Trapped 3: Together Forever (...

By WereNotInvisible

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Liz and One Direction are back.......again!!! *Please read Trapped and Trapped 2: The Truth Unmasked before y... More

Trapped 3: Together Forever (Sequel To Trapped 2: The Truth Unmasked)
Chapter 1-We Meet Again
Chapter 2-The Comeback Kids
Chapter 3-Getting The Word Out
Chapter 4-Cracking Under Pressure
Chapter 5-A Date With WHO?!?
Chapter 6-First Date
Chapter 7-Alone
Chapter 8-Breaking Up
Chapter 9-Last Chance To Take Him Back
Chapter 10-New Girl
Chapter 11-War
Chapter 12-Liam To The Rescue
Chapter 13-Liz's Revenge
Chapter 14-Seperate Ways
Chapter 15-Plan B
Chapter 16-Odd Bonding
Chapter 17-101 Heartbreak Lane
Chapter 18-I Won His Heart
Chapter 19-A Not So Nice Surprise
Chapter 20-Locked In
Chapter 21-A Night of Drinking
Chapter 22-Hello Tour, Goodbye Liz
Chapter 23-Odd Discoveries and Annoying Roommates
Chapter 24-Someone's In Love
Chapter 25-I Totally Just Blew It
Chapter 26-Finding Zayn
Chapter 27-Lost
Chapter 28-Crazy?
Chapter 30-Coming Clean
Chapter 31-Caught In A Trap
Chapter 32-A Big Red Sign That Reads "Danger! Trouble Ahead!"
Chapter 33-It's All Downhill From Here.....Literally
Chapter 34-Shit's Gettin' Real
Chapter 35-Unexpected.....
Chapter 36-Welcome To The World Dylan Riley Payne
Chapter 37-A New Mother
Chapter 38-By My Side
Chapter 39-I'd Take A Grenade For Ya...Or A Bullet In This Case...
Chapter 40-Weak
Chapter 41-We Can't Just Leave Him
Chapter 42-Can I Have This Dance?
Chapter 43-You Can't Please Everybody
Chapter 44-I Really Love You....No Not You
Chapter 45-The List
Chapter 46-Lost And Found
Chapter 47-Your Worst Nightmare
Chapter 48-Save Me
Chapter 49-A Sudden Change In Home
Chapter 50-His Inner Demon
Chapter 51-Prentending To Not Care Is Harder Than It Seems
Chapter 52-11:11
Chapter 53-Near Death Expierences Are Never Fun

Chapter 29-Deadly Secrets

3.8K 110 10
By WereNotInvisible

"Good morning sleeping beauty," I hear a sweet voice say, "time to get up."

"Nooo," I groan.

"Just think, at this time in about four months I won't be the one waking you up. It'll be the baby instead," he smiles.

"Ugh, I just can't wait to get this thing out of me," I complain.

I sit up in bed and then take off to the bathroom. I push the door open and vomit in the toilet. I hear the creak of a door open behind me, so I turn around to see Liam standing in the doorway with a concerned look on his face.

"Shouldn't your morning sickness have been over by now? You're about halfway through your second trimester and you're still sick. Is that normal?" He asks.

"Some girls have it much more than others, and by some, I mean me," I groan, causing Liam to shake his head in confusion.

About an hour later, the boys, Eleanor, and I are all in the living room. Eleanor and I are propped up on the sofa with our boyfriends sitting at our sides while Harry and Niall are relaxed on the floor. As we're sitting in silence, Eleanor breaks it with the urge to throw up. I watch as she makes her way to the bathroom as fast as her legs are willing to take her. Louis eventually gets up off his ass and heads off to the bathroom to take care of Eleanor. Harry and Niall wince when they hear Eleanor vomit in the bathroom.

"Just think, soon you two are gonna cause a girl to act like that," I speak up as I point in the direction of the bathroom that Eleanor's in.

"Now I'm actually willing to wait to get a girl pregnant," Harry mumbles, causing me to giggle at his comment. There's no way that this boy could live without sex.

"And to think that the most immature member of your band is stepping up and taking responsibility for once," I add, referring to Louis.

"It's a miracle," Niall states as he throws his arms up in the air, causing Liam, Harry, Niall, and I to burst out laughing.

We all suddenly become quiet when we hear the sound of a toilet flushing. Moments later, Eleanor and Louis appear out of the bathroom. Eleanor's clutching her stomach while Louis has one arm slung around her shoulders. They both have a seat next to me. We turn on the TV to channel surf and see what's on. When we spot Grown Ups playing, we quickly select the channel. Luckily, the movie just started. As the opening credits begin playing, Niall's phone beeps. He stands up and walks out into the kitchen to answer his phone. Wanting an excuse to go out and talk to Niall, I tell Liam that I'm hungry and then proceed to the kitchen. By the time I enter, Niall's phone is sitting on the island and he's pulling a beer out of the refrigerator.

"Who was that?" I ask.

"It was Rachel. She texted me," Niall answers.

"What'd she want?" I follow up.

"She wanted to know if I wanted to hang out with her," he answers in a plain, uncaring tone.

"You don't seem very happy about that. What happened on your date with her? You seemed so into her. I mean, she kissed you!" I tell him.

"I just don't know if she's exactly the "one" for me," he states.

"And by that you mean?" I ask as I roll my arms in a circle, signaling for him to elaborate on his statement.

"Well, the date was fine. She's a great girl and all......" he trails off.

"But.........?" I continue for him.

"I found out a little something about her that I didn't know before-"

"Don't tell me you slept with her," I interrupt.

"What? No. Why would you think that?" Niall asks, taken aback by my comment.

"I just thought that when you said that you got to know her better that you had sex with her," I explain.

