Not So Bad (WWE)

By WWESpongefan

13.8K 332 12

Olivia Owens is a young woman running from an abusive relationship, but she only finds more trouble. She was... More

Not So Bad (Chapter One)
Not So Bad (Chapter Two)
Not So Bad (Chapter Three)
Not So Bad (Chapter Four)
Not So Bad (Chapter Five)
Not So Bad (Chapter Six)
Not So Bad (Chapter Seven)
Not So Bad (Chapter 8)
Not So Bad (Chapter 9)
Not So Bad (Chapter 10)
Not So Bad (Chapter 11)
Not So Bad ( Chapter 12)
Not So Bad (Chapter 13)
Not So Bad (Chapter 14)
Not So Bad (Chapter 15)
Not So Bad (Chapter 16)
Not So Bad (Chapter 18)
Not So Bad (Chapter 19)
Not So Bad (Chapter 20)
Not So Bad (Chapter 21)
Not So Bad (Chapter 22)
Not So Bad (Chapter 23)
Not So Bad (Chapter 24)Final Chapter

Not So Bad (Chapter 17)

459 10 0
By WWESpongefan

The Wyatt Family and Olivia were somewhere backstage in a dark room, they were watching the promo Seth was giving. Olivia smiled when Seth said that he was coming for her. Bray saw the smile on her face.

"Why are you so happy? I think you would be much safer with us sweetheart."

Olivia was slightly upset with him calling her sweetheart.

"Don't call me that! Only Seth can call me that, you don't even know me."

"I think I do now... you were out there telling the world what your life has been like. Believe me, I know you better than you think. What I don't seem to understand is why you would want to go back with him. He already failed to protect you once, and surely it won't be the last time. Your safety is guaranteed with us Olivia."

"Everything was fine until you showed up. I'm happier with Seth, he understands me."

"Or so you think. I know what it's like to constantly look over your shoulder and wonder if you will ever really feel safe. He could never understand you like I do."

"But I love him, and he loves me."

"Does he really love you Olivia, or does he feel sorry for you?"

When Seth first started helping her out he even said that he did feel a little sorry for her, but with all the time they've spent together, something else formed between them.

"He loves me... I know he does. Why else would he break down like he did?"

"I guess I see your point, but I really think you should reconsider. I really think you should stay with us. Well... you're kind of tied to a chair so you don't really have a choice. If The Shield want to start a new war, so be it. I really hate to do this since you're so pretty, but war is pain, and suffering, even innocent people have to pay the price sometimes. If Seth really loved you, he would have been here to protect you from we're about to do to you."

Olivia wasn't quite sure what he was talking about at first but found out when he hit her in the face. Luke Harper, and Erick Rowan joined the attack. They ripped at part of her clothes and left marks on her arms. She was still tied to the chair and couldn't do anything. The light was dim in the room, but Bray could see that she had a red mark around her eye. Later on, it would turn into a black eye. She was hit so hard that the red marks on her arms and legs would later on be black and purple bruises. Bray hit her so hard in the face that there was a cut on her bottom lip and it was bleeding. Olivia screamed and cried, but no one seemed to hear her. The worst was yet to come, after they were done with most of their beat down, Bray kissed her on her lips even though they were bleeding. All of this was just torture to Olivia, not only was she being physically abused, but also mentally and emotionally abused. She thought that all of this was behind her, but once again trouble found her. Was she just doomed to live this life forever and never escape the abuse? After that Luke Harper and Erick Rowan threw her down on the ground. She was still tied to the chair so they started kicking her in the stomach. She couldn't yell anymore, and it became a struggle just to breathe. She cried silently and hoped that it would be over soon. She just wanted it to end, she wanted Seth and the rest of The Shield to find her, but if they didn't, she just wanted to die. She didn't think she could put up with the physical and emotional abuse anymore. Finally Bray pulled Luke and Erick back.

"Ok boys... I think we've done enough for now. I think it's about time we go out to the ring and accept the challenge from The Shield. Aw... Olivia you look terrible. What would Seth think of you when he sees you? That is of course if he ever finds you, which he won't. You're not going anywhere Olivia, no one is going to come find you, and no one is going to come save you. But don't worry too much Olivia, we'll be back for you later, and then we'll continue where we left off."

