Joey for Shane [A Shoey FanFi...

By ShoeyDawceffa

5.9M 32K 18.9K

When Joey Graceffa announces that he loves Shane Dawson to his bestfriend Luke, Shane realizes that he might... More

Chapter 1: Joey has a Crush
Chapter 2: The Phone Call That Changed Everything.
Chapter 3: Leading up
Chapter 4: Mixed Emotions
Chapter 5: The Proposal
Chapter 6: Roomies!
Chapter 7: Confessions
Chapter 8: Only 24 Hours
Chapter 9: Thanks Sawyer!
Chapter 10: Joey's New Favourite Restaurant
Chapter 11: Same Bed?
Chapter 12: The Empty Room
Chapter 13: Covered in Paint!
Chapter 14: The Benny Fine Issue
Chapter 15: Naked Joey!
Chapter 16: To The Bedroom
Chapter 17: Flirtatious Joey
Chapter 18: A Whore Called Cat
Chapter 19: A Little Heated
Chapter 20: Punched in The Face
Chapter 21: Emergency Room
Chapter 22: Apologies
Chapter 23: Suspicions
Chapter 24: Fights
Chapter 25: Freaking Hospitals
Chapter 26: Sweet Dreams.
Chapter 27: Stress
Chapter 28: Meeting The Siblings!
Chapter 29: For You
Chapter 30: Hit Me!
Chapter 31: Teach Me
Chapter 32: Scoping for Drama
Chapter 33: Broke The Promise
Chapter 34: Sick of This Place
Chapter 35: Mom, I left her...
Chapter 36: #AskShoey
Chapter 37: Give Me a Break!
Chapter 38: Party Invite!
Chapter 39: Unexpected Guest
Chapter 40: Who Posted These?!!
Chapter 41: She's in Love With Me?
Chapter 42: Break Ups and a Whole Lot of Tears.
Chapter 43: Joey's Coming Out.
Chapter 44: They Saw It!?
Chapter 45: From The Real Person
Chapter 46: Lisa! Don't Do This!
Chapter 47: Smosh Idiot...
Chapter 48: Shipping Ianthony!
Chapter 49: Prank'd
Chapter 50: I Don't Think I Like It Here Anymore...
Chapter 51: Alliance.
Chapter 52: I Promise.
Chapter 53: I Haven't Seen You Since...
Chapter 54: That's Deep!
Chapter 55: #AskShoey 2.0! You Like This One?
Chapter 56: Mine?
Chapter 57: Shane, Stop!
Chapter 58: Joey Leaned In
Chapter 59: Boston!
Chapter 60: Why Do You Need Permission?
Chapter 61: Can I Ask You Something?
Chapter 62: What The F*ck is Wrong With Her!
Chapter 63: Take Your Pants Off!
Chapter 64: Ring Shopping!
Chapter 65: Today Is The Day!
Chapter 66: Second Home
Chapter 67: Shane and Joey's Guest Room
Chapter 68: "Joey4Shane"
Chapter 69: Engaged Life.
Chapter 70: Luke! Be My Best Man!
Chapter 71: But It's Shane!
Chapter 72: The End?
Chapter 73: Congrats-u-f*cking-lations
Chapter 74: Panic.
Chapter 75: Crash and Burn
Chapter 76: Kiss The Person To Your Right!
Chapter 77: Wild Night at Shoey's!
Chapter 78: On The News?!
Chapter 79: Just Keep Swimming.
Chapter 81: Nope, Don't Believe It.
Chapter 82: Jealous
Chapter 83: Left a Mark...
Chapter 84: Leave Me Alone!
Chapter 85: What
Chapter 86: The Last Chapter.
Chapter 87: Just Wedding Things...
Chapter 88: Cute Sleepy Boy
Chapter 89: Surprise!
Chapter 90: Revenge
Chapter 91: My Hero
Chapter 92: Wedding Planning
Chapter 93: Already Shirtless
Chapter 94: Of All Places!
Chapter 95: Ex-Boyfriend
Chapter 96: Dads
Chapter 97: Heart Skipped A Beat
Chapter 98: Have A Nice Flight!
Chapter 99: Lisa Ships It
Chapter 100: Part One - Excited Little Puppy
Chapter 100: Part Two - Our Little Family
Chapter 101: Used To It
Chapter 102: Next To Me
Chapter 103: Missed Our Flight
Chapter 104: Black Tie
Chapter 105: Bad Memories Come Crashing Back
Chapter 106: It's Over.
Chapter 107: Go After Him
Chapter 108: Lost
Chapter 109: Dark Day
Chapter 110: Make It Special
Chapter 111: Pre-Wedding Jitters
Chapter 112: Boy That You Love
The Last Chapter: The End Of All Things

