Not So Bad (WWE)

By WWESpongefan

13.9K 332 12

Olivia Owens is a young woman running from an abusive relationship, but she only finds more trouble. She was... More

Not So Bad (Chapter One)
Not So Bad (Chapter Two)
Not So Bad (Chapter Three)
Not So Bad (Chapter Four)
Not So Bad (Chapter Five)
Not So Bad (Chapter Six)
Not So Bad (Chapter Seven)
Not So Bad (Chapter 8)
Not So Bad (Chapter 9)
Not So Bad (Chapter 10)
Not So Bad (Chapter 11)
Not So Bad ( Chapter 12)
Not So Bad (Chapter 13)
Not So Bad (Chapter 14)
Not So Bad (Chapter 15)
Not So Bad (Chapter 16)
Not So Bad (Chapter 17)
Not So Bad (Chapter 18)
Not So Bad (Chapter 19)
Not So Bad (Chapter 21)
Not So Bad (Chapter 22)
Not So Bad (Chapter 23)
Not So Bad (Chapter 24)Final Chapter

Not So Bad (Chapter 20)

398 10 0
By WWESpongefan

The Shield and Olivia were sitting in the trainer's room. Seth's knee was killing him and he felt like he was hit in the head with a cinder block. The doctor wrapped up his knee, gave him some ice for his head, and gave him something for pain. He found out from the doctor that he had a concussion and was told to stay out of the ring for at least a week. What had happened was during their match with The Wyatts, Luke and Erick ran over and knocked him off the side of the ring apron. When he fell he hit his head on the side of the ring, but somehow continued with the match. Dean and Roman were fine, they were just very tired from the match. The Shield did end up beating The Wyatt Family when Roman speared Luke and got the win. Olivia couldn't get what she saw out of her head. Seth had completely lost it. He hit Bray with the chair until the chair was deformed, then he hit Bray with a strong Curb Stomp and he still wasn't done. He was about to go after Bray again with the chair until she stopped him. Seth was in a fit of blind rage, Bray almost got away with Olivia again. He was not going to let Bray hurt her ever again, he wanted to make a point to Bray. His anger, plus his concussion caused him to not be fully aware of his actions. If he would have been thinking straight he would not have done what he did in front of Olivia. When he saw the look of fear on her face he immediately felt ashamed of his actions. Dean and Roman told Seth that when the doctor was done checking on him to meet them at the car. Olivia stayed with Seth. The doctor was very busy, Seth was not the only one that needed to be check on. The doctor left Seth for a moment to go check on another WWE Superstar, Olivia and Seth were alone. Olivia was concerned about Seth, but had not said a word to him since the end of Smackdown, finally Seth couldn't take the silence between them anymore so he was the first one to speak.

"Olivia... I am so sorry."

Olivia didn't really understand what he was apologizing for so he had to tell her.

"I'm sorry for the way that I acted out there. I didn't know it at the time, but I had a concussion when my head hit the side of the ring. That isn't the only thing... I wanted to protect you and I was also so upset about what Bray did to you that I wanted to make him pay for what it. I was so caught up in getting revenge that it made me blind with rage. I wanted to make a point to Bray, I didn't want him to ever hurt you again. I know now that I went too far because... I saw the look in your eyes Olivia... You were afraid of me. I almost saw tears in your eyes, you were afraid that if you ever made me angry that the same thing would happen to you. No... that would never happen Olivia. That look in your eyes... I don't ever want to see that look again. I'm just so sorry that you had to see all of that, I shouldn't have acted the way that I did. I love you Olivia and I want you to be safe, but I also want you to feel comfortable around me. I promise Olivia... you will never see me like that again."

Olivia smiled at this. She was about to respond back when Seth continued.

"What I don't understand is why you stopped me? You told me everything that Bray did to you, why would you want me to stop? Wouldn't you want me to get back at him for you?"

