Being the Girl

By unendingly

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Danni Parks best friends are all guys and she is perfectly fine with being the girl. She can't stand hanging... More

01 -- Spaghetti Hair
02 -- Frozen Bras
03 -- Name, Adress, Social Security, and a Bag of Bacon
04 -- Fake Numbers and Saw
05 -- Whipped or Not
06 -- Ketchup Periods
07 -- Washboard Abs and Sparkly Poop
08 -- Kiss and Yell
09 -- Bacon Withdrawl Syndrom
11 -- Pinky Promises and Lighters
12 -- The Triathlon
13 -- Puke Breath
14 -- Fairy Wings and Dress Up
15 -- Fire Ants, Hospitals, and Barbie Dolls
16 -- Robot Zombies
17 -- Hide and Seek
18 -- Barney Boxers and High Heels
19 -- Badass Five-Year-Olds and Paint Showers
20 -- Goose Bumps and Killers
21 -- Fashion Designers and the Amazing Sibling
22 -- The Prank Master and Ice Cream Faces
23 -- Grape Soda and Broken Arms
24 -- Down and Dirty and Sand Soccer
25 -- Puppy-dog Eyes and an Extra Side of Bacon
26 -- Breaking Points and Explosions
27 -- Underwater Kisses and Vats of Purple Slime
28 -- Flipped Over Air Matresses and Flipped Over Tables
29 -- Sugar Rush and Spilled Gatorade
30 -- Snoring and the Queen of France
31 -- Melted Ice Cream and Kissing in the Rain
32 -- Back Dumpsters and Six Football Players
33 -- Loads of Garbage and Superheros
34 -- The F Bomb and the First Tears
35 -- Middle Names and a Million Years
36 -- Painted Asses and Rookies
37 -- Swings and New Ways of Killing
38 -- Room 358 and Janitor's Closets
39 -- Unbroken Pinky Promises
Epilogue -- Being the Girl

10 -- Loopy Gas

6.4K 77 26
By unendingly

Alex told her he liked her las time! Gasp! What shall happen?!

I want to thank all my fans, each and every one of them who vote, comment, add my story to your library, and even just read. Without you would never have gotten here! You guys are the best! I've gotten to know a few of you pretty well (you know who you are) and you're awesome!

Thanks for reading! Please comment and vote!


The next think I knew I had leaned in and kissed him. He kissed me back passionately. His hands went around my neck and mine went around his waist as we kissed more passionately.

He helped me stand up while we were still kissing. He walked backwards, and I followed him until we fell on the bed together. He kissed my neck. “Danni?” he whispered in my ear in between kissing me.

“Yes, Alex?” I asked breathlessly.

“I really li-”

“Oh my God! What in the hell is going on here?!” Ashton screamed. I tried to jump off of him, but I fell on my butt on the ground. He looked like he had just seen a ghost, his eyes were bigger than I had ever seen anyone’s, his face was pale, and his mouth was probable touching the ground it was opened so wide.

He looked back and forth rapidly between us. “I, uh…” I ran over and pushed Ashton out of the room and locked the door. “Just give us a few minutes to talk about this,” I said through the door.

I turned around to see Alex blushing. He looked at my eyes. “What the heck just happened?” he asked.

I looked down. “We just made out,” I stated. We both stood in silence for a minute soaking up reality. I finally went over and sat next to him. He looked at me with concern in his eyes. “Why did we just make out?”

He shrugged. “You were just there and your lips tasted so good…” I nodded agreeing with him. He looked up at me with a spark in his eyes. “Are we going to do it again?”

I sighed. “I have a boyfriend.”

“Right, we just got caught up in the moment.” I can’t believe he just said that. He made out with me and then made up some lame excuse about being caught in the moment? I wanted to smash his head against the wall. I don’t know why I was feeling like this. I had no clue. I didn’t like Alex. He was just a good kisser. I’ve known that since we first kissed when I was twelve.

I shook my head. “Get out.” He looked at me confused. “Just get the hell out!” I grabbed him by the arm and threw him into the hallway. He smashed against the wall. He reached for the door, but he was too late. I swung it closed and locked it.

He pounded on the door. “Danni open up! We need to talk about this!” I shook my head even though he couldn’t see me. I got changed and turned on the TV. After thirty more minutes the pounding stopped.

Then it started again. “Danni?” I heard Garrett’s voice call. I groaned. Why couldn’t the world leave me alone for one day? He pounded again. “Danni are you okay?” I sighed. If I just stayed quiet he would go away. “Danielle Rachel Parks you open the door this instant!”

