RWBY x Assassin!Male!Reader C...

By hhysteriia

257K 3.6K 4.6K


Sequence I, Chapter 1: Weiss - Breakup
Sequence I, Chapter 2: Weiss - New Students
Sequence I, Chapter 3: Weiss - CRDL
Sequence I, Chapter 4: Weiss - Confession
Sequence I, Chapter 5: Weiss - End
Sequence II, Chapter 1 : Ruby - Ruby Rose
Sequence II, Chapter 2 : Ruby - Beacon
Sequence II, Chapter 3: Ruby - Awakening
Sequence II, Chapter 4: Ruby - New Friend
Sequence II, Chapter 5: Ruby - Conclusion
Sequence III, Chapter 1: Yang - A Vacation?
Sequence III, Chapter 2: Yang - Attacked
Sequence III, Chapter 3: Yang - Preperation
Sequence III, Chapter 4: Yang - A Twist of Fate
Sequence III, Chapter 5: Yang - All roads lead to...
Sequence IV, Chapter 1: Blake - Y/N, Edward.
Sequence IV, Chapter 2: Blake - A demon, unleashed.
Sequence IV, Chapter 3: Blake - The End?
Sequence IV, Chapter 5: Blake - Because of you.
Sequence V, Chapter 1: Neo - Betrayed
Sequence V, Chapter 2: Neo - Mind Link
Sequence V, Chapter 3: Neo - Host
Sequence V, Chapter 4: Neo - A Healing Promise
Sequence V, Chapter 5: Neo - Retribution
Sequence VI, Chapter 1: Velvet - Discrimination
Sequence VI, Chapter 2: Velvet - Creatures of the Crimson
Sequence VI, Chapter 3: Velvet - The Transformation
Sequence IV, Chapter 4: Velvet - The Traveller, and the Bad Wolf.
Sequence VI, Chapter 5: Velvet - Demons Run(Part I)
Sequence VI, Chapter 5: Velvet - Demons Run(Part II)

Sequence IV, Chapter 4: Blake - Date

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By hhysteriia

You were busy scraping through notes and books, looking for an answer for the question that was buzzing through your mind like an insect. Unfortunately, you didn't find anything. You sighed, before closing qeverything and placing them in their respective locations.

It has been six months since that encounter with CRDL, Beacon has been swiftly rebuilt and every student who died has been given a proper burial.

That was also the day Blake confessed to you, and you have been dating her since.

You walked out of the library and climbed to the roof of the library and crouched on the ledge, looking around the surroundings. This wasn't the first time you had to come up there to recollect your thoughts.

It was then you heard a conversation, from voices you recognise oh so well. Blake, Ruby and Yang.

"So, did Y/N ask you on a date, yet?" Yang said.

"N-No." The Faunus responded, startled by the change of topic.

"What? Why not? It's already been like five months." Yang said, shocked.

"Six, actually. And.. I'm not to sure myself. Am I not too good for him?"

The moment those words left her mouth, you immediately became filled with regret.

'Thats the answer I was looking for.'

"Maybe he's seeing someone else?" Ruby said. Blake just looked down in sadness. You could see teardrops falling from where she was. Blake stopped walking as she wiped her tears away.

"Maybe I am..."

'What have I done.'

You unsheathed Midnight and sunk it into the roof, focusing your energy through the Midnight, an F/C doppelgänger of you emerged from your body. It jumped down from the building and landed in front of the girls, scaring them. They drew their weapons, but Blake recognised it's form.

"Is that.. Y/N?"

The doppelgänger bowed and grabbed Blake bridal style and leaped on to the library building. Where you were still crouched on the ledge. Blake shrieked in terror as she soared through the air and landed on the building safely. It set her down before walking next to you and merging with you once again.

"What? Y/N? What are you-"

You cut her off by placing your lips on hers, her muscle tensed but soon relaxed into the kiss. You soon broke the kiss and stared into her bright yellow eyes.

"You know, Blake. There is this question that has been bugging me for the past few months and no amount of research has helped me answer this." You said.

Blake recalled what happened earlier and pushed you away.

"What do you want, Y/N?" She snapped.

