
By Cheeraholic2015

76.4K 2.3K 173

This story takes place after season 6 of The Vampire Diaries! Caroline is going through a rough time becau... More

Painful Memories
Shoulder to cry on
Not So Road Trip
The landing
As the day turned to night
Deep Night
Interesting Night
Internal thoughts
Wake Up Call
Quick Visit
Real trip, real pain
Dark Day, and unset Feelings
Author's Note
Seeking Answers
End of the road
Memory Lane
Home at last
Stress Cleaning
Always a home- Part 1
Always and Forever- Part 2 Finale
A happy ending?

Parting once more

2.1K 72 4
By Cheeraholic2015

Klaus and I just lay there. In our room. He had his arm under me wrapped around my waist, making his hand go up and down along my arm. I just lay there, with my head and hands on his bare chest. Thinking. I needed to ask him about what had happened. They expect me to count on my memory coming back, but I don't think that will be any time soon.

"What are you thinking love?" Klaus asks. I shift so I am looking up at him.

"Nothing, just thoughts going in and out." I say listening to his heart. I feel him shift a bit.

"Caroline... ." He begins. "You have questions, I can see it." I sigh and look up at him once more.

"What happened? All I remember before waking up at my mother's house is you coming down the stairs and I being mad at you for some reason." I sigh.

"You didn't miss out on much. You were mad at me because of the witch I had brought home, the one that was following us in London, I wouldn't tell you what I had in store for her. But then you began acting different. You would be happy in a minute but at the blink of an eye you would turn on anyone who got in your way. I tried dealing with the witch, put some sence in her stubborn mind that if she helped me find out what was wrong you I wouldn't kill her. In the end she refused." I say him look up at the ceiling and then look back at me, shifting his position so he was sitting up and leaning on the wall.

"Her own judgment failed her. Powerful witch she was, with us greater power she would have gained, but she let her past cloud her present." He says and I stopped him for a second.

"Did you kill her?" I asked afraid of what the answer might be.

"No, you decided to give her a chance. Take her in, and then maybe then would she change her mind and decide to help." He explained.

"Did it work?" I asked him.

"No, she only caused more trouble. Little witch hexed you when we were in London. While you were sleep in the car I went off talking to the driver. She put a cloaking spell on herself and made her way to you through my opened door." He stops and stares out the window in a trance. I reach out to grab his hand and kiss it. Then he brings my hand and plants a long kiss on it as well.

"What happened next?" I ask. By now I was sitting up and looking at him. Our peach sheets covering me. He didn't answer, just kept his gaze on the window. I reached out and grabbed his hands. "Klaus." I said getting him out of his trance. "What happened next?" I repeated. I saw a tear rolling down his cheek.

"You got angrier. You were, feeding every time I saw you. Soon after you began hallucinating... It only got worse." He said gripping on to my hand as if I was going to slip away. "By the end of the month I instructed Elijah to look for a witch that could channel enough power to rid of the hex. Monique." He turned to me and continued. I could see tears inside his eyes.

"But of course like anything else removing the hex came with a price. Your memory in this case was the price to pay." He said finally meeting my eyes.

"But, how come I remember you giving me Hope and sending us away? I- I remember getting this house. What about the day, " I gathered all my courage to say the last memory. A lump forming in my throat. Tears building in my eyes. "What about the day I left?" I said finally. "The trip we had to London when I needed you?" I asked.

"I asked the witch to try and keep atleast some bit of your memory. At first she said she couldn't make it, said it was to much magic for her. I insisted until Elijah told me that it was not going to help. At last I let her do the spell, even if it ment you were to forget me." He said and I felt a tear roll down my face. "I was willing to take that chance." He said kissing my cheek.

"What about when you came by. Did you really have that dream?" I asked. He nodded.

"After the witch left Elijah told me that she had indeed tried to spare your memory but only managed to make it a mear vision, a dream if you will. And when I had the dream the first thing I did was get on a plane and fly to Mystic Falls." I smiled and chuckled a bit.

"And why did you break down the lock on my front door?" I asked smiling. He let out a grin and I put my head on his shoulder.

"Because I was worried. I knocked several times but you wouldn't answer. So I took matters into my own hands." He said kissing the top of my head.

I smiled. We stayed there just listening to eachother and just being there together. I looked out the window and sighed holding tightly to Klaus's hand.

"Thank you for coming back for me." I said at last. I felt him kiss my neck.

"Always." He said. I turned around and kissed him. One thing led to another and soon enough sleep was out of the question.

