That Girl /Ethan Dolan Fanfic...

By baronexdolans

152K 2.3K 326

Madison King is your, not really, average girl. She's 15 and is a kind of famous viner. Once she needs to mov... More

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Twenty one
Twenty Three

Twenty two

3.2K 63 15
By baronexdolans

*Ethan's POV*

Now Madi is in her 8th month of pregnancy and the baby is a lil boy. /Sorry for going so fast but I ran out of ideas lmao/ I'm so happy. Well, I'd be happy with a little princess too. To be honest I don't really mind the gender, unless he or she is healthy.

"Au, Eth these hurts are getting worse"-Madison wishpered in pain. I'm worried because she's having these hurts since 8 in the morning.

"Babe, we should go to the hospital, don't you think?"

"I'm scared"-she closed her eyes as the pain got worse.

"I know, I am too but it's 5:33pm and you have these pains since like 8am. I'm worried about you and Reece."-she slowly got up while I got her my big shirt and some shoes. I put on her shoes on her feet while she put my shirt on. We went to the car and straight to the hospital. /Reece is their lil boy. Shoutout to wilkftmaloley_ for the name haha/

"What's the problem, Sir?"-the receptionist asked.

"My girlfriend has stomach hurts since 8am. She's in her 8th month of pregnancy."-I told the lady behind the desk. She quickly went from smiling to worried. She asked for a doctor, and one quickly came. They took Madi to a room where I couldn't go in. I was worried as fuck. About 20mins later a doctor came and told me it looks like Reece is going to be born today. I was excited as never been.

"Oh my...For real?"-I asked.

"Yes, you can go in to be with your girlfriend if you want."-I nodded and went in after I got dressed in the 'special dress'. Madi was holding my hand from the beginning til the end. He born pretty easily, if I can say that. After they took it away to clear him off and stuff I could hold him, of course after Madison. We looked a cute little family. Well we are one now. I wanted to ask her the BIG question today at dinner but it seems I won't be able. Or maybe yeah?

-1week later-

Luckily Reece and Madison are healthy, even tho he born 1month before he should. We are so happy he's here with us. He smiled at us. And his eyes. He looked just like Madi, but with my eyes and nose. 

Today is the day. I cooked something nice. Okay, okay. It wasn't me, it was Jodie. So, big thanks to her. She made spaghetti bc her spaghetti is the best, I swear. Anyways, I put candles and roses on the table. I looked so nice. I didn't even know I could do some girly thing by myself look so pretty.

"Come down it's dinner time"-I said as I reached our room.

"Okay i'll be down in a min."-she smiled at me. Jodie said she'll look after Reece while we're eating. Gray and Jodie were the only people who knew about my 'plan'.

"I love you"-I said and held Madi's hands.

"I love you too"-she smiled at me.

*Madison's POV*

"I'm so happy that I found you and you became a part of my life. You helped me become a better person. You always make me happy and smile even with a simple look or smile. You never complained when I had to be on the airport for more 2hours because of the fans. You and Reece mean the world to me. I love you so much, you'll never know how much. I'm truly in love with you, Madison Daisy King."-with the last sentence I started crying.

"Hey, don't cry."-he said as he knelt down, beside me.

"No, no I promise these are happy tears. I love you so much Ethan."-I said.

"Will you make me happier and marry me?"-he asked and opened a little box with the most beautiful ring in it.

"OH MY LIFE ETHAN! OF COURSE"-he stood up, so did I and kissed me.

I am the luckiest girl on Earth, I swear.


AN:Hooooola beautiful people out there reading this crappy chapter 

That intro tho lmao


I hope you liked it if so be sure to click that lil vote button

Comment something nice if you want

Love y'all♥


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