Pregnant... For My Dad's Boss...

By golden-words

252K 5.4K 617

-This book has a sequel!- Ficah Rissa Casio is a senior in high school. Though her dad, George, made her move... More

Chapter 1-New Life, Here I Come
Chapter 2-Ashton
Chapter 3- Two Months Later
Chapter 4-Lunch with Ashton? I Think Yes.
Chapter 5- Thanksgiving dinner.
Chapter 6-Best Birthday Ever.
Chapter 7-Christmas Party
Chapter 7(Part2)-New Year
Chapter 8-Bait-Date-Rape-Break.
Chapter 9- The Twist in My Life/How Could You?
Chapter 10(Part 1)- Divulging the Truth
Chapter 10(Part2)- Credulous Bitch. -SABRINA'S P.O.V-
Chapter 11- Bullied at School
Chapter 12- See You in the Afterlife
Chapter 13- Finally/The Funeral.
Chapter 14- Big Mistake
Chapter 15- The Big Move.
Chapter 16- Prom.
Chapter 17-The Engagement/Graduation
Chapter 18-Visit.

Chapter 19- Asher

7.8K 216 22
By golden-words

Two months later (narrated)

The day was 9/18. Ficah had been going to NYU while Ashton attended Columbia University. Ficah was already known one of the three pregnant girls at NYU.

Ashton's birthday was on the seventh. Ficah made him a beautiful card and wrote him a seven-page letter. She expressed all of her feelings for him, and how she saw the future concerning them. Ashton agreed.


Ficah woke up with extreme pain at around 5:20AM. She headed downstairs to go get some water. As she was making her way to the stairs, her water broke. She slipped and rolled all the way down to the last step.

Carlos heard the noise and went to go check. He hurriedly rushed Ficah to the hospital.

Ficah had bruises all over her body, and Carlos was praying, hoping that both her and their baby will make it alive.

One of the doctors came out into the waiting room and informed Carlos that the baby might either be stillborn or born with a disorder of some sort. Carlos could not believe what he was hearing, but there was still a chance that he could have been born healthy, and so he was.

"Push, Ficah! We still need you to push!" Dr. U. said to her.

Carlos was holding Ficah's hand as she squeezed it.

"Ugh!" Ficah groaned and breathed. "I can't!"

"Come on, you're going to have to! Push! On the count of three, we need you to push!"

Ficah nodded. The pain that she felt was unbearable.

"One...two...three, push!"

"Baby, you're going to have to push," Carlos moved some hair from her face.

Ficah pushed and pushed until a healthy baby boy was born. Ficah let out a deep sigh that was choking her alive and cocked her head backwards.

"Oh my gosh!" Tears escaped her eyes. "What time is it?" She asked as she grabbed Carlos' arm with excitement.

"You did it, baby!" Carlos kissed her. "You did it! It is exactly 5:47AM."

"Yes! Can I please hold my child?" Ficah moved on.

They put the precious baby on her chest.

"Congrats," said the doctor.

"Thank you so much!" Ficah cried even more as she kissed her baby. The moment she'd been waiting for for nine months was finally there. This came from her. This baby was of Ficah.

"Have you thought about what you're going to name him?" The doctor asked.

"No, my wife haven't decided yet..." Carlos looked at Ficah as she gave the baby away.

"Hey, can you please go stay with him?" Ficah asked Carlos.

"Why, sure," he got up and left.

"Hey! Psst, Nurse Ali," Ficah called the nurse.

"Yes, ma'am."

"Can you please contact this number and let them know that I am ready?"

"Ready for what, ma'am?"

"They will know what I mean. Just tell Ashton Liverstone that I am ready. Give him the name of the hospital."


Just as the nurse exited, Carlos came back in. "I'm really proud of you, babe. You did good."

"You won't be proud of me for too long..." Ficah murmured under her breath.


"Nothing. I said thanks," Ficah avoided his gaze.


Ashton's phone rang. He stretched and slapped it, thinking it was his alarm. When he realized it was his phone, he jumped and picked up.


"Yes, may I please speak to Ashton Liverstone?"

"Speaking. How may I help you?"

"This is Nurse Ali. Ficah Casio told me to call you. She just gave birth, and she told me to tell you that she's ready," the nurse told him and gave him the address of the hospital.

"OH MY GOSH! Yes! Umm, tell her that I will be over in about half an hour!" Ashton hung up the phone. "Everybody wake up!" Ashton went from door to door, turning the lights on to wake the people up.

Everyone dragged themselves out of bed and into the long hallway like the zombie apocalypse was taking place.

"What's the big idea?" Geraldine asked.

"Yeah, it's barely six!" Evelyn agreed.

"Ficah gave birth!" Ashton announced.

"Oh my gosh!" Mrs. Liverstone exclaimed. "What? Where? When?"

"Yes, Luke, I need you to help me gather the cops."

"On it," Lucas said and dialed 9-1-1.

"Mom, come with Luke and I to the hospital. The rest of you can go off to sleep. We'll be back here with Ficah either later on today or tomorrow."

"Alright," Evelyn opened her door.

"I'm too excited. I can't sleep," Genesis told Evelyn.

Evelyn threw a pillow at her. "Good night. Or good morning... I don't know," she chuckled.


Ashton met the police officers in front of the hospital.

"This way, gentlemen," Ashton gestured into the hospital.

They quietly followed to the front desk.

"Whoa. What can I help you with?"

"What room is Ficah Casio in?"

"A219B," replied the nurse, frightened. "Go straight down, through both double doors, second door on your right."

