Trapped 3: Together Forever (...

By WereNotInvisible

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Liz and One Direction are back.......again!!! *Please read Trapped and Trapped 2: The Truth Unmasked before y... More

Trapped 3: Together Forever (Sequel To Trapped 2: The Truth Unmasked)
Chapter 1-We Meet Again
Chapter 2-The Comeback Kids
Chapter 3-Getting The Word Out
Chapter 4-Cracking Under Pressure
Chapter 5-A Date With WHO?!?
Chapter 6-First Date
Chapter 7-Alone
Chapter 8-Breaking Up
Chapter 9-Last Chance To Take Him Back
Chapter 10-New Girl
Chapter 11-War
Chapter 12-Liam To The Rescue
Chapter 13-Liz's Revenge
Chapter 14-Seperate Ways
Chapter 15-Plan B
Chapter 16-Odd Bonding
Chapter 17-101 Heartbreak Lane
Chapter 18-I Won His Heart
Chapter 19-A Not So Nice Surprise
Chapter 21-A Night of Drinking
Chapter 22-Hello Tour, Goodbye Liz
Chapter 23-Odd Discoveries and Annoying Roommates
Chapter 24-Someone's In Love
Chapter 25-I Totally Just Blew It
Chapter 26-Finding Zayn
Chapter 27-Lost
Chapter 28-Crazy?
Chapter 29-Deadly Secrets
Chapter 30-Coming Clean
Chapter 31-Caught In A Trap
Chapter 32-A Big Red Sign That Reads "Danger! Trouble Ahead!"
Chapter 33-It's All Downhill From Here.....Literally
Chapter 34-Shit's Gettin' Real
Chapter 35-Unexpected.....
Chapter 36-Welcome To The World Dylan Riley Payne
Chapter 37-A New Mother
Chapter 38-By My Side
Chapter 39-I'd Take A Grenade For Ya...Or A Bullet In This Case...
Chapter 40-Weak
Chapter 41-We Can't Just Leave Him
Chapter 42-Can I Have This Dance?
Chapter 43-You Can't Please Everybody
Chapter 44-I Really Love You....No Not You
Chapter 45-The List
Chapter 46-Lost And Found
Chapter 47-Your Worst Nightmare
Chapter 48-Save Me
Chapter 49-A Sudden Change In Home
Chapter 50-His Inner Demon
Chapter 51-Prentending To Not Care Is Harder Than It Seems
Chapter 52-11:11
Chapter 53-Near Death Expierences Are Never Fun

Chapter 20-Locked In

4K 110 9
By WereNotInvisible

" hurts," I whine.

"How long has it been hurting?" Harry asks.

"A while. If I run or walk a long distance my knee begins to bother me."

"Does it feel any better?"

"No. Not really."

"We'll be out of here in a bit," Harry whispers.

"How much longer?" I ask.

"Until we know that there are no more fans in the hotel," he tells me, "I'll check to see if the coast's clear."

Harry holds his breath as he places his right hand on the doorknob to the closet. He tries to turn the doorknob but it won't move. He plays with the doorknob a while longer until he huffs and folds his arms in frustration.

"What's the matter?" I ask.

"The door's locked-"

"We're locked in?!?!?" I freak out.

"It's gonna be alright just calm down-"

"Do not tell a girl, especially a pregnant girl to calm down Harry!" I argue.

"Liz, Liz it's OK. Just chill," Harry reassures me, "we're gonna get out of here-"

"Yeah, when?" I snap.

Harry sits on the floor next to me and looks at my stomach. I glance down at it and cover it with my arms, afraid that Harry will judge me. He probably thinks I'm a slut.

"What am I gonna do?" I ask, breaking the silence between us, "Eleanor's being so nice to me. She's gonna hate me when she finds out Louis' the father."

"You might be doing her a favor," Harry states.

"How is getting knocked up by her boyfriend a favor?" I ask, dumbfounded.

"Well, if Eleanor can't have kids, you could give the baby to them-"

"Yeah but who says that I wanna give it up?"