"Does everything involve sex to you?" Niall asks, probably thinking that I'm somewhat perverted, "no. It's just.......I can't tell you."

"Niall, I can tell that this is bugging you. Tell me," I beg.

"I'd rather tell everyone at once."

"Fine," I huff as I head back into the living room to rejoin Liam.

"Hey, you're back," Liam smiles, "where's your food that you said you were getting?"

"I told you to bring me some popcorn!" Eleanor exclaims, "I want popcorn!!!"

"I'll get you some popcorn just calm your hormones," Louis mutters as he grumpily stomps into the kitchen. Clearly Louis is angry that he's missing one of the best movies ever.

"Hey baby," I whisper, "when Niall comes back in ask him how his date went."

"Why?" Liam asks.

"Just do it," I mumble as I avert my attention back to the TV.

As Kevin James' character, Eric Lamonsoff breaks the side of the pool while trying to answer the phone, causing all of us to erupt in laughter, Niall walks back into the room. Harry pauses the TV, causing Niall to get a nervous look on his face. Eleanor, Harry, Liam, and I all just stare and watch as Niall takes a seat on the floor. He keeps glancing at us with a creeped out look on his face, clearly thinking that we're weirdoes.

"Are you gonna play the movie or what?" Niall asks, trying to break the silence.

"So Niall," Liam begins, "how was your date with Rachel?"

"It was fine," he mumbles.

"You wanna tells us all what you found out?" I ask as an evil smirk creeps onto my face.

Niall just shakes his head in disgust at my comment. Hey, he said that he wanted to tell everyone at the same time and we're all here together.

"I would.........but Louis isn't here," he smirks back.

"LOUIS GET OUT HERE!!!!" Eleanor screams suddenly.

"What?!?!" Louis yells as he jumps through the door.

"Niall wants to tell us about his date-" Eleanor begins.

"N-n-no I don't. It's fine. Nothing important happened," Niall blurts.

"That's not what you told me. You said that you found out something and you wanted to tell all of us what you found out at the same time," I state, causing Niall to shoot me a death look, but I just brush it off.

"What happened on your date?" Louis asks eagerly.

Niall groans before he sits up and begins explaining how his date with Rachel went.

"I took her to dinner at the restaurant we went to when we got to know Eleanor, you know, that fancy French restaurant. We both ordered-"

"We don't care to know every single freaking detail we just wanna know what you found out!" I yell.

"Alright, sheesh. Well, when I asked her to tell me about herself, she told me about her family-"

"What about her family?" I blurt.

"Will you just let me finish my story?!?" Niall snaps as Liam puts his hand over my mouth to silence me. I ought to lick it or bite it but I love Liam and I can't do that, "now as I was saying. She said that she had a sibling. She later revealed that she has a sister. I asked her what her sister's name is...............she answered Annabelle-"

"ANNABELLE?!?!" Harry freaks out, "as in, the Annabelle that we kidnapped?!?!"

"That's the one," Niall replies.

"That explains why Rachel took the job as our stylist. Annabelle wanted a way to get closer to us again," Liam mumbles.

"She probably made her sister take that job," Louis adds.

"And she probably made Rachel say yes when you asked her out. She probably even told Rachel to kiss you," I end.

"And I thought we were done dealing with Annabelle," Harry mutters.

"That explains why she was in the front row of your comeback concert," I tell them.

"So.......what do we do?" Niall asks, "do we fire Rachel? Do I break up with her?"

"Don't get any more closer to Rachel," I blurt, "Annabelle isn't trusted, so it's best not to trust her sister either. Whether Annabelle is controlling Rachel.......we don't know, but we're gonna assume she is. I think you should fire Rachel from the stylist job. She could rig your clothes so they rip or so they're too big, or just to make you look silly."

"But then who are we gonna use to replace Rachel?" Liam asks.

"I'll do it," I state.

"But you can't fly anymore because of your pregnancy," Harry responds.

"Let's face it: you guys can't perform without Zayn. It's obvious that the tour is postponed now," I tell them.

"The closer we come to your due date, the more afraid I'm becoming," Liam whimpers.

"We'll be fine Liam," I reassure him, "nobody can break us.........not even Annabelle."

"So how'd you sleep last night?" Harry asks, changing the subject.

"I barely slept. I know who I saw-"

"Wait, who'd you see?" Eleanor asks, suddenly concerned.

"I saw Zayn outside my bedroom window last night," I explain, "and that's not all. During the middle of the night I felt as though there was someone else in my bed with me so I turned on the light and I saw Zayn! He was in bed with me. I yawned and then when I opened my eyes he was gone. I went to my closet to check to see if he hid in there but I didn't find him. All I found was this note," I explain as I pull the note that Zayn left me out of my pocket.

"Is this the same handwriting that was on the mirror?" Niall asks as he takes the note.

"It matches," Harry states as he compares the picture on his phone with the note, "it's Zayn's handwriting."

"But why is he reappearing? And why is he only doing it around me?" I ask.

"Maybe you were just tired-"

"It was him I swear!" I shout, "I know what I saw. He even talked to me."

"What'd he say?" Louis asks.

"I said you're back. And then Zayn said am I? In an evil tone."

"Zayn's up to something, the question is what?" Harry tells us, "he wouldn't just disappear with no sign of him or his remain. If he's leaving clues and appearing in your bedroom, he's doing something secretive. He's up to no good.......and I have a feeling that you're his first target."

"N-no. I can't be. I'd suspect that you guys are his targets, not me," I stutter, "is Zayn being told to act like this and do this stuff like Louis was?"

The boys just stare into space, trying to comprehend everything that I told them. Something dark and mysterious is happening around us and yet we still haven't even matched two pieces of the puzzle together. We need to find out what exactly we're up against......

.........and fast.......

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