Bray made sure to lock the door so no one found her. Olivia was tied to a chair so she couldn't do much of anything to try to escape. She couldn't really move either, she was in too much pain. Bray had the door locked and turned off all the lights. She was left all alone in that room. She was still on the ground after she was thrown to the ground. She was still trying to catch her breath. She began wondering if the abuse she suffered from Ryan was as bad as what she just suffered. Ryan was one person, she had just been attacked by three very large men. She had been kicked in the stomach multiple times. Her body ached all over, but mostly her face. She was sure her lip was still bleeding. She had yelled and cried for help earlier, but no one seemed to hear, or didn't care to help so she thought that yelling for help would be pointless. As she lay in pain alone in the dark all she could do was breathe, cry, and hope that someone would find her before The Wyatt Family came back. She wondered if maybe Bray was right. Did Seth really love her? Why would he let something like this happen to her? As she thought about Seth she thought about the first time he told her that he loved her. He had left his hospital bed to stop her from leaving. She thought about the first kiss they shared and all she wanted was to be in his arms again. She cried as she said his name.


She didn't know what else to do. All she could think of to do was try to sleep. She knew The Wyatts were going to come back. She wanted to close her eyes and try to erase what just happened. She hoped that when she woke up it would just be a nightmare and that she would wake up in Seth's arms. Meanwhile The Shield were in the ring. They were told that The Wyatts had accepted their challenge. Seth wanted to be the one to start the match, he didn't like any member of The Wyatt Family, but Bray was the leader, and the mastermind behind the abduction of Olivia. Of course Bray wasn't willing to start the match, Luke Harper started the match and attacked Seth first with a big boot. Bray was the master of the mind games. Later on it was a similar scene as before, Dean and Roman were outside the ring and at the time Seth was struggling for control of the match. Once Bray was sure that he could take control of the match, he tagged himself in and started the attack. There was a lot going on over at the commentary table. Michael Cole was the main one speaking.

"Now here comes Bray Wyatt. As of tonight, he has really made things personal with Seth Rollins. He kissed Olivia, hit her with Sister Abigail, and then took her away. Ever since then Seth has been an emotional wreck."

Back in the ring Bray was having fun with Seth.

"Come on Seth! Get up! You're weak! This woman Olivia... look how weak she makes you. You cried for her, a real man doesn't cry over a woman. Search all you want, you'll never find her."

Bray took a piece of her shirt that was ripped out of his pocket and threw it down for Seth to see.

"You failed her, you couldn't even protect her from me, but don't worry... I'll take good care of you're pretty little sweetheart Olivia."

Seth saw the ripped piece of her shirt and was filled with rage. Seth jumped up and jumped at Bray hitting him in the face with hard punches. Luke Harper and Erick Rowan go to pull Seth off Bray, but were met with Dean and Roman. Dean ran at Erick and hit him with a drop kick and sent him over the ropes out of the ring. Roman hit Luke Harper with a spear and Luke rolled out of the ring grabbing at his ribs. The ref lost control and ended up disqualifying Seth for losing his cool. Dean and Roman saw how angry Seth was and had to pull him off Bray.

"Dean, Roman... let me go. He hurt Olivia... I know he did."

Roman held Seth back and spoke up.

"Ok I get it... I think we owned The Wyatts, now is you're chance to go find her."

Seth calmed down a little, or at least made it look like he was calming down.

"You're right... but first..."

Seth moved past Roman and ran at Bray again. Bray was trying to get up, but that was when Seth hit him with a huge curb stomp. He leaned down to Bray and grabbed him by the collar or his shirt and looked at him dead in the eyes as he spoke full of rage.

"Where... is...Olivia!"

Bray only laughed before he replied.

"You'll never find her."

Bray laughed for a moment before Seth curb stomped him again silencing the laughter. The crowd cheered at Seth, but Seth was more concerned with finding Olivia. Seth was the first out of the ring and Dean and Roman followed. They were going to help him find Olivia. They all agreed that it would be easier to split up to look for her. The arena they were at was a huge arena, there was a lot of ground to cover, but they were sure that she would be somewhere in the general backstage area. They searched many different rooms only to find them empty or not to find that Olivia was not there. After searching through five different rooms Seth was starting to lose hope. He was thinking that maybe The Wyatts had re-located her and that he would never find her. For all he knew she may not even be at the arena. Seth sat down somewhere and felt like giving up. Dean was down the hall so he didn't see Seth, but Roman came out of a room and noticed Seth sitting around.