"Blake. Would you like to go on a date with me." You said.

She did not expect you to say that phrase. All trace of anger was replaced with joy. Instinctively, she threw her arms around you and hugged you.

"Finally!" She squealed in excitement.

"So.. Is that a-"

"YESYESYESYESYEEEEES!" She started planting kisses around your face. 

You chuckled and pushed the excited Faunus away.

"I think I know places. But first, wait here."

You walked over to the ledge and leaned over, Ruby and Yang were walking away in the distance, assuming Blake was fine.

"Alright, follow me." You instructed, Blake walked right next to you.

"Y/N, What are you-"

You saw a pile of leaves and ran off the building, doing a backwards flip on your back and landed in the pile, with a satisfying 'swoosh.'

Blake climbed down in worry as you emerged from the pile unscathed.

"What's the matter?"


"I know."

"But- How-"

You chuckled as Blake struggled to complete a sentence. She couldn't comprehend the fact that you cleared that height, unscathed.

"You looked pretty majestic doing that, Y/N." She said.

"Why, thank you." You responded, bowing, causing Blake's cheeks to turn a slight shade of pink.

"Let's go, Blake." You said.

You held your hand to her, which she stared at for a moment and she hesitatingly took your hand.

"I won't force anything on you, if you're not comfortable with it." You said, smiling.

"NO! I mean.. I do.. but it's just so embarrassing." She said.

"Better get used to it, Blake. We're spending the whole day together." You said.

Her grip tightened on your hand and she walked next to you. She was obviously embarrassed holding your hand in public, but she didn't let go.

You started walking and so did Blake.


"Hmm?"She looked up to you.

"I'm sorry."

"Sorry? Sorry for what?" She asked, concerned.

"For not asking you out sooner, of course. For weeks, I've been back and forth from the library, finding an answer to what I was missing." You said, looking at her.

Blake back looked at you, filled with regret. She didn't know you didn't know what to do. If she knew, she would've taken the first move. The fact that you were born and raised in Nassau eluded her knowledge, until now.


Wasn't that..


Blake was heading home from getting groceries from the nearby market. Her parents wanted to move away from Nassau as they didn't feel quite safe. She was humming a tune only she knew of when suddenly, someone grabbed her from behind and covered her mouth to prevent her from screaming. The person dragged Blake into an alley, and she saw another person, but she couldn't quite make out his face.

"William? Christ's sake, man. You have to stop this." The man said.

"Shut up will you? You're going to get me killed."

Blake tried screaming for help, but it was pointless as it was muffled by a hand covering her mouth.

"HEY! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING." You heard someone shout. He looked to be of Blake's age.

"Y/N?" The man muttered, but Blake could hear him due to her Faunus abilities.

"Tch. It's your piece of shit son. Go die in hell." The man grabbing Blake spat as she heard the man unsheathing a knife and stabbing the other.

Once he did, he threw the other forward, causing the other to stumble and land on the floor with a thud.

Blake saw the H/C teen looked at the man in shock as she saw his mouth move, mouthing the word 'father'.

"Your anger, let it work for you, not against you." The man on the floor breathed, before falling limp.

Those were his final words.

The grip of the man started to hurt and Blake couldn't help but cry at the pain. The H/C teen saw those tears and rushed at her. He jumped and kicked the wall, using his momentum to knee Blake's captor and he used his knee to grab the man's head, twisting it. A sickening crack was heard and he fell on the floor, the H/C male managed to catch Blake before she landed on the floor.

"You alright?" He asked.

Blake couldn't help but blush at his closeness, she's never been this close to a male, besides her father.


"Can you stand?" The male asked.

Blake nodded shyly and slowly stood up.

"What's your name?" The Faunus asked.

"It's Y/N."

"I'm Blake, Y/N." Said she, Smiling.

"Ooh! Nice ears!" You said, slowly reaching for Blake's ears, but she recoiled away. Your young teenage curiosity getting the better of you, but once she did, you moved your hand away.

Blake remembered the abuse she had, as a Faunus in Nassau. In fact, you were the only male didn't shun her or discriminate her in anyway. And she knew you were just curious.

