The Impassioned Interchange (...

Per yeolwho05

628 36 0

"Sometimes, people put walls, not to keep others out, but to see who cares enough to break them down." - Blue... Més

The Impassioned Interchange
01: The Dreadful Interview
02: The First, Official Dread of Work
03: The Unraveled Past
The First Interview
04: The Aftermath
05: The Repercussion
06: The Unforeseen State of Affairs
07: The Cordial Agreement
08: The Calibrated Contract
09: The Cynical Meeting
010: The Abrupt Disclosure
011: The Court Room
012: The Supposed Alliance

The Second Interview

15 2 0
Per yeolwho05

An hour after they signed the contract...

yeolwho05: Nice to meet you again, Ms. Choi and Mr. Park. How are you both feeling this fine afternoon? *Smiles brightly.*

Park Chanyeol: *Pokerface*

Choi Hana: *Rolls her eyes, though makes sure that Chanyeol doesn't see her.* Nice to meet you too, yeolwho05. It is a very fine afternoon, indeed. I'm really happy to be interviewed yet again by a wonderful interviewer like you.

yeolwho05: *Blushes* Eh, it's fine. Let's proceed to the interview questions then, shall we? I'm sure you're both busy with a few... things. *Stares at Chanyeol*

Park Chanyeol: *Glares.* What are you looking at?

yeolwho05: Nothing. Let's proceed to my first question for todays' interview! Ms. Choi Hana, how did you feel when Mr. Park Chanyeol fired you on the spot?

Choi Hana: Is that even a trick question? *Chuckles.* Of course I felt bad. That morning, I woke up as if it was a very wonderful day, having no idea of what was in store for me when I go to work. I mean, I didn't expect to get fired that day. Of course, instances like that happen. I just didn't expect to experience such a horrible thing when I had only worked for a mere week in that company. My parents didn't even know that I got fired. I never told them... They only knew that I had a wonderful job and that I was working for a well-known company.

Park Chanyeol: *Rolls his eyes and stares at Hana.* Are you trying to guilt-trip me? If you are, I suggest you to stop right this instant.

Choi Hana: The fact that you're reacting that way means that my words somehow affected you. Did you feel guilty, sir? *Stares blankly at Hana*

Park Chanyeol: As if. You're just like my other employees, thinking of how hard I was letting them work and all. Have you not seen my workload then? The amount of work I work on everyday cannot even be compared with a hundred-worth of work that you and my other employees do. I have hundreds -- no -- thousands of lives depending on how well I work in the company. Do you not know how much pressure that is for me?!

Choi Hana: Touche, sir. I think you're the one guilt-tripping me right now.

Park Chanyeol: Ms. Choi, don't feel so bold when talking to me. Do you think a mere contract worth of shit is enough to talk back? Listen here, Ms. Choi, and listen close. With or without a contract, you were still my employee. I paid you for your service, not the other way around. As far as I am concerned, you should at least be thankful that I agreed with your little deal. If it weren't for my approval, you'd probably wandering around the streets of Seoul, looking for a low-paying job to pay the damage fees!

yeolwho05: O-Okay. That's enough. *Cuts through their argument, thankfully.*

*Choi Hana and Park Chanyeol both huffs, ignoring each other.*

yeolwho05: (This is going to be a long day) Let's proceed to the next question, then. Mr. Park, what made you agree to the deal that Ms. Hana had proposed?

Park Chanyeol: *Frowns* If you were in my position, you would do the same thing. Who wouldn't when someone talks annoyingly just for my approval over a mere deal? More so, she f*cking lectured me, for God's sake! That woman had the guts to lecture me after I fired her! It wasn't like I'd gain and benefit from that deal as well. I didn't think she'd make the part of her deal, seeing as how she betrayed me and my company once.

Choi Hana: With all due respect sir, I did not talk "annoyingly" nor did I betray you and your company before. Truth to be told, you have no proof whatsoever. I left the company simply because you fired me. You left me with no other choice than to bow down to you and do as you wish. And please, how you even assume that I won't be able to do my part of your deal? You don't know me, sir. You might have read my resume before, but that does not mean that you know everything about me. For all we know, I might even be a better CEO than you are.

Park Chanyeol: Do not question my leadership!

yeolwho05: *Fans herself* Wooo! It's getting hot in here, and here I was an hour ago, thinking of how chilly today was. Anyway, let's continue on our last question for today so we could all go and live our own lives.

