All Things Possible - Distric...

By MyMindAmusesMe

5.5K 101 13

[Book 2] - I wouldn't say I like him but I can't stop these intimate feelings for him. Like, I want nothing m... More

All Things Possible - District3 - Greg West
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Not an update.
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30

Part 15

189 5 0
By MyMindAmusesMe

Part 15: -

Elianna's POV

I walked out from the hug from Katie to face him. His eyes looked glassy and red. It was as if he'd been crying or he was just about to cry. I don't know either way. I was annoyed with him but I also understood how he felt. I understood how scared he was and still probably is. I understand that maybe fighting with him isn't the best option right now since we're both on the same wavelength. Except, he's had to deal with it earlier than I have. He's had to face the emotional turmoil on his own, whereas I have other people around me to support me. He had to walk into the building on his own and face his own demons. I know Ella consolidated him when he managed to get up the stairs but he basically had to do it himself. I'm proud of him for that because I had to do it with the help of someone. The help of someone I don't even know or trust much.

"Go somewhere and we'll talk," I muttered clearly.

"Ok, follow" He said before walking out the flat. Where the hell was he going? Albeit, I followed him regardless of how confused I was. I needed to find out what he wanted to talk to me about. Yeah we could've gone into his bedroom but everyone could've listened to our conversation. Although, I was scared in case he was leading me to the roof, just to push me off for being an annoying twat at times. Well, most of the time really.

He led me up the stairs to the roof, I began getting palpitations in my chest, and my breathing began getting hitched. It was as if he was really going to push me off the roof. It became so scary that I felt like just tumbling back down the stairs on my own. I know we needed somewhere private to talk but there was my flat or somewhere, no one knows. Why did it have to be the roof? Honestly, I'm gonna be fearing for my own life right now.

"I'm not gonna kill you Eli. No one else really knows how to get on the roof, apart from me. It's my safe place away from reality and it's quiet really," Greg said, ahead of me.

"Ok, that's good then" I muttered. I felt a sense of relief wash over me when he said it because I really felt like I was about to be brutally murdered. It's probably not best to be thinking about that, especially when you're just out from hospital, after being brutally assaulted and scared for three days of your life. I know there are people out there who have been away longer than I have and quite possibly never came back but it's a scary thing, regardless of how long you've been away for.

We reached the rood and Greg showed me his special way of getting up on the caged roof. It did look over the full of London, slightly. You could see the London Eye and Big Ben, along with all the other special qualities London houses. It was quite an eerie silence we were both given each other but it was a nice silence at the same time. It was nice because it was giving me time to reflect on the actions of both of us. To see who was in the right and who wasn't. Although, I suppose we were both in the right, really. We both did say some horrible stuff to each other but sometimes it can get through to the other and sometimes it might not.

We were still looking out over London, except I kept moving around. Taking in the breath taking sights around me. I was awe-struck to be honest with you. I was struck with how beautiful it really was. Especially with the sun slightly setting. The sky was an orange colour, with a few sprinkles of red and yellow in amongst it. It was honestly beautiful.

"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry for how I just left you there. I'm sorry for shouting at you and making you worse and I'm honestly sorry for just being a complete dick," Greg said, breaking the silence.

"Not everything was your fault. I lashed out first, going off at you for my insecurities. I just didn't realise at how badly your breakdown was. I didn't know until Lottie told me. Well, Ella told me beforehand but I just didn't believe it. I thought and felt like she was making it up just to make me feel better. I thought you went home fine but I now know that you weren't and you still aren't. I'm really sorry for even contemplating that you didn't feel anything. Sometimes, I think we're as bad as each other" I admitted sheepishly.

"Eli, that may be so but we make a good team. We're apparently right for each other, according to my sister. After Olivia and I left, she began gushing over the fact that we were dating. She kept saying how pretty you were and she went on to say about how beautiful our babies would be, if we had any. I know sex and having children is a sore subject right now but she did say that. I don't even know why she was the one gushing, when you're my girlfriend. And I do have to agree with her, except to me, you're beautiful. You're beautiful because you're still remaining strong after everything that happened. You're beautiful because you're still caring and amazing after everything that happened. I personally expected you to push everyone away and not accept their help. I expected you to push me away especially. I don't know why I expected it, I just did" Greg admitted. His confession was amazing. He was amazing. I did make me fall ten times over. Rhetorically though, not physically. That'd be awkward, if that happened.

"I expected it of myself too. I thought, after we got out of the hellhole that I'd push you and everyone else away but I'm surprised at how easy it is to keep you in my grasp. To keep all of you there. I know becoming acquaintances with Ella and Lottie, probably wasn't an easy thing to do but it means we can all grow as people. And I'll be happy with a few more girl friends, because Laurie and Aiden certainly don't give a crap about me right now, probably never have. Did your sister really say what she did?"

