The beginning is with a mark

By zelli_nelly

37.1K 1.3K 272

Arthur has gotten a mark, of spades even though he lives in clubs.. What could it mean? Alfred is Prince of s... More

Ch. 1: A mark
Ch. 2: A King and A Queen finally chosen
Ch.3:A fiancé problem and a new Jack
Ch.4: Magic!
Ch.5: Busy.
Ch.7: Quelling a rebellion
Ch.8: A bad memory
Ch.9: A wedding ritual
Ch.10: Problems
Ch.11: replicated Queens
Ch. 12: infiltration
Ch.13: an escape?
Ch.14: re-union and wars
Ch.15: beginnng of war
Ch.16: Oliver Kirkland
Ch. 17: the old Queens Ritual
Ch.18: not the end
Ch.19: the jokers tale
Ch.20: begining to remember
Ch.21: a jealous Queen
Ch.22: His Unrequitted Love
Ch.23: remembering hurts
Ch.24: Clara The Clock
Ch.25: The Deck...
Ch.26: Daniel.
Ch.27: "pregnancy test"
Ch.28: hello again
BOOK 2: ch.1; The Crossover

Ch.6: Rebellion

1.7K 61 12
By zelli_nelly

Arthur woke up to the midst of a dimension. He looked around as two jokers sat and watched the present time and the past and the was like looking into different dimensions with different outcomes. The future was divided into 6 different portals. As if they couldn't settle anything concrete.
Arthur gazed into the present portal and watched as a maid found him lying on the floor and began running away yelling for help.
"For decks sake, Artie was stupid" Gilbert said as he looked back at Arthur.
"Hey jerk! You didn't listen to the warning Gilbert told you. You are stupid" the smaller younger joker said. His blue eyes gazing at arthurs in disapprovement,
Gilbert stood up and walked towards Arthur, "welcome to the dimension of the jokers"
"Am-am I dead?" Arthur asked
"Not yet. But we aren't sure of anything yet, depends on what Alfred does from this point on" Gilbert informed
"Jerk! You're so stupid. You may as well proclaim war with all the kingdoms" the younger joker said as he 'tsked' as Arthur,
"You are a rude git!" Arthur yelled back
"Peter, what have I told you about telling more than you should?" Gilbert asked the younger joker
"If I have to inform someone about their future, I have to do it in riddles...or something"
"Exactly. Don't tell Artie what may happen"
"May happen? You mean war? I need to tell Alfred and-"
"You're unconscious. You can't tell Alfred anything. And besides you're not queen unless you marry Alfred, remember that" Gilbert said in a serious tone.
Arthur looked at the present portal, "I'm not getting out of here soon am I?" He asked
"Not in the least, but-! Hey! You get to spend time with awesome me!"

Alfred had been dressing up when he heard a maid screaming for help.
She yelled in worry and fear. The entire kingdom must of her her cries, because in that moment. The corridors were full of knights and people. Alfred ran immediately to arthurs room to find him collapsed on the ground, a tea cup at his side. Alfred took arthurs pulse, his heart was beating slowly and quietly but he was alive, his breathes were shallow and quiet. His skin pale, and his eyes closed. Alfred picked up Arthur and placed him carefully on the bed. The royals made their way into the room.
"What happened? I heard that mon Cher was dead-" Francis said as lily slightly made a worries face towards him. "I don't think-" he began saying to her but Ludwig entered the room.
"If I am correct, Kiku may be of help but-" he began saying in a strong tone. Kiku gazed at his King and nodded.
"I understand"
Kiku walked towards Arthur and placed his hand on him, not chanting any words but rather closing his eyes. His hands began spreading magic over Arthur, like a spell.
"What are you-" Alfred began asking but Ludwig placed a hand on his shoulder.
"It's a way to find out how Arthur became like this. Almost like a spell to heal" Ludwig informed. His Jack was holding on to Ludwig,
"ve~ will he be alright?"
Elizavéta walked into the room, her face shocked. "What happened to cute Arthur?" She asked worried
Kiku opened his eyes. He looked at Arthur and back at Alfred. "He's becoming weaker. My healing won't help. He's been some sort of enchanted plant that was placed into his tea. But I don't know how to get enchanted medicine" Kiku informed Alfred. Alfred stayed at Arthurs side and sighed heavily.
"I-I know someone who can...try an heal him" lily spoke
"Not him" basch replied
"You mean Monsieur tori?" Francis asked
"Who?" Alfred asked lily, standing up and walking up to her in a rush.
"He's...a fairy doctor...more or less...but he's very kind, and can help. It's just I don't know where he lives right now" she spoke quietly
Alfred looked at the ground disappointed. Francis sighed and snapped his fingers. A servant arrived immediately. "Call my Ace Antonio. I need him immediately"
"Your Ace?" Basch asked
"Antonio, oui! He'll find tori, after all tori is Lithuanian and Antonio has given him shelter in his home before"
"I don't like him" basch replied with a slight glare
"Porquoi? Antonio is parfait! For le job" Francis said as Alfred thanked him.

