Orphaned (Justin Bieber)

By Ourkingbbieber

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Born in New York City, then dumped and abandoned in California at age Seven, Maeve was forced to take care of... More

Chapter one
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 11

165 14 16
By Ourkingbbieber

Songs for this chapter;
Me, Myself, and I by G-Eazy
Bad Blood by NAO
You Don't Own Me by Grace

Maeve's POV

"By the way, I hope you enjoy your stay. I'll make it a good one." He smirked at me, gently resting one of his large hands on my hip.

I cocked a brow at him, giving him one of those, 'get your grubby little fingers the fuck off of me before you end up loosing a limb, bitch' looks. You know that one? He seemed to get the message before he raised his hands in surrender, but still one that annoying little smile that managed to tick me off.

"You know... Maybe I should have agreed to staying with Jason instead." I mumbled, more to myself, but loud enough for Justin to hear me none the less. His smirk dropped -yay- and he was suddenly giving me a hard, challenging stare.

"No take backs." He growled out.

"Oh really? Because, you know, his rooms right out there, I could just walk out the door right now and ask to switch roommates. He'd probably take me in without a questioned asked." I remarked, only trying to provoke him. And it worked.

"You won't be doing shit, sweetheart. You've already made your decision." He snarled, taking a few steps closer to me.

This bitch.

One minutes he's all 'I'll make sure you enjoy your stay, baby! I'm sorry for being mean to you.' And the next, he's all like, 'bitch back the fuck up I'm top dog 'round here and you do as I say. I don't give a fuck 'bout your feelings and shit.' Like, come on.

There is defiantly something wrong with this boy.

If he is planning on ever winning me over -which he's making very unlikely- than he better fix up that attitude of his.

I really should have thought it over a little bit more before I just blurted out his name. Sometimes I'm just so fucking stupid. "Honey," I began in a low tone, chuckling darkly, "you do not get to decide what I want or what I do. I'm not one of your little toys that you can manipulate however you want. No, no, no. You don't own me. No one does." I snarled, looking him up and down challengingly.

He scoffed lightly but decided to ignore me. Fine, be that way you little... No, no, I'm calm. I'm good.

A moment of rather awkward silence passed and had me shifting on my feet as I downcast my gaze to examine his bare feet.

Why are they so big?

Holy shit he got some long ass toes.

Justin suddenly cleared his throat, bringing my attention back up to his face. "Right, so here's the deal," he began, crossing his muscular arms over his chest. "You have like one outfit. And, it's pretty fucking busted up so you are gonna have to wear some of my clothes for a while, just until we can buy you some new ones." He grumbled.

I glanced down, then recalled I had stole his clothes when I had attempted to escape. Oh, that reminds me. I looked up at his face, then noticed that his hair looked sticky and stiff, and there was a small line of drying blood on his forehead.

A light, almost nonexistent smirk painted itself across my face. Hm, not bad Maeve, not bad.

He must've noticed my gaze and furrowed his thick, dark brows in slight confusion. "What?" He questioned me unsurely.

"You've got a little blood on your face." I stated bluntly, allowing my gaze to drift back down to his eyes which now glimmered with irritation. "And, your hair looks funny," I sniggered at him while he scowled and raised a hand up to touch his odd looking locks.

"This is your fault." He grumbled lowly. "I gotta take a shower now. But, I can't leave you here. So you have two options. You can either come into the bathroom with me, maybe help wash me up," he winked seductively at me, his prior irritation seemingly disappearing, "or you can go wait with Jason."

Squinting my eyes, I tapped my chin, as if thinking it over. "I think the answers rather obvious," I paused a moment, a playful smirk now painted on my face. "I'll go with you." I purred.

His eyes widened, probably not expecting that answer. "Wait, seriously?"

"No, dumbass." I bit out, rolling my eyes at his stupidity. Who does he think I am? Of course in gonna go with Jason, ain't not chance I'm taking a show with this boy's ass. Uh uh I don't think so.