"She wasn't in there."

"I'm never going to find her am I? She's probably not even at the arena. I'm never going to see her again."

"Come on Seth... you can't give up. She's counting on you. You said you thought maybe Bray hurt Olivia."

"He did... I know he did. He showed me part of her shirt that he ripped off."

"Ok... so are you really telling me that you're going to give up looking for her? If you give up, Bray wins."

There were not many places left to look, but there were about four other doors down a different hallway. On the inside of one of those rooms, Olivia woke up still unable to move she heard voices coming towards her. There were tears running down her face, she was still in pain from where The Wyatt Family had beat her before. She was sure they were coming back. One the other side of the door Seth was trying to get in. None of the other doors were locked.

"Hey... the door is locked, Roman help me out."

Seth and Roman together were powerful men, they worked together to kick the door in. The door exploded open as light entered the room, a scream was heard from the inside.

"No! Please don't hurt me!"

A bright light entered the room and she looked away from the door as it flew open. She didn't see who was at the door. She cried as she was sure she was going to be beaten again. She only looked up when she heard Seth call her name.


She was shaking, but the shaking stopped when she heard his voice and looked up at him.


Dean Ambrose found his way down the hallway and caught up with Seth and Roman. The three of them approached Olivia. Dean and Roman were mainly watching to make sure The Wyatts didn't show up while they were taking care of Olivia. Seth finally got Olivia untied from the chair and helped her up. The first thing he saw when he found her was her face. He could now see the black eye that she had. He could tell that her lip had been bleeding, but wasn't anymore. Roman turned on the light in the room and they saw her ripped clothes and the newly forming bruises that were on her arms and legs. Seth almost wanted to cry at the sight of her. How could he have let this happen? He was also so glad that he had her again. He gently took her hand and spoke to her.

"Come on Olivia... lets get out of here. Lets have a doctor look at you."

Before they could even leave the room, it was like Olivia almost jumped into Seth's arms. She couldn't help but cry after everything she's been through. Seth didn't know what The Wyatts did to her yet, but that didn't matter at the moment. What mattered was Olivia, she needed him. She clung to him and hugged him tight as she cried, and she didn't care that Roman and Dean saw her. They saw this and left them alone and continued watch outside the room. Seth wrapped his arms around her, he wanted to hug her tight and never let her go again, but he knew she was in pain so he couldn't hug her tight. He wanted to make Bray pay for everything he's done to Olivia. He wanted him to suffer the way she suffered. He would worry about that later, right now she needed him. She calmed down as he held his hand on the back of her head and the other hand rubbing up and down her back. She looked up at him and he took one of his hands and went to wipe the tears from her eyes. He only touched one side of her face since he could clearly see that she had a black eye. He saw her busted up lip and knew he couldn't really kiss her there so he kissed her on her forehead. He just held her as he tried to comfort her. Finally after what seemed like five minutes, they finally left the room to let a doctor try to take care of her. There were other WWE superstars that needed to be looked at, so they had to wait for a while. Olivia still was shaken up over what happened. Dean and Roman followed Seth and Olivia to the trainer's room. Seth still had to hold Olivia and talk to her to calm her down.

"It's ok... He's not coming back. I'm not going to let him touch you ever again. This time I'm not alone..."

Roman spoke up.

"That's right baby girl... we hate The Wyatts as much as anyone else does, but Bray crossed a line. The Shield is back Olivia... no pun intended, but we are here to shield you from whatever comes your way. I may not know you very much about you, but I'm with Seth. We're going to stick together."

Seth wasn't sure about what to think about Roman calling Olivia baby girl, but Roman called every girl that. This was not the time to get jealous. He knew that if The Wyatt Family was involved that he would need all the help he could get. Now it was Dean's turn to speak.

