I Won't Give Up •The Substitu...

By Kaylin1847

107K 4.2K 2.9K

Daniel Christopher Preda broke Joey Graceffa's heart when he didn't tell him about having sex with another su... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Just an Update
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Hey Guys!
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Please Read
The End
Get Excited!!!


2K 56 110
By Kaylin1847

I was tagged by FebianReyesTorres to do this tag. And I tag all of you to do it as well! I am sorry I didn't have an actual update today. Alot is going on. So enjoy learning a bit about me.


Middle Name
It is Toni. Because my dad's name is Tony but they made it more feminine I guess :D

Shoe Size
10 to 11 so obviously not small for a girl

Eye Color
Very light blue. I prefer brown eyes but whatever. You get what you get

Last Time I Cried
Like a few minutes ago. Like I said, alot is going on.

Biggest Fear
I am terrified of drowning. But I am around water all the time and I am a great swimmer. Oh well, go figure.

Last Song I Listened To
How To Save A Life by The Fray
I love that song

Last Person You Texted
My mom

Relationship Status

Favorite Sports Teams

Favorite Color
It's a tie between Teal and Yellow

Best Friend
I don't really have one single best friend. So... myself ;)

Favorite Celebrity
Jim Carrey
Jerry Seinfield
Betty White

Any Scars
A ton from me being clumsy. My worst is on my knee. I got cut by a razor sharp oyster and had to get 6 stitches.

Kissed Anyone
The air

Someone You Hate
Anyone who tries to force their opinion on me. And ignorant people.

Ever Done Drugs
Nope. I'm a good person.

5 feet 11 inches. I'm a tall girl and I never hear the end of it

Currently Happy
Not really but i'll suck it up.

Do You Drink?
No. And I never will

Last Thing You Bought
An eyeshadow palette. I love eyeshadow so much. I have too much.

Last Thing You Ate
Some greek yogurt with raisin bran in it. So yummy

Day or Night?
Day for sure. I can't stand night.

Favorite Lyric
You were red. You liked me because I was blue. You touched me and suddenly I became a lilac sky. And you decided that purple just wasn't for you.

Do You Give Second Chances?
Hell to the no. If they need a second chance they have a second to get the fudge away from me.

Pet Peeve
Closed minded people
Bible thumpers
Chewing with your mouth open
Over sensitivity
People who try to justify stuff that is wrong
I could go on and on

Random Fact
I have a HUGE unhealthy obsession with Monopoly. I play it 2-3 times a day. And I bought an $80 luxury edition monopoly board. It is awesome.

Current Mood

Last Book I Read
My own writing tbh. ;) jk I really don't know

Jealous Type
No because if I have to be jealous over stuff you do then I won't want to be around ya.

March 12th at 4:20 pm (blaze it)

I love hearing, writing, or reading deep quotes. So if you ever want to brighten my day, send me a deep quote. And if it fits one of my story's, I will definetly use it, giving you credit of course.

Favorite Song
Stay by Mayday Parade

Worst Mistake
Trusting people too much.

Someone I Trust

Do You Believe In Love?
Yes but i'm still figuring things out.

Are You Okay?
Not at the moment but I will build a bridge and get over it.

Continue Reading

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