His hopeful expression vanished in an instant. "Right, let go get him." He muttered, snatching my wrist in his large, rough hands then, before I could protest, was dragging my out of his room and towards Jason's. Once we arrived, outside his door, Justin -without knocking- pushed open the door then dragged me inside.

Damn, what's with this boy and dragging me around.

Jason was casually lounging on his bed, tossing a small red ball up into the air, then catching it. "Changed your mind already, sweetheart?" He purred, not even bothering to look in our direction.

"No, she did not, Jason. I just need to take a shower and I can't just leave her in my room, so, I'm gonna need you to watch her for a little." He explained. Gosh, he made it sound like I was some sort of dog. I shot him a look, but her merely brushed it off, giving my wrist a light squeeze.

"Shame. But, alright. I'll watch over her. Though, she might not want to leave when you get back." Jason remarked, staring directly at me with those stunning, enthralling blue eyes that managed to send chills down my spine with even the simplest glance. That boy is just something else.

"You don't get to make that decision." Justin grunted out, his grip tightening around my wrist. I shot him another look then elbowed him in the side, causing him to flinch and to jerk away from me. "Stop that." He hissed at me, then returned his attention to his brother. I rolled my eyes at that, then looked back at Jason.

"I never said I did. But, she can make that decision." Jason grinned at his cousin devilishly. "And she might. I can be, pretty convincing when I want to be." He gently bit down on his low lip then shot me a sly, sexy wink. I almost smiled, but I stopped myself, although my cheeks warmed despite me fighting against it.

"Shut the fuck up Jason. She's staying with me and that's final. That decision has already been made and you can't change Jack shit about it." Justin snarled possessively. Jason raised his hands in surrender, though he still wore a rather sexy smirk on his rather sexy face. "Now, just watch her for like ten minutes." Justin grumbled after regaining his composure.

"That I shall do." Jason purred, running his tongue over his pink lips while looking me directly in the eye. Justin grunted, before releasing me and stalking out of the room. What a baby. "Big baby." Jason muttered, looking at me with a smirk. Whelp, looks like we got a mindreader.

I nodded in agreement and chuckled softly. "You can say that again." I snickered, then trotted closer to him, before settling myself on the mattress at the very end of the bed.

For what seemed like the tenth time in the last hour, silence engulfed us.

That is until there was a shuffling behind me. I flinched slightly when two, warm hands were placed gently on each of my shoulders. "Oh, baby girl," Jason sighed as he gently began massaging. "Why so tense?" His hot breath caressed the back of my neck, and I had to suppress a shudder.

"That's none of your fucking business." I bit back in a low tone, despite how good his hands felt.

"Oh, no need to be so snappy about it, princess. It was just a question." He growled playfully, squeezing my shoulders lightly. "And with or without an answer, I could help fix it. People tell me my hands work wonders." He chuckled confidently in my ear.

I hummed softly and bowed my head forwards, giving him even more access to put his skills to work. And God damn did he. In a mere five minutes I felt so loose that it seemed as if my arms might just fall off. "Oh... yeah, a little- a little lower..." I groaned softly. He obeyed and followed my directions.

"Ah, I feel it, princess." He grunted, and my body jerked as he dug his thumbs into that perfect spot. "Shit, that's bad, why don't you lay yourself down." He suggested, then gently began pushing me forwards so that I was laying belly down on the mattress while he straddled my butt.

"Hey, you mind if I..." He trailed off, then I felt those long fingers of his lightly pushing up Justin's shirt. I flinched slightly at his skin to skin touch, but nodded non the less, because of how good it had felt before. "Good." His muttered before suddenly and rather violently pulling the shirt up and popping it off of me.

I yelped in shock and sat up quickly, arms crossed over and concealing my chest, though he wouldn't be able to see it anyways because my back was facing him. "What the fuck, Jason! Give me the shirt back!" I yelped desperately.

"Oh calm down, I'm not going to look if you don't want me to. It's just to make it easier for me to massage you." He explained with a low, husky chuckle. I still didn't trust him in the least. I mean, how could I? I just met him today and now he expects me to feel comfortable around him half naked? Uh-uh, honey. Rethink you methods. I stayed stiff, and my previously loose muscles had once again tensed up, though they were slightly sore.