I stomped over and swung the door open. “What the hell do you want?!” I yelled at him even though he was two feet away. He pushed past me and came in. “I said what do you want?!”

He sighed and hugged me. “Are you okay?” he asked. I nodded. “We heard you yelling at Alex.” I looked away. “Hey, it’s fine. So what was the fight about?” He pulled back from the hug and eyed me.

“It was nothing. Look, if you don’t mind I want to go to sleep.”

He laughed. “Okay, first it’s like nine. Second you like never sleep in your room. Third you always have to have something to cuddle. So just come downstairs sleep on the couch and maybe you can cuddle with someone.”

I sighed and shook my head. “No!” He grabbed me and carried me downstairs. I fought and kicked and screamed, but he wouldn’t let go. He sat me down on the couch. I jumped up and started to run. Noah grabbed me and smashed me down on the couch. “Nobody’s going anywhere. I guess you’ll just have to cuddle with me tonight, because I’m not letting you go.”

I pouted. “If you want me to behave I want bacon!” Everyone laughed and Ashton brought me some bacon. “Fine. I’ll be good.” Noah still wouldn’t let go of me. I ate my bacon.

“You know tomorrow you have to get your wisdom teeth out.”

I groaned. “Ugh! That figures! A three day weekend and I have to spend the extra day having my wisdom teeth pulled!” Noah patted my back.

“There, there you poor little baby. Don’t worry we’ll be here to take care of you.” I slapped him and ate my bacon which calmed me down. After a while I fell asleep.

I woke up somewhere around eleven and my appointment was at eleven thirty. “Get up! We have to go to the stupid dentist!” They all fell of the couches where they were sleeping.

We got in Garrett’s car since I wouldn’t be driving. I was nervous as crap. The doctor put me under the laughing gas and that was the last thing I remembered until I woke up the next day.

                                                                                Alex’s POV

“We put a ton of loopy gas on her. She should be out cold as far as remembering things for a while. She’ll mutter a few crazy things probably, but that’s it. I trust you boys to take care of her.” We all nodded. Danni got up and yawned. We helped her to the car.

Garrett tried to get her in. She shook her head. “Get in the car, Danni.” She shook her head again. “Danni, please get in the car.”

She yawned again. “I wanna ride with Alex.” Everyone looked at me. I shrugged and took her into my arms. She got in the car and I held her on my lap the whole ride home. She was out cold.

“What is up with her?” Trevor asked.

I shrugged. “Dude, she’s got all that crazy gas it doesn’t matter what she says or does. It doesn’t mean anything,” I said. She squeezed me tighter. I put my arms around her to keep her from sliding off. She put her head on my chest.

She was really cute when she was asleep. I put my hand on her head. All of the guys looked at me weird. I shrugged. They turned their attention to something else. I gently stroked her hair. She groaned and shifted position.

We pulled into Garrett’s driveway. I carried her inside. “I think I’ll put her upstairs where it’s quieter.” They all nodded, but Ashton looked interested. I knew he knew what I was doing.

“I’ll come with you,” Ashton said as we walked up to her bedroom.

I sat her down. I started to walk away. “Alex,” she groaned. “Don’t go.” She grabbed my arm. I lay down on the bed next to her. She wrapped her arms around me and laid her head on my chest. “I love you, Alex.”

I gently combed her hair, “I love you too, Danni.” I looked over to see Ashton staring at me with an eyebrow raised. Crap, I forgot he was there.

He walked over to us and sat on the edge of the bed. “How long?” he asked vaguely, but I knew what he meant. He meant how long had I liked her. I hadn’t told anyone about it, but he always knew. He just needed conformation.

I looked down at her beautiful sleeping body. I shrugged. “Since the day I met her I guess, but I realized it when I found out she had a boyfriend.” I remember the first day I met her. It was in kindergarten. I had moved there in the middle of the year and the teacher gave me a chance to choose which play group I wanted to play with at recess.

I looked over at the two boys and a girl making mud pies and I instantly chose them. I walked over. They looked up at me. “Hi, I’m Alex,” I said.

The boys just looked at me, but the little girl with beautiful brown straight hair and navy blue eyes smiled revealing a missing tooth. “I’m Danni, D-A-N-N-I, Danni. This is Ashton and Garrett. You want me to help me make a mud pie.” I nodded and sat close to her making a mud pie with her.

