The Pretend Boyfriend

By lilbrooklin

986K 28.5K 6.5K

It started with one lie. One day, as Evelyn is made fun of by her bully for not having a boyfriend, she surpr... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
please read.

Chapter 25

26.8K 875 256
By lilbrooklin

            I just stared at him in shock. For about five minutes. The air between us was tense, and I’m pretty sure I looked like a deer in the headlights.

            People don’t talk about their first ‘I love you’ very often. But it’s supposed to be a big deal. I never imagined my first ‘I love you’ to happen while I was covered in mud. I guess life works in strange ways.

            Realizing I wasn’t going to speak anytime soon, Ashton spoke up. “Evelyn, say something. Please.” Nope. Nothing. “Evelyn?”

            “I-you-what-I-” I couldn’t form an actual sentence. “I’m going to sit down.” I sat on the chair I had been previously sitting on five minutes earlier.

            “Sorry if that was a bit of a shock,” Ashton rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. “But I had to tell you.”

            I didn’t join in the conversation, so Ashton kept talking. “And look, I get it if you don’t feel the same way…” he looked really sad.

            “It’s not that I don’t feel the same way,” I rushed. “I’m just really, really confused and if I try to think about my feelings I’m sure I’ll start hyperventilating and I’m pretty sure my heart is just about to explode or fall out of my chest right now and that would be really, really gross because who wants to see someone else’s beating heart on the ground. Oh and I’d be dead. Which would also kinda suck. And I don’t wanna die, I’m only sixteen. Well, I’m almost seventeen because my birthday is in a week and Lee said we should hang out, but I know she is throwing me a surprise birthday party because she accidentally sent me the text along with everyone else. Lee really needs to work on her party planning skills-” I stopped, gasping for air. “Oh. Sorry.”

            Ashton laughed at my horrible babbling. “I’ve missed you, Evie. But I can wait and give you space if you need it.”

            I watched him as he talked, my gaze lowering to his lips. His perfect, soft, pink lips. Okay, stop thinking about how much you want to kiss him.

            “You want to kiss me?” Ashton smirked, and I quickly met his gaze again, my cheeks turning a bright crimson.

            “I d-didn’t mean that,” I stammered, looking away.

            “Okay. Well, if you need time to think, I’m okay with that,” Ashton told me with a small smile.

            In that moment I realized I didn’t need to think about. I knew exactly how I felt about Ashton. Although I had been denying it for the last couple weeks, and who knows how long before that, I now realized what I wanted. No, I needed Ashton in my life.

            I wasn’t sure how to tell Ashton this, so I did the next best thing. I stood up from the chair so I was only a few inches shorter than him. Standing on my tiptoes, I lightly pressed my lips against his.

            He didn’t react for a few moments, his eyes wide. Then he realized what was happening, because I felt his lips move with mine. He tasted like honey and mint; his lips were as warm and soft as they looked. When I closed my eyes, I saw bright colors dancing behind my eyelids and I never wanted this kiss to end. It was perfect.

            One of his hands snaked around my waist, pulling me closer to him, while the other tangled in my hair. I don’t know how long we kissed, but we were so entranced that we didn’t notice the front door opening.

            “Gross, get a room,” someone exclaimed obnoxiously. That someone happened to be Ryan. Ashton and I both broke apart hastily, and I quickly tugged the hem of my shirt down from where it had rose up a few inches. If I wasn’t blushing before, I definitely was now.

            “Yeah, ewww. This is the kitchen. People eat here,” Lee complained, plopping herself down on a stool. “Speaking of eating, someone make me food please.”

            If Ashton was embarrassed about us being walked in on, he didn’t show it. Instead, he scowled at Lee.

            “Make your own food,” he told her. “Wait no, this is my house. Go somewhere else.”

            “No. Make me food,” Lee repeated, leaning her head on the table. She patted the stool next to her. “Come sit, Evelyn.”

            Rolling my eyes, I reluctantly sat beside her. “What are you doing here?” I questioned curiously.

            “Apparently keeping you from doing anything R-rated, if you know what I mean,” Lee winked at me.

            I hit her on the shoulder. “You’re disgusting Lee,” I hoped Ashton hadn’t heard her. Last thing I needed right now was to be even more embarrassed. Thankfully, Ryan and him were having their own conversation.

            “So how was it?” Lee asked, staring at me intently.

            “How was what?” I asked stupidly, frowning in confusion.

            “The kiss, idiot. Was it good? Did you use tongue? How long did it last?” She rapidly asked me her questions, an eager expression on her face.

            “You’re so nosy,” I told her, smacking her on the arm again. Ryan came over and put his arms around Lee.

            “Don’t hit my girlfriend,” Ryan started with a smirk. “Only I can do that.”

            I laughed at his joke, which caused Lee to glare at me now. “That was actually funny,” I said to Ryan.

            “So why are you here?” I asked him, realizing I never got an answer from Lee. She was too busy embarrassing me.

            “Well, we were driving around and Lee said she was hungry and demanded I take her to the nearest place with food. Since I have a key and I didn’t think Ashton was home….” Ryan trailed off, glancing at Ashton.

