Can I Keep You? (1D fanfic)

By MEJ_2020

4.1K 82 10

Together at one time now brought back together again but for a different reason she has been put in a coma, t... More

Phone call
Flashback to yesterday?!
Three other voices
Goodbye for good?
I cant protect you! (Just Harry's POV)
Harry drunk (Louis POV)
Back at the hospital
Alone time
Protecting Her
Because I love her
What ifs
Unfinnished ending

Waking up

141 3 0
By MEJ_2020

Harry's POV;
My phone continually goes off it had only been a few hours since I left, but I guess that's just how long it takes to get the boys curious as to where I've gone. I hope they don't take it personally. I'm not walking away from them at least not for good. I just need some time to myself, time to breath. I open my phone to my lock screen, clear all the notifications, and stare at the picture of us. Funny I didn't even know this picture was taken. It was shown to me by a twitter follower who got it off the internet. The picture was the day we went to the fair, you could tell by the multicoloured  lights in the background. There was really no paparazzi that stood in plain sight that day. Granted there were a few large crowds of girls but there was really nothing we could do there, just run. In fact we had just lost a large group when this picture was taken if my memory is correct. The other boys had spilt with their girls and it was just me and Megan. That was fine by me and fine by her or so I assumed. That day did get a little fuzzy near the end in fact I don't even remember climbing into bed that night, let alone climbing in next to Megan. I don't recall the next morning either.

I sit on a park bench and hold my head in my hands trying to remember her remember our relationship, but no matter how hard I tried the memories wouldn't come back. All I remember are the drunk nights I spent with other women thinking they could replace her after we had broken up. No one compares to her though, not her eyes, not her kiss, not even the way they ran my hair through their fingers. My phone keeps dinging from texts from the boys none from her brother. I don't think even if she was awake she would want to see me.

Megan's POV:
They came bursting into the room all at once. I was still asleep but I hear the panic in their voices overlapping one another.
"He's not here!"

"I thought for sure he'd come back!"

"There's no where else to look!"

"This is the only place he would come!"

I hear all this over what they were saying and I knew they were talking about Harry. My brother calms them and asks what was going on. The smaller voice speaks up.

"It's Harry he's gone, we've searched everywhere in the hospital. Even checked the courtyard he wasn't there. We don't know where else to look."

In my mind I see my brother rubbing his head with one hand sighing, and the other hand on his hip. "I can't leave her." I hear.

I want so bad not to be restrained in this coma I want to move again, to talk again. I wasn't even comfortable lying on my back I would rather be on my side sleeping but I was stuck, frozen.

"Would you let one of us stay and take care of her?" The one with an Irish accent speaks up.

"No, no. I can't leave her."

To my own surprise I actually wanted him to help look for him. I wanted him to leave and help.

"Is that what she would want?" The deepest voice of the group asks.

I hear my brother sigh. "No..."

"Alright then I'll stay with her and you lads go look for Harry, maybe you have more ideas where to look and better luck."

"Yeah I have a few ideas but as for luck, well let's just hope we get some."

With that the footsteps receded and the door shut behind them. The man that stayed behind had the same accent as Harry but a slightly higher pitch. I feel him lean against the arm of the bed. "Um, Hi I'm Louis. You must be Megan. Harry talks about you all the time. You know I think you've got him pretty whipped. It's funny you know I think the paparazzi saw him buying a ring the day we got back here.. But you didn't hear it from me." I hear him chuckle as I feel tears fall. I was angry at myself angry at my choices. I was stupid that day I knew something was different about him but I was with Max that day too, and just engaged only an hour before we saw him in the park.

I needed to wake up now, needed to find him myself. I feel my muscles finally come back to my control. I snap open my eyes to see the boy Louis next to my bedside, he stares at me shocked. I notice his eyes first his sky coloured eyes just staring at me, his hair tossed to the side. I didn't realise how much actual energy it took to wake myself up, so I just lay there my energy drained. I swallow and realise my throat was very dry. I try to talk to Louis but nothing came out, not to mention there was a machine in my way.

"Umm, hold that thought." He says walking out the room to get the doctors and nurses. As they rush in Louis stays by the door his cell phone to his ear. The doctors and nurses all talk to me at once but I just stare at Louis in the doorway trying to make out what he was saying and who he was talking to. The last thing I could make out his lips say was, "yeah she's awake!" He looks in my direction.

A mask was placed over my face and the doctors got in the way after that. I rub my eyes and try to shoo them away but they just wouldn't leave me be. I try whining but it was no use my throat was bone dry. I use my hands instead and used what little sign language I knew. Instead of trying to figure out what my shaky hands were saying they gave me a pencil and paper instead.

Louis came to sit by the bed and the room fell silent except for my pencil scratching on paper. Throat dry was the first thing I wrote with my shaky hand. One of the nurses went off to get me a cup of water as doctors, one by one, started asking me questions. I did my best to answer them with my bad handwriting if they couldn't read it I had Louis translate. Once all the doctors were finally done asking questions and poking at my muscles they finally left. I sigh and look over at Louis.

"You look tired love."

I look over at him annoyed he laughs. I turn the page over to the blank side and scribble on the other side. Where is he?

Louis sighs and looks to the ground, "We don't know love, he's disappeared. The others have gone off to look for him with your brother. Thought maybe he would have better luck looking place since we're not very familiar with the area."

I bite my lip and nod taking a sip of water. My throat still felt dry so I don't try to use it, not yet at least. I didn't tell him I knew everything I didn't want to scare him away. My brother seemed to trust him to stay with me so I trusted him too.

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