His Nerd

By summerluvr99

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"You need to understand that I'm not yours Chase. Jake is a part of my life as well, he matters to me." I... More

Author's Note :)
Chapter 1: Meet Me the Nerd
Chapter 2: The Highschool Life
Chapter 3: A hot new friend
Chapter 4: The Unexpected Event
Chapter 5: I'm sorry
Chapter 6: School...
Chapter 7: Forgiven
Chapter 9: The Crush
Chapter 10- The Confession
Chapter 11- The One

Chapter 8: Back to normal... kind of. =D

2K 104 23
By summerluvr99


Chapter 8:

It's finally Friday! The one day of the week that I truly love. Because, you know, it's a school day but you have the weekend to look forward to, a whole 2-day break! Hooray! So i've decided to spend this whole weekend with my two best friends Chase and Jake. Just so that they can start bonding together themselves, so it isn't awkward. Though i highly doubt it wouldn't be with Chase and his stupid sarcastic comments. 

And for some reason, I find Jake to be.... something that words can't even express. He's just so kind, and i can't imgaine being anywhere without him. I followed him the other day, i don't know, he just was so sweet to this little girl who was crying, and i was like "awwwwww". Boy am I turning girly... 

I just had to follow him and the little girl, he took her to the icecream shop nearby the park. Does that make me stalkerish? Probably. Oh well. It's totally worth it. (Now that my fellow people, is the girl in me showing.)

"Honey, get ready for school! Your going to be late if you don't get up now!"

Oh mom... sweet, sweet mom. She came back from that "business trip" today at like 2 am. When I asked her about it she said that she was too tired to talk about it. I really don't understand what business trip she would go to, she's a chef. I'll just talk about it later.  Anywho, what was she talking about? Oh, something about being late for school. Late for school? Oh my grass, i'm going to be late for school! I quickly got off the bed ( no matter how hard it was to be seperated from it) and ran to the bathroom. Sadly, my face hit the door.


"Then why didn't you wake up before princess if you really cared about school ?" I want to choke him right now. Calm down Liz, calm down. You have to deal with your annoying older brother the right way. Through communication, and once in a while a beating.... with a phone..... in my dreams.

"What are you doing anyway? Other than trying to get on my last nerve."

"Do you really want me to specify for you baby sis? Fine, if you wish. I am currently-"

"NO, HECK TO THE NO! Just get out of the bathroom please!" 

"You asked, but fine, since I like you a little i'll open the door. Here." The door opened, and I pushed him out of there as soon as I possibly could.

"Finally, now I can get ready. First thing though, a shower." 

I quickly took a shower, did everything I needed to and put on my clothes. A simple hoodie with my jeans, just the way i liked it. Just when I got a text message from Chase.


Come down Liz (or should I say Liz #1, you know cause of my car, fudge this.) Come down.=P

Oh Chase. I grabbed everything, and ran downstairs, totally unaware of the fact that I almost made my older brother fall down the stairs. Reminder: Later on say sorry to your brother, you know, before he kills you first.

"Do you want a ride? I can give you one, after all i am you older, wiser, smarter, better looking, kinder brother-"

"It's okay Will, Chase is giving me a ride, and yes, if you were wondering, we made up. And bye mom!" 

Once I stepped into his car, I punched Chase in the shoulder. Lightly, but still punched.

"What was that for?"

"That was for being the douchebag you normally are, and, because i just felt like hurting someone today after what happened in the morning.

" "Why is it always me? What happened today, anyways?"

"Short story, no time, now let's go to school!"

- At School-

I have Algebra for one period today, and it's only been 20 minutes, and I'm already dying. The minute Mrs. Marks gets two words out of her mouth even if it's simply "Good morning" you just want to die. She always has this sad, depressing aroma around her, and i can't help but frown when i'm in her class. Or laugh secretly like the rest of the class, because once she smiles ( which she barely does) you can see what she ate for breakfast and it's almost always egg. It's sad, and i feel guilty that I laugh but it's not my fault she doesn't know how to floss and brush her teeth properly in general. 

"Hey Liz, did you hear about the rumor of Chase liking some girl that is NOT his girlfriend Megan?" Chase has a crush on someone, and it's not her? How could he not tell me this, what is the point of being best friends if he hides such a big secret? Calm down Liz, it might just be false, after all it is just a rumour.

 "That's nice, wait, why are you telling me this Chelsea? You don't even like me, you called me a nerd who has no social life, and is into only books." I didn't care about what she said, she's not the only one. But did she seriously have to tell me if she didn't even like me?

