Lipstick [Narry-EDITING]

By NarryPerfection

298K 20.9K 11.4K

"What kind of lipstick are you wearing?" "Who? Me?" "Yes, you sweetheart." "I'm not- these are their natural... More

PART 1: ~45~
PART 2:~45~


5.5K 466 285
By NarryPerfection

"It's bloody freezing," Louis said, shivering. He was puffing warm breathes into his cupped hands, rubbing them together to create some sort of warmth in them because he was completely losing the sense of touch in his hands. It was so cold that it made his hands so numb he could barely move them.

"You should have brought gloves," Liam chuckled, calmly strolling by the smaller boy's side. 

Louis rolled his eyes and huffed. "I should have, but I didn't."

Liam slowed down to a stop, Louis cautiously following. Louis was about to question why they stopped when Liam took his hands out of his pockets. He took off his gloves and handed them to Louis, who became suddenly quiet. 

"What are you doing?" Louis asked, staring at the gloves. 

"I'm letting you borrow my gloves," Liam smiled, his eyes crinkling in a cute way. "My hands are warm enough already and if I get cold I'll just stuff them in my pocket."

Louis opened his mouth to reject the offer but then closed it slowly. He was considering it. His hands were surely numb and cold, probably close to falling off already. And it was Liam's gloves too. They might be a little bit big on Louis' hands but that was beside the matter. Louis needed to get his hands some warmth. 

And also because they were Liam's gloves. 

"Thanks," Louis smiled, taking the gloves from Liam and sliding them on his hands. He had to pull the gloves up his wrist as much as he could to try to fit them on his smaller hands. His fingers didn't reach the ends of the gloves but that was okay because they were warming up already. 

"I was wondering. . ." Louis said as his fingers move so they wouldn't get stuck frozen. "How's Harry? I thought you would be with him today."

"He's at work," Liam responded. "He didn't want to miss anymore days so he hauled himself out the door."

They started walking again. 

"Do you think he'll be alright?" Louis questioned. He wondered if Niall would go in search for Harry at work again which worried him. He doesn't know who he was more worried of, Niall or Harry. 

Liam shrugged, not really thinking much into it. "He'll be fine. He can handle himself."


They were lucky that it was a slow day at Pretty. Harry was moping everywhere, dazing off into space and staring sadly at nothing. His co-workers didn't say anything much. They minded their own business and left Harry alone. 

"Harry," Lacey sighed. It was already maybe the fifth time Harry zoned out. She waved her hand in front of Harry's face, snapping him out of whatever daydream he had going on. 

"Yeah?" Harry mumbled, rubbing his eyes and standing up straight from leaning on the counter. 

"Maybe you should go home early."

"What? No-"

"Just for today, at least," Lacey said. "You need to rest. You really do look tired."

Harry instantly thought of the scary reflection he saw of himself in the mirror when he was in his bathroom. He was pale white, far from his light tanned skin. There was a reddish color under his eyes with tired, deepened-lines tracing downwards from his eyes. His lips were a pale pink and chapped, his cheeks had no color and his eyes were this dull green - almost grey color. It was horrifying to Harry.

"I'm fine," Harry started walking away from Lacey. He knew he was dazing off, he knew he was a mess. He just didn't want to hear how of a mess he was. He hated that Niall had this effect him. It was because he loved Niall a little bit too much. 

Lacey grabbed at his arm, pulling him back. "Harry please, go home. Besides, there's like an hour left of your shift. There won't be a difference if you left an hour sooner."

Harry looked up at his co-workers. They were beginning to clean up the store. Maybe Lacey was right, there won't be much of a difference. Besides, all Harry would do for the next hour is daze off some more. He didn't want to be an annoyance to his co-workers anymore so he decided to take up Lacey's offer. 

"Okay," Harry muttered. He started walking towards the backroom to get his stuff. Lacey let him go, watching him leave and come back a few moments later. He was putting his jacket on along with his scarf. 

"Bye Harry, see you tomorrow," Lacey called out to Harry before the door to Pretty closed. Harry waved at her from outside before disappearing from her view. 


Harry didn't go home. 

He walked to the park to take a stroll. 

All he really did was kick snow around and shiver at how cold it was getting. He didn't want to go home and do nothing. Right now, he would usually be with Niall, but he tried not to think about that. It was something he wished he could brush off easily.  But he couldn't. Because it was Niall, and Niall broke his heart. 

And that's why he was at the park. 

Niall was the whole reason why Harry was bringing himself down. It even seemed like he brought the sky down, seeing at how cloudy and grey it was. The sun was no where to be seen. Harry liked how the weather matched his mood. It made him feel more at comfort for some reason. 


Harry froze. He dug his foot into the snow as he turned around just enough to see a bit of Niall behind him. He let out a breath, almost a silent gasp that came out in a white smokey puff. His heart began beating as he quickly moved his legs as fast as he could, walking - almost sprinting away. 