I came back to reality. “Yeah, definitely when I first laid eyes on her.” Ashton chuckled remembering what I had just remembered.

He stared at her. “She really is… something. I never imagined one of my best friends would be a girl.”

“Unicorns!” she mumbled. We both cracked up.

I shook my head. “She really is the perfect girl. I don’t know why other guys don’t see it. What guy wouldn’t like her? She’s so beautiful,” I gently stroked her cheek, “and she’s smart, and she’s crazy, and fun, and… I don’t know what to do about it.” I looked up at Ashton for guidance.

He shrugged. “I don’t know man. She’s got it bad for Cody. He sees all those things to.”

I looked away. “I’m going to murder that kid! Why does he get to kiss her and I have to stand by and watch?!” She started to move around. I looked down at her. She reached up and kissed my lips quickly before going back to sleep. I smiled and Ashton raised an eyebrow at me. “What?! She kissed me!” He chuckled.

I looked at her lips. I wanted to kiss her more. “I’ll leave you two alone. Just don’t do anything to her,” he eyed me.

I laughed. “Don’t worry. I won’t.” She pulled me tighter. Ashton walked out. “I really do love you, Danni.” I kissed her head.

                                                                               Danni’s POV

I woke up in my room at Garrett’s house. I had an enormous headache. I looked around. Alex was asleep holding me. I was holding him back. I yawned. “Alex,” I muttered. His eyes opened.

He smiled at me. “Good morning, unicorn,” he chuckled. I looked at him confused. What was he talking about? Why was I in here? What even happened yesterday? Oh, I got my wisdom teeth taken out.

I looked over at him and he was staring at me intensely with his blue eyes. “What’d I do?” I mumbled. I was too tired and sore to move.

“You got your wisdom teeth taken out.” I nodded. “And then the doctor gave you to us and we tried to get you in the car you refused to go unless you were with me.” I opened my eyes wide with horror. He chuckled. “So you rode in my lap and then we took you up here and then you said you loved me and kissed me and yelled out things about unicorns?”

I rolled my eyes. There was no way that was true. “You’re such a liar.”

I heard someone chuckle. “He’s not lying.” Ashton stood in the corner. “We’re going to head out. I just came to check on you all. You sure you’ll be okay?” Alex nodded. “Okay. Hey, kiddo,” he smiled at me. “How you feeling?”

I looked at him confused. “Fine. I’ve got a bit of a headache.” He smiled and waved before walking out. I was still cuddling Alex. “What’s he talking about?”

“They’re going to school. You have an excused absence today and I’m pretend sick. Anyway I’ll go get some bacon and pain killer. That sound good?” I nodded. He smiled. “I’ll be right back.” He walked out.

I tried to remember anything. Did I really kiss him and tell him I love him? That’s crazy. It must have been some really loopy gas they gave me. He walked back up and gave me some bacon and painkiller. He hopped back on the bed and turned on the TV. “Alex?” He looked over at me. “Was Cody there?”

He tightened up. “No, he wasn’t there for you.” I nodded. I could feel he didn’t release his tension. I messaged his back gently. He looked over at me and smiled. “Cody won’t ever be there like I will, Danni.”

He turned around and kissed me. I pulled back. “Alex! I told you that I have a boyfriend!”

He turned bright red. “You don’t even want him to be your boyfriend anyway!” My headache got worse with his screaming. I put my hands on my ears. “Oh, sorry, Danni.”

I shook my head. “Whatever,” I said angrily. He sighed and started to comb my hair with his fingers. I scooted over. After a while my anger faded along with the headache. “Alex,” I whispered partly hoping he wouldn’t hear.

“Yeah?” he whispered back.

I took a deep breath in. “Whatever there was between me and you when we kissed is over. I like Cody. He’s my boyfriend.”

There was silence and it was killing me. “That’s cool. I don’t care. I just thought you were a good kisser,” he finally said calmly. I was very offended, but I was too happy to care.


So we got to see Alex's POV for the first time in this chapter. I'm sorry if it was bad. I might put in more of his POV, but I'm not sure yet. Please tell me what you think of it.

Danni likes Cody still, not Alex. See!So who likes Alex and who likes Cody now? Anybody change sides?

I've been sick so I had time to make this chapter long. The next one might take a while though.

Thanks for reading! Please leave a comment or vote. It means a lot! You guys are amazing! This story has done so much better than I thought it would! Thanks again.



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