"I'm certainly positive that she did. I did hear her correctly; I'm not making it up or telling lies. I know both are the same thing but I'm really not. I'm being truthful. And to sum it up, you really are beautiful regardless of what anyone else says. You have little self-respect for yourself. And that's a bad quality to have. Yes, I put everyone's needs well before mine and I kinda still do but I'm learning to appreciate that I'm needed here and that I do need to put my own safety and worries before anyone else. I know that I'm going on a never-ending journey but I'm willing to sail that ship to help myself and I wanna be there, helping you too. I need you in my life Elianna and I need you there, helping me too. I know that's a big ask to specifically ask but can we please promise each other that we'll be there, helping each other through this difficult time. To love and to cherish each moment we spend, just so we can get through and get by" He pleaded.

"Greg, of course I'll be there. I need you so badly, it hurts some times. You're my saviour because you tried to stand up for me in the warehouse; you tried to protect me because I was vulnerable. You tried to sacrifice yourself to protect me and that was a stupid thing to do. Believe me, it was but I love you for it. I love you for trying to be sustainable in a horrible situation and I love you for trying to be perfect but I love your flaws as well. To some people, they might pick out your flaws but to me, your flaws are what make you, you. They make you who you are and don't forget that. I'm not saying the words 'I love you' just yet; I was just using them in a context to express how I really felt those times in that warehouse for what you did. I do, however, like you so damn much, even when I was a sarcastic so and so. I need you here too, don't forget that"

"That's something I can't and wouldn't forget. You're my everything, Elianna. However, don't think we've had our first couple kiss yet" He said raising his eyebrows. I just giggled at his action and stepped forward, towards him.

"You'll have to help me here since I'm smaller than you," I whispered as I placed my hands on his waist.

Greg bent down as I reached up a little, on my tiptoes. Our mouths connected in a whirlwind. My first kiss with Greg was amazing. The rhetorical fireworks went off in my head, the rhetorical dizziness set in and it was amazing. The kiss was soft but firm and it was just right. After about five seconds, we departed from our kiss and begun staring at each other.

"Thank you," He whispered.

"You're welcome. However, I think it might be best to get back to the 'welcome lounge' back at your flat. They'll be worried in case we're tearing the hair out of each other," I laughed.

"They will indeed but they can wait a little while longer because I want time with my girlfriend" He spoke confidently.

"And who says I wanna spend time with my boyfriend?" I joked.

"Me" He smirked.

"I'd love to but considering that there's people downstairs, waiting on us, it's kinda necessary to be down there than up here" I commented.

"You win this time, Eli," He said.

"I'll always win, Gregory" I smirked. He just stuck his tongue out at my lameness and walked ahead. However, our hands were clasped together. I guess we were truly an item, more so than ever.

Greg's POV

The kiss was amazing. It was out of this world. The softness of her lips, the pinkness and texture was out of this world. She's such an amazingly strong person and there's no doubt about how successful she'll become later on in life. I don't know what her lifelong ambition is but I'm pretty sure it's something amazing. Ella's lifelong ambition was to become an actor but she's already becoming a millionaire by inheriting her parents' company along with her grandparents'. Lottie, on the other hand wanted to be a shopkeeper. No one knows why but she does. However, she put it on hold, just so she can be there with Shannon. She wants to be her daughter's saviour and best friend, as she grows older, just so Shannon is able to tell Lottie everything. Therefore, until Shannon is older and Lottie has to settle to a more permanent area, she's coming on the road with us and being our stylist kinda. She's just gonna advise us on things and do our hair. God only knows why.

The only reason I gave into Elianna's decision to go back downstairs was that I didn't wanna cause any more friction than what there was. I wanna be able to just hold her without feeling this pressure and anxiety on my shoulders. I just wanna be able to call her mine without this added pressure of hatred within me or with her. I just want everything to be plain sailing for here until the end. If there is an end in sight. Elianna's really special to me; more so than what Maria was and that's saying something. Maria did feel right at the time but nothing compares to the feeling I seem to be feeling when I'm with and around Elianna. We might be mutually different, with different interests and hobbies but we gel together amazingly. We get on like a house on fire. Obviously, speaking rhetorically. I just wish everything would stay that way, forever.

We reached the front door of my flat and I turned round to face Elianna. You could tell she was trying to hide embarrassment or some sort, which was very cute. Her cheeks were a pale pink colour to match her olive complexion. Her face was blemish free, it obviously, did make her seem younger than 18 but she was a real beautiful girl.

"You go in looking all embarrassed, they'll figure that something went down," I whispered.

"Let them imagine all they want. Nothing was ever done, except a little stolen smooch," She whispered back. I just smiled and opened the door. Everyone was sat on the couch, looking bored as hell. How long have we been away for? It hasn't been that long, has it? I hope not.

