Guardian Angels- The Band Per...

By tbpandtswiftfan

2.8K 74 30

Bella is an 11 year old who isn't so popular at school. Through 2 years of bullying, the only thing that got... More

Birthday suprise
The Accident
Unexpected Changes
Gonna Be Okay
The Truth

Dreams Come True

297 10 3
By tbpandtswiftfan

*Bella's POV*

We ran through the doors, and Mom and Dad went to the ticket counter and picked up a fat envelope.

They opened it, and it contained 3 laminated lanyards, and a letter with directions on it. Mom handed me the lanyard, and I quickly put it around my neck.

I lifted up the pass, and started to read it while we waited in the crowded lobby. I grinned when I saw a huge picture of Kimberly, Reid and Neil on it. It said "VIP, bus tour 2012"

I looked at it, and then I asked "Mom?"

Mom looked up from her conversation with Dad, and asked "What sweetie?"

"Can I keep this? It has a picture of them on it!"

Mom and Dad laughed and Dad said "Of course honey! But I have a surprise for you! Follow me!"

I nodded, and Mom stayed where we had been standing to wait for the radio station rep who was supposed to meet us there.

Dad wove through the crowd of people wearing "Rascal Flatts" T-shirts, and pulled me to a stop once we reached the Merchandise table.

My eyes widened at the TBP shirts, bracelet, and pictures.

Dad turned to the worker and said "We'll have the 2 TBP shirts, the TBP bracelet, the TBP glow stick, and the "All Your Life" poster."

I turned to him with wide eyes, we were never really able to spend like this lately.

"Really? Are you sure?!"

Dad just laughed, and mussed my hair as he said "Completely sure. You deserve it Bel! Happy Birthday!"

I smiled and pulled him into a hug "Thank you so much Daddy! For everything! I love you!"

Dad smiled, and I quickly put on my new black TBP shirt, and my "I <3 TBP" bracelet.

After I had all of my goodies, Dad gently pushed forward, and we wove back through the crowd, and found Mom standing there with a tall lady with dark brown hair. Dad pulled me to a stop, and the woman turns to me.

She smiles at me and says "You must be Bella!"

I nod shyly, and she said "Well I heard today's your birthday!"

I nodded again, and she smiled

"So are you ready to meet your heroes?!"

That's when my eyes lit up and I finally make myself say something.


The woman laughed and said "I'm Charli by the way!"

I smile and shake her hand, and she guides us to a locked door, and shows the guards her badge, and they examine mine as well.

Finally they wave us forward, and Charli brings us through a dimly lit winding hallway that seems like it will never end.

Finally we reach a door, and another set of guards check our passes, and wave us through.

I felt my eyes widen, and my jaw drop when I saw the huge black tour bus with the beautiful logo embossed on the front.

Charli lead us to the bus, and knocked on the door. We waited there for a few minutes, and then the door swung open, and we were greeted by a women with straight brown hair pulled back in a pony tail.

I was kind of hidden behind Mom and Dad, and the woman smiled and said "Hey Y'all I'm Annie! Now I heard we have a birthday girl here?!"

Mom and Dad smiled and nodded, and Dad pushed me forward.

"This is Bella. Kimberly, Reid and Neil are her heroes."

Annie bent down to my height and said "It's so nice to meet you Bella! How old are you going to be today?"

"12."I said shyly.

Annie smiled and said "Kimberly, Reid and Neil are so excited to meet you! Are you ready to see them?!"

I nodded shyly, and Annie threw her arm around me and guided me onto the bus. I heard Mom and Dad, and Charli noisily follow, and I felt my eyes widen at my surroundings.

There were fan gifts and instruments everywhere! I can't believe I'm really here!

Annie smiled at me, and directed us all to the huge couch in the front lounge.

"I'm going to go see if they're ready! Y'all can wait here!"

I nodded, and sunk down in the tan plush couch. Mom and Dad were in a conversation with Charli about something, and I saw a huge stack of books on the coffee table.

I smiled and grabbed a copy of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows to distract myself from how nervous I was. What if they didn't like me, what if I said something stupid...

My thoughts were cut off when a familiar voice said "Oooo that's a good one! What part are you at?!"

I smiled and replied "I'm at the part where Harry uses the resurrection stone! It's my favorite part!"

"Mine too!" said the voice.

I looked up to see the person I was speaking to, and discovered that it was none other than Neil Perry.

He was wearing a black jacket with white arrows on the sleeves, and dark brown pants. My eyes just about popped out of my head, and he smiled.

