Lipstick [Narry-EDITING]

By NarryPerfection

299K 20.9K 11.4K

"What kind of lipstick are you wearing?" "Who? Me?" "Yes, you sweetheart." "I'm not- these are their natural... More

PART 1: ~45~
PART 2:~45~


5.2K 444 255
By NarryPerfection

"What is going on? I'm worried about you two." 

"I don't know. He's distant now."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Something is on his mind and it's definitely not me."


Christmas day soon came. It was probably one of the most cheerful holidays of the year. It was something exciting, something happy. 

Melissa had left the day before, leaving Niall with his family members. Things have been tensed but Niall felt like he could take a breather once she left. He felt bad but it was true. 

He had sent Harry a few texts the day before, asking him how things are for him. 

Harry seemed to be having a good time, which is all Niall needed to get throughout the day. 

"Denise! Come help me!" Maura's voiced was heard from the kitchen. Denise quickly got up and walked out of the large living room, giving Niall a smile. He was holding on to Theo, who was currently playing with one of his new toys he had unwrapped that morning. 

"You like your new toy, bud?" Niall smiled because he bought the toy for Theo. Theo giggled, putting his small hand on Niall's cheek before turning his attention back on the toy. Niall let Theo down to play with his toy on the floor as he sat back on the couch. 

His phone suddenly started ringing. Taking out the phone, Niall quickly answered it to silence it.


"Hi Niall. Sorry for calling but," Louis sounded annoyed. "I checked my email this morning and it seems the company is giving Melissa an audition for the modeling thing."

"Oh really? When?" Niall questioned. 

"It's in February," Louis paused. "You know. . . we can always not tell her."

"Louis," Niall warned, rubbing his tired face. "Forward the email to me. I'll check it out later to start preparing everything. I doubt there's much to do though."

"Yeah, I'm forwarding it right now. But the thing is. . . the audition is in L.A."

"What?" Niall sat up. "Why?"

"I don't know. You might have to stay there for the minimum 3 weeks or so. Maybe even more, it really just depends on the audition."

"That's fine I guess. I'll see what I can do," Niall looked down at Theo, who was staring at him with little wide blue eyes. "Thanks Lou. Have a good Christmas."

"You too. Bye."

Niall hung up and put his phone away. He threw his head back on the couch, looking up at the high ceiling. He didn't know what to do. He didn't want to go with Melissa but it's almost obligatory to go with her. 

"Who was that?" Maura came in with two mugs, giving one to Niall. Niall took it, giving a moment to frown the mug. It was a light blue mug with a simple design of a cute girl and boy holding hands. 

"Louis," Niall replied, setting the mug down on the coffee table. He was careful not to spill any on Theo, who was currently sitting between his legs, still on the floor. He seemed too concentrated in his toy to care, really. 

"You seemed surprise about something," Maura sipped her drink. "Drink up honey."

Niall reluctantly grabbed the mug and took a small sip, not really feeling the drink. The only reason he was going to drink it was because his mum wanted him too. 

"Yeah. Um, Louis and I have been helping Melissa get a modeling audition," Niall stared at the liquid inside his mug, not being able to see his reflection. 

"Modeling? I didn't know she was into that," Maura sounded a bit off. "And how's that going?"

"She got an audition but it's in L.A. and it isn't until February."

"Hmm. How are you on that?" 

"Well I was thinking when I got back I would call the com-"

"No, no no. Niall, I asked how you feel about it," Maura had set down her mug now. She seemed to be really interested on the subject now.

Niall shrugged. "I don't know. She's my girlfriend and I should help her. . . Isn't that right, mum?"

The only thing that came out was the sound of Theo's giggles. 


"Oh Harry! I love you!" Gemma squealed as she ripped the wrapping paper, revealing a glittery pink box filled with all kinds of make-up supplies. Some were from Pretty, obviously because of the employee discount Harry got. The rest were a mixture of good quality make-up stores like MAC. 

"Open the second present," Harry chuckled, passing her a smaller gift box. 

"I don't know if I can handle this I'm about to cry," Gemma said, taking the box and tearing the thing apart. She opened the gift box to see a sweater and sweatpants from PINK. Gemma grabbed Harry and hugged him tightly, squeezing the air out of him. 

"Don't kill the poor boy," Robin said. 

Anne stood by his side, snapping tons of pictures with her new camera she got from Robin. She was smiling at how beautiful the pictures came out, making a note that she would have them printed out and framed soon.

"Best Christmas ever," Gemma smiled her way out of the living room to put her gifts in her room. When she came back, she had at least 4 presents with her, giving them to Harry. Harry chuckled, opening them one by one. 

The first gift was a really nice and expensive blazer chosen by Robin. The second gift was a silver cross necklace which was bought by both Anne and Gemma. The third present was a pair of boots Harry had been dying to have which were gifted from Gemma and the fourth present was a digital frame filled with family pictures from all of them.

"I love you," Harry said, bringing them all in for a hug. 

"Oh! Wait, wait! I need to take a picture," Anne backed away from the hug and brought the camera up to her face. Gemma, Harry, and Robin all posed for the picture. 


She snapped the picture.

There was one last group hug before they pulled away, going their separate ways. Harry and Gemma stayed in the living room while Anne and Robin went into the kitchen to bring breakfast.

"Oh! The Nightmare Before Christmas!" Gemma exclaimed when she turned on the TV. Harry smiled, watching the movie start to play. He was just getting into the movie when his phone rang. Gemma turned down the volume.

"Hi," Harry answered. 

"Hey Harry," Niall said from the other line. This was the first time they both called each other since they both parted ways for their holiday breaks. "How are you?"

"Great, and you?" Harry was having a hard time getting Gemma not to stare at him. Her attention averted from the movie to Harry's conversation. He was tempted to leave the room. 

"Could be better. Didn't see you in my Christmas presents this morning, unfortunately."

Harry blushed, sliding down the couch and covering his face. Gemma covered her mouth, a wide smile on her face as she silently laughed. 

"Wh- Oh, Ni-. . ." Harry felt his face heat up. He was speechless. How can he reply to that? His mind was blank to a response and he just wanted to jump or something. 

Niall laughed. "But seriously, I hope you're having a great time."

"I am," Harry shifted his eyes to Gemma who was still grinning. 

"I would love to keep on talking but I have to go. Have a great Christmas Harry, I miss you." 

The call was cut off almost immediately. Harry had to take a moment to process what just happened. He pulled his phone away from his ear and looked at the phone screen which switched back to the home screen. 

"Oh Robin! Get in here," Gemma shouted. "Seems like Harry has someone to kiss under the mistletoe after all!"


What's this? A double update??


Btw, there is a huge symbolism reference somewhere in this chapter, can you guess what it is? 


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