Joey for Shane [A Shoey FanFi...

By ShoeyDawceffa

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When Joey Graceffa announces that he loves Shane Dawson to his bestfriend Luke, Shane realizes that he might... More

Chapter 1: Joey has a Crush
Chapter 2: The Phone Call That Changed Everything.
Chapter 3: Leading up
Chapter 4: Mixed Emotions
Chapter 5: The Proposal
Chapter 6: Roomies!
Chapter 7: Confessions
Chapter 8: Only 24 Hours
Chapter 9: Thanks Sawyer!
Chapter 10: Joey's New Favourite Restaurant
Chapter 11: Same Bed?
Chapter 12: The Empty Room
Chapter 13: Covered in Paint!
Chapter 14: The Benny Fine Issue
Chapter 15: Naked Joey!
Chapter 16: To The Bedroom
Chapter 17: Flirtatious Joey
Chapter 18: A Whore Called Cat
Chapter 19: A Little Heated
Chapter 20: Punched in The Face
Chapter 21: Emergency Room
Chapter 22: Apologies
Chapter 23: Suspicions
Chapter 24: Fights
Chapter 25: Freaking Hospitals
Chapter 26: Sweet Dreams.
Chapter 27: Stress
Chapter 28: Meeting The Siblings!
Chapter 29: For You
Chapter 30: Hit Me!
Chapter 31: Teach Me
Chapter 32: Scoping for Drama
Chapter 33: Broke The Promise
Chapter 34: Sick of This Place
Chapter 35: Mom, I left her...
Chapter 36: #AskShoey
Chapter 37: Give Me a Break!
Chapter 38: Party Invite!
Chapter 39: Unexpected Guest
Chapter 40: Who Posted These?!!
Chapter 41: She's in Love With Me?
Chapter 42: Break Ups and a Whole Lot of Tears.
Chapter 43: Joey's Coming Out.
Chapter 44: They Saw It!?
Chapter 45: From The Real Person
Chapter 46: Lisa! Don't Do This!
Chapter 47: Smosh Idiot...
Chapter 48: Shipping Ianthony!
Chapter 49: Prank'd
Chapter 50: I Don't Think I Like It Here Anymore...
Chapter 51: Alliance.
Chapter 52: I Promise.
Chapter 53: I Haven't Seen You Since...
Chapter 54: That's Deep!
Chapter 55: #AskShoey 2.0! You Like This One?
Chapter 56: Mine?
Chapter 57: Shane, Stop!
Chapter 58: Joey Leaned In
Chapter 59: Boston!
Chapter 60: Why Do You Need Permission?
Chapter 61: Can I Ask You Something?
Chapter 62: What The F*ck is Wrong With Her!
Chapter 63: Take Your Pants Off!
Chapter 64: Ring Shopping!
Chapter 65: Today Is The Day!
Chapter 66: Second Home
Chapter 67: Shane and Joey's Guest Room
Chapter 68: "Joey4Shane"
Chapter 69: Engaged Life.
Chapter 70: Luke! Be My Best Man!
Chapter 71: But It's Shane!
Chapter 72: The End?
Chapter 73: Congrats-u-f*cking-lations
Chapter 75: Crash and Burn
Chapter 76: Kiss The Person To Your Right!
Chapter 77: Wild Night at Shoey's!
Chapter 78: On The News?!
Chapter 79: Just Keep Swimming.
Chapter 80: Kiss kiss?
Chapter 81: Nope, Don't Believe It.
Chapter 82: Jealous
Chapter 83: Left a Mark...
Chapter 84: Leave Me Alone!
Chapter 85: What
Chapter 86: The Last Chapter.
Chapter 87: Just Wedding Things...
Chapter 88: Cute Sleepy Boy
Chapter 89: Surprise!
Chapter 90: Revenge
Chapter 91: My Hero
Chapter 92: Wedding Planning
Chapter 93: Already Shirtless
Chapter 94: Of All Places!
Chapter 95: Ex-Boyfriend
Chapter 96: Dads
Chapter 97: Heart Skipped A Beat
Chapter 98: Have A Nice Flight!
Chapter 99: Lisa Ships It
Chapter 100: Part One - Excited Little Puppy
Chapter 100: Part Two - Our Little Family
Chapter 101: Used To It
Chapter 102: Next To Me
Chapter 103: Missed Our Flight
Chapter 104: Black Tie
Chapter 105: Bad Memories Come Crashing Back
Chapter 106: It's Over.
Chapter 107: Go After Him
Chapter 108: Lost
Chapter 109: Dark Day
Chapter 110: Make It Special
Chapter 111: Pre-Wedding Jitters
Chapter 112: Boy That You Love
The Last Chapter: The End Of All Things

Chapter 74: Panic.

46.4K 231 125
By ShoeyDawceffa

[Shane's POV]

The realtor stepped outside of the apartment to make a phone call. Giving Joey a chance!


