Uta-Pri: New History

By AnimeAce

226 7 0

(Squeal to Modern Classic) Things have been going well for Jun and Akiko, but when things start going wrong t... More

Chapter 1 (Jun Megumi)
Chapter 2 (Akiko Rei)
Chapter 3 (Jun Megumi)
Chapter 4 (Akiko Rei)
Chapter 5 (Jun Megumi)
Chapter 6 (Akiko Rei)
Chapter 7 (Jun Megumi)
Chapter 9 (Jun Megumi)
Chapter 10 (Akiko Rei)
Chapter 11 (Jun Megumi)
Chapter 12 (Akiko Rei)
Chapter 13 (Jun Megumi)

Chapter 8 (Akiko Rei)

16 0 0
By AnimeAce

Chapter 9 (Akiko Rei)

There was almost no wind when I got off the train, but even the slightest breeze against the back of my neck sent chills down my spine. It was the promised day, the day my stalker had specified. And here I was a block from where I was supposed to go. I had no idea what he planned to show me, but I could not have been more nervous. 

Being 9:45 at night it was dark and there was not a lot of people around, but I still ran the risk of being recognized. Even without makeup and my hair hidden under a hat. I would draw more attention wearing sunglasses at night than I wanted so that was a feature I had forgone for a deep hood. I pulled my jacket a little lighter and started walking towards the plaza. 

My new phone buzzed and I pulled it out. >Go to the brick tower, under the clock. You can sit or stand, up to you.<

I sighed. >Do you know if I'm actually here or are you just sending that to remind me?< I replied. I didn't get a text, instead I got a picture. Of myself, at the moment looking at my phone. I looked around in a panic but didn't see anyone.

>You won't find me by looking. And don't worry, I have no intentions of exposing you here either. This is a private show, just for you.< He sent and I resisted shuttering. Now that I knew he could see me I stood a little straighter and refused to look scared. I wouldn't give him that satisfaction. 

>Good to know.< I replied as I continued to walk. I reached the plaza, which was almost empty. I found the side of the tower with the clock. There was a bench but I decided to stay on my feet, leaning up against the wall. >Now what?< I asked. 

>Wait.< He said. I sighed and put the phone away, knowing he wasn't going to send me anything else. When the clock rang ten lights began appearing in the woods. I couldn't tell what they were, though they looked a lot like Christmas lights strung up in the trees. But they did move around a lot more than Christmas lights would.  

"A light show? That's what he wanted to show me?" I wondered. I sighed and just decided to enjoy it for what it was. The people who were standing on the other side of the plaza quickly noticed the lights and began to congregate in front of me, which I was okay with. 

After a minute or two I realized that the lights were attached to people, dancers dressed in black body suits and decorated with lights. They came out of the darkness of the trees and the crowd bubbled excitedly. "Okay, that's pretty cool." I admitted to myself. 

The dancers began making their way through the crowd and one of the approached me discreetly. I knew he was coming towards me because he would periodically look at me. Once he got to me he bowed, as did the others, but he held out a small black box. I snatched it from him before anyone could see it and as he backed away into the woods the others followed suit. 

I shoved the box into my bag and felt my hand brush up against an envelope. I looked around, but no one looked suspicious. I pulled it out and opened the letter. "Here you are. One picture and the negative. This is the only copy I kept and now it is yours. One picture for one request."

The handwriting was elegant, to elegant to be hand written. When I ran my finger over the ink I knew it was printed. I quickly put it back in the envelope and back in my bag. I was starting to feel cold and hurried back to the train station. Even without a text I knew the show was over. 

Once I got back on the train I remembered the box from the dancer. I pulled it out. It was an ordinary black box with gold printing on the side. I debated opening it, but finally my curiosity won out. I opened the little box. Inside was a ticket from Modern Classic's debut show, but more importantly it was signed by both Jun and I. 

"How many people got their tickets signed?" I wondered, trying to recall. It had been a flurry of motion, taking place after the show. Only those with special pre-order tickets were allowed to get them signed, which was only about 120 people. Two thirds of those got both of us to sign them. "So that makes... 80." I realized and sighed. "One of eighty. Well, it's progress." I thought as I put the box away. 

I got off the train about ten minutes after and hurried on my way to the Master's program dorms. It was getting chilly out and I wanted to hurry up and go inside. Though it was 10:30 the lights were on in the entryway and that made me hesitate. I knew Ittoki would be worried, and Jun of course. But I wasn't sure I wanted to face them.

Finally I just went inside. To my surprise it wasn't Jun or Ittoki up. It was Ryuu and Akio. They were talking, but fell quiet when I entered. "What were you doing out so late?" Ryuu asked. 

"Looking for inspiration." I told him. "I'm tired though so I'm going to bed." I added before hurrying past. I got up to my bedroom and closed the door. I pulled the things from my bag and stuck them in a drawer, the only drawer with a lock. After securing them I sat down at my composing desk. It was covered with half-finished songs. I could start them easily enough, but I couldn't seem to finish any. I leaned back and sighed. 

My phone started ringing and I answered it quickly. "Hello?"

"Rei." Was the reply. I nearly fell out of my chair. 

"Mr. Shining!" I replied in shock. "What can I do for you?" I asked. 

"You've got a CD recording coming up. It is only your second CD. It will be very important. Do you have all the sheet music ready?" He asked. I glanced at my desk full of half-written songs and debated what answer wouldn't get me into trouble. 

"Why do you ask?" I decided was a safe answer. 

"Because I was told that you only submitted three of the ten to the recording studio. I believe the deadline was today, wasn't it?" He asked and I cringed. 

"Sorry, Mr. Shining. They're ready I just forgot to submit them. I'll take them in person tomorrow and apologize." I said. 

"See that you do." He said before hanging up. I set down my phone and leaned back with a moan. 

"Seven songs in one night. Great." I thought with a sigh. I had six already started, and decently close to finished, but I had no idea what to do for the last one. The lights in the woods came into my mind and I smiled. "Okay, as much as I dislike the stalker, I've got nothing better so here goes." I set to work composing. 

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