That evening. Alfred stayed at arthurs side, he sat at the bed side. Gazing at the English man. He looked at the details in his face. Alfred had noticed the stacks of eyebrows the English man had. His crest on his neck, the lovely intricate design on it and arthurs lips. They seemed nice. Arthurs breathing was quiet but steady. His hands were cold but delicate. Alfred gazed at Arthur... "I can't believe you're gonna leave me too...please don't leave me alone...please? If you come back I'll promise you a kiss and a ring. Please?" Alfred whispered into arthurs ear as he placed a kiss on his forehead. He knew Arthur couldn't hear him. Not that he thought but just this one time, he wanted a true miracle.

Arthur gazed into the portal of the present time, he could feels tears fall down his face. "That git..." Arthur mumbled as he cleared off a tear from his eyes. He couldn't understand why he cared so much for Alfred when they had meet a couple weeks ago. How could he have fallen in love with him, so quickly. The jokers weren't around since they had things to do, things like supervising the other kingdoms. Or something....

The next morning in the real world, Antonio the Diamonds Ace arrived. He had the Lithuanian doctor at his side. Tori walked into the room and took arthurs pulse as well as his temperature, looked at the spades crest and sprinkled some fairy dust. The Lithuanian doctor looked at Alfred and smiled. "I'm pretty sure he will be fine in a day or two if I brew some herbs and magic together but King please get some rest, you look tired." Tori said
"He's...special...I can't sleep without knowing he's safe" Alfred said
"Leave him to me, he'll be fine! Besides, if you can't. I know that Miss Natalie could watch him. She's very pretty! Do you know if she likes anyone?" Tori asked with hope in his eyes.
"She's cold as ice. I doubt you could make her love you or even like you" Alfred said with a laugh
"Please! Please let her watch Mr. Kirkland this night. I just want to know her" the Lithuanian said with a pleading face. Alfred chuckled . "Sure. I'll see what I can do"

That night, Natalie watched Arthur. She showed no worry, even if she 'liked' him. But she didn't care. It was her responsibility to be married with someone of well status and of use to her brother. The Lithuanian sat on the opposite side of her, " names tori, I'm Lithuanian and...the one who's caring for Arthur tonight"
"I don't care about you. If Arthur lives or dies, it's your fault won't it be?" She asked, no emotion.
"You don't have to be mean. I was just saying-"
"So what? All men are the same. No one cares for me and I won't care for anyone" she said with a high mightiness that made tori slightly smile.
"Men are men, I do know that. We are human, we have flaws and such...but if you did not care for Mr. Kirkland then why are you here?" He asked
"It's my duty. Besides, he was my fiancé until he was proclaimed as Queen of Spades. Now he has to marry the King and I will be left alone again" Natalie said looking distant
"Alone? Again? What happened?"
"None of your business" she said, with a icy and mean tone.
"I was left alone in the woods, and the fairies raised me. Then I went to the diamonds kingdom and joined as a type of doctor...but just for the Queen. Lily saved me loneliness"
"Loneliness? So you like her?" Natalie asked intrigued
"More like, she's like a sister...but not related to me. She's kind, and not pervertive like her King but they're kind."
"Like.." Tori began saying as he stood up to serve some tea, and handed it to her, "I am being kind and giving you tea. Without you asking me." He said, as he looked at some blue roses too. He grabbed one and handed it to her, "and I'm being kind when I give you this blue rose to tell you I like you" he said with a small blush. Natalie gazed at the Lithuanian as she took the rose, And looked at the ground, she could feel a small blush rising up her cheeks,
"I...need to go to sleep" she said as she stood up, rose in her hand and walked out. Tori looked at her as she left and sighed,
"I guess she doesn't like me"

