By Bamagranna

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PJ is a she-wolf who dreams of being a doctor. However she is the last of her line and when she finds her mat... More



902 39 7
By Bamagranna

Chapter three the reunion




Age: 24

Mate: Tina


POSITION: soon to be alpha

(Can't receive title til married and first child born)



"I did it Uncle Mark!" I hear as I turn to the excited ball of energy coming into the waiting room.

"PJ they are going to be alright?" I feel and hear the relief in Tom's voice as he jumps out of his seat in the corner and runs scooping up his cousin.

"Yes Tom. She and the 3 pups are safe. Now put me down." PJ tells us as Tom swings her in circles.

"My mate and 3 pups are safe because of you, PJ. Thank you." Tom says as he put her back on her feet and steadies her. "When can I see her?"

"I came straight here from the O.R. to let you know she is safe but Dr. Long or Dr. Midnight (Yep that's Terrence) will have to give you the details. They will be down as soon as they get her stabilized in the Recovery Room and by stabilized I mean everything hooked up and orders written, so get that look off your face. She is going to be fine." She must have seen the look of panic pass across his face. "Do you think I would leave my best friend if she wasn't?"

"I know you wouldn't. She was so excited about your coming. She insisted that we be here when you arrived but I got delayed." I could see Tom's emotions written all over his face, which in and of itself is very unusual because he usually doesn't show emotions except in private. I watched as his emotions ranged from happiness to sadness and guilt.

"She wanted to see me but Tom her excitement was not because of me. She knew that I would be able to confirm what she wanted to know and I would be able to talk to them. She knew I would know exactly what your pups were. Her excitement was because she suspected she conceived during the full moon and she wanted to know. She wanted to be able to tell you. It wasn't because of me but because of her love for you. She knew you wanted to be a dad." PJ assures him and calms him down.

"You know Tom, Tina and I Skype just about everyday and when we can't I link with her." She tells him.

While they are talking I hear a commotion in the hall and see a large chocolate wolf push open the door. I throw it a pair of shorts while Tom makes sure PJ is facing away from the door.

"PJ? Is that really you?" Tad rushes up and takes her out of his brother's arms again swinging her in circles.

"Tad is that you and how did you know it was me?" She says while laughing. "You two knew me but Terrence didn't," she continued confused.

"Well he hasn't exactly been around the house much lately and one he didn't know you were coming. Neat trick cuz." Tad says.

"What trick?" She looks confused.

"Tina told me you could hide your scent and no one would know you were a wolf. I didn't really believe it but I was wondering who the human was in here with my family. You know this is the 'wolf only' section of the hospital. The minute I saw you I knew who you were." Tad tells her.

"Princess you look just like your mother did at that age. I have a painting hanging in my office of your mother and Tina actually thought if was of you." I tell her pushing off the wall.

"Not to mention, Tina has a picture of the two of you at graduation sitting on her desk opposite of her picture of her and Tom." Tad tells her.

"That's right your her boss to the human world. We have laughed so hard because at graduation she got offered the job all her classmates and even some of the professors wanted and she never applied for. I'm not saying she wasn't qualified for it because she is but..." PJ says.

"She didn't apply for it but that is what happens when you end up the mate to the CEO. No really he was there to offer her the job anyway." Tad tells her. "James sent us her resume' when he sent yours to the medical school. He wanted to make sure you had someone you could always talk to. I guess he figured family wasn't good enough." He says jokingly.

"Naw he just knew I'd need at least one female to keep you guys from driving me nuts. Not to mention help me pull..." PJ shut her mouth and turned pink.

"Pranks. Oh yes. I know Tom maybe her mate but I'm her boss and co-prankster. She is good." Tad tells her.

"Speaking of pranks... Terrence doesn't know who I am and he thinks I'm human."

"Told you that your masking was good." Tad says.

"Anyway I want to have some fun with this. Sooooo please don't tell him yet." PJ says. "He thinks well thought I was human but I'm not sure what he thinks after all this but I do know I have him confused."

"He is dumb. How could anyone who is wolf not realize you are not human?" Tom says.

"Look at you. Your features scream she-wolf. Your human body is that of a royal wolf. Perfect. Yes I'll be glad to help with this one. It has been a long time since we have had the chance to get him. He is always so serious now. It will be so fun to help his ma....I mean cousin pull this one off." Tad says.

(You sense it too.) I link to Tad.

[Yes Dad she is Terrence's mate. I'm positive. Tad links back to me. She isn't mine but she belongs to one of us and since Tom is mated that means she belongs to Terrence. I can feel she is part of our triplet bond.]

<What I don't understand is how they haven't realized it. > Tom links in.

(That's because she is masking and the normal mating signs aren't there. They apparently are drawn to each other and they both say the other has a sweet smell but because she is using her power to cover her its not that strong. ) I tell them.

<Dad now that they have come in contact with each other won't she go in heat in about two weeks if they don't mate?> Tom ask.

(Only if she let's her masking slip in his presence . At the moment her wolf can't sense that he is her mate. Her wolf most likely knows her mate is around but can't tell who it is, so unless it slips ... the only problem is ...)

{Come on guys didn't you learn its not nice to talk in front of someone and if you don't want me to know what you are saying then stop it!} Princess breaks into our conversation.

"Did you listen to what we were saying?" I ask.

"No Uncle. I'm not that rude but if you are talking about me then please do it so I can hear. Truth is I know you were talking about me." Princess says.

"You have that gift too?" I say shocked.

"What gift?" Both boys say at the same time.