I looked behind him, and saw Reid standing there with a wide smile. he was wearing a cowboy hat, and a dark shirt with a hand on it that was holding two fingers up. I looked behind him to see Kimberly.

She was the shortest of them all, but still at least a head taller than I am, She's my hero, and role model. I want to be just like her.

In a rare moment that I forget how shy I am, I ran to Kimberly and hugged her.

Kimberly laughed and bent down and crushed me in a hug "You must be Bella!"

I nodded and said shyly "You're my hero! I want to be just like you!"

Kimberly smiled at me and said "Aww you're so sweet baby girl!"

As Kimberly released me, Reid and Neil converged with grins on their faces.

"How old are you sweetie?" Reid asked.

"I turn 12 today." I said with a shy smile.

Neil bent down so he was at my height and said "Aww so you're the birthday girl! Kimberly's got something for you!"

I looked at him in confusion, and Kimberly ran to the kitchen.

When she was gone, I told Neil "I love you guys!"

He smiled and pulled me into a hug and said "You're so sweet pretty girl!"

Reid pulled me into a hug next, and he said "I like your shirt." with a smile.

I smiled back, and then Kimberly returned. Reid and Neil gently spun me around, and I found Kimberly standing there holding a small birthday cake.

"They told us that we'd be meeting a birthday girl, so I baked you a cake!"

I pulled her into a hug, and couldn't believe that I was really meeting my favorite people in the whole world!

They showed me around the bus, and now that Mom and Dad were busy talking to their parents, Steve and Marie, I decided to finally thank Kimberly, Reid, and Neil.

"Ummm guys?"

Kimberly, Reid and Neil turned around and Kimberly asked "Yeah baby girl?"

I couldn't help but smile at that, and I played with my hair nervously as I said "I ugh just wanted to thank you guys, The last two years I've been bullied a lot, and your music is what got me through it. I love you guys a lot, and thanks for being my only friends."

I choked up at the end, and started to cry a little bit. Dangit! I promised myself I wouldn't cry in front of them! Now they're going to think I'm an idiot!

Suddenly a pair of arms pulled me into a hug, and I looked up to find Kimberly on her knees looking at me with a serious look on her face, crushing me into a hug. She made sure I was looking her in the eyes before she started talking to me.

"You're beautiful Bel, and no matter what they say, you always have us okay. We love you!"

I cried a little more after she said that, and then suddenly I was being smushed.

I glanced up to see that they were all crushing me in a group hug. I couldn't help but smile and mutter "I have the best heroes in the world"

They laughed and Neil said "We have the best friend in the world!"

I turned red, realizing that I must have said that out loud.

Then they released me, and they showed me back to the front lounge. Mom and Dad were there, and they grinned at the look on my face.

Everyone sang "Happy Birthday" to me as I blew out the candles on the birthday cake that Kimberly gave me.

Once we were done eating, Kimberly, Reid and Neil all grabbed their instruments, and started to play the beginning cords of "If I Die Young" As Charli filmed with her phone for the radio station.

Mom suddenly said "Hey you know it's Bel's dream to sing that song with you!"

Kimberly Reid, and Neil grinned, and Reid said "Why don't you come up here!"

I cautiously made my way to the improvised stage that they had set up, and Kimberly knelt down to share the microphone with me.

"Are you ready?"

She asked with a smile. I nodded, and Kimberly started to play the familiar tune on her guitar, and Neil and Reid joined on the mandolin and bass.

Kimberly started out "If I die young, bury me In satin,"

She smiled at me, and nudged me and I sang "Lay me down on a bed of roses, sink me in the river, at dawn, send me away with the words of a love song"

"You're doing great!" Reid whispered, and I smiled, and Kimberly joined back in, and we sang the rest of the song together.

As soon as we hit the last note, I saw Mom and Dad in tears. Them and Charli stood up and clapped for us.

I laughed and I hugged Kimberly, Reid and Neil again. I saw a camera flash, and smiled. Then They let me pick the next few songs.

They played Queen Maybelline, Lasso, Walk Me Down the Middle, and Done for me.

Charli looked after watch and said "It's almost time for us to go!

I frowned, and we all took a group picture, and then Neil asked "Can we take a few pictures with just Bel?"

My eyes lit up when Charli agreed, and we took a picture together, a group hug picture, individual hugging pictures, and then Charli said "Okay time to go!'

"One more please?" Kimberly asked.

I grinned, not believing they'd really want to spend so much time with me.

