RWBY x Assassin!Male!Reader C...

By hhysteriia

256K 3.6K 4.6K


Sequence I, Chapter 1: Weiss - Breakup
Sequence I, Chapter 2: Weiss - New Students
Sequence I, Chapter 3: Weiss - CRDL
Sequence I, Chapter 4: Weiss - Confession
Sequence I, Chapter 5: Weiss - End
Sequence II, Chapter 1 : Ruby - Ruby Rose
Sequence II, Chapter 2 : Ruby - Beacon
Sequence II, Chapter 3: Ruby - Awakening
Sequence II, Chapter 4: Ruby - New Friend
Sequence II, Chapter 5: Ruby - Conclusion
Sequence III, Chapter 1: Yang - A Vacation?
Sequence III, Chapter 2: Yang - Attacked
Sequence III, Chapter 3: Yang - Preperation
Sequence III, Chapter 4: Yang - A Twist of Fate
Sequence III, Chapter 5: Yang - All roads lead to...
Sequence IV, Chapter 2: Blake - A demon, unleashed.
Sequence IV, Chapter 3: Blake - The End?
Sequence IV, Chapter 4: Blake - Date
Sequence IV, Chapter 5: Blake - Because of you.
Sequence V, Chapter 1: Neo - Betrayed
Sequence V, Chapter 2: Neo - Mind Link
Sequence V, Chapter 3: Neo - Host
Sequence V, Chapter 4: Neo - A Healing Promise
Sequence V, Chapter 5: Neo - Retribution
Sequence VI, Chapter 1: Velvet - Discrimination
Sequence VI, Chapter 2: Velvet - Creatures of the Crimson
Sequence VI, Chapter 3: Velvet - The Transformation
Sequence IV, Chapter 4: Velvet - The Traveller, and the Bad Wolf.
Sequence VI, Chapter 5: Velvet - Demons Run(Part I)
Sequence VI, Chapter 5: Velvet - Demons Run(Part II)

Sequence IV, Chapter 1: Blake - Y/N, Edward.

9.2K 129 73
By hhysteriia

Swords clashed against swords, man against man. It was a bloodbath. You deflected an attack as you shot your pistol to another person charging towards you. You quickly unsheathed another sword, dismembered an arm before decapitating another with your other sword.

"Jaysus, Y/N. You're a monster." Edward chuckled as he shot a man.

"Learnt from the best, Kenway." You smiled as the crew of the rum ship had been wiped out.

Everyone took as much rum as they could carry and set it on the Jackdaw. Cheering, the crew members on board drank rum to their hearts content as they watched the ship burned and sunk.

"Where we headed, captain?" Anne asked.

"We are headed to this place named Vale. Ah Tabai received word that the Sage has searched for refuge there." Edward answered.

"Where is this 'Vale'?" You asked.

"Due east, off the coast."

"ALL HANDS ON DECK, THIS IS GOING TO BE A LONG ONE, FOLKS." Anne shouted to the crew members, and they responded immediately.

You climbed the foremast and kept watch.

"Now we are ready to head for the Horn!" Edward sang.

"Way, ay, roll an' go!" Everyone sung along.

'This is going to be a long trip.' You muttered, chuckling.

"Our boots an' our clothes boys are all in the pawn,"

"Timme rollickin' randy dandy O."

=RWBY's POV, about two months later."

"Let's go, Blake! Stop being such a party pooper!" Ruby exclaimed as she tried to drag the reading faunus.

"I said I don't want to go, Ruby! Leave me alone."

"Every party needs a pooper thats why they invited you, party pooper~ party pooper~" Ruby sang, much to the amusement of her teammates.

"Yes, now leave me alone. I poop parties don't I?" Blake retorted.

"What? Come on!"

"Ugh, fine. I'll go to this.. party. Gosh, you're persistent."

"YES! Now we're all going!~"

Blake (reluctantly) set her book down and went for a change of outfit. Soon, she emerged from the shower with an outfit made to impress.

"Wow, Blake. Talk about dress to impress." Blake commented.


The team set out of their dorm and went to the party which was near the docks.

"That's a dumb place to host a party." Weiss complained.

"It IS a big party, though. There's probably water games." Ruby responded.

"Will there be cute boys there?" Yang fascinated.

"Thats ALL you ever think about, Yang." Blake sighed.

"Don't hide the fact that you're looking for one too." Yang teased.

Blake's cheeks turned a bright shade of red, answering Yang's question indirectly, which resulted in her team giggling.

"She gotcha there, Blake."

"S-Shut up."

