Changed for life

By AmberScarlet1

338 8 116

Madison has always had friends but never really felt like she was close to anyone. She felt alone but practic... More

The Beginning of the beginning of the beginning (S.Studies)
Part two of the beginning
Why are you hurting your self so much?
Authors note
Not Sorry Anymore
First for Everything
Show and Tell Without Consent
A little "Party" Begins
Lying is bad
Leaving me
There's More
Feeling Nothing and Hospitalized.
Untitled Part 14
Drama AF
Letting it out, Finally.
Half of the Confession
Who's to blame?
Another A/N
Who am I?
Opening up
With an "A" not an "E"
Adventures of a sarcastic
Um... Ok?
Wanting Not To Want
The Reasoning
Being Selfish
Untitled Part 30

What happened to your face?

14 1 9
By AmberScarlet1

I pull my keys out from my jacket and stick em in the door and jiggle them a little to open the door. As soon as i walk through the door i feel a hard object connect to my face. Its a fist, great. 

"Where in the hell have you been?!?" 

Great he's here. Brad, the douche bag my mother is dating. He likes to slap me around when no one is around, its no big deal. 

Me-"My mother said that i could go to my friends house after school. You can call if you need to."

I don't know how he even gets in anymore. But, my mom seems better when he's around so i just got to suck it up. 

Brad-"I will be. I better not find out you where out whoring around, not that any one whould want you." 

I hold in the anger and go to my room. I lock the door adnsit on my bed and stare blankly at the wall. An hour later i feel a buzz. It's chris. Iopen the text.

Chris- Hey. Just want to say sorry for what i said the other day. I didn't mean it like that. I hope we can talk more. I really had a cool afternoon with a you. Be careful and don't hurt your self. 

I smile and then reply.

Me- Nah its cool. I would really like to talk more too. Your pretty chill for being a popular kid. I'll try to stay out of trouble.

I change to some sweats and get ready for bed. I grab my phone from where i set it down and look at the time, it 6:30 where is everyone? I then get a text from my mother saying Anthony had another game so she went to it and that she was on her way home. I told her i was tired and that i was going to sleep. 

Five minutes or so of silents i grab my earbuds and put my phone on shuffle. I grab my notebook and start drawing. I draw some doodlles that look like runes and mile to myself.  I set my drawing aside and go to my book. I read til chapter twenty and then start to feel my eyes start to droop so i turn the light off and close my eyes. The soothing melody of the somg playing makes me more tired and my heart hurt a little. A couple of minutes later i found myself falling into the sweet warmth of sleep. 

 I wake up to a huge amount of paincoming from my face. I turned my alarm off and get up and go to the bathroom. I look in the mirror. I don't know what i was expecting but I can't believe what i see. I have a huge black eye and i knowthat this is going to be a hard one to hide. Other then that i have no comments i look the same, boring, plain and easily forgotten. I get in the shower and when i get out i walk to my room as fast as i can without being seen. I get dressed in my usual outfit. Some jeans and a black tee shirt with my long gold necklace and some black chucks. I look in the mirror and pull out the benedrol because asprin stopped working a couple years ago. I then tske out my make up. I put the liquid stuff on first around my eyes generously and gently. I then but the power stuff and some blush to make me look like im alive. I add some mascara to make it look like I tried and grab my stuff and my earbuds and run out the door. I decide to walk from now on so i dont have to answer questions yet. I see a flash of red and pull and earbud out, noelle.

Noelle-" Hey taco! Wow what happene to your face?"

Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Ok you got this. Oh you got in a fight. Yeah make it sound like your a badass.

Me-"Wow thanks today is going to be great. And i got in a fight its no big deal."

She turned to me and seemed to believe it. 

I know what your thinking she's your best friend tell her the truth, no. I love her to death but that doesn't mean i can trust her, I can't trust anyone. We walk to school in almost silence with a hum or two from either of us. Until she started talking again.

Noelle- "Hey look i wanted to apologize for the other day. It was wrong of me to put you guys on the spot like that, i don't really know why did it and am sorry for that." 

Me-"Its fine,really its cool. Im good and so is he. We are just friends to be clear."

The silence remains and i think about what happened.

Noelle-" So are you guys dating or something?"

We both yell no at the same time and I thought that was enough. But i don't think Chris did.

Chris-"We would never date. We just wouldn't."

I froze.

 I stay that why for awhile until i suddenly break. I smile the fakest smile in existent, im getting use to it. I look at Noelle who looks a little shocked and then at Chris who just relized what he said. He looks up at me and i  can tell he knows that that hurt me but i think I play it off cool. I say bye with no emotion what so ever and walk by my self to Noelle's. She follows behind me and we pretend for the rest of the night until i leave that nothing happened. 

I look up from the ground and ignore the horrible feeling i have. We walk inside and i can feel the eyes on me, clearly i suck at hiding black eyes.  I go straight to my first period and sit down in my seat. I take my phone out and turn the music up and drift off. I feel someone behind me and realize i feel asleep. Unfortunately everyone is in their seat and staring. I turn my music off and take the earbuds out.

Mrs. Pep-"Madi if i wanted you to take a nap in my class I would tell. Give me your phone, you can get it back after class. And your going to have detention during lunch."

I looked at her with shock. I have never gotten in trouble by a teacher ever let alone a detention. I give her my phone and look at the floor making sure my hair is in front of my face.

I look to my left at the dude sitting by me. He draws the illuminati sign and then writes something down and folds the piece of paper and slides it on to my desk. He looks at me and nods. I grab the paper and unfold it. 

Illuminati confirmed. If you got in trouble then the rest of us don't have a chance. 

I smile and look up at the guy. I think his name is Weather or something like that. He has dark brown hair and eyes and his skin is a medium brown color just a bit darker the me. He's actually pretty cute. I nod at him with a smile and look around. I turns out alot of people moved their seat. I look around again looking for something even though I don't know what. I then meet eyes with Chris. 

The bell rings and I practically run out of the class i feel him follow me and i see Fawn. I grab her and tell her about Chris she blushes and i tell her they should date. I see him and wait until he gets close.

Me-"There you are. Chris this is Fawn my friend i was talking about."

 I "accidentally" push her into him and go to the rest of my classes. Everything goes well. I skip lunch to go to detention which i had to ask someone to point me in the right direction because i had never been. My last few classes had with each and then both Chris and Fawn. In the Chris shared class i just sit there awkwardly a steal glances at him. The Fawn shared class she would not shut up about Chris and about how thankful that i introduced her to him. She asked him out which i thought was really cool. Then my last period came and i was in idiot and sat in the three chaired table. Granted it was the only completely empty one. Chris came in and almost sprinted to the seat by me and then fawn came in and Basically did the same filling MY table.

Great right. Not.


Hey. Um the being punched in the face didn't really happen but i really did have the conversation that Madi, Chris and Noelle have at the park. The song is just really beautiful and I think it fits the chapter.


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