cabin eighteen; a.i {on hold}

By aestheticirwxn

791 45 23

oh, the things that are possible at camp... More

cabin one
cabin two
cabin three
cabin four
cabin five
cabin seven
cabin eight
cabin nine
cabin ten
cabin eleven
cabin twelve
cabin thirteen
cabin fourteen
cabin fifteen

cabin six

59 3 5
By aestheticirwxn

i twirl the number two pencil in between my teeth as my eyes graze over the lyrics scribbled down in my book so far.

as the smile fell from your face, i fell with it,

our faces blue.

there's a heart stain on the carpet,

i left it, i left it with you.

yeah, the truth is that i'm sorry,

though i told you not to worry.

i'm just some dumb kid,

trying to kid myself,

that i got my mind together..

and that was it. so far at least.

huffing, i blow another breath of whispy, cold air. i pursed my lips and sat in the windy field as rustling leaves and grass whisked by my bare calves. looking off to my right, i noticed a few campers up and wandering around, as well as sunlight peeking out from behind the forest. deciding that it was best if i just packed up and headed back to the cabin before troye awoke, i neatly organized everything back in my bag and tucked a stray group of baby hairs behind my ear.

my stomach obnoxiously rumbled on my walk back to the cabin, so i figured that a quick detour to the mess hall to grab some food for troye and i would be sufficient. my numb fingers gripped onto the worn-leather strap of the satchel while my legs ached tremendously after sitting in a solitary position for the past three hours on the hill. i let out a mental sigh as i reached the entrance of the cafeteria. absorbing every overwhelming ounce of warmth that greeted my shivering body once i set foot inside. 

hardly anyone except the staff roamed around inside, but it wasn't that surprising considering how early it must've been. 

i paused in front of the breakfast à la carte menu, searching for something filling yet appetizing all the same.

"i suggest getting their cinnamon rolls," a voice says next to me. 

i glance over at the person to whom the comment belonged to and was taken away by what i see. 

it was a boy who looked around my age, with light brunette curls and an optimistic, greenish/hazel eye hue. he nearly towers a good inch or so over my height which causes me to tilt my gaze up slightly to take a good look at him. 

"its both ample and delicious beyond description, if you ask me personally." he persuades and returns the glance. 

"that was what you were looking for wasn't it?" the boy questions, nudging me with his elbow gently for me to answer his curiosity.

"how'd you suppose that?" i ask, still scouring the bleak food options to hide my strange giddiness. 

"it wasn't so much as to supposing," he begins. "but more towards the common fact that you, by habit i'm guessing, tend to speak your thoughts without noticing." the boy concludes, leaning against a wooden column beside the menu with an undeniable smirk.

"sorry to burst your bubble, but i don't usually take advice from know-it-alls at this time of day." i retort with a fake smile and move forward in the lunch line. 

i was not in the mood for whatever 'game' this boy was attempting to play; no matter how gorgeous as he was.

"who said i was a know-it-all?" he giggles, not giving up just yet and joins me line behind a few campers who had already filled up three quarters of the waiting pathway.

"look, you seem really nice and all. but why don't you go and be friendly to someone who's actually worth your time." i suggest truthfully, before turning around to move one step forward in line.

"who said you weren't worth my time?" he frowns and turns me back around to face him yet again.

"you're really curious on who says what aren't you?" i can't help, but chuckle at his propensity with the phrase.

"and you use big words while deep in thought." he replies playfully with bubbly laughter. 

ugh, i did it again didn't i? 

"yes, you did." he answers with a smile that could practically light up the entire trip-state area of new york.

"touché." i admit, becoming more relaxed with my actions around him. 

by this time, i've already ordered two recommended cinnamon rolls as the boy, weirdly, does the same. maybe he was just really hungry this morning. we both thank the hair-netted woman who retrieved the fresh pastries in the back after she hands the warm pastry boxes to each of us.

the boy walks by my side in silence as i head towards the exit before taking a look at the ticking clock hanging above the doorway and suddenly becomes extremely frantic. "oh my gosh, i need to go.!" he rambles quickly, speeding ahead of me. "wait!" i blurt out, as he stops abruptly in place and circles back around to face me. "i- um.. i never caught your name.?" i say awkwardly, clicking the heels of my shoes together.

he smiles happily and, to my dismay, turns as red as a tomato.

"its ashton. ashton irwin." he laughs nervously and my heart flutters for a moment. 

why does he sound so familiar to me?

"and you are?" he adds.

"oh um, i'm maia. maia matthews. but its really just maia." i explain and smile back.

"well then, just maia," ashton chuckles. "i hope to see you around sometime.?" he offers with a dimpled grin backing away slowly without taking his gleaming stare from mine. the butterflies previously encased in my stomach break out wildly. 

"and i you." i giggle, goofily curtseying. oh my god, maia, what are you doing with your life? a curtesy?really?  

i mentally face palm myself as ashton just laughed, shaking his head at me before flashing one more smile goodbye and jogged out the door. leaving me embarrassed and, just the slightest bit, emotionally unstable.

and as much as i would probably regret to admit it..

i really wanted to see that smile again,

and soon.

hey guys? so um :/...merry belated christmas? :D i'm so so so SO extremely sorry for forgetting to put up this chapter christmas day bc i already had it written out on christmas eve and everything and now i'm just so- ugh. i'm just really sorry that I've been so busy these past few days and couldn't post :( but on a happier note, MAIA AND ASHTON ARE SO CUTE LIKE OMLLLKKAJSDIAJEH other words, my heart hurts, they're so adorable already lol.<3 hopefully you guys can consider this a prolonged christmas gift? :) and also this story is up to 90 VIEWS?!!? like HOW?! WHEN?! this is the best news to me, i literally consider it a xmas gift but from all you guys who actually take the time to read my stories! and my long author notes too of course lol. well, i hope you guys had the safest and best holidays with your friends and fam-bams! i love all y'all so incredibly much!!<3 make sure to comment your favorite parts of this chapter below and vote it up! chapter seven in the works ;) peace outt! -sierra xx

{p.s: oh & can you guys guess who "maia's song" is actually written by in real life? leave your guesses in the comment box! if you know this, i will legit love you forever and if you don't i'll still love you, but you should really go find out, and get it, and then listen to it like four hundred million times cause its fabulouis and shiz ;) ok love you gorgeous peoples, byeeeee! xx} 

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