The team carried on walking, until they reached a building near the port which was blasting with music.

"Is this it?" Ruby asked. 

"I don't know, any other brightly lighted, loud music buildings around here?" Blake answered nonchalantly.

"Good point."

They entered the building, but was blinded by the raving lights. They shielded their eyes with their hands as they tried to navigate through the place.

"There sure is a lot of people here."

"No kidding, it's a party. Half of Beacon is here."

They somehow managed to squeeze in between the people and found the table assigned for their team. It was uncomfortable for Blake to be around so much people, but she could not do anything about it.

Ruby went for the bowl of cookies on their table and stuffed her face, while Weiss and Yang disappeared into the crowd. Thankfully, Blake had a book in her bag and took it out to read.

The book was entitled 'Altaïr's Journey.' It was not so much a book, but a journal. The front cover was the signature symbol of the Assassins, and it was published by none other than Ezio's wife, Sofia Sartor. Ezio made sure that the book had been removed of critical Assassin information before sending it for publishing, which was good.

However, Ezio had died in the years 1500. That was over five hundred years ago.

Time seemed to speed up as Blake was deeply engrossed in the book. 

"Hey Blake!" Ruby shouted directly in her face.


Blake looked around the building, the lights were off and and the people had left. The only ones in the building were team RWBY.


"Let's go home, I'm exhausted." Yang said, stretching.

Blake closed her book and stuffed it in her bag before leaving with her team.

"Hey, the ocean is gorgeous at night, why don't we sit at the docks a little?" Weiss asked.

"Really? I'm fine with that." Ruby replied.

"Yeah, let's do it." Yang added, all trace of exhaustion gone.

The team walked over to the docks and sat on the ledge, admiring the oceans reflection of the sun. It wasn't until a ship anchored itself and ruined the silence. The team curiously looked at the ship as no one anchors at night, not especially with White Fang around.

"Are they crazy?" Weiss stated.

"Everyone! We might be staying for a while, make yourselves comfortable." A blonde man said, he looked around and saw the four girls staring at them.

"Does one of you lads know where a Harbormaster around here?" The blonde asked.

"Whats that?" Ruby whispered.

"Over there!" Blake pointed at the only stand which was open.

"Good on ya." He said as he walked over to have a conversation with the harbormaster.

"He talks strange." Ruby said, but Yang quickly covered her mouth.

"Don't say that! Not everyone is from here, you know."

"Oops, sorry."

It was then a H/C haired guy jumped from the ship on to land.

"Never been more glad to see land." He said as he looked around.

"Is this Vale? Kenway, what are we doing here again?"


"Ah, right."

The H/C male then climbed the building with great ease and looked at the surroundings.

"Ah, quite grand, this place. Where is-"


The H/C haired man was cut off by a group of White Fang faunus on the ground.


"My own free will, my good man." The H/C haired male responded cooly.

"Grr.. You make me sick. Kill him." One of the snarled.

"Kenway, a little help would be appreciated." He said as he jumped off the building and landed on two White Fang members.

"We should help them." Yang suggested and we go up. However, they got restraint by brutes about three times their size.

"Struggle all you want, we can't allow you to assist them." One of them said.

All they could do was watch as two males fought against what seemed thirty people.

The H/C haired male unsheathed both his blades as he took a stance. He then swung at a Faunus, dismembering his head, he immediately deflected two strikes from his sides as he slammed a blade in to each of their guts.

He pulled the swords out and flicked the blood off, before parrying an attack, which cause the attacker to lose both his arms and head.

At this point, the White Fang were pretty traumatised due to amount dismembering and decapitations, and they decided to run for their lives.

"Damn it. He's good." The one restraining Blake muttered.

The blonde male was sitting on a barrel, just watching as the H/C male sniggered at the fleeing White Fang.

"Thanks for the help, Captain."



This got the attention of the two males. They nodded to themselves as they shrugged.

"Who cares, we don't even know them." The H/C male said.


The H/C male threw both his swords and it pierced the heads of the ones restraining Yang and Ruby. The two holding Weiss and Blake were disoriented by his actions, and they got stabbed by the blonde male. The two fell on the ground, lifeless and the girls were released.

"T-Thanks." Weiss said, regaining her composure.

However, one was still alive and slowly unsheathed his dagger to stab Blake, but you noticed it as you grabbed Blake as he threw the dagger. It would've gone right through her head if you didn't notice.

Blake squeaked in surprised, but understood as she saw the flying dagger she dodged.

You set her down as you took your blades out of the dead bodies and pointed it at him.

"Just kil-"

His head rolled off his body. You flicked your swords and sheathed them.

