Harry Potter and the Year of...

By TravelThroughTime

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Harry, Hermione and Ron are going to Hogwarts for their 7th year. During the year Harry gets close to people... More

Harry Potter and the Year of Surprises by erinpotter
Surprise Number 1
Diagon Alley
Three more Surprises (and Fred and George's)
The Kiss
Harry and Ron's agreement
The Talks
Trouble at the Station
First Night Surprise
Getting Ready
The Head Boy and Girl
The Ball
The New Quarters
The Hideaway
The Bet
What Ginny Found
Ginny's Surprise
A Surprise for Erin
The Bets part two
Harry's Glow
Dumbledore's Surprise
The Invisible Surprise
Stealing From Severus
Talking with the Big Guy
Catching Up
Just Five Hours
The Lockets
Building Up To It
A Great Match
You Are Harry Potter
Hermione's Rebellious Streak
The Party - part one
The Party - part two
A Million Galleons?
Three Mini Tests
Athletic Ability
Girls Are Still Better
Baby Talk
Christmas Is Coming
A Rather Eventful Morning
Okay, I'll give you ten minutes
Just Thinking
The Meeting
The Fallout
The Death Eaters
Weasley? Why do I know that name?
Malfoy's Fan Club
April Fool's Day
Letters From Above
Change It's Name
The Last Match
Draco's First Night
Auror Forms
The Dark Mark
A Father's Plea
Telling The Story
Getting Packed
They Dissapeared
Number One
Into College

More Athletic Ability

478 12 2
By TravelThroughTime

Harry stood, pondering over what Erin had just said. He wondered if it would be a good thing or not. She had just told them that the game would be played in the dark and that the only tree they were allowed to guard was the one they had just been assigned. 

Harry decided it was a good thing. The other two teams weren’t trying to fool him and they would have a little difficulty in finding the tree. Hermione was a smart girl so Harry thought they’d do pretty well. He grabbed Hermione and told her his plan. 

‘Okay, Hermione. You just do your best and find the trees; you’re smart so I guess you’ll do fine. I am going to circle the tree so that I can see anyone coming towards up from any direction. You cool with the plan?’ he said.

‘Yeah, that’s fine.’ Hermione nodded.

Erin blew the whistle. 

‘Go, Hermione, go!’ Harry said, as he began circling the tree in an anticlockwise direction. 

Ten minutes later, Harry looked at his watch. He wondered if Hermione had gotten anywhere, then all of a sudden a large figure lunged towards him. Harry was able to make out that it was Seamus. Harry grabbed him and pushed him back. Seamus fell and landed on his back. There was enough light for Harry to make out any movements he was going to make. 

He stood, ready for Seamus to attack again. He was starting to stand up, but to Harry’s amazement Seamus bolted away towards the other side of the tree.

Harry tried to push him out of the way but Seamus was too far away and he stamped Harry’s tree. Harry kicked the tree repeatedly as Seamus ran away whooping. Harry cursed himself and Seamus and everyone he could think of but quickly got back to patrolling. 

He was patrolling for another five minutes when he saw figure running towards him. He put his guard up, but as the figure got closer, he realised it was Hermione, sprinting towards them. She sped up at the last ten paces and stamped her own tree with such might and fell to the ground. Harry heard an alarm go off and saw all the forest fizzle away out of sight. They were then back in the little bit of grass in Hogwarts. Erin stood in front of them and smiled. I'm pleased to say that the team that won did it in a time I would have never guessed. It was much faster than my own time in this task, although I was with two people I didn’t work well with, but I won't make excuses. This team was wonderful. And it's, Hermione and Harry! Hermione blushed bright red but Harry grinned. He turned to Hermione and whispered. ‘Why were you running so fast back there?’

‘Seamus and I stamped Dean’s tree at the same time and I sort of had the feeling that he already had our tree so I sprinted to make sure I beat him.’

Harry laughed. He should have known Hermione was trying to beat someone. She was amazingly competitive. 

Erin continued, ‘Dean, how many stamps did you get?’


‘Okay, that’s ten points for everyone in that group. Seamus how many did you get?’


‘Ooh! It must have been close! Twenty points for all of you. And forty points each for Harry’s team for getting three trees and winning. That means Harry and Hermione are tied in the lead!’

Hermione grabbed Harry and hugged him! This time Harry blushed. 

Everyone started talking about how great Harry and Hermione were and Erin got a little pissed off. She needed to finish these today. ‘Oy! We need to get these finished! Now listen to me!’

Everyone looked at her, shocked that she had actually shouted.

She sighed. ‘I'm sorry but I had to fight tooth and nail to be allowed to do this with you and I would love you to finish it, so please, work with me.’