Chapter 80: Kiss kiss?

45K 226 176
By ShoeyDawceffa

Kind of an important A/N at the end! Please read it!


[Joey's POV]

Joey: Take my laptop and play it on there...

Shane: You're recording?

Joey: Yeah!

Shane: Shirtless?

Joey: A huh...

Shane: I'm staying!

Joey: What are you doing?

Shane lifted me up from my chair.

Joey: Shane?

Shane: Need help?

Joey: With?

I felt Shane's hand move down to my...

Joey: Woah...

He pulled up my shirt, over my head then threw it.

Joey: After the game Shane!

Shane: You're such a tease!

Joey: Well...

Shane: What?

Joey: It's a shirtless gaming channel...

Shane: I know...that's why you're shirtless.

I started playing around with the collar of Shane's shirt before pulling both sides of it apart, almost tearing it.

Shane: That!

I sat back down in my chair, with Shane gazing at me.

Shane: Wow! I have to be shirtless?!

Joey: Yeah!

Shane: Joey...noo!

Joey: They'll only get to see from basically your shoulders up!

Shane: *Sighs* Okay then!

Joey: You didn't actually have to be shirtless for the video.

Shane: Then why di- Ohhhhh! You want me to be shirtless! Aha!

Joey: Duuuh!

*Stacy Calling*

Joey: That's Stacy calling!

Stacy: Hey Joey!

Joey: Hey gurl! Shoot! It's been like 12 and a half years since we last played!

Stacy: I know! We''ve had so much going on!

Joey: Yeah!

Stacy: Shane's there?

Shane: Yup...

Stacy: Hi Shane!

*20 Minutes Later*

Joey: Run Shane! Use that sword!

Shane: I don't know how to fucking use it!

Joey: That button boy!

Shane: This one? *Points*

Joey: Shooot! No!

[Shane's POV]

Joey was standing behind me, bending his head down beside mine to look at the screen.

Shane: Hey...Hey!

Joey: Look it! He's almo-

I took Joey's attention off the game by kissing him.

*Game Canon Blast*

Joey: You died...

Shane: Fuck it!

I swung Joey around so he was sitting on my lap.

Shane: Now can we go!

Joey: Let me tell Stacy I'm gone!

Stacy: I forgot to turn off you headset...

Joey: Oh shoooot....

Stacy: Byeee! Have fun *chuckles*

Joey took off his headset and left it on the desk.

Shane:'s awkward!

*Next Day*

[Joey's POV]

It was 1pm and Shane was still in bed. I had a quick shower, got changed and styled my hair.

Shane: Joey?

Joey: Yeah?

Shane: I love you...

I sat down on the edge of the bed next to Shane.

Joey: I love you too!

I leaned forward and kissed his cheek.

Joey: Are you going to get up?

Shane: *Sighs* Yeah...

He moved the covers off of himself and lay on the bed, in only his boxers...

New Message From: Luke Conard

Luke: Hey, the club the party is at tonight is just few blocks away from your new place! Mind if I come over to see your new place?

Joey: Luke wants to come over?

Shane: Awesome! Tell him he certainly can!

Joey: Come on over!

Luke: Cool! Be there soon!


Shane was in the bedroom still getting ready. I was unpacking all the stuff from boxes labelled 'Kitchen' so I could make a late breakfast.


Joey: C'mon in Luke!

Luke walked in looking excited when he saw me!

Luke: Heeeey!