Three days had passed and Arthur slowly began saying small things. In his sleep but he was coming back. Alfred stayed at arthurs side during the nights and days whenever he could. Tori stayed with Arthur in the day but he also had to take his breaks and so the top knight would stay, Ned, or his sister Laura who was a noble.
    Arthur opened his eyes to a sunny day, and Emma sleeping on his stomach. The little fairy was asleep, and curled up on him. Arthur whispered lightly, "emma?"
Tori walked in and laughed. "Mr. Kirkland, you mustn't wake her, she's been there for some time now. And even if I asked her to leave, she wouldn't leave your side. Neither would the king" the Lithuanian said as he gazed at the chair besides his bed. Arthur looked at Alfred who was asleep. Glasses still on, and hair messy, bags under his eyes.
"Alfred?" Arthur called out.
Alfred only shrugged a bit, "Yao..leave me alone. Just 5more...minutes" Alfred mumbled. Arthur felt a laugh surge. He was happy to be back in reality, but he couldn't remember much of his "dreams"
In that moment, Peter appeared, the little joker.
"Hey jerk! I see you're alive, I'm glad. But this out for clubs. Especially it's king" he said as he immediately left.
Alfred woke up and yawned. "Morning Artie" he said with a cute sleepy face."Arthur! Arthur!!" He yelled in excitement as he got up and hugged Arthur. Arthur covered Emma with his hand, trying to protect her when Alfred hugged him.
"You finally woke up! Oh my Deck. You're okay!" He yelled in excitement as he placed a kiss on arthurs lips.
Tori looked away and walked out the room leaving them two. He found Natalie outside and walked with her.
"Calm down alfred!" Arthur said as he blushed. Alfred got off of Arthur and smiled,
"I'm glad you're okay. Could you tell me who poisoned you? Or what they looked like? I would like to personally talk to them." Alfred said with a serious scary tone,
"I'm not sure who he was...but he was definitely from Spades. He said 'it was nice having you as our Queen'"
"Spades huh? is true, people don't like you because you're from clubs" Alfred said
Arthur sighed. He opened his hand that had covered Emma but she wasn't there anymore, she probably disappeared to the fairy realm.
"People don't like me? I mean...I knew that, but I didn't think they would try and kill me" Arthur said before the door flew open and Francis walked in.
"Mon Cher! You're alright! And living! A bit pale but in the end you are quite weird" Francis said with a wink
"Oh shut up frog face!"

Later that afternoon, Arthur was told to go see parliament... Trouble would surge from this meeting. They wanted war, and a rightful queen.
"Arthur Kirkland. You have burdened the King with your....enemies. And problems. You prove to not be worth a Queens position!" The Chief of parliament said
"But I was nearly killed-" Arthur yelled back
"You have burdened our king with your problems! And let's not even get started with how many rebels we have gotten in our own kingdom because of the new Queen. They say that you are a barbarian, unsuited, un trained and worse of all from clubs. Clubs and spades have never been on good terms. And so we must rid you of your position as Queen" parliament said.
Arthur felt trapped, his negotiation skills had completely left him. Francis walked in,
"With all do respect, Monsieur. Mon Cher here, is very well qualified as future Queen, he may look beautiful in a dress!" Francis said as he walked in, being the only one in orange from all the spades.
"Why are you here, your majesty?" The chief asked
"I came here in the place of mon Cher's King. Arthur here is clubs but wouldn't the Spades King and this noble of clubs marriage be a good alliance between the kingdoms?" Francis asked
"It would not. Our kingdoms would never accept it! Besides, king of diamonds this is not your kingdom"
"But I do have authority and an alliance with this kingdom" Francis informed. "I have been king for atleast 5 years now. You do not want Diamonds as enemies do you?" Francis said with a smirk as he winked at Arthur.
"He causes trouble! He is better off back in clubs than here with our king" an aristocrat yelled out. Chaos erupted in the court of parliament. Arthur clenched his fists and without him trying, a circle of magic under him opened. Letting fire rise from around him, not leaving the circle but rising.
Parliament shushed up, and watched Arthur. All eyes on him. Francis stood and felt a small fear run through his body.
"I certainly am a Noble of Clubs. But my ties to Clubs will not! absolutely not! Keep me from helping my King rule a this country! I am faithful to this country and I shall not betray it, it is true I have not married the dear King and I may sound silly when I say that I do love him." Arthur said as the fires quelled down.
"You are still a danger, with magic that strong" the chief said. Francis waved at him, "don't worry Monsieur! the Queens could help your Queen with his amazing power, don't you agree Cher?"
Arthur rolled his eyes, "whatever frog face"
A servant walked in and whispered something into the chief parliaments ear,
"A rebellion has broken out In our country again...our military is trying to quell them...but they are far more resistant. They demand that the Queen should be taken out of our Royal family." He announced to Arthur.
"Then take me there, I may get them to stop" Arthur asked
"The king is there....but even he cannot stop such a rebellion, that has already shed some blood" with those words, Arthur ran out, Francis running at his side,
"What will you do Cher?"
"I'll stop it, and I will most definitely protect Alfred" Arthur said.

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