Real Eyes, Realize, Real Lies...

By Tattoos_Dimples

34K 913 182

Two boys, have known eachother there WHOLE lives. There moms were best friends in high school. They became be... More

Real Eyes, Realize, Real Lies (Larry Stylinson)
What did I do?
Why would he do that?
Another day in hell.
I never did that..
I thought we were best friends?!
This is not a goodbye..
We're moving?
Good Bye Boo Bear.
"Oops" ..... "Hi"
Its time I told you the truth
Of course I do.
He loves you Harry, I promise.
Im so sorry Mr. Tomlinson.

Im Nick, Nick Grimshaw

1.2K 32 13
By Tattoos_Dimples

-Harry's POV-

I ran outta the house. Crying my eyes out. I honestly thought Louis felt the spark but I guess not. I kept running until I bumped into someone. 

"I'm sorry." I mumbled. I didn't wanna look up. I didn't want people seeing me cry.

"Its alright mate. Harry right?" I finally looked up. He looked familiar, but I couldn't put my tounge on it. "Im Nick, Nick Grimshaw. We went to school together." Now I remember. 

"Hey Nick. Long time no see." I faked smiled. He put his hand out, I grabbed it. He took his other hand and wiped my eyes. I knew he was gay. He was open about it. I wish I was like him but im not. I smiled, then he smiled. He leaned in. I leaned in, why not. Not like Louis is gonna love me. Then out lips collided. I felt nothing though,  he lips were cold and not smooth. But I continued to kiss him. I just wanted someone to love me. I felt him smile. We pulled apart. I fake smile. 

"Harry, I have always liked you." He confessed. 

"I like you too Nick." I lied but whatever. He grabbed my hand.

"Will you be my boyfriend?" He asked, I fake smiled, then kiss him. He smiled bigger. "Come on, lets got to the park or something." I nodded. He got a text, read it then smiled bigger. I was alittle scared, but didn't question it. 

-Louis's POV-

"Babe, I gotta go real quick" She nodded, then I ran out. I followed Harry and saw him run into someone. I didn't see who it was until I heard that name.  I hid behind a tree.

"Im Nick, Nick Grimshaw. We went to school together." Me and Nick don't like eachother. After what happened. 


Me and Harry were at the park swinging. We were 14. Best of friends. 

"Im going to go get ice cream, want some?" Harry nodded. "Chocolate?" He smiled.

"You know me so well." I smiled and kissed his cheeck. I left to the ice cream stand. I ordered and turning around and saw Nick.

"Hey Louis." He said smirking. It was creepy. " I see your a little cozy with Harry." I smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, hes my best mate. I love him." 

"Well back off. Harry is mine and I will get him." I was confused.

"But we aren't gay." he laughed. "And I don't like Harry like that." 

"Oh but you do. I can see it in your eyes. Stay away from him. Hes mine." What a weirdo.

"Whatever you tosser. Get away from me." I pushed him, but he came back and punched me. I fell. 

"Like I said, I will be back. And Harry will be mine." He laughed and walked away.

**End of Flashback**

Wow, who knew he would be so right about Harry. Harry mumbled something. Probably sorry. 

"Its alright."

"Hey Nick. Long time no see." I heard Harry say. I looked from the tree and saw Nick wipe Harrys tears away. That should be me.  Then I see Nick leaning in. NOOOO! I wanted to move but I was froze. I couldn't move. My eyes were glued to them.  I seen Harry lean in which broke my heart. I thought he felt spark. Fuck!!

Then I see them kiss. I fell to the ground. Tears left my eyes. I couldn't see. But then I heard something I never wanted to hear in my life. 

"Harry, I have always liked you."  I couldn't look up. 

"I like you too Nick." Harry said. I cried more. I love you Harry. 

"Will you be my boyfriend?" Say no Harry. Please say no, say no.  I didn't hear anything. I looked up hoping he would have walked away but no, He was kissing him. I got up.

"I love you Harry." I whispered. I turned around and walked away. "Forever and always"  I looked down. "I wish that was us." I walked all the way home. 

-Eleanor's POV- 

"Babe, I gotta go realy quick" I nodded. I knew where he was going. He was going to find Harry, I wasn't stupid. I followed him. They didn't get far. I saw Louis behind a tree, staring at them. I smiled.  Our plan was working out great! I saw Harry and Nick kiss. Louis broke down crying. I walked back to the house laughing. I texted Nick.

'Louis saw(:' -Eleanor

"I told you Styles I would ruin your life." I whispered and smiled. 

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