Joey: Hi? Why are you so excited?

Luke: I can't wait for the party later!

-At The Party-

Shane: Holy fuck Joey!


Luke: Where is Shane at?

Joey: I think he's getting ready.

Luke: Oh...have anything for the wedding?

Joey: Nothing at all! But Shane wants it to happen soon!

Luke: How soon?!

Joey: On the news they said we were due to get married in 4 MONTHS! And Shane thought it was a good idea!

Luke: Why did they think you were getting married in 4 months?!

Joey: They read some-

Shane: Bullshit YouTube news article online and got it from there?

Luke: Hey Shane! How's it going?!

Shane: Good...haven't been stabbed again so that must be good!

Luke: *Laughs* So you like the idea of getting married in 4 months?

Shane: Yeah...I'd get married today if I could!

Luke: Go to Vegas and get hitched! Just kidding!

Joey: Don't give him ideas!

Shane: Fuck no I wouldn't do that! I want a huge wedding! Because I'm never going to have another one!

Joey: Naww!

Shane: What?

Joey: You basically just said that you're spending the rest of your life with me!

Shane: YEAH! DUH! What club is this party at tonight?

Luke wrote on a little piece of paper the place and the time for us to be there.


Joey: How are you and Meghan?

Luke: I think everythings good! She's coming over here later to make a video with you Joey right?

Joey: Yeah!

Luke: What are you going to do?

Joey: Maybe a truth or dare...or something like that.

Luke: I'm going across the hall now to see Whitney, see you guys at the club!

Shane: Bai!

Joey: Gooodbye!

New Message From: Meghan Camarena

Meghan: Is Luke are your place?

Joey: He just left!

Meghan: You don't mind me coming over now then do you?

Joey: Course not!

Meghan: What are we doing!?

Joey: Truth or dare?

Meghan: I'll tweet out now so we'll have loads by the time I get there!

Joey: Don't!

Meghan: Why not?

Joey: I'll get Shane to do them!

Meghan: O-kay...baI!

Joey: Shane!

Shane: Calm the fuck down, what?

Joey: Can you write down some clean truth and dares for me and Meghan to do for a video?

Shane: I can't promise 'clean' but I'll get started...

*20 Minutes Later*

Someone was knocking on the door! Meghan!

Joey: Hey Meghan-san!

Meghan: finally I found your apartment!

Joey: Huh?

Meghan: I had no idea where this place was! Why you gotta move!

Joey: ha, get inside!

Shane: Hi Meghan!

Meghan: Shane hi!

Joey: You guys talk while I get the camera and lights set up!

[Shane's POV]

Joey ran into the office and started searching through boxes for his camera.

Meghan: You like the new apartment?

Shane: Yeah! The old one was okay, but this one is going to be amazing living in with Joey!

Meghan: What have use done so far?

Shane: Nothing, we just played hungercraft and we- doesn't matter.

Joey stood nervously at the office door waving his hand for Meghan to come in.

Joey: Ready!

I walked into the room with Joey and Meghan, carrying the truth and the dares in a cup.

Meghan and Joey stood against the wall while recording.

Joey: Hello there everyone, today I'm here with MEGHAN-SAN!

Meghan: Hi!

Meghan did some sort of anime peace sign, Joey joined in once he noticed she was doing it.

Joey: Today we're going to be doing a truth or dare!

Meghan: I'm super nervous about this!

Joey: Why!?

Meghan: Because Shane made up all the dares and truths!

Joey: That's right! Shane!

I walked onto frame and waved.

Shane: Hi! *Overly attached face*

Joey: My fiancé everyone...the overly attached boyfriend.

Shane: I don't know what you're talking about! *Stares at Joey*

Joey: Annnyways! Shane, you better have picked good options...

Shane: Ohh, I have!

I stayed in the middle of them, holding the cup and reading the little torn pieces of paper they picked.

Shane: You first Joey!

Joey: Oh my gosh! *Picks one out* TRUTH!

Meghan: Before you read it, do you both have to do the dare and truth or whoever picks it does it?

Joey: I say both!

Meghan: Now I'm more scared.

