Not So Bad (WWE)

By WWESpongefan

13.9K 332 12

Olivia Owens is a young woman running from an abusive relationship, but she only finds more trouble. She was... More

Not So Bad (Chapter One)
Not So Bad (Chapter Two)
Not So Bad (Chapter Three)
Not So Bad (Chapter Four)
Not So Bad (Chapter Five)
Not So Bad (Chapter Six)
Not So Bad (Chapter Seven)
Not So Bad (Chapter 8)
Not So Bad (Chapter 9)
Not So Bad (Chapter 10)
Not So Bad (Chapter 11)
Not So Bad ( Chapter 12)
Not So Bad (Chapter 13)
Not So Bad (Chapter 14)
Not So Bad (Chapter 15)
Not So Bad (Chapter 16)
Not So Bad (Chapter 17)
Not So Bad (Chapter 19)
Not So Bad (Chapter 20)
Not So Bad (Chapter 21)
Not So Bad (Chapter 22)
Not So Bad (Chapter 23)
Not So Bad (Chapter 24)Final Chapter

Not So Bad (Chapter 18)

430 9 0
By WWESpongefan

Seth was exhaused, he had stayed up the whole night to watch Olivia. He knew that unless he got some sleep that he wouldn't perform very well for Smackdown, but how could he sleep after what happened to Olivia. It was eight thirty in the morning when Olivia finally woke up, she had slept better than she thought she would. Seth was on his phone playing a game when he heard Olivia roll over to face him. She opened her eyes and saw Seth on his phone. It was still early in the morning, but her voice wasn't very clear.

"Seth... you're awake already?"

"Oh... hey sweetheart, yeah... sorry if I woke you. I was trying to be quiet."

"Oh you didn't wake me. I'm just surprised that you're awake already."

"Well... I didn't sleep very well."

"Why not?"

"I don't know... I just had a lot on my mind I guess."

Olivia frowned, she was sure that he was thinking about her and all of the trouble she's put him through She noticed how tired he looked and knew that he must have stayed up all night.

"You stayed up all night didn't you?"

"Yeah... I did."

"Why? You really need your rest."

"I just couldn't sleep. I feel bad about what happened to you Olivia. Also things just didn't seem right between us."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean ever since I found you, we haven't exactly talked about what happened."

"I was tired and scared. I really didn't want to talk about it last night, and I still don't want to talk about it."

"I know it's not an easy thing to talk about, but please Olivia... tell me what happened. Did they... touch you somewhere they shouldn't have? Your clothes were ripped."

"No... they didn't touch me anywhere inapproprite, but they probably would have. Ok... I'll tell you what happened. Bray had me tied to a chair, we were listening to your promo and once it was over he started saying things like I would be safer with them, and said that if I returned back to you that it wouldn't be the last time that you failed to protect me. Then he told me that you didn't really love me and that you only felt sorry for me. Then he said that if you loved me that you would have been there to stop this from happening. That was when he hit me in the face, that's how I got this black eye and busted lip. Luke and Erick hit me everywhere else which explains all the bruises. To me, the worst part was when my mouth started bleeding, but even though it was bleeding... Bray kissed me."

"Wait... he kissed you?!"


Olivia could tell that he was getting upset. Seth couldn't wait to get his hands on Bray to make him pay for what he did to Olivia.

"I'm sorry... I really didn't want him to kiss me, but there was nothing that I could do. I felt like I betrayed you. At some point someone threw me down in the floor while I was still tied to the chair and that was when Luke and Erick started kicking me in the stomach and rib area. I looked up at Bray for a moment and he had a twisted smile on his face. I had been crying out for help, but no one seemed to hear me, or no one was going to do anything. I struggled just to breathe and I thought for sure that I was going to die. Bray at some point finally told them to stop, I guess because they were going to go down to the ring, but he said that they would come back later to continue where they left off. That was when he locked the door and turned off all of the lights. I had never felt so helpless. I sat there just trying to breathe while I was in pain and I was crying. I kept thinking about you and I thought that I would never see you again. I really don't know what is worse at this point... the abuse I suffered from Ryan, or from The Wyatt Family. Right now I would say The Wyatt Family because there are three of them. I was just so upset last night, Bray said that he would be coming back later so when you finally found me I screamed and cried because I thought you were him for a moment, but that was because I didn't even want to look towards the door. I'm still just so scared... scared that he will find me again. I don't think I'll ever be safe. I thought I was safe... Once Ryan got shot in the head, I thought that my days of abuse were behind me, but now I'm still stuck wondering where the next threat will be coming from."

"Nowhere... I didn't expect that Bray Wyatt would come out. I was more concerned about Roman and Dean getting their payback on me. So because I was more worried about Roman and Dean, I wasn't able to protect you from Bray. Now that Roman, Dean, and I are on the same page again, it doesn't have to be just me trying to protect you. With The Shield protecting you, I think you have a better chance of being safe."

"I still can't believe you stayed up all night."

"I wanted to watch over you. I wanted to make sure nothing happened to you while you slept. I'll be honest with you, I'm worried about Bray too. Bray Wyatt is a tricky guy, he could show up anywhere at anytime. I had to stay awake to make sure that you were safe, also I wanted to be awake for you in case you had any nightmares. I would have thought that after last night you wouldn't be able to sleep and would have nightmares all night, but surprisingly, you didn't. If I have to stay up to make sure that you're safe, then that is what I will do."

"But you can't just go around not sleeping, you are a WWE superstar. You need to be well rested, how will you perform in the ring?"

"That doesn't matter to me right now. What matters to me is that you are safe. How are you feeling this morning?"