A few of them mumbled ‘sorry’ but most were too embarrassed to speak. Erin smiled and tried to pick up the mood.

‘So! Time for the last task, I think you are going to like it. It's really fun. Come on then, back through this door.’

The class quietly followed her but she stopped before walking into the door. She turned around and said to them, ‘look, I am not going to continue if you don't get out of this mood. Just because I told you off a little doesn’t mean I want you all to sulk, and it doesn’t mean you should. You really are old enough to accept that you have done something wrong but also to realise that life moves on. So, I'm in a good mood so why shouldn’t you be?’

Everyone fell silent, and then Ron said, ‘Yeah, Erin! Damn right!’ and a massive grin spread across his face. ‘Come on guys, smile!’

Everyone went into a fit of giggles as they watched Ron dance through the door. The mood lightened immediately and when everyone was inside and saw what was in front of them they all fell silent. Harry looked around him, trying to work out what his classmates were thinking but they all looked so shocked that Harry couldn’t work out the feelings inside. He was quite excited about the task in front of him. He knew that he and Hermione would have to do something really miraculous to win this one, but he was willing to try. 

Erin stood in front of them and smiled. ‘Well, what do you think?’

No one spoke until Ginny made a squeaking noise. Erin looked confused. ‘Does that mean you are excited?’ 

‘Yeah, yeah I am.’ she said nervously.

Harry looked again at the task. He was excited because right in front of him was the most complicated, army-like assault course he had ever seen. There were monkey bars, nets, a climbing wall and lots more. 

Harry’s stomach did a frontflip. This was the kind of stuff he had always wanted to do. Actually, when he thought he was a muggle, he actually dreamed of being in the army, doing things like this. He couldn’t wait to get started. Erin coughed to get everyone’s attention.

‘Ahem! You are still going to work in your groups. You will each have to go around the course, completing every task you possibly can. If you are incapable of doing a task, just skip it, but please give it a go. I will be timing you all separately but it is a race between all three teams. You are no permitted to try and put anyone else off the task but you are allowed to encourage your own team mates. When the first person is finished the course, he or she must tag the next runner before they can go. Harry and Hermione, one of you must go twice, I'm afraid. I'm sure you’ll do fine, though. Okay, sort out the order in which you are going and then get ready to go.’

Hermione rushed towards Harry. ‘You’re going twice, no question about it.’

‘That’s fine!’ he said, cheerily.

‘No arguments?’ she said, puzzled. Harry always argued.

‘Nope, I'm really looking forward to this!’

‘Then great. Now come on, you have to stretch before doing things like this.’

Harry groaned. She was such a fusspot, but he stretched anyway. Everyone who saw them seemed to think it was a good idea though, because they all stretched too!

Erin asked them if they were all ready. They all agreed and Erin got out her wand and drew a start line for everyone to stand at. Harry stood at it, ready to go, along with Parvati and Lavender. He grinned and listened for the whistle.

Erin put it close to her mouth and said. ‘One…two…three!’ and blew it. Harry sped off, getting a little head start. The first thing he had to do was get under a net and crawl through it till the end. It was about ten metres long. He only got stuck in it once and tripped when getting out of it but was still in the lead. The next thing he came across was the monkey bars; he swung from them, looking down to see a large puddle of mud below them. He struggled to keep up but got to the end safely. There he found a rope tied to a branch and below him was another large puddle of mud. He had to jump off the platform he was standing on to get to the rope, and he just about made it. He had to swing a few times to get far enough to be able to jump to safety but he landed quite successfully. 

Next he came across a large trampoline. There was a wall that stretched up too high to see so he jumped onto the trampoline. Once he began jumping he heard a scream behind him. He turned quickly to see that Parvati had fallen into the mud puddle, he smirked slightly and went on jumping. Soon he jumped so high that he could see a pink light. He jumped a little higher and saw that it was showing the way over the wall. Harry jumped higher again and grabbed the wall before her fell. When he got onto the wall, he saw a lot of ropes and equipment and instructions to tell him how to attach himself. He had to abseil down the wall!

When he was all fastened up, he took an almighty jump backwards and downwards. He landed about halfway down the wall and did another few, smaller jumps to get to the bottom. He unattached himself and ran forward. It was light again but he couldn’t see anymore tasks so he kept running. It was probably to see how fast he could run. After running another five minutes, he landed at a climbing wall. This time there was no ropes or safety equipment. 

He saw a sign at the side of the wall saying, ‘If you are too scared to climb, press this button.’ Harry did not have any intention of backing out, although he was a bit scared. He started climbing the wall, grabbing onto all the rocks he could and going as fast as he could do it safely. About halfway up, he heard Lavender who was obviously at the bottom. She sighed and started talking to herself.

