Promise Me //1D Completed [✔️]

By missnovicewriter

39.1K 1.8K 273

The Foster Care system is a home to a millions of diverse and unique young adults. Strangely, the system attr... More

Promise Me
Are you afaird of death?
What's it like being in a family?
Will I Ever be Pretty?
What does love look like?
London Bound
Rain & Coffee
Pumpkin Everything
A White Halloween
An Eternal Memory
My Best Friend
'Tis the Season
Kicking off in London
Le Grand Palias
Mud Wrestling
Take Me Home
Dishonor on you!
A + Q
Unexpected Roomates
McDonalds Breakfast
This Is Us
Two Voices
Lesson Learned
Boarding Australia
Start of Somethig New
Anything But You
Sad Song
Thank You
Forever Your's

Date Shenanigans

633 35 5
By missnovicewriter

Tegan's P.O.V
July 2013


"I'm going out to pizza with Adelaide, her boyfriend and uh," I hesitate.

I'm on video chat with the boys. Only Harry, Niall and Louis are there. Ziam must be up to no good.

"Go on, Tegan," Louis squints his eyes

"I've got it! She's finally admitted her crush on Romeo!" Harry points his finger in Louis's face. "I told ya it'd happen by summer!"

Louis hits his fingers away and my eyes grow wide. In the background, Niall looks up from his guitar.

"Tegan's got a crush on Romeo?" Niall inquires.

"Sorry, T was I not supposed to say that?" Harry asks, innocently.

"Hazza," I groan, pressing my palm to my hand.

"Oh I see, you tell Harry secrets now and not me?" Louis complains.

"I did not tell Harry I had a crush on Romeo." I swear.

"Oh but you do have a crush on him? You just didn't tell me?" Harry grins, mischievously.

I cover my eyes with my hands.

I don't think someone writes songs for people they don't care about. Romeo is so incredibly frustrating though. I'd be a fool to have a crush on him.

"I'm going to pizza with Nathan." I correct him.

"See, I thought you were in love with Nathan." Niall admits.

"What? No!" I scrunch my nose up.

I laugh, genuinely.

Me and Nathan?

Now, that's funny.

"We're just friends." I clarify.

"Kinda like Adelaide and Niall?" Louis remarks.

My mouth falls open. Did I not tell them Adelaide has a boyfriend? I most definitely did.

"Shut up, Lou." Niall chucks a rolled up sock at him.

Louis laughs, humorously.

"Oh, Tegan I meant to mention, El told me you've got lungs. She said in Barcelona you sang to every song on the stereo." Louis recalls.

"Really?" I feel slightly embarrassed. "Yeah, I've been listening to music, practicing the piano."

"That's wicked! After tour I'll show you a thing or two." He promises. "I'm practically Elton John."

Harry rolls his eyes at him, shaking his head.

"We've got to go, T. We've got sound check in Nashville." Harry informs me.

"Please, bring me a cowboy hat." I plead.

"Okay, so you're disowned." Louis looks at me disgusted.

"I'll bring ya cowboy boot salt and pepper shakers." Niall jokes.

"I'd LOVE that."


Nathan and I sit next to each other, Adelaide and Q facing us.

"Okay, lets go back and forth, rolling off questions. Answer the first thing that comes to your head." Nathan turns his body towards me.

"Okay, go!" I say, ready.

"Whipped cream or hot fudge?" Nathan questions, raising an eyebrow.

"Hot fudge," I answer, simply. "Have you ever laughed so hard you peed your pants?"

"Oh, yeah." He chuckles, not seeming even slightly embarrassed. "If you had to eat at one restaurant for the rest of your life, where would it be?"

"Anything that serves Mexican food," I answer."What are your nicknames, even the embarrassing ones?"

"Nater Tot," He confesses. "What was your first impression of me?"

"Obnoxious," I blink. "What was your first impression of me?"

"She's in love with Romeo."

Immediately, I turn my body, facing into the table, then laying my head down. Nathan's laugh bellows next to me.

"Come on stranger, don't get embarrassed. It's okay, he's sexy."

"Do not say sexy." I groan, leaving my head on the table.

He puts his hand on my neck, attempting to get me to bring my face up. I sit up, looking at him with an unamused expression.

"You're pretty cute when you're embarrassed." He teases.

"Shut up!"

"Look, I know you girls think all guys are the same, but Romeo's a good lad. No, I am not his wingman. I'm just saying. Romeo's a hard egg to crack, but trust me, he's a total softy. I can feel it, you guys have got something."


"Nathan!" I yell, throughout the used clothing store.

I've lost him in a thrift store.

"How do I look?" Nathan's voice says from behind me.

I turn around, immediately doubling over in laughter. Nathan has pulled horrid pieces of clothing off the racks and completely changed into them.

"Oh, so cute," I answer, sarcastically.

"Come on, I'll pick you out an outfit, too." Nathan grabs my hand.

I laugh as he drags me through the racks.

"This is perfect!" Nathan laughs, holding up a grey sweater with sock monkey faces on it in front of my face.

Next, we're in the trousers aisle. I hold the hanger of the sweater in my hand while he flips through.

"Oh, this is to die for!" He laughs, pulling out a mustard coloured skirt. "Put it on!"

I pull the sweater on over my t-shirt, covering my jean shorts with my skirt. The skirt is too big slipping up easily and falling below my knees.

I run to the racks of shoes and pick out a pair of lace up military styles boots. I tie them on my feet, then pivoting and striking a pose for Nathan behind me.

"What in the hell are you two doing?" Adelaide appears behind Nathan.

"Take my film camera, Adelaide! Take a picture of us!" I insist.

Nathan is wearing a Noah's Ark dress over his long sleeved shirt and shorts.

After our photograph, I quickly remove everything, hanging it back neatly. I return everything back to its correct section.

"Oh, my God. This is mine, today, right now." Nathan gasps, holding adult sized footie pajamas.

This is ugliest adult sized footie pajamas I have ever laid eyes on. It is green with candy canes and Christmas ornaments covering it. Nathan starts pulling the legs over his shorts, and slipping his arms through the holes.

"Zip me up." Nathan begs.

I laughed, obliging and zipping it up to his collarbones. he scammers over to the mirror next to the dressing rooms.

"I look like I have a saggy vagina." Nathan remarks, laughing.

I laugh so hard my stomach aches.

"I'm purchasing this immediately. My mom gave me eight dollars."

"Kids are you-" Adelaide returns, staring down at her cell phone.

Her sentence stops when she looks up at Nathan.

"Stop being hellions and let's go."

Nathan and I laugh, but for some reason I'm annoyed by her disinterest.

"Uh oh," Nathan gasps.

"Uh oh?" I repeat.

"Tegan, it won't unzip!" He sounds panicked, pulling on the zipper aggressively.

"Stop! That won't help!" I pull his hands away from the zipper.

I attempt to gently pull the zipper down, but it doesn't budge. I try again, this time giving it an extra tug.

"Uh oh!" My eyes widen. "Nathan you're stuck."

"I can't be! Keep trying!" Nathan demands, laughing at himself.

After a couple minutes, I finally get it unzipped. Nathan quickly stepped out of it, putting it back in it spot.

At the front of the store, Adelaide and Q are waiting for us.

"What took you guys so long?" Q asks.

Nathan and I glance at each other before doubling over in laughter.


I'm going to hell

straight to hell

the devil and I are gonna be tight asf

~ Mrs. Tyson Devil


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