Charli nodded, and Kimberly turned to me with a smile and asked "Would you like to take a funny picture with us?!"

I grinned and nodded, and they all knelt down once again, and Kimberly said "Okay on 3 strike your pose!'

Charli counted to 3, and just before the camera went off, I made bunny ears behind Kimberly's head, and puffed my cheeks out like a monkey and crossed my eyes.

Everyone laughed at our poses, and just like that, it was time to go.

Reid pulled me into a hug and said "It was so good to meet you Bella! And Happy Birthday!"

I smiled at him, and Neil pulled me into a hug next and said "Happy Birthday pretty Girl! I hope you have fun at the show!"

I grinned at him, and then Kimberly pulled me into a bear hug and said

"Remember what I told you Bella. We love you!"

I smiled, not wanting to let her go.

I finally reluctantly let her go, and as I was walking off the bus, Neil asked

"Do you have a twitter?!"

I turned around and said "umm yeah..."

"What is your twitter name?"

Kimberly asked with a laugh.

"Ummm @Ilovetbp13"

I blushed and looked at the ground.

Kimberly laughed and said "I love that name!"

She ran over and pulled me into one more hug, and then Charli all but pulled us off the bus.

Charli lead us back into the building, and said "In all my years in radio, an artist has never been so sweet to a fan. You sure know how to pick your heroes kiddo."

I smiled and said "Yeah. I do"

Charli smiled and said "I hope you had fun! I'll email you all the pictures and videos!"

I smiled and she pulled me into a hug.

"And by the way, you did a really good job singing with them."

I smiled. I can't believe all this was really happening! Charli soon left, and we went into arena to find our seats.

My eyes got huge when the usher led us to the front row. HOLY CRAP!! I was going to see them from the front row!!

The concert was about to start when my phone went off. I grabbed it out of my pocket, and nearly screamed. It wad a notification from Twitter saying that @thebandperry followed me.

I didn't have long to freak out though, because soon the lights went down, and three familiar figures made their way on stage.

I leaped up to my feet, and started screaming and dancing.

I looked over to see Mom and Dad laughing and smiling while laughing at me.

Kimberly seemed to spot me because she waved, and handed me a guitar pick. I grinned, and she squeezed my hand.

They were towards the end of their set, and had just played "If I Die Young" when Neil spoke into the microphone.

"Now today is actually a very special day!"

Kimberly nodded and said "It's a very special person's birthday today!"

Wow someone else's birthday is today too?!

Reid grinned and said "Bella, can you come here?"

I dazedly made my way closer to the stage, and Kimberly pulled me up, so that I was sitting on the edge of the stage.

"It's our friend Bella's 12th birthday today, and we'd love it if you could help us sing "Happy Birthday to her!"

I couldn't help but cry as Kimberly, Reid, and Neil lead the crowd through singing "Happy Birthday" to me.

When they were done Kimberly pulled me into a hug, and said "Happy Birthday Baby girl"

Then Neil pulled me into a hug and said "Happy Birthday Pretty Girl" and he handed me a guitar pick as well.

Then Reid pulled me into a hug and said "Happy Birthday Bella! We love you!"

I couldn't help but tear up at that when Reid and Neil helped me off the stage. I ran back to Mom and Dad and found them in tears.

"I'm so glad you have them." Mom said tearfully.

I nodded and said "So am I"

All too soon the concert ended and I was in the backseat of the car.

I struggled against my seat belt, trying to get comfortable, and Mom turned and handed me the camera.

"Here honey, we took some pictures and videos for you!"

I smiled and said "Thanks Mom, and thanks so much for today. I love you both!"

"We love you too sweetie!"

I smiled and flipped through the pictures.

There was a picture of them first hugging me, and our group hugs, and a video of us singing together, and a lot of us just talking.

I couldn't help but smile. This was the best birthday ever! All of a sudden my phone went off, and I saw it was a new mention from twitter.

I opened the app, and my jaw dropped.

"@thebandperry: Thanks to a gr8 crowd for helping us wish our friend @ilovetbp13 a Happy Birthday! We love you Bella!!"

Attached to the tweet was a picture of Kimberly, Reid, and Neil looking on as I blew out the candles on the cake they baked me, and the video of them singing Happy Birthday to me.

I was freaking out, and Mom and Dad laughed when I showed them.

"They sure are sweet kids!"

I smiled and nodded and said "This was the best Birthday ever!!"

Mom and Dad laughed, and just then I heard an ear piercing squeal, and a set of headlights heading toward our car.

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