‘I'm not sure. What if I fall? Hmmm. I don’t want to chicken out. Oh well, if I can get over a bludger to the head, I’ll get over a little fall.’ And Harry assumed she started climbing after him. She must have overtaken Parvati, who he couldn’t hear. He got to the top and realised that there was no way down but to jump. He looked and looked but came to the conclusion that he would have to jump. 

Potter, you can do this.

Ah, so your back, brain. 

Yep, just telling you a little instinct I just had.



I was thinking that.

Yeah, go for it.

I think I will.

Harry blessed himself and stepped over the edge. He was in the air for about ten seconds when he hit the mat. It was like a large bouncy castle. He slid off it and ran for another five minutes, when he came across a gate. He opened and looked.

‘Fucking hell, Erin!’ he whispered. ‘This isn’t anything athletic, this is just bravery!’

In front of him was a hippogriff. It wasn’t buckbeak but it looked friendly enough so Harry went for it. He stepped forward and bowed down very low, taking care not to blink too much. The hippogriff bowed back, almost straight away. He went over and petted him for a moment and then hoisted himself up onto its back. It must have known where to go because it took off right away. He rather enjoyed the flight, with the wind rushing through his hair and the soft feathers off the hippogriff brushing against his arms. He was almost disappointed when he landed. But he slid off and went through the other gate. Coming out of it, he saw that it was the end.

‘Harry! Hurry up and tag me!’ Hermione said on seeing him.

He went over and slapped her hand, but took hold of it. ‘Hermione, ‘he said. ‘When you get to the top of the climbing wall, just jump, and the hippogriffs are friendly but remember to bow and not to blink. Don’t be scared!’ 

‘Okay, Harry. Quickly before anyone else comes!’

‘Oh yeah!’ he said, letting go. ‘Good luck!’

He sat down for a rest and Erin came over to him.

‘What do you think?’ she asked.

‘Its great.’ he puffed out. ‘Very challenging but great!’

‘Looking forward to going again?’

‘Oh yeah, although I'm glad I know what’s coming!’

Erin laughed and walked away to see Lavender, who had just came through the gate and tagged Seamus who sprinted through the net, just as Hermione had done about two minutes ago. 

About five minutes later, Parvati came through the gate, looking very unhappy and extremely muddy. She didn’t rush to tag Dean, who was looking very angry at her. Harry smiled. The final round was going to be between him, Ron and Ginny!

He saw Ginny smiling too. She loved a bit of a challenge and Harry had to admit, she was a very fit girl. Ron was also quite fit but Harry didn’t think he had much of a chance because Dean was quite a bit behind the other two. Harry prayed that Hermione hadn’t let Seamus catch up with her because he knew he would have a hard time racing Ginny. 

About twenty minutes later, Harry wondered where Hermione had got to; he didn’t really take that long! Just then, all three contenders burst through the gate, Seamus in the middle of them, the other two holding him up. Harry, Ron and Ginny rushed towards the three to get tagged. The first to reach them was Ron and he set off. Harry and Ginny both reached them and the same time. They each were trying to outrun each other but they were staying neck and neck. Under the net and over the monkey bars they were a few metres behind Ron but at the rope, they caught up with him. He was stalling and Harry took the opportunity to take the rope first. He swung a few times and each time he came back to Ron and Ginny’s side of the puddle, Ron cursed at him. 







Harry jumped and let Ginny and Ron fight over the rope. He ran on to get to the trampoline. As he climbed onto it, he heard Ron land with a thud and an, ‘Ah!’

Harry started jumped extra hard to try and reach the top before Ron got on. He just about made it, but he was hanging off the wall rather awkwardly. He scrambled up and put on the abseiling stuff for the second time in half an hour. This time, he only took three jumps to get down. He could hear Ron struggling and panting to get over the wall. He started the long run. Suddenly, he fell into a puddle of something that was sucking him in. this wasn’t here in the first round! He thought. He got quite angry and starting moving around, trying to get out, but it wouldn’t budge. 

About two minutes after his unfortunate fall. He heard Ron’s heavy footsteps approaching.

‘Holy crap Harry! I thought you’d done this before?’

‘I did, but this wasn’t here.’ he said laughing at Ron’s shocked face.

‘Here,’ Ron said. ‘Let me help you.’ He reached his arm down.

‘Don’t worry about me. You go on, you can win!’

‘Harry, you’re my best mate and you need my help. Give me your hand!’

‘Are you sure? I mean, if you go on, everyone will think you are brilliant? Don’t you want some glory?’

