When The Sadist Girl Falls...

By neko-alme

8.6K 230 68

Lucy Ashley's Diary. The everyday events on how and when the great Lucy Ashley started to like the cowardly N... More

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Entry 10

267 13 5
By neko-alme

Thursday 8:00 pm

We are back at Fairy Tail!! I am reeeaaaalllyyy relieved that I am back and finished the job with flying colors, but I am also anxious. Why? Earlier, Levy and the others are talking about love. Yes, for goodness sake, LOVE.

It seemed that everyone is interested at gossiping about the 'who-likes-who' of all the guild members. Natsu even joined them. Everybody participated in it, and even the great me is forced to join (that evil bookworm!). One by one, every member is asked about clues on who they like. I found out that there are many possible couples in our guild because of their answers.

It is finally Natsu's turn. He only stated, "W-Well, I do like this girl...She is kind, and pretty." Everyone started on making their guesses. I even heard, "..definitely not Lucy. She's neither of the qualities." I fought the urge to not punch someone. Everybody gave guesses and names but he would only deny them. Who is this mystery girl? She's definitely not me. I don't fit his description, sadly. Ouch.

Then, my turn came. I only glanced at Natsu, briefly as I stated, "I'm sorry to say, everyone, but I am not currently liking someone." I denied. "Well, sure. For all we know, she might be a lesbian." someone whispered, but I still heard it. I swear, if I would know who said that, I'll kick his ass! Get a clue, everyone! I also have unknown crushes, you know?

Luckily, lying is my specialty. Nobody seemed to notice the gazes I accidentally do unconsciously on Fireball. I am such a good actress that it makes me wanna cry of happiness and sadness. What can I do? I can't afford to be honest. What if everyone notice my feelings? They would tease me endlessly up to the world's end. I don't know what to do if that happens!

Putting that aside, I finally had the guts to talk to him...but, I don't know if I should be happy or sad about the happenings. I can feel that he is very awkwaaaaaarrrddd. Yes, indeed. He is uncomfortable and cold towards me. Why? I should be the one, but it is him! I don't effin' know what to do anymore!

I tried to talked to him when I saw him at the guild after I went back my apartment this very afternoon. Well, I greeted him. He also greeted me, but he won't look at me in the eye! I only shrugged at the thought of him, ignoring me at first, but then it happened the second time! And the third time, he is inside his magic car and the same thing happened. Even if it is his confident self, he won't talk to me. Why is it? I know I am starting to overreact my Diary, but what can I do? I've been going through a lot because of these annoying feelings! Oh, how I hate this.

Anyway, I saw Erza Knightwalker talking to the King, earlier. Are they a thing now? I wonder. But then, if that's true, I am happy for them. At least someone's lucky about their romance department, unlike me and my situation here. -_-

-Lucy Ashley


Phew, it's been a long time! All I wanted to say are a million thank you's for everyone who is still reading this fic and voting for it. I am really busy with college and my course is really, hard on me. I can't even find time going online, I felt like I'm starting to be a caveman. -_-

Anyway, for those who are waiting for the pairings of the fan fiction book club, sadly, I can't update. When I update, I need to make sure that I update it regularly. The thing is, I can't update regularly because I am busy with so many things. So, once and for all, sorry.

Before I forget... Merry Christmas everyone! :D Happy Holidays!~


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