Star Signs ✮ Malum

By GiraffeLegsLuke

108K 6.9K 2K

"You know Michael Clifford right?" "The name rings a bell. . ." - - - "That's Michael Clifford." She whisper... More

Michael Clifford
On Location
Chocolate Milk Party
Soups On
Pretty In Pink
Pretty Frickin' Punk
Award Shows Suck
Reward Miles
White Lights
Make It Up
First Move
We Don't Believe What's on TV
End Up Here
Dial Tones
Season of the Dead
Strange Love
Fresh Start Fever
Roman Holiday
Waste The Night
For You, and Your Denial
Growing Pains
All You Are is History

2 Heads

2.1K 126 53
By GiraffeLegsLuke

Quick recap of last chapter:

-Michael topped
-Luke was literally chilling out on the couch during the entire thing (it wasn't mentioned last chapter but in the chapter before)
-Calum had two showers, what a waste of water.
-They were making cannibal jokes at the end.


"You guys are gross," Luke whined, as he drove the pair to the studio.

Michael laughed, "You didn't have to stick around."

Michael caught my eye in the mirror and I couldn't look away from his pale pupils, Luke continued to complain the entire ride there and Michael and I weren't bothered enough to listen.

On the way in the studio Michael paused to comment on my sex hair, happily telling Luke that he was the stylist. He almost spat out a detailed tutorial when Luke shrieked at him to stop. Luke and I exchanged equally embarrassed looks on the way down the hall.

Today, we were doing voice overs for the scenes with a lot of action, the kind where it was easiest for the camera to get footage but the sound was lacking.

Michael and I were in a sound booth, the tech people explaining it would be easiest if Michael and I conversed together like in the scene rather than separately.

"Who was that girl?" Michael asked, getting right into character.

"I think her name was Hannah..? Or maybe that was Kim." I reply, trying to convey how thoughtful I am with my voice.

"You really don't know, girls aren't objects you idiot." Michael said, rolling his eyes at me sarcastically.

"I kn-" I stopped mid word, like the script detailed and looked at the tech guy sitting on the other side of the glass. He gave a thumbs up and we continued.

"What was that?" Michael asked, voice coming out urgent. The way he voiced it made my heart speed up automatically, making it seem like this scene was a lot more intense then it was.

"Maybe we should get going," I reply, lowering my voice. The tech guy nodded along to what I was saying and wasn't really paying attention when I elbowed Michael. He winced, but didn't break character.

"Why? You scared?" Michael teased, scowling at me when I hit him in the ribs again.

"Why are you hitting me?" He whispered away from the mic.

I shrugged, "No, don't be stupid. I just think that we should get some pizza, right now. I'm starving."

Instead of elbowing me back, Michael fought off my attack momentarily until he could get a hold of my hand. By the end of the recording session, Michael and I were still holding hands.

"You're stupid." Was the first thing that came out of Michael's mouth when we left the booth, although there was a hint of a smile on his lips.

"What would I be if not for thee?" I ask, taking my best crack at Shakespearean. I knew it was bad, I hadn't passed English in school so you can't blame me.

Michael seemed to think it over before tuning back to me, "Still stupid."

I roll my eyes, a smile sprawling onto my lips as his grip on my hand tightens. "Probably."

Michael opened one of the many doors lining the hall seemingly at random. He pulled me in as soon as he realized it was empty, he didn't bother turning on the lights but neither of us minded. The room was mostly obscured by darkness but from what I could tell it was mostly broken equipment, a room for things right before they get repaired.

Michael dragged me behind a ripped curtain and sat down, I followed suit shortly and crossed my legs as I leaned my back against the wall. Just hanging out with Michael seemed natural, more natural than hanging out with a best friend. I couldn't help it when I slid a little bit closer to him in the dark.

"This is nice," Michael mumbled into the quiet, dropping his hold on my hand so he could put his arm around me.

I can't remember how exactly it happened but his mouth was on mine and things were a bit fuzzy around the edges, I couldn't be bother to remember anything at the time either than a colourfully pale boy named Michael. I could write a paper that just consisted of  how his lips felt against mine. I could probably describe the exact colour of his eyes in that lighting, they were much more than a simple pale green at that proximity. I could dedicate an entire novel's worth to how much I loved him at this moment.


That gave me a shock, could it truly be love? How long had a known this beauty? A couple months? How could that possibly be enough time? Sure, people could fall in love within weeks, days, hours, some people can manage to fall in love at a glance.

Did that make me a fool? Falling for someone I knew so little about? It didn't matter, none of it mattered right now. I could figure things out later, right now I could lose myself within a kiss.

