Life of a Nomad

Soulshifter2love által

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Life as a were-cat isn't an easy amongst a pride of were-cats as the runt is unbearable. Meet Ch... Több

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 - Plan of Survival
Chapter 3 - A Nomad mentor ?
Chapter 4 - An unexpected turn of events
Chapter 5 - Training and freedom
Chapter 6 - Joining the Proving
Chapter 7 - First trial
Chapter 8 - They're here...
Chapter 9 - Double trouble
Chapter 10 - Marks of Fate
Chapter 11 - Karma's a Bitch
Chapter 12 - Descendant of Fate
Chapter 13 - Time to live
Chapter 14 - Discovered
Chapter 15 - Proudful pride
Chapter 16 - Lions & Leopards don't mix
Chapter 17 - Challenging a lion?
Chapter 18 - Time to love?
Chapter 19 - Getting to know your mate
Chapter 20 - Nomadic love
Chapter 21 - Pompous cats and sneaky plans
Chapter 22 - Royalty and deceit

Chapter 23- A life for a life

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Soulshifter2love által

---Christina's POV---

The walk to the Bengal pride was silent and quick. After Belen knew what happened, he had longed to go to war with the Bengal prides but Colin and I had managed to calm him down. Taking action now would endanger his cub and would claim the lives of many innocents.

So Colin and I would go out to the Bengal pride and confront Xavier but before that, we were going to make sure that both Gavin and Carver were safe. I had seen that if Xavier had the chance, he would kill either or both out of spite.

Carver could defend himself as a fully grown male Bengal, but I was worried about the cub. Xavier's tactics showed he was a coward; he wasn't going to risk injury by going after an adult.

Gavin would be their choice prey.

I let out a small growl while hopping over a fallen tree, eyes locked onto a moving blur in the distance. I knew King Belen was waiting at the edge of the Bengal territory to make sure his son was okay.

My paws touched the damp soul, claws digging in for a second and feeling the cold undergrowth before I stopped, whiskers twitching. A few Bengals seemed to be on border patrol but I knew differently.

"Are they in on the plot?"

I glanced at Colin before shaking my head softly. A fly buzzed around my ear, causing it to twitch a few times. "Xavier told them to be wary of the Siberians, said they were looking twitchy for a fight during our meeting."

Colin snarled softly, ears flattening as his eyes flashed. "What a lying little weasel. Wait till I get my claws on him." He flashed his teeth for a second before crouching a bit more, going into hunting mode.

Flicking my tail, I smacked it against his side with a snort. "Xavier is washing his paws clean of this. We need our plan to work perfectly."

Our conversation was cut short as I spotted a familiar cat moving through the woods with deliberate loudness in his steps. Maverick ignored the two bengals as they turned their heads to look at the intruder, instantly yowling a warning before flanking the big cat, leading him to their Queen.

I smirked, knowing everything was going according to plan. Maverick was going to inform the Queen, and already knowing her good nature to believe in the good of people, she would want to investigate the trail leading to Xavier.

As I expected and had foreseen, Xavier's tiger came charging through the woods with murder clear in his eyes, the Queen's guards hot on his tail in an attempt to stop him. All my instincts were screaming to tackle Xavier to the ground, but I forced myself not to do so.

The Queen was charging with the guards too, and she needed to see little Gavin before I could do anything. I glanced at Colin before rushing out of the covers. My paws made little to no sound as they devoured the ground, quickly gaining on the Royal escort.

The guards easily spotted me, half minded to stop me until they spotted my mark flashing brightly. As soon as the Queen and her guards rushed inside the small building and spotted Xavier lunging for the terrified Gavin, I activated my powers.

Xavier's leaping form slowly game to a halt, Gavin trapped mid yowl as I froze time. I slowly walked in between them while glancing as my mate walked towards the Queen and her guards, all staring at me in awe.

Thank the gods I had managed to perfect this skill. The Queen could clearly see the killer intent in Xavier, could recognize Gavin as a Siberian cub. Gently grabbing the cub, I released him from time while contacting his father.

King Belen was quick to arrive on the spot, little Gavin squirming as soon as he spotted his father. I smiled as father and son bonded and groomed one another before turning back to the frozen Xavier.

Slowly time unwounded and Xavier landed on the floor with a roar before it was cut off in confusion. As he turned around, I was a little surprised when the Queen rushed forwards. Before Xavier was able to look her in the eye, the tigress had her jaws clamped firmly around his throat.

The shock Xavier felt was clear in his eyes, weakly struggling against the tigress' hold before she snapped his neck. When she dropped the lifeless body of Xavier to the floor, she turned around and shifted.