They did as they were told. As Ashton walked, he felt as if his heart was pounding. He's waited for this moment for nine months where Ficah would be free, and where they would be able to have an open relationship.

"That's him," Ashton busted into the room, pointing to Carlos.

"Whoa, what's all of this?"

"Shut up. Don't act innocent. Save it for the judge," Ashton replied.

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law. You have the right to an attorney..." The police officer went on and on as he hand cuffed Carlos.

"May I ask why I am being arrested?"

"Since you want to act as if you are innocent, I'll tell you why. You raped, kidnapped and abused a minor. How do you think she ended up with your child?"

Dr. U looked at Carlos with a sick grimace on his face. Everyone's feelings toward him changed.

"This isn't true, right Ficah?" Carlos looked at Ficah seriously as he tried to fight the police officers off of him.

Ficah shook her head. "I mean, yes. It's all true," she cried.

"How could you do this to me? I thought you loved me!"

"You make me sick," Ashton interrupted.

"I've only pretended, Carlos. I despise you! After all you've done to me you expect me to just forgive and forget? I'll forgive, but I sure as hell won't forget. It was their idea to do this. I'm sorry."

The police officers took Carlos away with him shaking his head in disbelief, hoping that that was all a dream. It wasn't a dream. It was just painful reality.

"Ficah!" Ashton ran and sat on the edge of her bed.

"Oh, Ash! I am all yours now!"

"Look what I got... Wait, what's his name?" Ashton took out a set of clothing and a pillow to fill out information.

"I promised Gretchen that I would name him something...meaningful. I was thinking long and hard, and I think I've got it now. I will name him Asher. Asher Liverstone."

Ashton was at loss for words. A tear reluctantly escaped his eye.

"I love you, babe," Ficah threw her arms around him.

"I guess the feeling is mutual," Ashton replied.

"Hey, Dr. U, guess who just got a name?" Ficah smiled.


Ficah was transferred into another room where they kept her until the next day. There, she filled out Asher's pillow.

Lookie! A baby boy is born! 

Name: Asher Liverstone.  

Birthday: Wednesday 9/18/13 

Weight: 8lbs. 6oz.  

Height: 19in.  

Hospital: General Hospital of Manhattan.  

Time: 5:47AM.

"Thanks, babe."

"For what?" Ashton approached.


At that moment, Luke and his mom entered the room.

"Oh, wow! Hi, Darling!" She waddled over and grabbed Ficah's hand. "Congrats!"

"Thank you!"

"Congrats, Ficah... And, umm, I'm really sorry know."

"Please, it's okay. Besides, I have an awful lot to thank you for for helping me handle Goodwill."

"Don't mention it," Luke smirked.

"So, when are you moving in?" Mrs. Liverstone moved on, curious as ever.

"Umm, doctor says I have to leave tomorrow, so my best guess is that I am moving in tomorrow."

"Awesome! Where's the baby?"

"They took him to another room. Just asked the nurse for Asher Liverstone."

"Alright. Luke, come with me," she linked her arm with Luke's.

"You know, Asher is just like you in every way. He's also a Virgo," Ficah smiled at Ashton.

"Yes, yes he is."

"You have school later and tomorrow. You should go home and rest."

"Are you kidding me? I would rather be here with you. I'm sure they wouldn't mind two absences."

"I hope not."


When it was nighttime, Ficah laid on her bed, and Ashton laid on the couch with a quilt over his body. Ficah couldn't sleep, whereas Ashton was sound asleep.

Ficah slowly got up, in hope of not disturbing Ashton and tip toed her way to the door. She twisted the doorknob and got out. She went into the nursery where her baby was kept. She walked over to his bed and looked over slowly. She saw...perfection.

She picked Asher up and hugged him. He started to cry. Very carefully, Ficah walked around the room with Asher cupped in her arms. He wouldn't stop crying. She took her breast out and put her nipple into his mouth. He stopped crying and sucked on it for food. She sang him a lullaby. "Hush, little baby, don't say a word. Mama's gonna buy you a mockingbird..."

"You know, you're not really good with sneaking around," Ashton interrupted in the doorway, arms folded across his chest.

Ficah quickly put her breast away and turned. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you..."

"It's okay... I had to check up on you anyway. You weren't there, so it was either here or the ladies' room. Most likely here," Ashton came closer. "May I hold him?"

"Sure," she placed him into Ashton's already-positioned arms.

"What are you doing in here? You're not supposed to be in here unsupervised," a nurse said as she came into the room.

"I'm sorry, we were just checking on our baby," Ficah said as Ashton put Asher back into his bed.

"Please leave now."

"Okay, okay," they headed to their room.

"You know," Ashton said as Ficah climbed into bed, "this is kind of like a little hotel. A room all to ourselves..."

"Haha, right," she said as Ashton threw the covers over her.

"Yep," he headed for the couch.

"Hey," Ficah called.

Ashton turned, and she patted some empty space next to her.

"Really? The bed's not even big enough for you..."

"Come on. We'll find a way, babe. We always do."

"You're right."

Ficah turned and Ashton laid down behind her with his arm around her waist. They both slept peacefully until the next day.

(A/N:) Hey, guys! So what'd you think? I love this chapter!! I feel like this was the whole point of this book. Well, there it was. I have only one more chapter that I will post then I will be done. I just wanted to post this before heading to bed. Most likely I will post the final chapter tomorrow, IGW but yeah. XD I love Asher. Lol. XD that hospital is completely made up, though, unlike the universities (they are really in Manhattan). Thank you for 400 votes and thanks for reading!! :* 

You are forever awesome (^)_(^) :^)

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