Joey: Hello there everyone! You have never seen this place before! Well...remember when I tweeted I'm looking for a new place? Here it is! This is me and Shane's new home!

Shane: We move in Friday or Saturday!

Joey: Oooo! So exciting!

Shane: And we have a new neighbour!

Joey: Oh neighbour?

Whitney appeared from one of the bedrooms!

Whitney: That's me!

Joey: We're going to be living right across the hall from her!

Whitney: Good luck! You'll see A-LOT! Of me!

Joey: yay...I mean YAY!

Shane: I can't wait to move out!

Joey: I'll give you guys a look around the place!

Joey walked around the apartment vlogging. The excitement was showing in his voice as he kept cutting himself off saying something like "oooo!" or "Oh-my-gosh!" At least he's happy.

"How'd it go at the police station?" Whitney whispered.

Shane: Ok...

Whitney: Shane?

Shane: was fine...they're going to try and track the guy down by getting our flight information.

Whitney: Shane...I'm worried about the two of you...

Shane: Why?!

Whitney: You're always like...down. And Joey...I don't know what's up with Joey...

Shane: There's something up with Joey?!

Whitney: Haven't you noticed? He's got like...anger issues. I don't see him everyday like you do, but when I am with him, he's mad!

Shane: He isn't now!

Whitney: Because he's happy about the new place!

Shane: I'm the problem...there's nothing up with him.

Whitney: Just look after yourselves Shane.

Shane: Go back to Joey's anger problems! What problems!          

Whitney: When he lashed out on Sawyer at that house gathering thing at his house...

Shane: You know why he did that!

Whitney: And the second time he did it, he put Sawyer through a table!

Shane: Sawyer shouldn't be such a dick then!

Whitney: THROUGH - A - TABLE Shane!

Shane: Sawyer got his own back for that by smashing Joey's head with a piece of wood!

Whitney: Then you punched Sawyer...

Shane: Uhh... then Sawyer attacked us at that restaurant!

Whitney: And when Lisa...did what she did to you...Joey took down a frigging door!

Shane: He saved me from that whore!

Whitney: Did Brittany Louise Taylor ever tell you about the hike they went on?

Shane: No...

Whitney: She told me that he had her on the edge of a cliff...he smashed her phone on the ground!

Shane: He never told me about that...he told me about her posting the pictures...

Whitney: Maybe he's hid-

Joey: And here's the second bedroom.

Whitney waited until Joey went into the bedroom before she finished what she was saying.

Whitney: Maybe he's...hiding more from you Shane...

Shane: Why would you say that?! What else could he possibly be hiding! I can see why he didn't tell me about the thing with Brittani!

Whitney: I'm not saying he's hiding bad things from you...but I think he could be hiding his...rage from you, then blasting out at people behind your back...

Shane: Sawyer deserved what Joey did to him...Brittani shouldn't have posted the pictures!

 Joey: Hey what are you guys talking about?

Shane: Ummm??

I panicked and looked at Whitney!

Whitney: Just the apartment...and the wedding...which I actually forgot to congratulate you two!

Joey: Aww thanks!

The realtor came back into the apartment.

Realtor: So the apartment will officially be yours on Friday. I'll be here until you come that day to give you the key.  

Shane: That's so soon!

Realtor: I could push the date back a few days if you want?

Shane: No, I mean it's a good thing its soon!

Joey: The apartment we live in now isn't the greatest and we need out.

*Back home*

Shane: Are you nervous about moving out? This was your first place when you moved to LA!

Joey: Nope...because the new place I'm living in is with you!

Shane: What do we do now?

Joey: Hire movers. Pack our stuff.

Shane: Let's start with the office room, then we'll work our way through! But before we start I want to vlog!

Joey: Me too! I'll end my vlog!


Joey: Now we're back here...this is one of our last night's! We move out on Friday! About to start packing are things!

Shane: It's going to be worse for you leaving this place...I was stabbed just downstairs so I can't wait!

*Knocking on door*

Shane: I'll get it...

Joey: That's all for today's vlog! I'll see you guys' tomorrooow! May yooour favooor! Goooodbye! *Covers camera lens*

I was about to put my hand on the door knob. As I reached out for it, I got like a vision. Like a flashback!


I opened the door expecting it to be Joey, but it wasn't. The guy that stabbed me...the guy that was on the plane.

A clean knife in my stomach, entering my old wound. It pouring out blood. Hitting the floor hard.


Joey: Shane you've been standing at the door for about 2 minutes! Open it!

Shane: Don't!

Joey: What?!

Shane: IT'S HIM!

Joey: Who?

Shane: He stabbed me!

Joey: What are you talking about!?

Shane: He knows where we live!

[Joey's POV]

Shane started having a panic attack! He fell on the floor and crawled backwards and leaned against the wall.


Tears started rolling down his cheeks.

Joey: Shane?!