*Choi Hana and Park Chanyeol both turn their heads and glare at yeolwho05*

yeolwho05: *Raises her hands in surrender.* Let's just continue. Please refrain yourselves from fighting, at least for the next few remaining minutes of this interview. Take note that my readers are watching you at the moment.

Choi Hana: *Grumbles words under her breath and bows* I'm so sorry, lovely readers. *Nudges Chanyeol*

Park Chanyeol: *Glares at Hana, but bows nonetheless*

yeolwho05: Okay. Now that that's settled, let's continue on with our last question for today's interview. Ms. Choi, what would you do if you are in Mr. Park Chanyeol's position as PCY Corporation's CEO? Likewise, Mr. Park Chanyeol, what would you do if you are in Ms. Choi's position as her personal secretary?

Choi Hana: *Smiles, showing her pearly whites.* I'm pretty sure that your lovely readers already know my answer from your previous updates, but here goes. To be honest, I am not quite in favor of how he leads the company -- especially with how he treats his employees. I mean, those employees are not mere things that you can just throw away when they no longer have use in the company. I have learned and reflected about circumstances like these as I learned from college; I know for a fact that nobody is perfect. We all have our own flaws. Likewise, in a company, a leader must not expect everyone to do their job perfectly the way he wants it. As a leader, I must be able to guide and train them in becoming better with their work. Firing them is not necessary. If I fire them, I'd just be wasting resources and I'd accumulate larger expenses from hiring processes. In conclusion, if I were PCY Corporation's CEO, I would not fire my employees that easily. Instead, I would guide and train them as much as I could, so as to keep them motivated as well. Motivation is very important in an employee's welfare after all. *Chanyeol stares at her, silent.*

yeolwho05: Does that mean that you would never fire an employee, then? If not, why?

Choi Hana: That's completely absurd. Of course, I will be ready to fire employees, but only when necessary, like the instance with Oh Sehun and Kim Jongin stealing from the company's funds. I completely understand Park Chanyeol's decision then, though I am not in favor of firing those men in front of the other employees. It's embarassing on their part, and I kind of understand if they do want to take some sort of revenge. *Chanyeol continues to stare at her.*

yeolwho05: *Claps* That was really well said, Ms. Choi. *Turns to Chanyeol* What about you, Mr. Park? What would you do if you were in her shoes?

Park Chanyeol: *Stares blankly at yeolwho05, his face impassive* No comment.

*Awkward silence emerges*

yeolwho05: You kind of reminded me of Daehyun right there. Gosh I really miss B.A.P. I wish them the best! Anyway, enough of my ramble. I just thought of a question that my lovely readers might like. Drumroll, please! *Kim Jongdae enters the interview room and drumrolls through his tummy, then exists the room* Thank you so much Mr. Kim Jongdae for that wonderful tummy-drumroll. Anyways, a lot of my readers are anticipating an incoming love line between you two. How do you feel about that? At least one of you feels something about the other, right?

Choi Hana: *Waves her hands in front of her, fast* No, no, no. What did you guys even eat to even think of that? As if!

Park Chanyeol: *Stares at Hana*

yeolwho05: What about you Mr. Park? Do you have anything to say about that matter?

Park Chanyeol: No comment.

yeolwho05: *Blinks*

yeolwho05: Well, I guess this ends this wonderful talk we had today. I hope to meet you guys again next week for yet another wonderful interview. I hope you both will have a very very very calm mood then. See you next week, and do work hard on your contract. We are all looking forward to what happens next!

*Choi Hana bows to the camera whilst Park Chanyeol exits the interview room as soon as yeolwho05 ended the interview. The door closes.*

yeolwho05: *Sighs* That guy seriously have issues. How can you even manage to work for him?

Choi Hana: *Sighs* Ms. yeolwho05, I asked myself that question for days starting from when I first worked at his company, yet I still haven't got an answer. Please do tell me when you figure him out though, as I have to deal with him for another two weeks -- if possible, years if I get lucky.

yeolwho05: That kind of sucks.

Choi Hana: Tell me about it.

* * * * *

yeolwho05: Well, I guess that's it for today. A word of advice prior to the little interview that took place today: please have a lot of patience, and try to stay away from arguments as much as possible. I'll even give you a little quote that Edward G. Bulwer-Lytton once said. 'Anger ventilated often hurries towards forgiveness; anger concealed often hardens into revenge.' I don't know if that helps, but I really like that quote tho. Anyway, please stay tuned for more character interviews in the future. Do let me know what you think of this interview by firing a comment below as well. Thank you, and I hope you enjoyed today's interview! Till then~ xoxo

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