"Jaysus, you need to relax on the killings, lad." Edward laughed.

"What can I say? Learnt from the best." You responded.

"Are you girls alright?" You asked the team who were dusting themselves.

"Yeah, I guess. Who are you both?" Blake asked.

"I'm Y/N, and this here is Edward."

"Aye, and you are?"

"I'm Blake, She's Ruby, Weiss and Yang."


"Hey. We'll be going know. You four should too, these freaks will most probably come back." You said.

"Maybe you should accompany them, eh?" Edward said, which caused you to cough all your air you were just breathing in.

Blake couldn't help but find your personality a tad bit.. cute.

Blake shook her head to get rid of those thoughts, but everyone stared at her on confusion.

"You alright?" You asked.


"Blake, we should get going. Ozpin is going to kick our ass if we're late.... -er than we already are." Yang said.


"Y/N, go with them." Edward suggested for the second time.

"Nay, I will not."

"If they get man handled, don't say I didn't warn you."

"Man handled?" The girls said in unison.

You chuckled before relenting.

"Alright, fine."

It was then Edward came near you and whispered in your ear.

"Pick a lady friend."

"Piss off." You said as you pushed him.

He chuckled before heading off to the highest building to synchronise.

Unfortunately Blake heard what Edward said to you and blushed, but no one noticed it.

'So, he's single? I'm lucky.'

"Shall we go?" You asked.

They nodded and you followed the team. You had your hood on so a shadow is cast over your face, making you impossible to recognise.

"So.. Y/N, what are you doing here?" Blake asked, trying to make conversation.

"That's uh classified information."

"I-I see. I'm sorry."

"No! Don't be. I think it's cute that you're trying to make conversation."

As soon as those words left your mouth, Blake's face turned red and she covered her face in embarrassment. Her team giggled at that and kept walking, leaving you confused.


"Y/N, you're way too thick headed." Yang giggled. This caused Blake to blush a deeper shade of red. You were genuinely confused on what was happening.

You just sighed and let the subject drop. You stayed alert the whole way. Eagle Vision made it easier to spot even the slightest of movements. You could see hidden people in the alleys, hiding in the shadows.

A few minutes passed and suddenly, a person darted from a alley towards girls. The girls didn't notice as they were having a conversation. As soon as they guy brandished a knife, you sprung into action as you grabbed your rope dart and waited for the correct time.

As soon as the thief was close, he tried to stab Blake, but you threw the rope dart and it stabbed him in the arm he was holding the knife from. The man cried in pain as you pulled the rope dart which made him fall on the floor, gripping his arm in pain. The girls saw what happened and immediately kicked him until he fell unconscious.

You pulled rope dart and it came out of his arm.

"You alright?" You asked.

"Yes, I'm fine. T-Thanks for saving me." Blake muttered, but loud enough for it to be heard. It was then girls leaned in closer to Blake and whispered something in her ear. Once they moved away, Blake was so red, you thought she was going to explode. All you heard from the whispers were 'boyfriend.'

"Oi, what's happening?" You asked, frustration setting in.

"Nothing~" Ruby chirped as she skipped forward. You just stood there dumbfounded.

Soon after, you reached this huge castle like building.

"Here we are, Beacon Academy." Ruby said, smiling.

Out of the corner of your eye, you saw a figure on the roofs. You sighed as you recognised it as Edward.

"Y/N? What's wrong?" Blake asked.

"Nothing. Just... Go back." You answered.

"Bye, Y/N!" Ruby shouted as she ran in the compound, Her team followed suit. You turned and was met with the face of a smirking Edward. You quickly unsheathed your sword and almost took his head off.

"Jaysus, Kenway." You sighed as you sheathed your weapon.

"Well, which one did you pick? The Blonde?"

"Wha- No! What are you- Never mind."

"Maybe the one with the bow on her head?"

"Piss off. Although, she's kind of cute."

His smirking face gets nearer to yours and you felt that you were being teased.

"Oi! Want to kiss me, mate?"

"Oh, No! That's for Blake."

You growled as you walked away.

"Wrong way lad, our base is this way. Ah Tabai told me it's location, and it should be fine for us. I told Anne to piss off with the Jackdaw for a bit." He said.

"Lead the way, Kenway."

You walked for a bit and soon reached an abandoned building. You and Edward had to climb as the door was barred. You entered through the window and scanned the room. It was actually quite well kept, considering it was abandoned, in the secluded part of town. You threw yourself on the bed as Edward took the one across from you.

Slowly, you let sleep overcome you.

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