"Ugh. Whatever, I was just trying to be friendly. Yeah right, he bullies you right, so i thought you would want to know that. You probably have a crush on him now that i think about it. Too bad he'll never like a girl like you. So sad."

"Your right."

He's not my bully, but my best friend, though everyone thinks that. The day she becomes his best friend, then she can come sass me. It bugs me to know that i am going to be stuck with all of these people till the rest of high school. WHY CAN'T I JUST SKIP HIGH SCHOOL?

"Alright class, makes sure to read pages 250-265 and answer all of the questions on pages 266-270. See you on Monday." 

{Bell rings}

Finally i'm out of here, now to lunch. The schools worst meal of the day! Because you know, there is breakfast, and then lunch, oh forget about it. A nerd tries to make a joke and no one finds it funny. Kinda makes sense though, i honestly don't know how to make a joke.

I just had a reminder of what happened the other day when i laughed so hard. Okay, so i wanted to go to my brothers room the other day, for something. So i am near the door when i hear him singing something which went like this "I'm walking, walking, walking, walking to get my clothes; I need to take a shower. I smell like mom's cooking, and that is not so good! i'm grabbing me boxers, my shirt, my shorts. Here i go to the bathroom!!!" 

I couldn't hear the rest because then i ran to my room, and laughed as hard as i could. I know it might not sound funny, but it was , he had this whole high pitched thing going on, and i just couldn't help it. I may not be correct, but how many hormone crazed teenage boys do you see that sing kiddish songs like that? And in a high pitched voice? I asked him the other day and he said that his girlfriend Jamie dared him to do it that day and record it, and so he did. I do not believe such a sweet girl like Jamie would ever do such a thing.

He's just a little weird, that's all. =) But i love him for that.

I'm going to sing that song right now in my head while walking with a little editing, because that is how much i admire it no matter how large the lack of intelligence it shows when sang.  "I'm walking, walking, walking, walking to the lunchroom.-"  "Hey." Somebody's hand covered my face, hmmm who could it be? It's obvious who it is, Jake. Whenever i think of him I just want to smile, he is a great friend. So far i have found no flaw in him, except for the fact that he cannot cook for life. Unlike Chase, who actually can. I tried Jake's soup, and let's just say i had to use the bathroom often that whole day, and it was just soup. I love him either way, he's an awesome best friend. 

"Hi Jake." He finally uncovered my eyes so that I could see him.

"Your right, it's me. So, I was wondering, would you like to go out today, my lady? There is this awesome bowling place that just opened near my house and i was wondering if you would like to come? The pizza is on me? So what do you think? And Chase can come if he wants."

This perfect for them to bond, Jake and Chase, my two buddies. We have to go.

"Sure, i'd love to come. You, Chase, and me, today at?"

" At five, now if you don't mind, i'd like to walk you to lunch. Number one, because your my best friend, and number two, because a bunch of girls are staring at us both with confusing faces, so let's get out of here. It's creeping me out, let's go."

"Awww, Jakie wakie has- ( I looked and counted all of them) 15 girls having a little crushie wushie on him, and he doesn't like them?" I said in a baby like voice. 

"Seriously Liz, Jake wakie? Come on, their getting closer. It's scaring me."He had this little sad face on him, he looked so cute.

We walked to the lunchroom, while Jake looked back every few seconds. It was hilarious. Once we reached our table, the third person of the trio visited. 

"What's up guys? Or should I say Liz and Jakie Wakie, who has girls after him?" Chase chuckled while he spoke.

  Jake groaned. "You heard that? Dude, i'm officially dead. And those girls look like they want to eat me, and for your information it is scary. If that is supposed to be their flirty faces, it sure isn't working." I couldn't help it but laugh.

And that my friends, is how lunch and the rest of the school day went.  ____________________________________________________________________________ So, i'm so deeply sorry i haven't updated in a month, i think? I just thought no one really liked my books so there was no use, but i have changed my mind. Tomorrow i shall try to update Twisted Love and The Letter that Started it All

. I have summer homework, it sucks. Life sucks. =( It's actually a lot as well, i have it for Algebra ( I HATE IT!), Living Environment, AP US History, and for English. Ahhhh! How do they expect me to do it all? However, i shall stick it together, and get through it!

Now, i slept at 1, and woke up at 4, and started writing this story, and it is now 7:05 am, therefore i need to SLEEP! 

See you later peeps. XOXO! Y'ALL BETTER COMMENT! I'm not even from the South and yet I love saying that. =)






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