"I would like to thank you." Blake said, a blush slowly crept on her face.

"No! You don't have to."

Blake shook her head, signalling she didn't want to take no for an answer.

"When we're older, I want to be your girlfriend." She finally said. She saw your cheeks flush and she giggled at you.

"S-Sure." You replied.

"Promise?" Blake held her pinkie toward you.

"Promise." You intertwined your pinkie with hers, forming a permanent bond.

End of Flashback

Blake eyes widened as she remembered what happened then. She looked at your face, it was much more defined and masculine since that day.

"Y/N?" She muttered, getting your attention.

"What is it, Blake?" You responded.

"Do you remember the promise?"

"Promise? What promise?"

"Back in Nassau, you saved me." She continued.

You looked up for a moment, thinking. It was then it hit you. You recalled that moment when you were restraint by Cardin, no. It wasn't Cardin. Not anymore.

"Y-Yeah, I do."

She then kissed your cheek.

"H-How are you so bold all of a sudden?" You asked.

She giggled.

"It's because I finally remembered one of the best days of my life." She said, looking at the ground with a blush on her face.

Fortunately, you arrived at the Cinema. You walked up to the counter and bought two tickets for one of Blake's favourite books, turned into a live action movie.

"What are we watching, Y/N?" Blake asked, scanning through the movie list on the dashboard.

You showed her the tickets. The movies were based on Altaïr's Journey, Blake's favourite book. Once she saw it however, she squealed in excitement. Looks like some bits of Ruby is rubbing off on Blake, not that you minded.

Blake didn't tell you, but many things Altaïr did in the book, reminded her of you.

You both bought popcorn and soda, before heading to the screening room.

Once you did, you went to search for your seats and you soon found it.

You both took a seat and waited for the movie to start.

During Altaïr's initiation at the start of the movie, he had to perform a Leap of Faith into a hay-bale quite some distance below.

'Oh no' You thought.

Altaïr took a step back and leapt off the platform, very similar to how you did it. When he was in the air, everyone in the room gasped and were shocked to see the Assassin still alive.

"H-How?" Someone said.

"It's a movie, relax." Another reassured.

Blake however, was staring intently at you.



"You...did that just now, didn't you?"


Blake remained silent as she focused her attention back on the screen

A bit of time passed and soon Altaïr was dawning his Assassin robes, which was similar to what you were wearing, but yours was a little more modern. Blake noticed this, but kept quiet as she pieced things together.

It was then the hidden blade was introduced, you remembered Altaïr had to cut off his finger to signify his dedication to the Creed, but it didn't show in the movie. All Altaïr did was wear the gauntlet and flicked his wrist a few times, testing it out.

Blake looked at your arm, and sure enough. Your hidden blade was there. At this point of time, she came to a conclusion.

You were an Assassin.

Soon after, the movie ended. And everyone walked out the cinema.

"That was really exciting, Y/N! Thank you so much!" Blake squealed and she hugged you.

You lightly chuckled and returned the hug. However, Blake broke the hug.


"Yes, Blake?"

"You and Altaïr, were really similar. In terms of fighting, and ability to easily climb walls. Also, that Leap of Faith thing. And that." She pointed at your gauntlet, which you forgot to cover with your sleeve.

You flicked your wrists, unleashing the blade. Which shocked Blake, but she stood her ground.

"Fine, Yes. We are similar. I'm part of the Assassin Order." You moved next to her and whispered, looking around cautiously.

She pushed you back.

"Why didn't you tell me?" She said.

"Because, Blake. I do not dare drag you into this life of mine. I do not want to harm you." You said solemnly.

Blake's eyes widened at you in shock. You kept her best interest at mind, and cared for her. You knew telling her would put her at risk of being targeted by the Templars in Vale.

"I'm sorry, Blake." You muttered, turning and walking away. However, she wouldn't give you that luxury, as she grabbed your hand and spun you around. Before grabbing your head and smashing her lips agains yours.

It took you awhile to process what happened, and when you did, Blake already broke the kiss with a frown on her face.

"Why'd you walk away."

"I thought you needed some time alone, after that Revelation." You stated.

"Y/N, you're an idiot."