Michael pulled away then, just as my mind was focusing in on the kiss finally. He looked at me with wide eyes, face barely illuminated by a sliver of light. He looked surprised or even shocked, it was hard to tell. "What did you just say?"

I wasn't even sure, I couldn't even remember my thoughts up until a few moments ago. I wanted to shrug, right it off as a quick nothing but the way Michael was looking at me told me that he had heard, he just didn't believe it.

"I don't know?" I whispered, wanting desperately to return to the warmth of the kiss. I did though, subconsciously, that I'd accidentally worded my thoughts aloud rather than keeping them a secret like I'd wanted.

"Cal, what did you say?" He knew then that I knew, it was easily read on my face. I still didn't want to repeat it though, his expression didn't allow much for predicting his reaction.

"I love you." It seemed more like a breath, I'd never meant those words as much as I did when I said them to Michael, even with the fear of rejection was looming over me like a comically placed anvil.

"Yeah?" Michael asked, a smirk growing on his lips as he leaned in at a speed slower than molasses, his voice coming out just as sweet.

"Yeah." I admitted, gladly leaning in at long last. I had a hard time kiss Michael back with a smile on my face, I didn't even realize he didn't say it back.

✩  ✩  ✩  ✩

We met up with Luke, who looked rather off when we approached. Michael and I greeted him with smiles and Luke gave us his best attempt back but it came out lopsided and nothing like his usual.

I wandered off on my own, easily coming to a stop right in front of the buffet. Someone had decided to switch things up at the table and I ended up walking up to Michael and Luke with a several fries protruding out of my mouth. I attempted a goofy smile at the two lads but they both looked rather unamused.

Before I could try and word my thoughts through a mouth full of fries and spit another person clicked up to the group in a pair of heels.

I looked over to find a woman I'd never seen before, despite the stilettos she was still much shorter than any of us, she looked like she stood up to a little above Luke's elbow without shoes on.

She smiled boldly at the two other boys before she rounded on me, and grimaced. I threw out my salty hand in greeting and smiled around the fries.

"Cul-hum Who-duh." I greeted, a single French fry falling out of my mouth as I spoke.

She looked from my hand to my mouth an finally to the discarded fry on the floor in between us, she gave a kind of pity smile until eventually turning o Michael with a powdered smile.

"Let's go out," she asked although it sounded more like she expected him to follow after her like a dog on a very short leash.

She looked familiar now that I'd gotten a better look at her, although I couldn't put my finger on where I'd seen her. A movie perhaps? Probably not, I preferred the classics and superhero movies above all else, I doubted she'd go for something like a damsel in distress in The Flash. She looked too high class to be willing to play roles that didn't involve brand name clothes.

To top things off, Michael did follow her like a dog on a very very short leash. He didn't even spare me a glance.

Luke let out a sigh, he gave me that kind of knowing smile you give someone when you knew it was going to happen eventually.


"Trust me, you don't want to know."


"Calum, I'm serious." Luke looked like he was in pain now.


"Very serious."


"She's bad news."


"Want to go for a walk?" He didn't wait for an actual reply before he began walking in some random direction, it wasn't exactly random, it was just the complete opposite direction Michael and the girl went.

"Whothefuckdoesshethinksheis? Whattabitch." I groan, scowling over my shoulder as if I actually might be able to see them.

"Wow, the weather is fantastic." Luke exclaims forcing a smile as he looked up at a fake backdrop depicting a blue sky.

"So what's her name?"

Luke groans in defeat but his reply is muttered and he won't look at me.

"Luke," I scowl. "I can't hear you."

"Jesse Glacé." Luke says shutting his eyes tightly as if to shield a blow.



"Why do you look so worried?"

"I don't know, maybe it's because you and Michael literally fucked a couple hours ago and now he's ditched you for a daughter of a millionaire."

He didn't know. He didn't know. He didn't know.

"Nah," I mumble. "Anyone who hangs out with my sister is bad news, I guess it's good to know this now before things got out of hand."

Wow, as things aren't already out of hand.

"Yeah, I--Sister?" The realization hit Luke like a freight train, he looked more frantic than worried now.

"Well, step sister. My dad's kinda the millionaire that you were talking about." I explain even though there's a slow beating pain in my chest that makes it a little hard to breathe.

"Hey, you don't know, they could be just friends." The look on Luke's face clearly said otherwise. He brought me into a rather tight hug that nearly swallowed me whole.

"It'll be fine."

"Yeah," I laughed despite blinking back obvious tears. My voice grew as watery as my eyes, and I let out my best attempt at a scoff. "It's not like I said I loved him or anything."

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