"I'm still hurting pretty bad, but I feel better now than last night. I'm kind of worried about us too."


"Because I didn't wake up in your arms this morning and you haven't even hugged me or kissed me yet."

"Oh... sorry. I was kind of scared to because of all the bruises on you, and your busted lip. I wouldn't want to hurt you. I'll tell you what I did do last night."

"What did you do?"

"While you were asleep, I did kiss your forehead and whisper that I love you in your ear."

"Aw... Seth, you're so sweet, but even if this does hurt, I think I can handle a little bit more pain."

Olivia hugged Seth and he returned the hug, but trying to to hug her too tight since she did pretty much have bruises all over her body. Seth looked down at Olivia and moved the hair out of her face, her black eye was clearly visible, but Seth still looked past that to the pretty young woman in front of him. Olivia leaned up to him, she obviously wanted him to kiss her so he did. She did have a mark on her mouth so he had to be gentle, but a gentle kiss is what they needed. This little moment between them was what they needed to bring them close again. Now at this point neither of them were as worried about their relationship. They wished that this moment could last forever, but their moment was interrupted when someone knocked on the door. Seth got up and opened the door to see Roman and Dean standing there. Olivia went to the bathroom to take a quick shower and change into something else while the three Shield members talked and caught up. Once Olivia was done she came out and that was when Seth had to go to the bath room. He was in there for a while so Olivia talked a little with Dean and Roman to try to get to know them. Roman was actually the first one to speak.

"What's up Olivia?"

"Not much."

"How are you feeling?"

"Well I'm pretty sore, but I feel better now than last night. Speaking of last night... that brings me to Seth."

Dean interruped for a moment.

"Woah, easy there pretty little lady... we don't need to know about your personal love life."

Olivia blushed and raised her voice a little.

"What? No... it's not like that. What I'm trying to say is I'm a little concerned about Seth, he stayed up all night last night."


"He said it was because he couldn't sleep, but later on he told me that it was because he felt bad about what happened. He said he wanted to watch over me as I slept to make sure that I was safe."

Dean laughed a little.


Olivia smiled.

"Yeah... maybe a little, but I thought it was sweet."

Roman heard this and gained a little more respect for him.

"Well all of that is fine and dandy, but you can't just go around without sleep, as a performer, he should know this. Without sleep, you're slow in the ring and you don't perform as well as you should."

"That's what I tried to tell him. He just wants to protect me, but how can he protect me from The Wyatts if he feels like falling asleep?"

Dean had an idea.

"So hey... how about we give Seth a break... Roman and I will protect you, or hang out with you... whatever you want to call it. It doesn't have to be babysitting."

"I think that's what needs to happen. Seth needs to get some sleep."

Seth came out, but didn't hear anything they just said and when he came back into the main room, everyone was quiet.

"What's going on, why did it get quiet?"

Olivia went to sit down beside him.

"Dean, Roman, and I were just talking about you. I told them about how you stayed up all night watching over me. As sweet as that is, you can't just go around not sleeping. As a performer you need sleep, and how are you going to protect me from Bray if you are tired?"

"I guess I see your point, but I can't let anything happen to you."

Roman cut in.

"That's why you have us. I kind of thought this would happen, you would be so worried about Olivia that you wouldn't get any sleep. I'll tell you what we can do... Dean and I can watch over Olivia for you, and make sure that The Wyatts don't come anywhere near her. You need to get some sleep so that you can be focused and ready for our match tonight, we are facing The Wyatts again you know."

Seth wasn't so sure if he could completely trust Dean and Roman with Olivia, but he did need help even though he hated to admit it.

"I don't know... I mean I'm not really that tired. I'll be ok for today."

Olivia wasn't having any of this.

"No... you need your sleep Seth. Smackdown doesn't start until later so you can get a few hours of sleep so you can be more alert. I promise that I'll be ok with Dean and Roman, just... please get some sleep ok?"

Olivia quickly and gently kissed him on the lips. Seth was so tired and was tired of fighting it that the thought of getting some sleep seemed like a good idea so he finally agreed.

"Ok... I'll do it for you Olivia."

All that Olivia really needed was her phone in case Seth called her or texted her. Olivia felt like she could sort of trust Dean and Roman, but she still did not know them very well. They couldn't be too bad, after all they were with Seth when he was looking for her.

"Ok... get some sleep now ok Seth. I'll be ok with Dean and Roman. I love you."

"I love you too sweetheart. If you need me, call or text me."

"I will, but I'm sure things will be fine."

Seth watched as Dean, Roman and Olivia left the room. He still wasn't sure about how he felt about Olivia going with them, but he knew one thing for sure, anyone was better than The Wyatts. Seth was the one that turned his back on them, so why was he the one with all the trust issues? It was because of Olivia, she was now constantly on his mind. He knew her physical wounds would heal, but would she ever heal mentally or emotionally? She had been beaten again and he wasn't there for her when she needed him. He kicked out all of the negative things and focused on the positives like Olivia's long dark brown hair, and her brown eyes, her perfect curves, the way she made him feel when she was in his arms, her smile, her laugh, her voice in general or the way they kissed. The kiss is what he missed about her the most, if she wasn't hurt he would hug her and kiss her like he never had before. He really was in love with Olivia, and he would do anything for her. He smiled as he kept thinking about her, closed his eyes, and then finally fell asleep. A girl like Olivia was perfect, there wasn't anything about her that he wanted to change, except for her last name. Olivia Owens was a beautiful name, but two different words that had a nice ring to it kept running through his head as he slept... Olivia Rollins.

(To be continued.) 

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