I woke up to a car pulling up in the driveway. I quickly open my eyes and find that Klaus wasn't next to me. I slip on Klaus's shirt and run downstairs and straight to the kitchen. There I find him and Rebekah talking and drinking blood in a whiskey glass. My heart slowed down and I walk calmly to them.

"You know, normal people prefer coffee in the morning." I say making them both look a me.

"Yes well, I don't believe vampires fit into your average category of normal love." He says standing up and putting away the now empty glass of blood in the kitchen sink. On his way back to the table he gives me a kiss and goes back to his original position on the table.

"Good morning to you too." Says Rebekah.

"Good morning. Quick question. Why are you here at- ," I look at the clock above the kitchen entrance, "Six in the morning?" I ask getting myself some coffee that had already been done and sitting down by Klaus.

"Have you forgoten that my brother wants me to look after you during the two days he will be gone?"

"Right, your leaving." I say to Klaus. He nods and grabs my knee.

"You look stunning by the way, in my shirt." He says smirking.

"Yes well, Since you didn't wake me up I thought you were leaving without saying goodbye." I said a bit irritated because he didn't wake me. "Where's Hope?" I ask.

"Hasn't woken up yet." Says Rebekah. I still can't believe I will be spending two days with Rebekah. I don't have anything against her but we aren't the best of friends either.

"Ok then, what time are you leaving?" I ask Klaus. He chuckles.

"Ready to get rid of me I see." He says smiling. I roll my eyes.

"Yes, I am. I want to go back to bed before Hope wakes up." I say playfully.

"In ten minutes." He says turning to Rebekah. "Is the car ready?" He asks her.

"Yes Nik." She says and gets up.

"You go back to bed, I'll go up to say goodbye in a bit." He says to me. I nod, kiss him and head upstairs checking in on Hope on my way to our room.

I turned on the T.V and watched Friends. Five minutes later Klaus came in and closed the door.

"I'm leaving." He says. I try not to look to upset but I know I failed miserably when he gives me a sad look. He gets closer and sits down on the bed next to me under the covers. I could feel tears wanting to form in my eyes but I held them back. He brings me into a hug.

"Promise me you won't do anything stupid Klaus." I say into his neck. I hear him chuckle.

"You have my word." He says pulling away and giving me a kiss. "I love you." He says giving me a quick kiss and standing up.

"I love you too." I say. He gives me a smile and leaves the room. Moments later I hear a car backing out of the driveway.

I lay there on my own watching Monica and Chandler's wedding and then make my way downstairs. When I hear Rebekah on the phone.

"Don't be a fool Marcel. Klaus is on his way, wait for him to get there." Rebekah says.

'Yeah, well your brother isn't one to follow orders.' Says Marcel.

"Don't piss him off, he is finally happy again. And when he is happy everyone is happy." She sighs and then keeps speaking. "Just wait for Nik to get to New Orleans, he just left so he'll be there in an hour or so if he doesn't stop for a snack." She says and hangs up.

I hear her foot steps coming closer and I go into the kitchen.

"It is of bad manners to eaves drop Caroline." She says folding her arms over her chests. I put my hands on my hips.

"I have supernatural hearing remember?" I say.

"Yes, that is why you hid behind the wall right?" She retorts and I curse myself. "Don't worry I don't hold grudges for tiny incients." She says getting a blood bag.

"Yeah well." I all I say. "Do you want to watch a movie?" I ask. She looks at me confused.

"Just because I am babysitting you doesn't mean we will become best friends." She says. I nod and get a blood bag from the fridge. "I get to pick the movie." She says and I follow her to the theater room.

Of all movies she chose 'The Best of Me'. I was crying half way through the movie. Finally two hours later the movie ended.

"I hate you Rebekah." I tell her. This movie just made a deppresing day even more depressing. She just laughs and puts on another movie, 'Pearl Harbor'. "Are you kidding me Mikaelson?" I exclaim.

"Atleast you can cry about something other than my brother being gone." She says to me hitting play. I roll my eyes and cover myself with a blanket. Two minutes later Hope's crying startles me. I sigh and take off the blanket.

"I got it." I say and make my way up to a very upset baby girl.


Thanks for all the love and support guys! I am working on a story about Kol Mikaelson. And make sure to check out my Divergent story 'Outside the Fence'. Follow me if you haven't already and make sure to check out my "All about me" and Conversations to keep up on update dates. And I am doing this new thing where you can win a new chapter of any of my stories before anyone else! So PLEASE make sure you check it out. All you need to do is enter your favorite quote. Love you all!

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