"Yeah... I've had my problems with Bray Wyatt. I could be useful. It's hard to know what a guy like Bray Wyatt is going to do, but I think I know him well enough. I've even out crazied him a few times. So Seth... I know we've had out problems in the past, but you know me more than anyone. You know I can play mind games. If it's revenge you want on Bray Wyatt, follow my lead."

"When the time is right, I'll take you up on that offer Ambrose, but right now I need to take care of Olivia."

Roman and Dean would still travel together even after The Shield ended. Roman spoke up to Seth.

"Hey Seth... would you and Olivia like to travel with us?"

"I think it would be a good idea. We should stick together so we can watch out for The Wyatts. What do you think Olivia?"

Olivia agreed and shook her head. It would take some getting used to traveling with all three members of The Shield since she didn't know much about Dean or Roman. Seth had told her about how the three of them were once like brothers, maybe they could be like that again. The only thing is now it would be hard to be alone with Seth. The doctor checked on Olivia, there wasn't really much he could do since most of the damage done was bruises and a black eye. The doctor checked her ribs, she had been kicked in the stomach, and ribs area. The only thing the doctor could do was wrap up her ribs and give her something to take for the pain. Olivia's clothes were still ripped from the attack. One of the divas had an extra pair of pants that Olivia could fit, Seth gave Olivia the shirt off his back and the diva that gave her the pants helped her to the bathroom where she could change out of her ripped outfit. The Shield's work for the night was done and everyone at the end of Raw found out that Olivia was attacked by The Wyatt Family. Olivia was in so much pain that she could hardly walk. Seth hated to see Olivia in pain.

"Hey Olivia... you can hardly walk. Let me carry you."

Olivia didn't say anything, but let Seth carry her. Olivia had bruises al over her body so he had to be really careful where he put his hands. When they finally got to the car, Dean and Roman focused on getting their stuff in the back. Seth put Olivia on her feet for just a moment to open the back door and then helped her get in. Seth sat in the back seat with her while Roman drove and Dean sat in the front seat. Olivia was tired and leaned her head on Seth's shoulder, it didn't take her long to fall asleep. Roman drove for a few hours to the next city they would have Smackdown and then drove up to a hotel. Dean and Roman got their stuff and checked in. Seth didn't want to wake Olivia up, but he probably would if had to get out of the car. He unbuckled his seat belt and slowly tried to move, but ended up waking Olivia anyway.

"Seth... where are we?"

"We are at a hotel. We are in Atlanta for Smackdown. Stay right there and I will come to the other side of the car and help you out."

Roman came back out and saw Seth helping out Olivia.

"Hey Seth... I got us three different rooms. One for me, one for Dean, and one for you and Olivia."

"Ok. Thanks."

It almost seemed weird that The Shield was back together, but Seth hoped that once the trust issues passed that they can be like brothers again. Seth was glad that he and Olivia got their separate rooms. They would get to spend much needed time together alone. Seth didn't ask her before when Dean and Roman were around, but he wanted to know everything that happened to Olivia. This was something that he would find out later. Right now Olivia was hurt, and tired, and probably didn't want to talk about it. Roman had to open the door for them and Seth walked Olivia to a bed and gently set her in the bed and covered her up. After about five minutes, Seth joined her. She was already asleep, he wasn't sure about whether or not he should wrap his arms around her or not since she was hurt. He wanted to sleep but couldn't. He had guilt in his mind and heart about what happened to Olivia. Now that he had Dean and Roman with him, he felt like he could protect Olivia not better than when he was alone. He couldn't sleep after what happened to Olivia. He was going to stay up through the night to make sure everything was ok. He was sure that after what happened to her that she would surely have a nightmare and he wanted to be there to help calm her down if she did have a nightmare. He wanted to stay up to protect her from any possible threats that could come through their hotel room. The position she was in was uncomfortable so she rolled over and was now facing him. He wanted to wrap his arms around her or kiss her lips, but her lips were slightly swollen from being hit in the face, and she had bruises everywhere and he didn't want to hurt her. He didn't care if she was asleep or not, he leaned down and kissed her on her forehead, then he leaned down to her ear and whispered that he loved her in her ear. He did what he said he was going to do. He stayed up through the night and watched over her to make sure nothing happened.

(To be continued.)

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