"Give me it back." I hissed out in frustration as my face warmed. And I wasn't completely sure if it was because of embarrassment or anger. Good think I've got some long ass hair.

"Maeve, I swear to you, it's just for the massage. I will not take advantage of you. I'm not Justin. Baby girl, I promise." He consoled me, and I could feel my back pressing against his chest. I mean... he seems pretty sincere...

"Fine. Whatever. But if you even fucking try to touch me in any way less than appropriate, I swear to god I will-" he cut me off as he gently pushed me back down onto my stomach.

"Alright, alright, I got it." He laughed softly in amusement, then brushed my hair off of my back. His touch faltered for a moment, and he made a quite sound, but did not speak, instead, continued the massage.

And thankfully, he did not try any moves on me.

And shit, it felt so good. His hands did work wonders. The way he moved his fingers was amazing, and his hands were so gently and tender and careful and it was absolutely amazing.

He didn't speak, which I'm also fairly happy about. I didn't feel it was necessary to try and make conversation and I'm guessing that he felt the same.

It felt so much better when I wasn't speaking, it didn't shift the calm atmosphere surrounding us, and it made it all the better for both of us.

It allowed him to concentrate more on what he was doing with his hands, and it allowed me to enjoy what his hands were doing.

It was a win-win.

That is, until, we were ever so rudely interrupted.

Out of nowhere, the door swung open, revealing a dripping wet Justin wearing nothing but a towel around his hips. "What the fuck is going on here?"

I yelped and jumped up -again-, though Jason must have seen this coming because he ever so calmly handed me back the shirt, so I could rush and pull it on.

"I was just giving her a massage." Jason said like it was nothing, a light smile on his face.

"While she was naked?" Justin snarled furiously.

"Well, technically, I wasn't naked, I just wasn't wearing a shirt, so..." I cut in, raising a hand. Justin cut his gaze over to my now completely covered figure and sneered. It was easy to tell he wanted to say something, but kept himself from doing so.

Smart boy.

"Let's go, Maeve." He ordered.

"Cranky pants." I grumbled before sliding off of the bed and making my way back towards the door where Justin stood, tapping his foot impatiently against the floor. Once I was within arms length, he reached out and placed his hand unnecessarily low on my back, urging me out the doorway.

"Bye bye, baby girl." Jason called after me. I turned my head and shot him a small, toothless smile.

Justin merely rolled his eyes at our little exchange. The second I was out the door, he roughly slammed it. "Calm you man titties. It's not like we did anything inappropriate." I grumbled out, stalking back to Justin's room.

"You were practically naked! That is considered inappropriate." He hissed back.

"Not as inappropriate as what you made me do this morning." I snorted back, slightly quickening my pace, wanting to increase the distance between us. Justin wasn't having it, as he also hastened his steps.

"I didn't 'make you' do shit." He said.

This boy having memory loss or something?

"Didn't make- boy the fuck are you talking about? You gave me no choice but to kiss your crusty ass lips." I grunted back in irritation.

He chuckled darkly from beside me. "You know you enjoyed it." He purred back teasingly.

"I would rather kiss a horse." I hissed back.

Then unexpectedly, I was being pressed against a wall. "Really?" He tested with a smirk.

"Really." I responded, mimicking his smirk as I stared him down confidently. "I bet a dog is a better kisser than you. But you know, you might as well be a dog. All you use is tongue."

"Well, why don't we test that theory, baby girl."

Before I could even open my mouth to respond, he was pushing his lips to mine.


I have returned my lovelies! *does little happy dance*

And posted a new chapter!

I really hope you guys like it.

Though, it is kinda messy, but I'll fix it later. I was just really anxious to get it up and posted for all of you!

Plus, I changed up the cover!

You likey, or no?

Please comment and vote and I will have chapter twelve posted as soon as I can!

Bye bye for now! Love youuuu


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