Bow, Arrow, and Sword (Bleach...

By icepuppywrites

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Many say that Uryu Ishida is the last Quincy, a race of humans who went extinct 200 years ago. However, they'... More

Bow, Arrow, and Sword (Bleach Fanfic)
Chapter One: Rei Asaka
Chapter Two: Found by the Soul Society
Chapter Three: Fight Against the Soul Reapers
Chapter Four: Third Seat, Squad Six
Chapter Five: Her First Assignment
Chapter Six: Malfunctions & the Lord
Chapter Seven: A Talk with Sosuke Aizen
Chapter Nine: Breaking the Seal
Chapter Ten: Festival Preparations
Chapter Eleven: Beneath the Fireworks
Chapter Twelve: The Case of the Missing Third Seat
Chapter Thirteen: Rei's Secret- Revealed
Chapter Fourteen: Kidnapped!
Chapter Fifteen: Nakami's Despair
Chapter Sixteen:

Chapter Eight: Ayame Asaka- the Truth

1.9K 75 3
By icepuppywrites

Rei finally stopped at Sokyoku Hill, her chest heaving. How was it possible that Sosuke Aizen, evil maniac who waged war on the Soul Society and killed hundreds of Soul Reapers, souls, and Hollows, had the exact same eyes as her father? And how did he know her mother's name?

She knelt down, holding her head in her hands. Things were getting way too complicated for her liking.

"Yo." Someone said suddenly.

Rei jumped, her head shooting up, and saw Nakami looking down at her. "Oh, it's you."

"Me." He agreed. "Whatsup?"


"Whatever it is, it's definitely not 'nothing' if it's bothering you this much. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to; I just thought you'd feel better that way."

Rei sighed. "I went to talk to Aizen." she began.

"I know."

"I asked him some questions, he answered. Then he asked me how Ayame was doing."

"Who's Ayame?"

"My mother, the Quincy. She died."

Nakami frowned. "How would Aizen know about your mother?"

"I had a bad feeling, so I asked him to show me his eyes. His eyes are the exact same as my father's. The exact same."

He did a double take. "Aizen? And your father?" Then it clicked. "No way! But that's impossible!"

"That's exactly what I thought, too." Rei stood up. "How can I confirm it?"

Nakami still looked rather stunned. "Um, well, you could get a DNA test at the Department of Research and Development, but if it turns out that your suspicion was true, it wouldn't mean well for you."

"I know that, but I also need to know who my father really is. How do I get to the Department of Research and Development?"

He sighed. "If you're this determined, then I guess I'll just show you the way myself. Come on, or I'll leave you behind."

"Good luck with that."

"What?" Captain Kurotsuchi said, cupping his ear. "Say that again."

Rei bowed her head. "I'm requesting a favor from the Department."

"And what favor would that be?"

She bowed her head even lower, keeping her fingers crossed. "I'd like to have a DNA test, sir, comparing my DNA to that of Sosuke Aizen's."

Kurotsuchi grinned maniacally. "And why should I do that?"

"Please sir, I'm asking for your help, Captain."

Kurotsuchi sighed reluctantly. "Well, I suppose I have enough time for something as simple as that. Nemu!"

"Yes, master."

"Take a blood sample of Rei Asaka and compare it to Aizen's."

"Yes, master."

Rei winced as Nemu cut a tiny nick in her arm and collected the droplets of blood in a glass vial, before placing it inside some weird machine.

Kurotsuchi turned to Rei. "You'll get the results back tomorrow."

Rei beamed. "Thank you, Captain Kurotsuchi!"

"Well?" asked Nakami, who was waiting for her outside. "How'd it go?"

"He agreed to do the test. I'll know for sure tomorrow."

"That's good. Oh, and by the way, the others are looking for you. They've prepared the Senkaimon for you to return."

"You're not coming?"

Nakami pushed himself off the wall he was leaning against. "No. I have patrol duty. I'll catch up in a few days. Try to cope without me until then."

"That won't be too hard." Rei said sarcastically.

"Good. Hurry up, Rukia, Renji, and Ichigo are waiting." He smiled, then Flash Stepped out of sight. Rei stared at the spot he had just stood in for a few minutes, before heading in the opposite direction, towards the Senkaimon.

Rei arrived at the Senkaimon a few minutes later, touching down to the ground and racing over to where Rukia, Renji, and Ichigo were waiting. "Hey! Sorry I'm late."

Renji turned to face her. "Where the hell were you?" he demanded. "We've been waiting for ages!"

"Actually," Rukia corrected him, "it's only been fifteen minutes."

"That's still fifteen minutes too long."

Ichigo glanced up. "Say, where's Nakami?"

"He has some squad work to finish up. He'll join us in a few days."

"Then let's get moving."