"So the golden couple is finally back," Katie commented with slight amusement in her voice.

"Yep, we are indeed" Elianna smirked.

"Good, it was getting lonely down here" Dan spoke.

"And you couldn't have started without us" I responded sarcastically.

"Nope, because the things we have to do include both of you. We couldn't have started because we have to give you both something" Ella commented. Ella's stomach looked as if it was ready to burst at any given moment but we all knew she was trying to hold on until her due date. She wanted it to be on her due date for some odd reason.

"Ok..." Elianna said, dragging the 'k' out.

"Sit, the pair of you," Ella demanded. Ok, she's definitely becoming motherly. Her child will definitely be disciplined accordingly.

Elianna and I sat on the sofa all-antsy like. My hand was still clasped around hers, just as hers was to mine. I could sense everyone staring at our clasped hands but we were in a relationship, its normal behaviour. Do they really expect us to be sitting either end of the couch being all-sour like? I didn't think so.

Micky helped Ella with whatever they wanted to give us. I suppose he needed to help her since she was extremely fat with her pregnancy. However, who knows.

"Whatever you do, don't go mental at the rest of us. Blame Ella for this" Micky stated.

"Why would we go mental?" Elianna asked confused.

"You'll see in a minute" Lottie commented. Her saying that got me even more anxious. It felt like they were playing a prank on us to make us even more terrified. However, I doubt Ella would be like that, especially when she's for due to pop out her child. Ella got the surprise and hid it behind her back; Micky did the same as well. I was seriously anxious now.

"Whatever you do, don't kill me," Ella said before handing Elianna and I a medium sized box.

Elianna and I unwrapped the box to show that there was an iPhone4s plus accessories in the small gift box. Ella was so gonna get murdered because she didn't have to go buy us one each. I could've bought my own.

"You didn't have to Ella but thank you" Elianna commented as she got up and gave Ella a hug.

"I wanted to. You both have been through so much and lost so much because of those twats. You both lost something that you worked so hard to achieve. I know it's not really a proper expense or a proper sense of relief after what they done but you're both my friends, best friends in fact and you really do deserve happiness now. You both deserve to be happy even if it comes slowly. We all decided, as a group to get you the phones because Olivia told us what you told her, Greg. She told us that they took everything from you both. And we felt it wasn't fair so we all decided to get you them. Katie helped us with yours Elianna, like the accessories and stuff because Lottie and I, didn't know what you liked or things but we are really thankful that you're both here, alive" Ella said sullenly.

I quickly rushed off the couch and engulfed Ella and I bone crushing hug, careful not to squash her child. She really was one of a kind and she was seriously an amazing person.

"Thank you to all of you. I seriously don't know what I would've done if it wasn't for any of you. Thank you to Dan and Micky for capturing the people on tape, taking Elianna and I to the new place. Thank you for going to police straight after you caught it. Thank you to Ella for not only the phone and accessories but for helping me the day I was released from hospital. Because, if it wasn't for you giving me that little speech, I don't know how I would've been. I also need to thank all of you for just giving Elianna and I space to be able to deal with this and for being there for both of us. I know there will be times where neither of us can really speak to anyone, other than between her and I but we will try and work through them to be able to communicate with you. Also, a big thank you to Lottie and Katie for still being completely sane after the ordeal you felt. For being as strong as you have been throughout it. Although, Katie ended up in hospital for exhaustion, you've remained healthy and strong afterwards. I also wanna thank Elianna, for being helpful and cooperative with me throughout those three hellish days and thank you for being able to get past your hatred for me to form this bond," I said, quite tearfully.

"I always liked you from the start. I just put a wall up and pretended I hated you. I automatically thought you hated me too," Elianna admitted.

"I could never hate you," I said cheesily.

After the whole thank you drama and the present giving, we all went out for a meal together. It was Ella's idea to celebrate us all being back together. Sometimes, you have to be thankful for all that's in your life, young and old. I'm definitely thankful for my friends, my family and my girlfriend right now because if they hadn't been found out, then I might've not been here and that would've made things horrible. Not only for Elianna but for my friends and family too. They'd had to have said goodbye.

A/n: -

On the last part with my authors note, I wasn't being cheeky or fishing for compliments. I was just anxious over my work. Like I'd saw my story getting reads and votes and I just felt it wasn't on par with Together Again. This probably isn't but I just felt like it wasn't.

I also was being told by a longstanding friend that I should be a professional author as well. Apparently my work is "world class" but I don't think so. It's full of grammar errors and spelling mistakes and missing words. For which, I need to edit all my stuff LOL but my last authors note wasn't being nasty or anything. I just wanted to hear your opinion on the story and if you were liking it or not.

Sorry for any misjustice if you thought I was.

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