"Well... I did think that in a way he deserved it, but I still think you took it too far. I was also kind of worried about you because you're hurt and I didn't want anything else to happen to you so I came back down to try to calm you down. I don't know if you heard what Dean said a few minutes ago, but he said that one of the doctors that were looking at Bray said that Bray would be out of action for a while. So... even if Bray were to come after me again, I don't think he will be able to do it for a while. In a way it did freak me out when I saw everything you did. It made me think that maybe I don't know you as well as I think I do. I guess... I'm still a little bit afraid of making you mad because I don't want to end up like Bray."

Seth felt his heart drop, did she still not trust him after everything they had been through?

"What do I have to do Olivia? What do I have to do to get you to trust me?"

"I'm sorry Seth, but after all of that stuff that happened with Ryan, and now more recently with Bray, it's hard for me to completely trust anyone."

Seth showed her the faded mark from where Ryan stabbed him.

"You see this? Don't you know by now that I would do anything for you? It's human nature... sometimes you lose your temper and you do things that you shouldn't do... Are you really that afraid of me that you would think that I would do something to physically harm you? Tell me what it is that you want?... Would you be happier without me?"

This was killing Seth, he wanted to be with Olivia. He loved her more than anything, but he had the idea that maybe she didn't love him as much as he loved her. It seemed like she didn't even trust him. Olivia couldn't believe what she was hearing. It sounded almost like he was trying to get rid of her. He wasn't yelling at her, but the last thing he said really got to her. She put a hand up to her face as a few tears ran down her face. Seth gently took her into his arms into a gentle hug, but he still wanted an answer.

"I'm giving you a choice Olivia... Would you be happier without me? Would you rather be on your own?"

Olivia cried into his chest and hugged him tight.

"No... please don't leave me. I'm... so sorry for not trusting you. I don't want to be alone... I love you Seth."

"I love you too Olivia, but it amazes me that after all we've been through that you would still think that I would hurt you."

"Well... this isn't just an issue for me, this is an issue for many women. Also men, but it's more common among women. Being physically or emotionally abused... you love and trust someone with all of your heart, and then out of the blue it seems like the person you love has changed and they take out all of their anger on the person that they "love". I get that not everyone is like that, but once you've been hurt it's hard to completely love or trust someone again. The physical wounds heal for the most part, but the emotional wounds take longer to heal, some never do. I do love you Seth, but I'm starting to believe that maybe you're getting tired of putting up with me. I don't know why you put up with me."

"Because... there is something about you that draws me to you, even from the first moment I met you. I already showed you that spot from my side... if I would risk my life just to save you after only knowing you for two weeks then you should already know that you mean everything to me. I just want you to know... that I would never ever do anything to hurt you. I guess I do have a bit of an anger problem and I'm trying more and more everyday to control that. I think you helped me with that today. When I was about to attack Bray again... your touch and your voice helped calm me down. When I'm at my worst... you show up and help bring out the best in me."

Olivia wasn't crying anymore, she was taking in everything that he was saying. Seth held her close for a while as they still waited for the doctor to return. the doctor could see a difference in Seth once he came back. Seth was told that he should go home and get some rest, this was something that he knew he would hear. Once Seth and Olivia left the trainer's office and were walking to the parking lot to meet up with Dean and Roman Olivia had something to say.

"It took that doctor long enough."

Seth laughed at this.

"Yeah... he did take a while, but there were other people that needed help too."

"So... how bad hurt is your knee?"

"It should be fine in a few days, I just over did it on the Curb Stomp. I pulled a muscle."

"How about your head? How bad is the concussion?"

"I hit my head pretty hard on the side of the ring, but the doctor told me that I only needed to be out of action for a week. I wasn't just the pain medicine... my head started feeling better with you here with me. I guess I really should get some more sleep because I think that had something to do with my performance. Now... I kind of have a random question for you."

"Ok, what is it?"

"Do you have any allergies of any kind?"

"Um... no, not that I know of. Why?"

"No reason... I was just curious."

