Family Ties (girlxgirl)

By shadowwind

882K 39.2K 11.6K

Sara has had a hard life. Going from foster home to foster home is not easy, especially if the homes are not... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Thank you

Chapter 12

24.4K 1.1K 292
By shadowwind

It was quite rare for the doorbell to ring at quarter-to-eight on a Saturday morning. Luckily everyone was awake and rushing around. The Murray's had a thing for the saying 'The early bird catches the worm' even Carly and Ben. The Murray's were usually up by seven in the morning during the weekend.

Sunny and Sarah were up by then too, except it was out of habit. When they lived on the streets, there always had to be someone awake to stand watch while the other would sleep and then they'd switch. They also had to wake up early, before dawn so that bystanders or police offers didn't see them. It was illegal to sleep in certain parks or streets and the officers had the right to arrest them if they saw it fit.

That weekend, while Leanne and Sarah were going out, the rest of them were going to a friend's ranch where their horses were living. Carly and Ben each had a horse and took courses during the weekend. Sunny desperately wanted to learn how to ride and Dean was the lucky driver.

"I got it" Carly screamed happily. She rushed to the door with a wild smile but froze when she saw who was at their front door.

"Good morning" Vivian said blandly. She didn't look too happy to be there.

"Vivian, hi" Carly blinked. "Oh shit, please come in"

Vivian took a hesitant step inside the residence but stayed by the door while Carly went back to the kitchen. A few seconds later, Leanne and Sarah popped out. Sarah stifled a laugh, truly not expecting Vivian to have come.

"Vivian, its good of you to come" Leanne said with uncertainty. She was quite shocked when Sarah asked Vivian to join them, believing that they hated each other.

"Good morning, Mrs. Murray" Vivian said as she shuffled her feet. She looked at Sarah but remained silent.

Sarah waved shyly, pondering if she made a mistake by doing this. Luckily for Sarah, Vivian had been too engrossed in the last conversation she had with her that she had left Sarah alone for the remaining of the week. There was no incident or remarks as Vivian stayed quiet and to herself.

"Are you ready?" Leanne asked and Sarah nodded. She kissed Sunny's head before getting dressed and picking up her bag.

"Bye girls, have fun" Dean yelled out and Carly waved, still shocked. Leanne waved them goodbye and started the car. Vivian sat in the back and Sarah in the front passenger seat. She turned around to face Vivian with a smile.

"You remembered your bathing suit?" Sarah asked innocently.

"Excuse me?" Vivian frowned.

"Oh, didn't I tell you that you needed a bathing suit?"

"No, you did not" Vivian spat.

"Oops" Sarah chuckled and turned her attention forward. She saw Leanne looking at her weirdly and smiled innocently.


Leanne shook her head but remained quiet. Their destination was an hour away and the three ladies fell into a comfortable silence, listening to the radio. Sarah didn't miss Vivian staring at her with an emotionless expression. Vivian didn't shy away, boldly looking back without an ounce of embarrassment.

"We are here" Leanne said.

"A Spa Resort?" Vivian said in disbelief. "You brought me in a Spa Resort?"

The Resort was located beside the St-Laurence River. It was surrounded by forests and a peaceful atmosphere. All the cabins were made of wood and stone. The main cabin was where the main desk and the restaurant were.

"We are not here for the spa Vivian" Sarah said starting to get excited as she got out. She ran to the other side of the car and stood by Vivian. She pointed to the river where a whole was dug through the ice and a ladder was sticking out.

"Oh hell no" Vivian burst. "I am not going to dip in the ice river"

"That's the point of a Finish Sauna. You get into a sauna for fifteen minutes, then you go jump in the river, stay there for a few seconds and then pop back out and run back to the sauna's warmth" Sarah said dreamily. She had never done this before but from the information she got, it looked absolutely awesome.

"I am not doing something so irrational" Vivian exclaimed and turned around "I knew this was a bad idea"

"Fear is a great signal for a well beating heart" Sarah said loudly. Vivian froze. "You're not giving up so easily are you?" Sarah sounded disappointed but couldn't remove the victorious smirk off her face.

"Are we calling quits?" Sarah asked. Vivian huffed in response. She straightened her shoulders and looked at Sarah square in the eyes.

"No, we are not" Vivian said silently admitting defeat.

"Good, good" Leanne clapped her hands, happy that she didn't come all this way for nothing. "Why don't we go inside? You girls can get ready"

"You are not coming Mrs. Murray?" Vivian asked.

"I think I'm too old for that kind of thing. I don't know if my poor heart could take the shock. I will leave the excitement to you youngsters. In the meantime, I have a reservation at the massage table, so enjoy!"

Leanne hopped away to the front desk and told her name. She made sure that Sarah understood the consequence if she were to do anything to go against her probation. A minute later, a young lady came to fetch Leanne and showed her to her destination. Sarah and Vivian received instructions, towels and a basket of soaps. Vivian bought a two piece bikini at the store.