"Her mother said she always had what she called a tickling in her brain if someone was talking about her in presence." I tell them.

"Actually Uncle Mark, mine is a little different. I can tell if someone is talking about me through the link but its a tickle if its non threatening, a caress if its loving and and a burn if its a threat. I also know if there is any threat to me within a hundred yards because my vision changes." Princess tells us.

"Wow how does your vision change?" Tad ask.

"It's like I get a heat signature and can start looking." She says.

"Princess who else knows this because I'm pretty sure the Wolf Counsel doesn't?" I ask.

"Just James and now ya'll. Mother told me never to tell anyone except close family. So please don't let the Counsel know." Princess says.

"Could your Mom do this sweetheart?" I ask her.

"Not like I can. Mine is automatic when a threat is present while mother had decide to use hers. If Mom's had been like mine she and Dad wouldn't have died. Dad put an order on both James and I to remain silent in all ways and to hide. He told James it was up to him to protect me and not to let me be seen. Mom drew them to her when she could have lived. One was actually standing on top of James and didn't know it while another was about to sit on me when mother drew them away." She said sadly.

I take her in my arms and just hold her cooing softly as I feel her tears. "I never knew the details."

"I have never told anyone and I don't think James did either." She says as tears stream down her face.

"Princess does using your powers effect you like it did your mother?" I ask her.

She nods her head.

"Tad take this little lady and get her some protein quickly. Stay with her until Terrence releases you."

"Yes dad. Come on little lady." Tad says.

"Princess link me if you need me and I will be there." I tell her as they walk out the door.

"Dad I should have thought about that. Tina would help her hide her exhaustion from James. She must be running on pure adrenalin at the moment. Can you get her out of class today?" Tom ask. "Tina will never forgive me if something were to happen because I forgot she needs a large amount of protein and rest after using her abilities."

"I will talk to Dr. Long and get her out of class today and tomorrow. Once she wakes up she will have to lead us on the search for the ones who did this. As soon as you see Tina and have a short visit you will need to call James and let him know what is going on, by that time he should be up." I tell him as Dr. Long and Terrence walk into the room.

I notice Terrence is looking around the room. Yes he feels the draw and is very confused by it.

After Dr. Long gives us the report I tell Terrence where she is and to go releave his brother as I pull Dr. Long aside and talk to him about everything that has happened.

Dr. Long is very impressed with Princess. He told me he had never seen even the most skilled surgeon repair the amount of damage that she did with her mind while holding not just the pups but Tina here as well. He told us had it not been for her and Terrence working together we would have lost all of them. They make a good team.

He told me Jane told him she was strong and would be better than her but he had doubted it. He said that when the ambulance pulled up he had no idea who she was until she looked and him and pulled that command out. He half laughed when he told me he just wanted to roll over and give her his neck. Long said that even her mother never got that kind of response. Yes she could make any wolf look down or get on their knees but none on the Counsel had ever presented their neck in submission.

All of the Alphas on the Counsel are strong. Long however is the only one near my strength and that is because though he doesn't actually have a pack to control he is over every pack doctor in the world. They answer to him even over their own Alpha.

{Uncle Mark i need you now. I am on my way to the snack bar and I'm not going to be able to continue masking. Terrence is with me. Please come get me.}

(On my way Princess.) I tell her as I run to get her. This is not the time or place for her to unmask.

I take her from Terrence and tell him I am taking her home. I also inform him that as soon as his rounds are over he is to report to me in my office at the pack house.

Once I get Princess in the car and we are moving she drops the masking. As soon as she does I smell what the boys did. She has that natural scent and blood draw that I get from Tina and my Laurie. My mother had it as well. We call it the Midnight Draw. The men in my bloodline have always been able to spot the mates belonging to our brothers or sons because of this scent mixed in with something in our blood that draws us to them.

"Princess I talked with Dr. Long and he is very impressed with you. Because of what happen you don't have to report to school for the next two days. One day to recover and the next to help us find the rogues who did this." I tell her.

"Uncle Mark it wasn't rogues. Well technically it was but they are pack spies." She says very quietly.

"WHAT?" I yells.

"The wild wolf smell is a spray that some packs use to make their enemies think it is rogues. James and I came across it earlier this summer and reported it to the counsel. Because of our special tracking ability James and I can smell the wolf's real smell. You may want to talk with James about it. He was the one to do the followup on it." Princess tells me.

"Uncle Mark? I felt something tonight and I'm not sure about it." She says about half way home as she drifts off to sleep.

Life is about to get real fun around here. Let me see.

1. Tom and Tina are having triplets.

2. They are preparing for their wedding.

3. Princess is here.

4. Princess is Terrence's mate.

5. They don't know they are mates.

6. We have another pack trying to attacks.

7. We don't know what pack it is because they are using something to make them smell like rogues.

8. We don't know why they are after us.

9. What about this spray?

10. Since Tina and Princess both came from James' pack could Tom's mate be there too?

(Tom did you know Princess belonged to your brother when you got Tina?) I mind link him.

<Yeah Dad I knew she belong to one of them just not which one. Why do you think I talked James into letting her come? He also knows. I had to tell him.>

(So you two have been keeping secrets from me. )

<I never would have told our family secret to him if it had not been to get her here and had I not told him he would never have let her come. I didn't know which she belong to but I had a strong suspension it was Terrence because he needs someone who knows how to have fun as well as when to be serious.

And Dad I want to invite the whole pack here for the wedding.>

(Is there something else I need to know?)

<No Dad I just can't help but think...>

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