a time before we both fell in deep slumber.

*** I woke when I heard the alarm ring and slammed my hand on the off button. I turned and saw Louis fast asleep.

"Lou, time to get up" I said; shaking him awake. He opened his eyes slowly and yawned; getting up.

"I'm glad tomorrow is the day we get a day off" Louis said before making his way to the bathroom. I chuckled and made my way to my bathroom to get ready also. When I was done, I made my way downstairs to see everyone ready.

"I see you two have worked out your problems" Zayn said. Me and lou both nodded.

"I talked to Liam yesterday harry, make sure you call him" I said to Harry who nodded as in "ok". I was kind of afraid of what happened with Lou, but I trusted him, and trust is a big part in a relationship. It's a huge part.

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