Both girls kept to themselves when they reached the dressing room. Vivian went to a stall and came out dressed in her newly bought bikini. She saw Sarah sitting on a bench with short shorts and a t-shirt.

"You are not ready?" Vivian asked annoyed. She was not the one who was reluctant now.

"I am, this is what I'm wearing" Sarah said. Usually, she was not ashamed of her body, but for some reason, Vivian made her nervous. Maybe she was afraid of that Vivian would use her body as a weapon at school.

"No" Vivian spat, getting angry about the situation. "You will not get away with this. You forced me to buy a swimsuit for your ridiculous outing just to prove me something and now you refuse to do the same. I did not expect hypocrisy from you"

"I am not a hypocrite" Sarah shot out. "I didn't force you to buy anything. You just refused to go in your shirt"

"This is a six hundred dress shirt"

"Not my fault you're wasting your money on a t-shirt"

"Change" There was a long pause. Sarah bit her tongue and shuffled her feet.

"I don't have a swimsuit" Sarah said finally. "It's a waste of money"

"Oh for God sake" Vivian said. She wrapped her towel around her waist and stepped out of the dressing room.

"Where are you going?" Sarah yelled at her as she ran to catch up. She followed Vivian in the small boutique where Vivian picked the ugliest pink and yellow two piece bikini she could find. She went to the cashier and paid for the outfit then threw it at Sarah and walked back to the dressing room.

"You bought me a pink bikini?" Sarah asked disgust.

"Of course not. You bought yourself a pink bikini" Vivian said as she sat down with her back straight and one knee over the other. "You owe me fifty dollars"

"Fifty bucks for tissue that barely covers an inch of my body?" Sarah yelled.

"Yes, it is a resort after all" Vivian replied as she waved her hand to dismiss the other girl. "I expect the money by Monday at school"

Sarah groaned and stalked off to the cubicle and changed. Sarah hated being naked and having a small bikini did not do much help. She felt exposed and vulnerable to anyone's eye. Hoping that Vivian was indeed civil and that she would refrain saying any remarks.

Sarah stepped out with her shoulders stiff and shallow breathing. Her lips were tight and her eyes were hard.

"About time" Vivian said but soon froze as she looked at Sarah. At first glance, Vivian saw a long scar going from the top of her chest in a straight line downwards until it stopped below the rib-cage. There was a second scar, small and round, on her right shoulder and another long scar that started from the front of the shoulder to the back just over the other one.

"Shall we go" Sarah said tightly as she past a motionless Vivian. The black hair girl turned around and withheld a gasp. Sarah's back had a huge burnt mark, bigger than her outstretched hand mid-left of her back. There were multiple small scars running down her left bum and hamstrings. On her right ankle, there were teeth marks, as if a dog had bit her. Both of the inside of her arms had long scarred gashes from her elbow to her wrist and another on her shoulder horizontally. Rope marks surrounded both her wrists and three very small puncture holes on her right forearm. 

"Vivian" Sarah snapped and the teen's eyes shot up "I know I look like a model, but drooling is a little far fetched for someone like you"

Vivian huffed and followed Sarah to the sauna. They were alone which suit best to both of them.

The girls sat inside looking anywhere but at each other. They were not used of being quiet when they were together. It was only a matter of time before one of them opened their mouths.

"Why so silent?" Sarah finally said. "Fear got your tongue?"

"You would want that wouldn't you, Green?" Vivian smiled "I am capable of remaining silent"

"I yes, you are capable of many things since you have a school average of ninety percent" Sarah snickered.

"Ninety-eight percent" Vivian spoke slowly and with venom. She made sure she pronounces each syllables distinctly so that the non-education girl before would finally understand.

"Really? That's not what you said last time" Sarah said with fake surprised.

"You truly have the intelligence of an ape if you believe I told you I had a merely ninety percent in school"

"I heard apes were smart" Sarah taunted.

"For animals" Vivian's voice was getting louder and grinds her teeth together. Sarah knew she was pushing the right buttons as she leaned closer.

"News flash Brainiac, we're animals too"

"I know what we are you impotent little-

"Oh look. It's time to jump in the river" Sarah said happily as if no conversation happened.

"It has not been fifteen minutes yet" Vivian scolded.

"You're such a wuss" Sarah scuffed "it's close enough. Let's go"

Sarah stood up and walked to the door. Vivian was fuming behind her cursing her parents for raising her with manners because she was extremely close to hitting the annoying girl. Nevertheless, Vivian stood up to stand beside Sarah who was waiting for her.

"Age before beauty" Sarah grinned.

"Pearls before swine" Vivian replied with a smile and stepped out in the cold. Sarah let out a laugh involuntarily. She shook her head and followed suit.

"Now what?" Vivian asked.

"You run and jump in the water, then run back"

"You are a crazy tramp" Vivian muttered. "But I am not going first"

"Fine" Sarah groaned. "Ready or not"

With a battle cry, Sarah lunged into the cold air. Her bare feet were sprinting on the snowy pathway. She arrived at the icy river, grabbed the ladder and threw herself in the water. The water was beyond cold. Sarah could feel her body tense up at the sudden change of temperature. Her heart slowed, almost stopped, from shock. It seemed as if Sarah had been in the water for minutes even though it was merely seconds.