"Harry!" Niall called after him.

Harry closed his eyes tightly, hoping that his legs wouldn't pick this as the perfect time to tumble over something and make him fall. 

His legs were beginning to ache at how much he was forcing them to move at a fast pace. He didn't want to run nor walk, he just wanted to get out of there. 

Harry made it as far as he could when suddenly his wrist was grabbed and he was spun around to face the person that was behind him. Meeting Niall's eyes again made Harry weak in the knees, as they always did. 

"What?" Harry spoke before his mind could think, making it come out harsher than intended. 

"Stop trying to run away from me," Niall pleaded as Harry kept trying to wiggle out of his grip. Having no other choice, Niall grabbed Harry's other wrist and held them up to his chest. He didn't like the way Harry's eyes glared at him. 

"Will you just leave me alone? I don't want anything to do with you," Harry huffed.

"Harry I need to get something off my chest," Niall put out. Harry noticed Niall's tired features. They were almost exactly mirrored to his own tired features, but there were differences of course. It made Harry wondered if Niall was sharing the same feelings as his own. 

Niall took Harry's silence as a response to him to continue. 

"The other day, I was really mad at myself because I know I left you when I should have stayed with you," Niall looked like he was about to cry. "My. . . um- girlfriend. . . she brought drinks that day as well. . ."

Niall felt Harry's wrist become less tense. He watched as Harry's eyes slowly widened in a horrified expression. He wanted to stop, he didn't want to tell Harry anymore but he was already moving his mouth. It was too late to stop. 

"I got drunk and I slept with her. I didn't mean too, Harry, I didn't."

Harry opened his mouth and closed it again. He was absolutely speechless. His thoughts were everywhere, he didn't know what to do, or think. Niall just confessed to sleeping with another person. Was that considered cheating even if Harry was the one Niall was cheating with already? Did that even make sense?

With tears forming in his eyes, Harry slipped one of his hands away from Niall's grip only to give Niall a slap across the cheek. 

It was like the entire world heard because of how silent the next seconds would be. 

Harry couldn't believe he had done that and Niall couldn't believe it either, even though he knew he told Harry to do it and besides he deserved it anyway. He just didn't think Harry would actually do it.

"You jerk," Harry pushed Niall. Niall never let his other wrist go so Harry still couldn't get away. Niall turned to look at Harry, his heart breaking like the vase and the glass when he saw tears coming down Harry's cheeks. He was sniffling and having some trouble breathing because of the way he tried to keep the tears in. 

Still, Harry kept pushing Niall more and more. 

"I can't believe you! You're such a jerk," Harry said, hiccuping in between. "This isn't a game Niall! You can't keep playing with me. You can't play with my heart!"

"Harry-" Niall cried out as he tried to keep his balance. 

"How dare you! How?" Harry gritted his teeth and balled up his gripped wrist. His whole body was shaking against Niall as he kept trying to push Niall back. "I'm not a toy! I'm not something you can play with and then break."

"Harry I-"

"I hate you," Harry whispered, closing his eyes and dropping his head. He stopped pushing Niall, he stopping trying to express the anger that was there for only a second. 

Niall, who was taken back by Harry's words, let Harry's wrist go. He stared at the brunet through his teary eyes, watching how heart-broken he was. Niall really did mess up. 

"Okay," Niall wiped his tears away. 

Harry stayed silent. 

"Okay. Hate me. Hate me all you want," Niall brought his hands up to Harry's face, grabbing his cheeks and making him look up at him. Harry was still crying. 

"You can hate me," Niall mumbled, his thumb wiping away some of Harry's tears away. "But I will still love you, Harry."

He knew it was such a bad move. Harry had slapped him a few minutes ago, for gods sake. But that still didn't stop Niall from leaning down and pressing his lips against Harry's cold ones. 

He expected Harry to push him away, to kick him off, to slap him again too. 

So it was surprisingly when Harry didn't fight back and instead kissed back. The kiss was salty due to the tears shared between them and a bit cold because of the weather.

It wasn't the most perfect kiss because Harry's lips were a bit chappy and so were Niall's. There was also a clash between teeth at some point because they were pressing so hard against his other, as if one would suddenly disappear if they let go. 

When they pulled away, Harry kept his eyes closed for a little bit longer. He melted into Niall's touch and sighed. 

He hated himself more than ever. 

He still didn't entirely forgive Niall for sleeping with his girlfriend, god that sounded so weird and wrong

He also still didn't forgive Niall for ditching him to pick up his girlfriend, that was also so wrong.

Everything was wrong about them, but Harry found himself wanting more anyway. 

Just one more chance and if it blows, Harry will force himself to call it quits no matter what.

Just one more chance. 


This chapter is so dramatic and cliche but it's cute so. 

P.E. is making my legs super sore ): They've been sore all week! I literally walk like a penguin all throughout the school day. 

Waddling my way downtown...haha


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