"Just because you told me that, doesn't mean you can just walk away like that. I'm your girlfriend, Y/N. I won't give up on you easily." Stated the Faunus, a blush slowly creeping on her face.

You just stared at her in shock, you honestly expected her to run off and not want to talk to you for the next five years. That might be an exaggeration, but you got introduced to a world where a demon manifests itself inside you, so anything is possible(In a world so seriously strange. #SorryNotSorry.)

"Didn't you say we have more than one place to go today?" Blake said.

"I did, didn't I."

You had to think for a moment, it then hit you.

The Carnival.

It is held once a month, and fortunately. The Carnival was held that week.

"What say we go the Carnival?" You asked.

"Carnival? Do we even have that?" Blake said.

You Held up three fingers, then two, then one. It was then an explosion was heard and firecrackers drowned the sky.

"It's four p.m. How is the fireworks so bright?" She asked.

"What do you take me for?" You said, laughing.

"S-Shut up."

"Come on, let's go." You said.

You and Blake were walking towards your next destination, which was the carnival. As you draw closer, the sound of the rides and screaming of the people got louder.

Soon, you reached the entrance. Needless to say, the place was huge.

"Why have I not seen this before?" Said Blake.

"It's only held once a month, and since you people are always on missions and assignment, you don't get to see this kind of things." You stated.

"You have missions, too. You know."

"Well, I pick the ones closest to Vale."


"Let's go in, shall we?" You held your hand to her.

This time, Blake took it without hesitation.

You paid for entrance and went in. The Carnival wasn't too packed with people, which meant that you and Blake had some reign over the rides.

"Ooh! Let's go on that one!" Blake exclaimed, pointing at the rollercoaster.

"You sure you want that first?" You asked.


"Very well."

Blake and yourself walked towards the rollercoaster and walked through the queue line, as it was empty. The attendant fastened and and Blake on the seats, and the metal bar was lowered.

For a moment, nothing happened. Then it started moving faster and faster. Blake screamed in horror and excitement as it went it's full speed.

As the ride neared the end, it still had top speed, and it broke through the rail, sending the cart soaring through the air.

You and Blake looked at each other and you unsheathed Midnight, which was hard as the metal bar was in the way. In one swift move, you cut through the bar and grabbed Blake, jumping out and landing on the ground.

You looked at the cart which landed in the sea, everyone looking at you and the cart.

You walked to the rollercoaster ride and realised no one was there.

"WHAT?" Blake exclaimed.

You had to Eagle Vision, to see that it was a ride that was used by the Templars. It had the godforsaken Templar symbol on the ride.

"Let's take another one, Blake. This one wants to get us killed."

"No kidding."

Blake looked around and her eyes set on a haunted house. She looked at you, then the haunted house.

"There!" She pointed.

You looked over and inspected the attraction, it was safe.


You and Blake made your way towards it, and there was a sign.

'Specially Designed, Anti-Faunus vision.'

"What the hell is Anti-Faunus vision?" Blake said.

"Faunus can't use their Night Vision to see through here." Some guy said, emerging from the house. Apparently, he was a monkey Faunus.

"Sun? What are you doing here?" Blake asked.

"I'm with my girlfriend, Angela. Say hello."

Another monkey Faunus emerged from behind his back, waving timidly. Blake waved back and their attention turned on you.

"Ah, The Famous Y/N." The one named Sun said.

"It would seem like my reputation precedes me." You said, bowing.

"Of course! Who wouldn't know the legendary Y/N that saved everyone in Beacon, and killing Cardin and his goons. Also, you managed to tame Blake, you do know that she was hard to ask on a date?" He said, laughing.

"S-S-Shut up." Blake huffed and crossed her hands, looking away, her cheeks bright red.

You put an arm around her neck and gave Sun a thumbs up.

"Consider me lucky, then."

Sun laughs.

"The two of you going in here?" He asks.

"Yes, actually."

"Good luck, It really is Anti-Faunus vision. And I hate that it's called that, and not, like maybe Faunus night vision. It's dark in there."

"Thanks for the heads up." You said.

Blake grabbed your hand and pulled you in the haunted house. However, the moment she entered, there was a jump scare from a clown that was in the floor. She shrieked and clung on to you.