"King Belen, my old friend. I'm terribly sorry for what Xavier has done. I hope that one day you can forgive me." She spoke with a soft voice, clearly afraid of Belen's reply. Luckily the tiger seems to be more absorbed with his cub than with the death of the kidnapper.

As she turned towards her guards, eyes narrowed in distrust. " How could this happen?" She asked fuming, demanding an answer. "How could the Bengal crown prince be kidnapped from his own house? And by my own adviser?"

I slowly stepped up, knowing that the queen wasn't going to like this. "If I may, your highness?" At my polite tone she turned around, eyebrows rising in confusion. "Xavier came to me asking for a favor. He wanted me to leave it in your kingdom, yet to use this some of the Bengal king as ransom. In exchange for the ruby mines, Gavin would be released to his father."

" Xavier was never going to release though. He had intended to kill the boy as soon as he had possession over the mines. The murder of Gavin would've ended up being your fault, my queen."

She let out a shock gasp clearly not believing everything I said. However, once my markings flashed to reveal what I was, she slowly relaxed. By that time King Belen had reacquainted with his son and held the cub close to his chest.

"I do not blame you Marissa, nor do I blame your people. Clearly this was the act of one single Man and the greed of his followers." The king spoke shortly, trying to relax the queen even further, proving that the future I've seen was going to unfold soon.

I let the Royal talk in peace and decided to take a walk with my mate. Collin was eager to get away from the scene, clearly still frustrated with the fact that Xavier got the tiny kitten to begin with.

"All of this could've been avoided. Two groups of tigers simply divided by their name. If only they could work together then they would make a great family group." Colin spat angrily kicking at the floor and creating the small dust cloud flying away.

I stepped up to my mate gently grasping his shoulder. "and they will." I reassured him, giving his shoulder a gentle squeeze. I've seen it. Trust me on this. By nightfall the king and queen will get to know each other on a whole new level."

Colin look up confused for a moment before we stopped. You mean to say that the prides are going to unite? Both the Bengal and Siberian tigers will join together as one family?" He stood in silence staring at the sky for chuckling and shaking his head.

"To be honest I'm not surprised at all. Both of them lost their mates and I know for sure that's the queen has a certain attraction to the king." I nodded, smiling as well. "I know I am more concerned about the fact that he son will be traumatized by the recent events."

An unexpected gust of wind made me shiver before Colin pulled me closer to him. His offered warmth was more than appreciated. "Hmmm, I think you're right. The boy will be very distrustful and will only look up to his father. Everyone else will be pushed away."

"Give him some time. To be kidnapped from his own house and waking up surrounded by unknown faces must be terrifying. I doubt even the king is willing to let Gavin escaped from his sights so soon."

Colin nodded before turning to me. "And what about Carver? Where is he being held?" I leaned back and thought about it for a moment. "Not to worry, he's simply being grounded in his old home. The Queens guards are dealing with it as we speak."

He chuckled at that before nodding his head. "Of course they are. I'm impressed Christina, I knew you had more control over your powers but it seems you've mastered them."

"Almost." I confessed with a teasing smile, grinning as Colin scoffed and pressed his lips to my forehead in a gentle caress. For a moment, we enjoyed each other's presence, minds connected intimately.

That's why Colin probably drew back, having heard my curious thoughts. He too was wondering how we were going to live. We'd be Nomadic Royalty, roaming the borders of the settled Kingdoms and doing our duty.

"Would your father..."

Colin shook his head, a teasing glint in his eyes. "No, Father wouldn't mind at all. He had pressed me to go after you as soon as you left, telling me that though I had duty to the pride and the Leopards, the most important duty I have lies with you."

I blushed at that, glancing down at our intertwined hands as my mate laughed softly and drew me closer, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. Luckily he realized I was a bit shy to go further into the topic, so he changed the conversation as we left the cover of the trees and returned to the Queen's settlement.

"Between your powers and us just roaming around, I'm sure we will visit a lot of prides on our journey. Who knows, we might bump into your family one day." I shook my head at that; the chance of that happening was very unlikely. Amur leopards were a rare species, most would go through their lives without ever seeing one.

"Whatever happens, happens. I seriously doubt I'll ever find them though." I replied softly as we entered the village before I chuckled, spotting the King and Queen in the distance, talking animatedly.

Seems like this pride would be able to heal after all. The union of the Bengals and Siberians would bring countless of mates finding each other, new cubs and a closer connection to these two prides.

I felt proud and satisfied to have helped not just Belen's pride but Marissa's as well. For the moment, all was calm and I knew that my abilities would prevent me from living a calm and steady life.

But if this was the price I had to pay, I'd gladly do it. Seeing so much joy and hope on other people's faces was more than a just reward for me.

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