Not So Bad (WWE)

By WWESpongefan

13.8K 332 12

Olivia Owens is a young woman running from an abusive relationship, but she only finds more trouble. She was... More

Not So Bad (Chapter One)
Not So Bad (Chapter Two)
Not So Bad (Chapter Three)
Not So Bad (Chapter Four)
Not So Bad (Chapter Five)
Not So Bad (Chapter Six)
Not So Bad (Chapter Seven)
Not So Bad (Chapter 8)
Not So Bad (Chapter 9)
Not So Bad (Chapter 10)
Not So Bad (Chapter 11)
Not So Bad ( Chapter 12)
Not So Bad (Chapter 13)
Not So Bad (Chapter 14)
Not So Bad (Chapter 16)
Not So Bad (Chapter 17)
Not So Bad (Chapter 18)
Not So Bad (Chapter 19)
Not So Bad (Chapter 20)
Not So Bad (Chapter 21)
Not So Bad (Chapter 22)
Not So Bad (Chapter 23)
Not So Bad (Chapter 24)Final Chapter

Not So Bad (Chapter 15)

391 11 0
By WWESpongefan

Olivia was terrified... She was being surrounded by The Wyatt Family. Bray kisses her hand and touches her face. Seth was enraged at this, he didn't want anyone touching her. The next thing Olivia knew, she was being held like a hostage, but was released when Seth jumped at Bray. Seth told her to run, but he didn't really have to tell her because that's what she did anyway. The lights came back on as she ran to the entrance area and watched the six men fight each other. Then everyone stopped what they were doing when Triple H came out.

"Stop this right now! I will not have this show start with chaos... Instead, I think I will do something that I think the WWE Universe would like. You've seen it once before, but what better way to start off Raw than by having The Shield and The Wyatt Family face each other? Now I know... Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns, you guys don't exactly trust Seth, but the three of you seemed to be working together perfectly in fighting The Wyatts. Get a referee out here, this match starts now."

The WWE Universe went crazy, the one thing a lot of people have been wanting to happen was for The Shield to reunite. The Wyatt Family is also a popular faction, and were disappointed when Luke Harper and Erick Rowan were "Set Free." At Elimination Chamber, the crowd was split in half, it seemed like half the crowd cheered for The Shield while the other half cheered for The Wyatt Family. This match between The Shield and Wyatts would be like World War II. Olivia was also interested in this match so she sat down at the commentary table. JBL offered her a headset and she put them on, Micheal Cole welcomed her.

"Olivia... welcome, tonight is your first night on Raw. You went into great detail about your past relationship and how Seth has been there for you. For the longest time everyone has seen Seth Rollins as a selfish Sellout, but tonight I'm seeing a different Seth Rollins. I think you've changed him."

"Oh well he said he had been doing some thinking while he was hurt. I don't think I changed him, I think he realized he was wrong and wanted to make things right again. He was even willing to let Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns punish him... I just couldn't let that happen. I already told everyone what Seth has done for me."

"Ok, but why are you here?"

"I'm here because I wanted to tell everyone what kind of guy Seth really is. Just because he may have turned his back on his Shield brothers, that doesn't mean everyone has to hate him. Seth is a good guy, if he was really as selfish as everyone says he is, he wouldn't have even stepped in to help me the first night we met. If he only cared about himself, I wouldn't be here right now."

"Yes well, things certainly seem uncomfortable there for a moment when The Wyatt Family came out and surrounded you."

"Yeah... that was a terrifying experience, but Seth was there for me like I knew he would be."

While Olivia was busy with commentary, the match with The Shield and Wyatt Family started. Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns still were not sure that they could trust Seth, but Triple H put them together anyway. Seth was still unsure about if he could depend on Dean or Roman. Seth started the match against Erick Rowan, the crowd was chanting Lets go Wyatts, and Lets go Shield. It seemed almost like the crowd was evenly split, but it sounded like there were slightly more people cheering for The Shield. Erick Rowan was slowly growing in popularity, but the crowd was mainly behind Seth and the crowd later started chanting Lets go Rollins. Seth was mainly in control and he went to the top rope. once he jumped he got a big boot to the face, but he still managed to knock Erick down. Seth knew he had to make a tag, but he wasn't sure if Dean and Roman would actually tag him. He crawled over to them and were surprised to see that they held out their hands for the tag. At the same time on the other side of the ring, Erick was making his way over to his partners. Seth tagged in Roman and Erick tagged in Luke. The crowd mainly cheered when Roman got the tag. So Seth knew he could count on Dean and Roman for this match, but would they trust him? Did they think that he would leave him during the match?