Shane: Please Joey!

Joey: Shane...

I slowly bent down and walked across to Shane, stretching my arm out to hold his hand.

"Come on" I said as calmly as I could.

He took my hand and I pulled him up. He was trembling in fear. 

Joey: Wait there...

Joey: Uhh, who is it?

???: It's Luke!

Joey: Be right there! - See Shane...its ok... - Just come in Luke...

Luke came in fast, he stopped as soon as he saw me helping Shane.

Luke: Shane!

Joey: Shhh! He's having a panic attack!

Luke tried to help out.

Joey: Can you get him a glass of water or something Luke?!

Luke: Of course!

Joey: Thanks...

A few minutes later, Shane was going through the last stages of his panic attack.

Joey: How you feelin?

Shane: Shaky...weak...

Joey: You should go to bed...

Again I helped Shane up, he barely walked into the room on his own, I followed behind him. He climbed onto the bed, not putting the blanket over him as he was way too hot.

Joey: If you need help, call me...unless you need to're on your own there.

Shane: Joey...Sorry I...what I did out there...

Joey: Really Shane don't can't help just rest...

I kissed Shane's sweaty forehead...not regretting it. Shane began drifting off to sleep. I went back out to Luke and he was texting.

Luke: I'm just telling Meghan what's going on...

Joey: Oh...I'm going to call Shane's doctor and explain to him...

Dr: Hello.

Joey: Hi, it's Joey...Joey Graceffa.

Dr: Hello Joey...

Joey: Umm, I'm calling about Shane...

Dr: Is there a problem with his injury?

Joey: No that's well. He's uhh...having panic attacks...and nightmares...

Dr: Did this ever happen before to him?

Joey: Yes.

Dr: When?

Joey: When... I was in hospital...he dreamt...that I didn't make it and, died.

Dr: Huh, when was his most recent panic attack.

Joey: Not long ago...

Dr: Do you know why he-

Joey: He went to answer the door, but froze...he begged me not to open it. He just started shaking!

Dr: Could I speak to him now?

I quickly walked into the bedroom before answering the doctor.

Joey: He's sleeping...could I call you back when he's awake?

Dr: Yes...but I need to keep talking with you.

Joey: Me?

Dr: ahuh. It's still about Shane though.

Joey: About what?

Dr: When he was last in, he had...cutting marks on his arm.

Joey: That.

Dr: Did he do that to himself?

Joey: *Sighs*

 I really didn't want to say it...

Joey: Yup...

Dr: Does he suffer from depression?

Joey: I wouldn't call it suffering.

Dr: Joey, I'm a doctor...when a person gets to the point of depression in which they want to cause harm to themselves...that's suffering.

Joey: Is there anything I can do to stop this suffering?

Dr: could start by wiping out whatever the cause of the depression is.

Joey: I don't know what it is with him now!

Dr: Do you know why he cut?

Joey: Yeah! Because his ex-girlfriend...told him she was pregnant....but he didn't want that because he was with me!

Dr: Is there anything you know of that could be the reason now, perhaps-

Joey: It's the guy that stabbed him...he's the reason. Shane recently realised who it was hurt him...

Dr: Thank you Joey for answering those few sure to give me a call when Shane wakes up.

Joey: Wait is there anything I can do to help Shane?!

Dr: Like I said...get rid of the things bothering him.

*Hangs Up*

Did he just hang up on me?!

Joey: Fuck!

Luke: ahh? Joey?

Joey: What the fuck do you mean you-

Luke: Joey! Shane's sleeping!

[Luke's POV]

Joey was pissed.

Joey: How can there be nothing I can do?! What does that even mean?! He's not just magically going to come around!

Luke: Hey dude...sit.

Joey looked at me timidly, not knowing whether or not to sit down, or keep worrying.

He choose and sit down beside me.

Luke: What did he say?

Joey: That if I want to help, I have to remove the source of the depression.

Luke: How are you going to remove a person?!

Joey: I don't know!

Joey lifted the glass of water that Shane had used. He gazed at it for a split second prior to throwing it at the wall, smashing it.

Luke: Joey!  

Joey: Why Luke! Why is it always Shane or me! It's always us! Fights, cheaters, hospitals, accidents, attempted murders...LISA! Can people just not leave us the fuck alone!

Luke: Joey...calm do-

Joey: No! Luke! I won't calm down!  

Joey grabbed the keys to Satsuki, and bailed.

Luke: Where are you goin!

Joey: To go see someone! *Slams door*

Oh thanks Joey, just abandon me in your apartment.


Joey's getting pissed! Shane's getting freaked! So many emotions for them both! I love this chapter for some reason ahaha! Who is Joey going to visit?


Follow me on Instagram: Shoeydawceffa

Follow me on twitter: @Joey4Shane

Follow my Shoey Tumblr Blog: 

Follow my JoeyGraceffaFacts Tumblr Blog:

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