Shane: Here it is... "What was the most annoying thing about the other person while on The Amazing Race?

Joey: ladies first...

Meghan: You know mine! You could be a diva sometimes!

Joey: Ummm?

Meghan: Don't act like there was no problems with...

Joey: You blamed anything that went wrong on yourself even when it was clearly my fault. You brought yourself down alot, and sometimes you genuinely did bring yourself down, all those times you fell! *laughs*

Meghan: AWWW! Come here!

Meghan reached her arms across me sat in the middle of the two of them. She gave Joey a hug.

Shane: Next up Meghan!

Meghan: I'm scared... *reaches in*

Meghan: It's a dare... *Gives to Shane*

Shane: Prank call the eleventh contact on your phone!

Meghan: That's easy!

She took out her phone and started scrolling.

Meghan: 9, 10...11! You won't believe it! Looks like I'm prank calling Joey!

Shane: What!

Meghan: He's my eleventh contact!

Shane: Noo!

Joey: Change the number!

Shane: Uhh ok, 6!

Meghan: 3,4,5 and 6! My brother David!

Joey: What are you going to say to him?

Meghan: I dunno!


Joey: Tell him Shane cheated on me and got you pregnant!

Shane: Yes!

*Calling, David Camarena*

David: Hey Meghan!

Meghan: Uh, hi.

David: Where are you?

Meghan: I went to Shane and Joey's new place to tell Shane something...

David: Tell him What? Meghan you sound upset!

*Mutes Mic*

Meghan: Guys! Go out there and start screaming at eachother! Make it seem like you really cheated!

Joey: Ohh shooooot! Great idea!

We ran out to the living room and started to pretend we were mad at eachother!

[Meghan's POV]

Meghan: David...

David: Megahn, tell me please! I'll understand if you did something wrong...

Meghan: Shane cheated on Joey with me...

David: Ohh wow...

Meghan: And I'm pregnant...

David: MEGHAN!

*Background noise*

Joey: How could you do this to me Shane! We're engaged! We were engaged!

Shane: I'm sorry Joey!

Joey: Fuck you!

Shane *whispers* Slam the door as if you ran out!


David: I don't know what to say...

Meghan: Neither do I...

David: Did Joey just break up with Shane?

Meghan: sound like-

David: W-wait! Shane's gay!

Meghan: We were drunk!

David: Shane doesn't drink Meghan! You don't either!

Shane: It's a prank David!

David: I knew it!

*10 minutes later*

Joey: Truth!

Shane: *Reads* I like this one... best feature of Shane. *Smirks*

Meghan: Hilariously funny...or! You look good as a woman!

Shane: *Shanaynay voice* Guuuurl!

Joey: My favourite thing? I have too many!

Shane: There has to be one key thing!

Joey: that you're my boyfriend and you know how to make me happy!

Shane: And you're the best boyfriend ever. *Kisses Joey.*

Meghan: *Points at herself* Third wheel!


Shane: Last one Meghan!

She grabbed it, it was a dare!

Shane: Kiss the opposite person!

Meghan: Nooo! I've kissed the both of you then!

Shane: Hold the phone! 1. I kissed you and 2. It was on the cheek!

Meghan: Your lips still had friction on my skin!

Joey: You picked that Shane?

Shane: Yeah! I thought it'd be fun!

Joey: You're allowing me to kiss Meghan?

Shane: Yes! Now hurry!

Joey: Ok...

Joey cupped Meghan's face. She put her hand on his cheek, leaned in,and kissed him.

Joey was the one to stop it, he lightly pushed her off and smiled at her...

Joey: See! Wasn't that not hard at all!

Shane: You looked like you've done that before?

Meghan: We haven't!

Joey: Yes we have Meghan?!


IMPORTANT! So for the past few days I've had writers block...but I've came up with an idea on how to help me...not have it haha. I think I'm going to write another Shoey fan fic! BUUUUT! Joey4Shane will still be updated daily (ish like it is already) and the new fic will get updated every few days. The second fic will have a completely different story! How does that sound? Comment below your opinions on this!

Did you enjoy this chapter?


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