            “Wait, so when I’m not here, you just come and take my food?” Ashton demanded with an annoyed expression.

            Ryan replied with ‘no’ just as Lee said the opposite. Ashton continued to look agitated, but didn’t say anything.

            “I’m actually hungry,” I finally spoke. “Can’t you make us some food, please?”

            “I’ll make you food because I love you, and I’ll make Ryan food because he’s my bro. But none for the annoying girl,” Ashton said, turning around and pulling a frying pan out of the cabinet.

            Even though he had said it a little while ago, when he told me he loved me, my heart sped up. You know those ceiling fans that are going so fast that you think they’ll fall off and kill you in a freak fan-accident? Well that’s how my heart felt right about now.

            “Since when did you start using the L word?” Lee gasped, looking from me to Ashton in shock.

            “She hasn’t said it,” Ashton said over his shoulder, opening the fridge. I felt guilty. I mean, I know I kissed him and I definitely like him a lot, but do I love him? I don’t know if I was ready to say it. I hadn’t even known him for more than two months.

            “Don’t worry, I’m not rushing you,” Ashton quickly added, seeing my expression. “Take your time Babe.”

            I wrinkled my nose at his nickname. “I hate that pet name. Please don’t call me that.”

            “Okay, sure babe,” Ashton laughed, cracking an egg into a bowl. “Oh, and I’m making eggs. You all better like scrambled, because this isn’t a restaurant.”

            “Why aren’t you making me food?” Lee complained again, receiving a smirk from Ashton.

            “Yeah, come on man. Be nicer to my girlfriend,” Ryan added.                                

            “She slapped me!” Ashton exclaimed, causing Lee to now smirk in triumph.

            “Well you deserved it! It was a pretty good slap though,” she grinned at me, but I just rolled my eyes. Oh, Lee.

            Ryan, Lee, and I chatted for a few minutes while Ashton cooked. After a while, Ashton spoke again.

            “Hey Lee,” he turned around to smirk. “You should really pay more attention to who you’re texting in a large group.”

            Lee looked confused for a few moments before realization struck her. “Damnit! Do you know Evelyn?”

            I laughed at her annoyed expression. “Yeah, you sent me the details about the party.”

            “Well still act surprised, okay?” Lee looked disappointed. “Maddie worked really hard on it too, so you better be grateful and look shocked.”

            I grinned at her. “Sure.” Lee wasn’t convinced at my acting skills, so she made me show her my surprised faces.

            “The first one is too surprised, the second you look scared, and the third one makes you look constipated,” Lee informed me.

            I glared at her. “Thanks,” I told her sarcastically.

            “No problem,” she smirked, turning to face Ryan. They began talking about some movie they saw, and I quickly began to feel like an awkward third wheel.

            “Here you go,” Ashton interrupted my awkwardness by handing me a plate of eggs. Yum. I thanked him and began eating. They were pretty good eggs. Ryan ended up sharing his with Lee.   

            I realized I was still in my disgusting clothes from when I went running. “Hey, can you give me a ride home?” I asked Ryan.

            “If you’re giving her a ride home, you can just drop me off at her house too,” Lee told her boyfriend. Ryan nodded.

            “Why are you coming to my place?” I asked Lee. I grinned at her before adding jokingly, “I don’t want you there.”

            “Haha. You always want me there,” Lee replied, taking a last bite of her egg. “Actually, I just want to watch your TV. Mine isn’t working right.”   

            “Whatever,” I laughed at her reason. Sometimes I feel like Lee just came over to eat my food and watch my TV. Probably.

            I noticed Ashton was just standing there not saying anything as Lee and Ryan stood up to leave.

            “Umm… so I’m going to go now,” I told him. I noticed the brief disappointment that appeared on his face, but he quickly hid it with a smile. “But we’ll definitely talk later about stuff, and us, and… yeah.” I didn’t really know what else.

            “Okay Evie,” he leaned over and placed a kiss on my forehead. Even that simple gesture made my head spin. “Just call me when you want to talk.”

            I nodded and followed Lee and Ryan out of the room. Once we were out of earshot, Lee frowned at me. “Darn. I was really Team Michael.”

            I looked at her in confusion. “Team Michael?” I repeated, closing the front door behind us.

            “Yeah. You know how in Twilight, there is Team Jacob and Team Edward? Well in your life, there is Team Michael and Team Ashton. I like Michael better.” She explained.

            “You’re just upset because Ashton didn’t make you food,” I teased. “And my life isn’t anything like the Twilight Saga. Ashton isn’t a sparkly vampire.”

sorry it's shorter than usual! eep! to all of my american readers, happy fourth of july! well, it was  yesterday. i went to see the fireworks! :D i think the 4 of july is one of my favorite holidays! it's just so much fun!

if you found any mistakes, please let me know. like usual, i didn't really edit this chapter. i apologizze for my laziness.

vote and comment and fan and i love you!

edit 12/31/14: go check out my new story, "Remember the Music"

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