The Angel {Clint Barton...

By _Ruthie_3124_

69K 1.4K 67

Emma was an agent at S.H.E.I.L.D. But she stopped because it was beginning to be to much for her. When she w... More

Going to S.H.E.I.L.D Again
Going to Germany
Meeting Hulk and Fighting Clint
Talking with Clint
Talking to all the Avengers and Infirmary Runs
War and Almost Dying
Figuring Out Whats Wrong with Needles
Getting Yelled At and Getting Hugs
Talking to Bruce and Getting Yelled at Again
Avengers Tower and Singing with Tony
Getting Forced to Eat a Huge Lunch/Dinner + Clint turning into mini-Hulk
6 Months Later
Wedding Time
Ultrasound + Having the Baby
First Steps and Word
6 Years Later

Breaking Point/Pain

4.7K 89 4
By _Ruthie_3124_

{Emma's P.O.V}
I heard the door open so I turned toward it. I saw Clint in the doorway, so I turned away and started to walk away. But I felt someone grab my hips to make me not walk away. They turned me around and what I saw didn't surprise me. Clint was standing there and looking at me, I couldn't let him see my face so I look down instead. He said "Emma look at me." I shook my head and went to wipe off my face, but of course Clint took my hands so I couldn't do that. He said again "Emma look at me." "No Clint I'm not looking at you." "Why not?" "Because Clint I can't!" "Why can't you?" "Because if I do then you'll see the p..." "The what?" "Nothing, nothing at all!" "Emma why won't you tell me anything?!" "Because Clint! I just don't! It's not a big deal! I can't tell everything to you, all the time!" "Yes you can! You can tell me anything and everything!" I just look down (still crying) and start to walk away,  but Clint grabbed my hips and pulled me back. I ending up with my back against his chest. I tried to get away but he wouldn't let go. He then said "Emma tell me what's wrong! I want to know so I can help you!" While he was saying this, I was still crying. The tears wouldn't stop.
{Clint's P.O.V}
I said to Emma "Emma tell me what's wrong! I want to know so I can help you!" She was still looking down, I felt something on my hands, so I looked at them and saw tears. I turn her around so she is facing me. I still have a hand on her hip when I whisper "Can you please tell me Emma?" She nods but is still looking down, so I grab her chin and tilt her head up so I can see her face.
{Emma's P.O.V}
He makes me look up at him. I say to him "The problem is I can't remember anything. Then while I was gone I remembered some stuff. One was of my parents telling me not to show my pain and not to cry in front of people. Then another was while I was in HYDRA I made one friend, then he got his memory wiped so he didn't remember me. They made us fight, but I refused to because he was to much like a brother to me! Then half the time I'm here I don't talk to people because I don't remember or know them. I've had in some agents come up to me and...never mind." "What were you going to say Emma?!" "Nothing because if I say something I know you will hurt them or worse kill them!" "What did they do?!" "They just pick on me and make fun of me because I don't talk." "Emma you do talk, they are just wanting to find an easy victim so they chose you. But they don't know anything about you! And what were you going to say when we were in the infirmary?" "I might as well tell you, I have powers from HYDRA. I have telekinesis and when someone makes physical contact or eye contact I know everything about them. It's creepy!" "That makes sense now, but what did you say to get me out of Loki's spell?" "Oh that wasn't important. I didn't really say anything." He gave me a look then checked my cut on my arm. "Emma we need to go back to the infirmary! Your cut is bleeding again! Did you know?" "I was vaguely aware of it." And smiled sheepishly. He gave me a stern look, then looked around the room. "Emma there is blood all around the floor from your arm!" I looked around and noticed. I pulled away from him and started walking, but after about 4 steps, I collapsed. Before I hit the floor Clint caught me. He looked down at me and said "I'm carrying you to the infirmary." I shook my head but he just ignored me and picked me up bridal style. He started running because I continued to bleed from my arm. We finally got to the infirmary and they fixed me up. They doctors told us "Fury is expecting you but Emma you've lost to much blood. You're going to be weak, so Clint needs to carry you!" I tried to shake my head but Clint already picked me up. We went to fury and he saw me and asked "Why is Emma being carried?" Clint replied before I could say anything "We fought and I ended up cutting her down the arm, she lost to much blood. So now they told me I have to carry her." I look at Fury and say "I can walk. I don't care that I apparently lost to much strength. I'm find thank you very much! Now put me down Clint!" I smacked his chest and he put me down. Once I was on the ground I started walking to the training room. I heard Clint start following me after saying bye to Fury. I went straight to the gymnastics part and practiced while Clint was doing archery.

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