Four Hell Butterflies fluttered in front of them, leading them through the Senkaimon and into the Precipice World, heading back to the World of the Living.

Back in the Department of Research and Development, Captain Kurotsuchi tapped away on the keys, his eyes racing over the symbols that ran across the screen. Then those eyes widened.

"Well, well. What do you know?" He chuckled, hitting a button and printing out a sheet of paper. "Very interesting. Veerry interesting. The Central isn't going to be very happy about this. Nemu!"

"Yes, master."

"Call Rei Asaka and tell her the results."

"Yes, master."

Rei was staring at her zanpakuto, mulling over how she could unseal them, when her phone suddenly rang. Rukia glanced up from the magazine she was reading. Ichigo and Renji were busy taking down Hollows, so the two of them got to have a little break.

Rei picked up her phone and answered. "This is Rei Asaka, squad six third seat."

Nemu's voice came from the other end. "We have your DNA test results."

Rei immediately perked up. "I'm listening."

Then her face paled, turning a pasty white. She had been prepared to hear Nemu's response, knowing full well what it would be, and yet it was still a shock to her. She managed to stammer a 'thank you' to Nemu before hanging up, her eyes round with shock.

Rukia pursed her lips at the sight of Rei's expression. "What's the matter?"

"The results just came out. It's a positive."

Rukia was grim. "That's definitely not good. No matter what, do not tell anyone else besides Ichigo and me. Not even Renji. If the Central catches word of this, who knows what they'll do to you?"

Right on cue, Ichigo climbed in through the window, blinking at the two girls' faces. "Did I miss something important?"

"Where's Renji?" Rukia asked.

"He's finishing up, and told me to go on ahead of him. Why?"

Rei took a deep breath, exchanging glances with Rukia. "There's-----something you should know."

Ichigo listened as Rei and Rukia explained the whole situation, his eyebrows furrowed. After a while, he spoke up. "So, you really are the daughter of Aizen."

Rei nodded. "A real pain in the ass, isn't it?"

"And this bothers you?"

"Of course it does! I mean, I just found out that the guy who killed hundreds of Soul Reapers and humans alike, and lead an army of Arrancar and Espada to destroy the Soul Society, is my very own father. Of course I'm bothered. But the real question is, doesn't it bother any of you? You actually fought him."

Ichigo looked away, and Rukia wouldn't meet her eyes. "Well, it is kind of disturbing if you think about it. That is, until you remember that while Aizen turned against us, you, on the other hand, are actually helping us. You're different from Aizen, and that's all that matters. We won't compare you to him, but we can't say the same for Central 46. Aizen slaughtered the original forty-six members, so the new ones are bound to be wary of him at the very least."

Rei cleared her throat. "Is there any way for me to see Aizen again?"

"Again? They were reluctant to let you go the first time. A second time would be like asking for trouble."

"Either way, it's about time we had a father-daughter talk."

"Head Captain!" 

"What is it?" Yamamoto asked impatiently, scowling at the messenger.

"Muken prisoner, Sosuke Aizen, has requested to see you personally."

"Prisoners do not have the right to request a talk with captains." He replied.

"But Head Captain, he said it had to do with Rei Asaka, Squad Six third seat."

Yamamoto opened his eyes. Rei Asaka? "Very well. I will grant his request. Send a message to Captain Kuchiki to meet me at the Muken."

"Yes, sir!"

Byakuya and Yamamoto stopped in front of Aizen's cell. "Sosuke Aizen," Yamamoto boomed. "Why did you call us here?"

Aizen smirked, his eyes flashing through an opening in the black bandages that bound him. "Good to see you, Head Captain." He said mockingly.

"Answer the question! What business do you have with Rei Asaka?"

Aizen smirked even wider. "Is it such a problem? I merely wished to see a family member."

"What did you say?" Yamamoto's hands clenched around his cane. "A family member?"

"Why yes, of course. I'm sure both Rei and Mayuri Kurotsuchi are well aware of it by now."

Byakuya stepped forward. "What is your relation with my third seat officer?"

"Right, Rei is the third seat of your squad. It slipped my mind."

"What is your relation with her?"

For a split second, Byakuya thought he saw those cold brown eyes soften a bit, before hardening just as quickly. "That should be obvious. Rei Asaka is my daughter."

Byakuya reeled backwards, and Yamamoto's eyes opened wide. "What did you say?"

"You heard me. She is my daughter, and I wish to see her."

Yamamoto turned to face Byakuya. "Captain Kuchiki, you will not breathe a word of this to anyone. We are both well aware of the consequences if the Central ever found out."

"Yes, Head Captain."

"Sosuke Aizen, we will contact Rei Asaka. Should she refuse to see you, you are not to complain."

Aizen's eyes glittered. "Oh, she'll see me, if she wants to know how to break the seal on her zanpakuto and bow."

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