Trapped 3: Together Forever (...

By WereNotInvisible

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Liz and One Direction are back.......again!!! *Please read Trapped and Trapped 2: The Truth Unmasked before y... More

Trapped 3: Together Forever (Sequel To Trapped 2: The Truth Unmasked)
Chapter 1-We Meet Again
Chapter 2-The Comeback Kids
Chapter 3-Getting The Word Out
Chapter 4-Cracking Under Pressure
Chapter 5-A Date With WHO?!?
Chapter 6-First Date
Chapter 7-Alone
Chapter 8-Breaking Up
Chapter 9-Last Chance To Take Him Back
Chapter 10-New Girl
Chapter 11-War
Chapter 12-Liam To The Rescue
Chapter 13-Liz's Revenge
Chapter 15-Plan B
Chapter 16-Odd Bonding
Chapter 17-101 Heartbreak Lane
Chapter 18-I Won His Heart
Chapter 19-A Not So Nice Surprise
Chapter 20-Locked In
Chapter 21-A Night of Drinking
Chapter 22-Hello Tour, Goodbye Liz
Chapter 23-Odd Discoveries and Annoying Roommates
Chapter 24-Someone's In Love
Chapter 25-I Totally Just Blew It
Chapter 26-Finding Zayn
Chapter 27-Lost
Chapter 28-Crazy?
Chapter 29-Deadly Secrets
Chapter 30-Coming Clean
Chapter 31-Caught In A Trap
Chapter 32-A Big Red Sign That Reads "Danger! Trouble Ahead!"
Chapter 33-It's All Downhill From Here.....Literally
Chapter 34-Shit's Gettin' Real
Chapter 35-Unexpected.....
Chapter 36-Welcome To The World Dylan Riley Payne
Chapter 37-A New Mother
Chapter 38-By My Side
Chapter 39-I'd Take A Grenade For Ya...Or A Bullet In This Case...
Chapter 40-Weak
Chapter 41-We Can't Just Leave Him
Chapter 42-Can I Have This Dance?
Chapter 43-You Can't Please Everybody
Chapter 44-I Really Love You....No Not You
Chapter 45-The List
Chapter 46-Lost And Found
Chapter 47-Your Worst Nightmare
Chapter 48-Save Me
Chapter 49-A Sudden Change In Home
Chapter 50-His Inner Demon
Chapter 51-Prentending To Not Care Is Harder Than It Seems
Chapter 52-11:11
Chapter 53-Near Death Expierences Are Never Fun

Chapter 14-Seperate Ways

4.2K 106 6
By WereNotInvisible

*2 1/2 Months Later*

"Liz........Liz wake up," Zayn whispers as he tries to shake me awake.

"Noooo," I groan as I roll over so my back is facing Zayn.

"Come on, we got a big day today," he replies.

"We do?" I question as I sit up in bed.

"Yeah. We're recording for the new album today."

"You are? How come I never knew about this?" I wonder.

"Didn't we tell you?"


"Oh, well, breakfast is made downstairs if you want some," he tells me as he leaves the room to give me a chance to get dressed.

I grumpily get out of bed and make my way over to my closet to pick out clothes to wear. When I find the desired items, I quickly strip and dress. Afterwards, I head downstairs to see the guys discussing the album.

"Hey," Liam greets as he walks up to me, "you coming today?"

"Is Eleanor going?"


"Then no. I should probably look into figuring out information about the mask such as who made it, when, why, and who wore it," I tell him.

"That would work considering I'm sure you would love to know who tried to kill you."

"Yeah," I whisper, "I'm starving. Are you gonna eat the rest of that pancake you're holding?"

"I was planning on it," Liam says as I snatch the pancake out of his hand, "or not. Sure, yeah, you can have it. It's not like I was gonna finish it or anything."

"Mmmm," I mumble as I devour the pancake and then rush into the dining room to go get more food.

I guess I never got rid of Eleanor after all, but I will when she finds out what Louis and I did......

"Morning Liz," everyone greets except for Eleanor, of course.

"Hi," I mutter.

"You coming today?" Eleanor asks.

"I can't. I have business to take care of."

"Oh, well that's too bad. I was hoping that we'd finally be able to get to know each other better," she says, obviously sarcastically. I bet she's delighted to know that she doesn't have to put up with me today.

"Come on lads we gotta go," Louis says as he gets out of his chair to put his plate in the sink.

Everyone follows Louis' command and finishes up their breakfast, except for Niall who's still eating, as usual.

"Niall, we gotta go," Harry tells him.

"Just give me one more minute-"

"We have to go now or else we're gonna be late," Harry rushes.

After Harry snatches his plate, glass, and silverware, Niall finally takes the hint that he means business. Everyone rushes out the door and within minutes, I hear nothing but dead silence. I look out the front window to watch as the boys pull out of the driveway and head off to the recording studio to record their new album.

I head back into the kitchen and begin devouring the rest of the bacon. I feel as though I haven't eaten in years, maybe because I didn't eat anything yesterday. I head upstairs into my room to go get the Annabelle mask. When I look under my bed where I put it, I can't seem to find it. Shit! Where the hell did I put it?!? I look everywhere in my room but fail to come across it. God don't tell me whoever attacked me took it back........

After tearing my room apart in search of the mask, I begin to think of all the other possible places where I could have left it. I'll go check in Liam's room, he may have taken it to keep it safe. I go look in Liam's room yet fail to find the mask. What the hell?!?

I check Harry, Louis, Zayn, and Niall's rooms, and again find nothing, except for my clothes that I left when I slept with them. Where the hell is it?!?!

Walking back into the hallway, I realize that there's one place I didn't check: Eleanor's room. Slowly turning the door, I creep inside the room, nervous as to what I'm gonna find in here. When I walk inside, I'm surprised to find that the room is actually a lot cleaner than I imagined, even though most items are still in the suitcases and duffel bags. I run over to her nightstand and yank it open only to find pads, tampons, birth control pills, pregnancy tests, and condoms. So it's basically sex class in a drawer. I run over to her closet to find it neatly organized with her clothes and shoes. Boring.....

After rummaging through countless suitcases, duffel bags, and her room, I begin to think that Eleanor doesn't have it. I decide to clean up the mess I made before I exit her room so when she comes back in here she won't have any idea that I was ever in here. When I'm nearly finished, I accidently knock over her makeup bag onto the floor, dumping her cosmetics everywhere, turning her carpet the various colors of her blushes, eye shadows, eyeliners, nail polishes, everything make up wise that comes in various colors.

"Shit," I mutter as I try to clean up the mess.

When I finally get all the stuff that fell out back into the bag, I notice something somewhat shiny sitting in a duffel bag on the other side of the room. I stand up and walk over to the bag, unzip it, and gasp in shock when I find what she possesses. I quickly yank out my phone and dial the one person who knows what I'm up to......

"Come on. Come on pick up. PICK UP ALREADY!!!" I yell to myself as I just hear the constant ringing of the phone.

"Hey, it's Liam. I can't answer my phone right now but if you leave me a message I'll call you back as soon as I get the chance to. Bye," his voicemail answers.

"Hey Liam, it's me. I found something in Eleanor's bag, and it's not good. You need to call me back. We've gotta warn Louis, and the others. STAY AWAY FROM ELEANOR!!!!" I tell the answering machine.

I take the object and take it into my room and lock it in my suitcase where it will be kept safe and sound. I run back into Eleanor's room once it's locked up tight so I can close the duffel bag so she'll never notice the objects disappearance.

I have to warn the others........

The question is......


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