"You don't?" Harry asks.

"Not really," I whisper, "god I was so stupid! I wasn't thinking. I was so selfish. I just wanted to get rid of Eleanor and now look at what I've done. I've gotten the two of us locked in a closet and now practically half the band hates me-"

"Who hates you?" Harry asks.

"Zayn, I think Niall, and probably Louis," I tell him.

"I'll try calling Liam," Harry says as he reaches in his back pocket to grab his phone, "we have a problem."

"You lost your phone didn't you?" I ask.

"No. There's no service in here," Harry answers.

"That was my second guess. I'm sorry Harry."


"You treated me so nicely and I treated you like shit. I bet you think I'm a slut-"

"Liz, that's the last thing I'd ever think of you as. You're amazing, and you're not a slut-"

"But I am. I was a sex slave-"

"That was because we made you a sex slave," Harry interrupts, "you didn't have a choice."

"Yeah-ow!" I cry in pain.

"How far along are you?" Harry asks.

"About three months," I tell him as I feel my very small baby bump.

"So you and Liam? When did this happen?"

"About a week ago. He was just so sweet and he was being so nice and-"

"You fell right into his little innocent guy trap-"

"He is not using me! Harry, why do you always try to make the other members of your band seem like assholes? They are so sweet-"

"I just don't want you to make a mistake. I just want to protect you. You're like my little sister. I care a lot about you, Liz."

"I care about you too Harry," I whisper as I kiss his cheek.

Right before my lips touch Harry's cheek, he turns his head, causing me to give him a soft kiss on his lips. I open my eyes in shock and drop my jaw while Harry just smiles.

"Harry! You know I'm with Liam. What kind of friend are you?" I ask.

"I'm sorry! I can't help it if I'm attracted to you. And you know that you're attracted to me too, you just don't wanna admit it."

"I'm attracted to Liam and only Liam," I tell him as I stand up and attempt to open the door, "open you stupid door!!!"

"Liz, it's not gonna open just like that," Harry stops me.


"Liz...." Harry trails off.

"I just wanna get out of here," I whisper as I begin crying.

"Liz we're gonna get out of here. Just relax," Harry reassures me.

"Give me your phone," I instruct.

Harry follows my instructions and pulls out his phone. When I grab it, I begin waving it in the air, desperate to get a signal. I stick my phone against the door, desperate. I tell Harry to lift me up to see if any signal was available up higher. When I see one bar appear on his phone, I squeal in delight.

"You get a signal?" Harry asks.

"Uh huh," I tell him as I dial Liam's phone number.

"Hello?" Liam greets.

"Liam! It's me baby. Harry and I are locked in a closet," I tell him.


"The floor we were on when we got mobbed. We're in a janitors closet," I explain.

"Alright, the lads and I will be right there," he says as he hangs up.

"We're saved!" I cheer when I hang up.

"Liam's gonna come get us?" Harry asks.

"Yeah," I smile.

About an hour or so passes when we hear a slight knock on the door.

"Liam?" I call.

"Liz? You in there?" Liam asks.

"Yeah. Open this freaking door already," I demand.

"Someone tied a chair to the door handle. It might be a bit till we untie the rope that has the chair tied to the door," Liam explains.

"That's fine. Just hurry. I'm beginning to feel sick."

"Oh god," Harry mumbles.

"The smell of the cleaning supplies is beginning to get to me," I tell him.

"Hold on. I'll find you a bucket," Harry says as he begins searching.

"I hate crazed fans," I hear Liam mumble, causing me to giggle, "almost got it untied."

"Oh thank god!" Harry cheers.

A minute passes and suddenly the doorknob turns, revealing Liam and the rest of the boys, along with Eleanor, standing in front of us. I run out of the closet and hug Liam and thank him for saving us. I turn around to see Harry having a half smile, half hurt look on his face.

I think that he cares about me a lot more than I think he does.

But, he thinks of me as a little sister so I'd stand no chance if I wanted to go out with him because I'm stuck in the friend zone with him.

But for some reason.......

I'm OK with that.......

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