‘Nope, I’d rather help you, oh look, here comes Ginny, she’s going to win! Haha!’

‘Jesus Harry, what have you done?’ she said, giggling.

‘Nice to see you think it’s funny!’ Harry grinned.

‘Ginny, help me get him out.’ Ron said.

‘Sure, you grab that arm, I’ll grab this one.’

‘Okay. One…two…three…pull!’

Ron and Ginny managed to get Harry out of what Ginny believed to be sinking sand. They stopped to make sure Harry wasn’t hurt and then they all jogged on, side by side. 

When they got to the wall, Ginny was a bit apprehensive about climbing it without any safety measures. Harry and Ron tried to get her too. They all wanted to end it together.

‘Come on, Gin. It’s just like climbing a tree! Only it’s a wall…’ Ron said.

‘Ginny, even Lavender did it.’ Harry said.

That made up her mind. She didn’t want Harry to think that she was a girly person who was scared of a wall, especially when a plastic could do it.

Harry helped them both up the wall, saying as he’d done it before. When they got to the top, Harry told them that they would have to jump. Ginny was up for it but Ron didn’t like the idea of jumping into the darkness. 

‘Ron, I've done it before. Come on!’

‘Yeah Ron. But…If you’re too scared…but I don’t think Hermione would find it very brave or exciting, I actually think she’d be disappointed…but, if you can't-’ Ginny said.

‘Fine, fine, I’ll do it, but you two have to say how brave I am!’

Harry and Ginny laughed. 

‘Shall we hold hands?’ Ginny asked.

‘Yeah, yeah. I think we should.’ Ron rushed and grabbed Ginny’s hand. 

Harry took her other hand. ‘On the count of three then, one…two…three!’

The three of them took off and landed on the bit bouncy mat. Ron smiled.

‘It wasn’t so bad after all. Can we stay here and play on this?’ he said.

‘No Ron, now get up! There’s one more thing we have to do. We have to ride hippogriffs.’


‘No we don’t.’

‘I can't.’

‘Harry, I'm too scared.’

‘Wow! Slow down. Its fine! It’s actually quite enjoyable when you get used to it. Come on, it’s just down here.’

Ginny and Ron followed Harry quite slowly until they got to the gate. Harry opened it and walked in, expecting to see a hippogriff but instead there were

‘What are they?’ Ron said, looking rather scared.

‘I don’t know. I think they are…no? Its not, is it?’ Ginny said.

‘It’s a thestral.’ Harry told them. ‘I suppose you can see them after last year.’

‘Yeah! They’re kind of ugly, aren’t they?’ Ginny said.

‘Right, come on then.’ Harry said. ‘On you get.’

‘I can't.’ Ginny said, again.

‘Why? You’ve been on one before.’

‘Yeah but I couldn’t see them, now they look quite sinister.’

‘Don’t be silly,’ Ron said, swinging a leg over one. ‘There’s nothing to it. But, if you aren’t as brave as me…we’ll get Erin to come for you, come on Harry!’

Harry got onto another one. ‘Ginny, come on. Please, for me?’

‘I am braver than you Ron!’ Ginny said, huffing as she scrambled onto one of the ‘ugly’ animals. ‘I’ll show you!’ 

All three thestrals took off and flew to the paddock in which Harry’s hippogriff landed. 

When they opened the gate, Ginny took each of their hands and walked out, smiling. Everyone cheered for them, probably because all three teams won the race. 

Erin came running towards them, holding out her arms and hugged them all. I'm so glad you came together! Oh, this is wonderful; it’s so cool the way you can do that. We have three winners!’

When Erin let them go, Hermione came running to get them into a hug. She almost choked them but they were all too happy to care. Erin brought up the scoreboard. Everyone could now see that Harry had won and Hermione had come second. Ron and Ginny were a close third. Dean and Seamus were joint fourth, Lavender was fifth and Parvati was sixth. She seemed very embarrassed to come last, knowing that Harry was first and she fancied the hell out of him. 

Erin congratulated everyone and then, with a wave of her wand, transported everyone to her classroom and gave them all Honeydukes chocolate. Then, when everyone had a chat about how great the whole day had been, and gave them their wands back, Erin sprung a surprise on them. She said that she had an award for the people in first to third place. Ron thought it was extra chocolate so he was positively beaming. Hermione hoped that it would be a book of some sort, preferably about auror training. Neither Harry nor Ginny had a clue about what it might be or what they would like. Ginny looked at Erin inquisitively, hoping to get some sort of idea of what it could possibly be. Erin smiled and looked at the foursome.

‘But you are going to have to wait until tomorrow because I had to order them!’

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