Sarah hastily got out and ran back into the warmth of the sauna. She went past Vivian and rubbed her arms rapidly to gain more heat. She was glad she had her hair tied up in a bun. It would have been a pain if her hair was wet. It would probably give her a cold.

"Your turn" Sarah grinned happily. It had been so much fun that Sarah had bypassed the fact that she was spending her time with someone she hated.

"Damn" Vivian swore before bashing out of the hot sauna. She ran to the river and did the quickest in and out water dump she had ever done before running back. By the time she arrived in the, she was panting hard. "Close the door"

Sarah shut the door closed and they were once again left alone in a dim room. Vivian had both of her hands on her knees. Her body was shaking from adrenaline and shock. It was a weird sensation for her not to have control of her heart rate; mainly because she had never experienced adrenaline in such a way before.

Once she calmed down, Vivian looked up to see Sarah looking at her expectantly. Sarah had a grin on her face and started laughing suddenly at the awkward situation she put them through. Vivian soon joined in the laughter, forgetting to keep a straight face.

"Wow" Sarah said. "That was something different. Want to go again?"

"No thank you" Vivian said politely. She had been ready to try it once but decided this was not one of her favorite outings. She didn't like the cold and preferred to relax in the sauna than to do that again. Vivian didn't mind winter, as long as she was warm.

"Suit yourself" Sarah said, already anticipating her next run. Both girls sat down on opposite end of the room lost in their own minds. After ten minutes of silence, Sarah broke the silence with a question that had bugged her for a while now.

"You didn't ask me anything" Sarah said quietly.

"Why would I ask you anything?" Vivian said while keeping her eyes closed.

"About my body"

"Well, I did learn to be civil" Vivian reminded Sarah of their last conversation. Sarah frowned, confused by the gesture. Vivian sighed "I do have the knowledge of boundaries Green. I was brought up properly and with manners"

Sarah rolled her eyes at the implication of Vivian's words. They really couldn't speak to each other without insults. Deciding it was safer not to reply; Sarah got up and walked to the door and ran out.

The rest of the evening was spent quietly with both girls speaking to each other only if necessary. Vivian stayed in the sauna while Sarah continued to jump in the frozen river a few more times. When it was time to go home, the girls walked back to the restroom to change and have a hot shower. They met Leanne, who had a serene expression. It had been a while since she had relaxed in such a way. Being a doctor and a mother took a lot of time and energy.

"Everything went well girls?" Leanne asked and both girls nodded. Leanne could feel the tension between both girls and sighed. "Let's go then"

The car ride was welcomed by soft conversations between Sarah and Leanne. Vivian had been silently listening to them while trying to understand things. She knew that something had shifted between Sarah and her also within herself.

Unknowingly to both girls, Sarah had awoken something in Vivian. Something that Vivian had never felt before and was unconsciously craving. With a family that only accepted perfection and aristocratic behavior, Vivian had never felt more alive than feeling the thrill of her heart beating a thousand miles per hour. What she had done today had not been ladylike enough for her family to agree. The dirtiest thing Vivian was allowed to do was to work on her family farm. Her mother owned one of the riches farms in the region and Vivian was obligated to work on it; not that she minded.

"I won the bet" Sarah said, breaking her reverie "You better keep your end of the deal."

Looking outside, Vivian noticed that they had arrived at the Murray's. Both Leanne and Sarah were looking at Vivian. Sarah's body was turned halfway around the bench so she could see the back seat of the car better.

"Oh and what you saw in the bathroom, better stay there" Sarah warned.

"The deal was that I don't speak to you, not speak about you" Vivian spat. In an instant, Sarah had gripped her coat and pulled her forward between the benches. Vivian grunted by the rough movement and managed to steady herself by holding the back of the seats.

"You say one word about what you saw and I will be glad to spend time in Juvie for what I'll do to you" Sarah threatened, her eyes blazing with anger.

"Sarah, let her go" Leanne demanded and the young girl did so in an instant. Vivian backed away and adjusted her coat.

"Next time, I decide where were going" Vivian said heatedly before getting out of the car and slamming the door close leaving two very stunned people inside.

Leanne blinked. Sarah blinked.

"Next time?" Leanne repeated in a daze. "There's going to be a next time?"

"I have no idea" Sarah said as confused as the older woman. She had lost all her anger after what Vivian had said. 'It was probably a slip of the tongue', she thought.

"I didn't think you made a practically good impression of yourself today Honey" Leanne said with a little motherly attitude.

"Neither did I" Sarah whispered. She had no idea what would happen next. Actually, she had forgotten about her imperfect body when she invited Vivian to come. It may be the start of a new bullying cycle. For some reason, Sarah believed Vivian when she said she took her words and her pride seriously. Maybe Sarah has nothing to fear.

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