During The Shield's few arguments during their first Wyatt feud Seth walked away because The Shield was not on the same page. While Seth was catching his breath on the outside, Bray came charging at Dean Ambrose and knocked him off the ring apron. This left Roman to take on the entire Wyatt Family on his own. Erick Rowan got back in the ring and joined in the attack on Roman. The crowd started to boo and Roman was getting beat down pretty bad until Dean and Seth both jump in the ring and even the odds, throwing The Wyatts out of the ring, this got cheers from the crowd. The referee tried to get control of the match. Dean and Seth helped up Roman and they stare down The Wyatts. Olivia was still at ringside and froze when she saw Bray look right at her. He laughed and noticed the fear in her eyes before returning back to his spot to wait for his tag. Luke tagged in Bray and Roman tagged in Dean. The crowd went crazy because the Ambrose, Wyatt feud had not been over that long and were excited to see Dean and Bray going at it again. At some point Dean got the upper hand and went for the pin, but was stopped when Luke and Erick broke the pin. Then they went to attack Dean. Seth and Roman gathered up all the energy they had and stormed into the ring to help.

Dean was thrown out of the ring by Bray, Luke hit a massive clothesline on Roman, and Erick Rowan snuck in the ring with a chair and hit Seth with it while his back was turned, which was ironic in a way since Seth Rollins attacked Dean and Roman with a chair when he turned on them. The ref called for a disqualification and Luke and Erick continied their attack on Seth. Dean and Roman were out on the opposite side of the ring and Bray made his way over to Olivia. Erick and Luke were holding Seth so that he couldn't move. Olivia got up from the announce table and was going to run the other way, but the lights went out for only a moment and Bray caught up with her and grabbed her in his arms and started dragging her away up towards the entrance. Seth had got beat down by Luke and Erick, but noticed that Olivia was being dragged off by Bray. Seth struggled to get free, but the more he struggled, the tighter grip Luke and Erick had on him. Olivia struggled and tried to get free, but Bray grabbed her by her hair and he grabbed a mic. He noticed Dean and Roman on the ground on the outside and Seth being held in place by Luke and Erick. Bray started laughing at the sight before him.

"Isn't this funny? That's right Shield... Seth Rollins is not your enemy, It's funny how this night started out, Seth Rollins trying to convince everyone that he's changed, he wants his brothers back, but all they wanted to do was hurt you. If it wasn't for Triple H, there would be no Shield reunion. Three men that were brothers, turned enemies join forces to try to defeat a bigger enemy. It's funny Seth... you've always been there for Olivia, and tonight she has even tried to be there for you, but look at you now Seth... you promised to protect her, but there is nothing that you can do. All you can do is watch and wonder what I'm going to do."

Olivia was being dragged away against her will, but she was also worried about what would happen to Seth.


Seth and everyone else watched as Bray kissed her. Seth was enraged and fought more once he saw Bray kiss her. Bray took the mic laughing again.

"Don't do anything you'll regret... I would hate for anything to happen to pretty little Olivia. How do you expect to protect her when you can't even protect yourself?"

After Bray said that Luke hit Seth with a massive clothesline and left him laying in the ring. Once Erick and Luke left the ring, Seth moved only a little bit and looked at the screen as he saw Bray hit Olivia with Sister Abigail. After that, The Wyatt Family and Olivia disappeared. Seth could hardly move, but everyone saw this emotional side to Seth that they thought they would never see. Seth was yelling for Olivia, he was in the ring crying over her. Not everyone understood why Seth was so emotional, but Olivia kept their new relationship between them. Seth had failed her... Bray had put his hands on her and took her away and there wasn't anything that he could do about it. Dean and Roman fianlly stirred on the ground on the outside and noticed Seth in the ring. The looked around and noticed that Olivia was gone and that The Wyatts must have taken her.

(To be continued.)

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