Fayne Dae (A Kylo Ren Romance...

By BeamingHope98

17.4K 733 115

I never asked to be born. I never asked to be hunted. And if I had a choice, I would never have fallen in lov... More

Chapter 1 - Memories
Chapter 2 - A Voice In The Dark
Chapter 3 - The Force
Chapter 4 - Elle
Chapter 6 - Forgive Me
Chapter 7 - The Dream
Chapter 8 - I Don't Know You Anymore
Chapter 9 - The Truth
Chapter 10 - Seduction
Chapter 11 - Murderer
Is Anyone Interested?
Chapter 12 - I Won't Fight You
Another Kylo Fanfic
Another Kylo Fanfic
Once She Loved Him

Chapter 5 - Him

1.1K 63 5
By BeamingHope98

First of all I want to say that I am so grateful for every single comment and vote! You guys keep me writing! Please tell me what you think of Kylo Ren!

"We are here."

Ah. Takadona. If only . . . if only Elle could be here. Do not slow down. She must now slow down.

Fayne is here for a purpose. And a purpose that must be realised. It must, otherwise Elle has died for nothing. And that is unacceptable.

"Thank you Trade Master." Her voice is icy, as icy as a winter storm on Hoth. How dare they do this to her! Manipulate her like a puppet on strings. Her bitter pain is msked by the seething fire of her anger. The First Order did this. If they had not been hunting Fayne on Endor, Elle would still be here. To share this moment of freedom. To live. As she deserved to.

But once Snoke is destroyed, it won't matter. She will find contentment when sweet justice has been served. And make no mistake, that is the end goal.

Fayne pulls down her hood, revealing masses of thick curly ringlets, a rich onyx black. They wil need to know it's her. That Fayne has come home. At last.

She pays the Trade Master promptly and watches as the cruiser departs Takadona. Time to bury Elle.

The body is still fresh. She has only been dead for a few hours. It feels like only moments ago when she was still here. And the horror is still alive. Within 20 minutes, it is done. Fayne doesn't cry. She has spent all her tears. Spent all her care. Now she feels empty and full at the same time. There are some pains that cannot be comprehended by the human mind. Only suffered, only waited out until the darkness is over.

Elle deserved so much more than a plot of dirt many miles away from home. But there at the centre of all this anguish, of all this agony that cannot be voiced, there is a little burning star. And it won't die out. It is hope. And it means the pain is worth suffering.

Fayne begins the long trek to Maz Kanata's castle. There, she hopes she can convince the kindly creature to get a message to Leia. To the Resistance.

And she is so close. The tall grey building with its long vibrant banners and the honeysuckle weaving in and out of the thick rocks . . . it's so close. Until she gets hit square in the face by a . . . . a girl? A Scavenger girl?

Quite short, lean with messy dark hair pinned back and cocoa eyes that dart about erratically.

"I'm so sorry . . ." Fayne starts.

The girl seizes her hand and yanks her back into the forest. Shooting like a laser bolt, to swift to react.

"Trust me, whoever you are, you do not want to go back there!" the girl shrieks. Her other hand clutches a blaster, a finger locked to the trigger.

And then Fayne senses it. Stupid stupid girl! She was blind. Day dreaming. Bitter. And in her cries to the past, she withdrew from the present.

The booming sound of explosions rip through the forest. As Fayne looks up, hundreds of ships shred through the clear sky, shooting in the direction of the castle, red bolts shredding through the clear sky. And there at the centre, she senses him. Him. Him. He's heading in their direction. Towards her. Towards Fayne. Her heart begins to race.

"I'm Rey!" the girl shouts over her shoulder, stopping to cut a massive heap of foliage from their path. "Who are you? You look familiar . . ."

Fayne's legs have started trembling buy she manages to stutter. "F-Fayne."

"What?!" Rey doesn't hesitate. As soon as the obstacle is moved, her iron grip is back, forcing Fayne to pick up the pace and run.

"Fayne Dae?! There's like 50 million credits on your head!"

"You have to leave me."

An aching desire, a flaming love, a whimpering fear. Will he find her? Will she seem him again?

"Funny, I was just about to say the same thing to you," Rey pants. The pair finally stop, heaving deeply, dripping with perspiration. All around, the forest is surprisingly dense and the trees tower like leafy guardians above their small children.

"I've taken us deep in," Rey says. "Stay here and maybe, maybe you can escape. I have to draw them off."

"Rey . . ." She won't make it. She cannot. Kylo Ren has been tracking since he was 3 years old. She'll get caught for sure. What does that mean for Fayne?! Does he even know that she is here?

"Look Fayne Dae, just trust me," Rey hisses. "My BB8 unit is carrying something immensely important. Something worth dying for. We've lost them for now but I spotted ground units. I have to draw their attention!"

Before Fayne can utter another word, the brave Scavenger has disappeared into the thick bushes, leaving Fayne with unspoken thanks and a new profound respect for this girl.

Keep moving. To stand still in a kill zone means death. The deeper the forest, the thicker the foliage. Perhaps she can hide more efficiently.

Seconds turn to minutes as she begins to sprint. And every minute drags into eternities, nothing but the sound of laboured breathing and foot fals in the leaf masses. Then a voice within tells her to look around. And she does. And she screams.

Kylo Ren is not even running. Why should he? She is slowing down. He does not need to. She is slowing down, almost toppling with a crippling fatigue. Twelve feet, ten feet, eight feet . . . closing steadily.

Every memory, every tear, every sleepless night comes rolling down upon Fayne, wiping the air from her lungs in one foul strike.

He's still so tall, towering at least a foot over Fayne's 5ft 3 inch frame. He is clothed in night black, a queer metallic helmet concealing his face.

The darkness rolls off of him in oceans. Sickly, rotting, all-consuming, that is what's it feels like. But there is also a shade, a beckoning glow. Like a soft ripple of lavender in a cold dark place. It is light. And it has survived 3 years of evil.

As he removes his helmet, Fayne's heart shatters. He has barely changed. As he approaches her, his eyes burn with unspoken pleas. A deep desperation so intense it is if the desire has come from Fayne herself. He looks weary and . . . hopeful.

"Fayne . . ."

Fayne Dae bursts into tears. This loss has been festering too long. Every day for 3 years, she has seen him. In frightful waking moments, in the loneliness of the night. And now he is here, and she doesn't know what to do.

"I've missed you so much," he breathes and as she meets his gaze, she sees her heart wrenching loneliness reflected in his soul. He does not cry, but the loss is there. "My beautiful Fayne . . ."

His hand touches her face and she grips it, pressing his cold fingers to her warm skin. His touch is like a bolt of electricity, bursting through every pore, awakening every nerve, How many nights has she hungered for that touch?

"And I you, my dear," she whispers softly.

"Then . . ." he hesitates. "Then forgive me. Please forgive me beloved. I'd never hurt you."

"Forgive you for . . ."

The shadow of a gloved hand passes over her head. The world spins and the last words she hears are a final plea, "Forgive me Fayne," as he lifts her effortlessly into his arms. Then the world at least, is rife with silence.

Yay or nay? I had trouble writing this chapter! Please tell me what you think of how I have written Kylo so far! Thank you everyone!

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