The clown descended back into the floor, waiting for it's next victim.

Barely a minute into the house, and Blake is already this shaken up. You used Eagle Vision, and sure enough. You were able to see every scare that was supposed to come.

'Anti-Faunus vision, but not Anti-Eagle vision.' You thought to yourself.

You looked back, the helper person guy closed the entrance, so that none can leave easily.

You sighed and looked at Blake, who was shivering and her head is buried into your chest. You held an protective arm around her as you continued into the house.

You tried to walk in paths which were less frightening, but it was all the same in the end. And soon enough, you burst through exit. Which was right next to the entrance.

"WHAT?" Blake screamed as she noticed it.

"Calm down, Blake. It wasn't so bad." You said.

Blake just looked at you, lost in thought. Before nodding vigorously. Her cheeks tinted with red.

"You okay?"

"Hmm? Yes!" She says cheerfully. Whats with the change of attitude?

You brushed it off and it was sunset.

"Want to get something to eat?" You asked.

"Sure! I'm starving." She responded and walked forward on her own, humming a song as she went on, you sped up your pace and walked by her side.

Soon, you reached a diner and settled down on a table for two.

You ordered pasta, while Blake got the fish and chips. While eating, the two of you talked. It then reached Blake's bow on her head.

"You know, I still don't get why you still wear that. You look much cuter without that bow on your head." You said, shoving pasta in your mouth.

Her face went a deep shade of red as she struggles to eat.


She puts her hand on her bow and fiddles with it for a bit. She then took it off, and gave it to you.

"A gift." She said, red painted on her cheeks.

"Thanks?" You reply, putting it in a pouch on your belt.

She wiggled her ears and continued to eat her food. By now, she's already attracted half of the diner by her ears. You saw that people were pointing at her, disgust sewn on their faces, and they don't try to hide it as well.

"What the fuck is a Faunus doing here?"

"She's going to steal everything!"

"I doubt she's able to pay for that."

"Isn't that Y/N? Why's he with her?"

Blake was already close to tears and covered her face with her hands. You've never seen Blake so vulnerable before.

However, you moved closer to Blake, startling her. And using that as an advantage to kiss her cheek. You then stood up and glared at everyone around you.

"Say things like that about her one more time, and I'll end your life, the same way I did in Beacon six months ago." You let your demonic voice flare for a bit, and that seemed to scare everyone as they broke all eye contact with you and Blake.

"Why.. Why did you do that?" Blake said, tears falling from her eyes.

"People need to learn, Blake. That not all Faunus are bad and evil. And that they should also learn that I'm in love with one."

Blake's eyes widened in shock.

"How... How can someone be this kind?"

"Come on, Blake. Let's get out of her and send you home. Your teammates will kick my ass if I'm out with you for too long."

You set money on the table and grabbed Blake's hand, walking out of the diner. Blake couldn't help but blush at your protective figure next to her.

You reached Beacon's dorm by taking to the rooftops and freerunning with Blake. She's never had this much fun in awhile.

You then beckon her to climb through the window.

"Wh-What? I can't."

"Of course you can. It's easy."


You sighed, and carried her bridal style, before jumping through the window, startling everyone in the room.

"Scream and I'll cut your necks." You said.

You set Blake down.

"Well, now that that's done. Farewell for now." You say, backing towards the window.

"Wait!" Blake called.

She waked up to you and placed a kiss on your cheek.

"Thanks for today." She said, before walking away.

You winked at her and let yourself fall from the window, back facing away from RWBY.

Everyone ran up towards the window and they saw you running on the rooftops, slowly disappearing into the distance.

"Wow Blake, I didn't think he was THAT athletic." Yang commented, closing the window.

"Consider me lucky, then." Blake responded, mimicking your words from earlier.

"Lucky." Ruby said.

Blake giggles and went to bed to read. It was a romance novel. The main protagonist somehow reminds her of you. So kind, yet deadly. Athletic, yet powerful.

It was Ezio's Story in the renaissance.

After a few hours of reading, she felt sleep take over her mind. Her last thoughts were of you and her, hand in hand.

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