The town where they were at wasn't too far from Seth's home in Davenport Iowa. Dean and Roman decided to stay in Seth's hometown, but they would have to leave for the next show. Just because Seth was out for a week doesn't mean that Dean and Roman get to be off. Dean and Roman were important characters in WWE. There was an article posted on to let the WWE Universe know that Seth would be out of action for a week due to his concussion. Roman drove Seth to his house since Seth probably shouldn't be driving with a concussion. Dean and Roman left for a few minutes because Dean, Seth, and Roman knew something that Olivia didn't know. Olivia and Seth unpacked some of their stuff and sat down to relax for a while. It would still take Olivia a while to get used to living in Seth's home.

"You know what Seth?"


"It is still going to take me a while to get used to living here."

"I know. Hey... just so you know... sometimes it's hard for me to believe that I live here because we're always on the road. That's the life of a WWE Superstar."

Seth got a text from Roman to let him know that they were back. Seth had a huge smile cross his face. Olivia saw the smile on his face and wanted to know what was going on.

"What is that smile about?"

Seth laughed a little and grabbed Olivia by the hand.

"Well... remember when I asked you if you had any allergies?"

"Yeah. I said I don't think I have any allergies."

"Right... then you asked why and I said no reason. Well... there was a reason. It seemed like kind of a random question, but it was an important question. Come with me Olivia."

Seth's smile grew bigger as they both walked to the door. The doorbell rang and Seth opened the door to show Dean and Roman. Both of them carried two medium sized presents, they were both wrapped in yellow wrapping paper, which happened to be Olivia's favorite color. Roman noticed the happy yet confused look on her face. It wasn't her birthday... what was going on?

"Olivia... Seth wanted us to personally deliver these... surprises to you. We hope you enjoy them. Dean... make sure that you close the door."

He did this and they all went to sit down.

"What is going on Seth? It's not my birthday."

"I know, but I wanted to do something special... something to surprise you. Go ahead... open them. It doesn't matter which one you open first."

Both presents on the outside looked the same, but Olivia was curious as to what was on the inside. Once she opened the first box she screamed out in joy. Dean and Roman knew their work was done and left as soon as they saw the look on Olivia's face. The box wiggled in her hand as she looked down at the small creature in the box. It was a small, black Labrador puppy, it had a pretty pink collar on it which meant that the puppy was a girl. Olivia smiled as she grabbed the puppy and held it close to her face. The puppy started licking her nose.

"Aw... Seth, you got me a puppy."

"That's not all... check the other box. I'll hold the puppy for a minute."

Olivia handed Seth the puppy for a minute as she watched the puppy start to lick Seth. She opened the other box and was just as surprised as before. There was another animal in the box, but it was smaller and it's didn't shake the box as much. Olivia cried out again with the biggest smile on her face. In this box there was a small black short haired kitten. It was also a female. This kitten was mostly all black except for her white paws and a little bit of white under her chin. She had a red collar with a bell on it. The kitten was scared at first. It was scared of the new environment until Olivia started petting it, then it started purring. Olivia held the kitten in her hands as she went over to Seth and kissed him.

"So... I guess you like your surprises?"

"I love it Seth. You got me a puppy and a kitten."

"Well... one day while we were just riding along you said that you were never allowed to have a dog or a cat because your mom was allergic. You said that you had friends that had dogs and cats and that you wished you could have a pet. You said that you never had a pet before so I thought I would change that. Then there was the whole decision of dog or cat? I couldn't decide which one would surprise you more so I thought, why not both? Don't worry about them not getting along, they are at a pretty young age so the puppy will probably think that the kitten is another puppy and the kitten will probably think that the puppy is another kitten. They are at a young age so they will be very playful. This is also why I asked you if you were allergic to anything because I wouldn't want to have to get rid of them because you are allergic."

"Aw... Seth, this is the best gift anyone has ever gave me. Once again... you prove just how much you love me. How does this happen? How can a girl like me end up with a guy like you? What did I do to deserve a guy like you?"

"You didn't have to do anything to deserve this. Money doesn't matter, the main thing is we found each other. I know to you it may seem like I've turned your life around, but you've turned my life around as well. It was like we both had something missing in our lives and we found each other. We found what we needed in our lives." 

(To be continued.)

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