Wanderlust [Ziam]

By Styles_bandana_x

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wanderlust: ˈwɒndəlʌst/ noun; a strong desire to travel. More



504 30 31
By Styles_bandana_x

-Zayn's pov-

*three days later*

I haven't seen Liam in three days.

And now I'm sitting on the couch, same clothes from three days ago, and Harry sitting across from me, he's been here since this morning, he came as soon as he heard what happened from Louis.

"Zayn please just say something, anything." Harry tries again.

Honestly I feel like shit, my mind is so fucked up, it's turning into a whore from thinking too much. And everytime I think about it more I find my feelings towards him growing.

"Zayn c'mon, there's a party at Louis' in a bit. You've been holding back too much, go out and try to get him out of your mind." He says, a party at Louis'?
"Is he coming?" I speak for the first time in three days. Well besides screaming 'fuck' while slamming my fist against the wall, and I could barely get the words out because all I did is drink alcohol for three days.

"I dunno even if he is you should go and show him that you're fine, I mean you're not but.. look Zayn I don't know what else to do you know how shitty I am at this." Harry says. I'm just gonna go and see him all over her and act like I don't care while dying inside.

"I'll go."

"Fuck yes, go take a shower and change I'll make something to eat before we go, and I'm gonna clean a bit." He says and goes to kitchen. What the hell am I doing?


-Liam's pov-

"Louis I don't wanna go out, and Zayn will be there with Harry, he still thinks I'm with Tina and he won't let me explain." I tell him.

"Oh c'mon all you did was cry and blame yourself for three days, I've never seen you like this, besides you've gotten this far and now you wanna back off?" What he's saying is true but what if he really doesn't care?

"Louis if I explain myself to him now, I have to tell him everything because I don't want to keep secrets if I want to start fresh." I remind him and myself.

"It won't be that hard just try." I'm gonna try, for him, for us.

"Louis I love him, I can't lose him." This is the first time I admit I love someone, to myself and to someone else, but those three days made me realise that my feelings for him are so strong, nothing I felt before.

"Love? Are you sure?" He says with a smile.

"A hundred percent sure." I didn't realise that I'm tearing up. I'm such a cry baby.

"We already knew." He smirks.

"We?" I frown.

"Me and Harry." He says and stands up. It was that obvious? Maybe just to Louis because he knows the whole deal.

"Get dressed." He says and walks downstairs.

When I get downstairs I find Louis waiting by the door.

"How do I look?" I ask him.

"You look great." He says and opens the door.

"Wait what if Zayn didn't show up?" I ask him.

"Harry said he'll make sure he will." I knew they planned this together those fuckers.


-Zayn's pov-

We've been at Louis' house for half an hour an I haven't seen Liam or Louis. What am I going to do when I see him? And what if he's with her?

"Zayn please give Liam a chance to explain himself." Harry says through the loud music.

"There's nothing to explain Harry everything is clear as day." I say

"Yes he does." Harry says.

"How do you know?" I raise my voice.
"He's right behind you ask him." I turn around and find him standing there, when lock eyes, his widen but then he covers it up with a small smile.

I want to do two, one go slap him and take his head off of his body, two go jump on him and kiss the living shit out of him. I turn to Harry.

"You planned this with him?!" Before I hear what he's going to say I walk away from them, make sure to bump my shoulder with Liam's.

I go and grab a random guy and start dancing with him, minutes later he tries to slid his hand into my pants and suddenly he's pushed away by Liam, he tackles him to the floor and starts punching him. What the fuck?

I pull him off of him hold his hands down. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?!" I scream in his face.

"We need to talk." He says through clenched teeth.

He doesn't give me a chance to say anything before he grabs my hand and starts leading us to Louis bedroom. Why is he so worked up? I thought he was with that bitch now.

"What the fuck do you want to talk about Liam?" I say when he closes the door. I stand in the middle of the room while he paces back and forth.

"I've been going through hell and when I try to explain myself to you, you go and let that guy be all over you?" He raises his voice.

"Where's your girlfriend? Why isn't she here?" I ignore him and ask.

"She is not my girlfriend!"

"Then why were you shoving your tongue down her throat?!"

"I'm trying to explain just shut the hell up for a few minutes." He lowers his voice and sits on the bed.

"Go ahead." I say and cross my arms over my chest.

"She wanted a closure alright? She told me that she's gonna leave for good if I kiss her one more time, I only agreed because I wanted to be with you and wanted her to leave for good okay? I don't want anyone but you. You know how hard was it to watch you walk away? Or how much it hurts seeing you dance with that guy like that? I can't take it anymore Zayn I don't just like you, I-I love you for god's sake I love you so much and I've never loved anyone the way I love you." When he's done he's out of breath like he's been running for hours, love? He loves me? Liam loves me? I should ask him then why did he sign that contract? But all I fucking care about is that he loves me.

I walk over to him and stand between his legs.

"You love me?" I place my hand under his chin, making him look up at me.

"So much." He says through his tears, we're both crying like little babies.

I push him back and climb over him.

"Show me." I whisper into his ear.


Knock knock

Who's there?


Daisy who?

Daisy me rollin' they hatin' :')

Alright bye :'D

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