stone blue

By tamingalaska

418 44 33

those baby blue eyes I had known for years had suddenly turned in a storm, like stone, and all I could do was... More

p r o l o u g e
part one
| 1 |
| 2 |
| 3 |
| 4 |
| 5 |
| 6 |
| 7 |
Part Two
| 13 |
part three
| 14 |
| 15 |
| 16 |
| 17 |
| 18 |
Part four
Thank you!

Christmas Special

9 1 2
By tamingalaska

{ Heya, this chapter contains some sexy stuff and some cuty bits since it is Christmas. I love you guys, tell me what you got}

I smile at the children in the kitchen, shoving spoons in dyed frosting and slapping them onto to already baked sugar cookies. A bowl of M&M's go flying off the table top and the cries of my Aunt Lisa fill the house.

"Now get a broom and get this up, Ginny!"

I laugh at the scene and follow the rest of the adults into the living room where I spy Tyson, cuddled next to my cousins, sharing a drink of egg nog and rum. Then standing in the corner, all by himself is Louis, with his phone in his face and another skanky cousin in her skankiest outfit, trying her best to get his face in her chest.

I swell at the way he ignores her and looks up at me, smiles goofily.

Walking up to him, I mentally push her away from him, grabbing at his arm.

"Happy Birthday, Boobear." He groans, roughing my hair up and pushing me playfully.

"Ugh, shut up. Who told you someone had ever called me that." I laugh uncontrollably, holding my side.

" Your sister texted me that is was your birthday today, you weren't gonna tell me?"

"Eh, who cares?"

"Me," I tell him, curling my fingers through his and looking back at Tyson, but he has his eyes hooked onto someone's chest.

"I love you and I care about when you need to be celebrated."

"Where's my gift?" He chuckles, squeezing my hand.

"Right this way, Mr.Tomlinson," I joke, pulling him away from the living room of bustling adults. I bring him down the long hallway of framed pictures to my old bedroom, pushing him inside.

"Tomorrow's Christmas, have you been a nice boy or a naughty boy," his hands play with the material on his thighs as he licks his lips.

"I want to say nice, but I have been quite naughty this year." I swing my hips as I close in on his, pushing my fingers through his hair, bringing my leg up on his, and he drags his fingers up to my thigh but I swat him away.

"No, not yet sweetheart." I push him back, peeling my shirt off and throwing it across the room.

"Have you locked the door?" I smile down at him, mischievously, grabbing ahold of his hips as I position myself on top of him; kissing the long trail of half-decipated hickies.

All from me.

He hisses under my soft touch, intentionally driving him insane, feeling his throbbing on my inner thigh. I cup it in my hand, gently teasing him as I whisper dirty things in his ear.

"I've been waiting all night to feel you on me." He grumbles under his breath. Throwing his head back as I stroke his hardness. "And now... you get to fuck me however you like, feel me around you wet and tight."

He let's out a load moan, grabbing a hold of my arm and tossing me on my back, crawling between my legs.

"You're such a fucking tease, Pipe."

"Did I do good?" I ask, as he pulls my legs over my head, pulling away the red and green Christmas leggings, revealing the lace thongs underneath.

"You little slut, you were planning this weren't you?" I bit down on my lip looking down at him.

"God those lips drive me mental, and those fucking eyes." He grabs a hold of my thighs and pushes them as far apart as possible, greeting his breathing with my undeniably heat.

Now it's his time to drive me crazy, as he place his tongue laps at my clit, suckling softly at me. I grip onto the covers moving my legs close to his head but he pushes them back down. Pinning me to the bed.

"You've been a naughty girl, baby." The sound him using that pet name makes my hips buckle and I find myself forcing my hips to his face.

His two fingers slip inside me, teasing me at first; slowly moving in and stopping as he kisses at my lips. He picks up, thrusting his fingers deep inside until I'm screaming, and his hands are covering my mouth.

His lips find mine and I feel him roughly thrust into me, my body tensing under his control.

"Fuck, baby. You're so fucking tight." He hissing in my ear, grabbing my neck as he explores my body with his other hand, rubbing my under I'm under complete bliss, the tension in my stomach releasing.

Our breathing slows and we lay in bed, our fingers tangled in one anothers.

He speaks first, his eyes glossy from extacy.

"Well that was an amazing Christmas present." He says and I laugh, grabbing at my clothes on the floor.

"Well you were a good boy, this year."

"I'm a man, Piper." He tells me, smacking my ass as I get up.

"Okay, Boobear." I say, teasing.

"Shut up!"

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