Love will find a way (Flutter...

By ScriptedPages

82.4K 2.2K 1.2K

Ok I gave this idea some time and thinking and I finally decided to make a fluttercord fanfiction. I absolute... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Not a chapter!! New episode of MLP READ AT UR OWN RISK!!!!!
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Not a chapter, but a new story!!!
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
A/N 2
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Last Announcement!!!!!

Chapter 18

1.7K 48 25
By ScriptedPages

Flutterbat was flying through the night sky, at rapid speed. The wind blazing through her mane as her ears heard the laughter of ponies in ponyville. Once she reached ponyville she stopped and stood on one of the buildings. She gazed at some ponies who were getting ready for bed. She licked her fangs at the sight of them, imagining the taste, but she knew that they had to be saved for another time. least for her tiny little friends.

Some of the vampire fruit bats were in town and as soon as they saw Flutterbat, they flew toward her and sat right next to her. Ever since Fluttershy turned into Flutterbat every night, the vampire bats referred to Flutterbat as their queen. The bats were snickering and licking their fangs as they saw the ponies.

"Not now my subjects. Once everypony is asleep I'll set up the trap and when I give the signal you guys come and circle the whole town, trapping them so that way they won't get out. Then all of ponyville will be mine! And you little critters can suck the life out of ponies to your tiny hearts content!" Said Flutterbat.

"What about Discord?" Asked one of the bats. (A/N That was an episode!!)

"Oh, I have a special place for him." Flutterbat said with a smirk. "Now you all go to your places."

The bats flew away to their hiding positions. Flutterbat slowly flew down to the streets, as soon as she landed she saw that the streets were dead quiet. To Flutterbat this seemed suspicious, it she knew this was part of the plan.

"NOW!!!" Twilight shouted.

And in an instant Applejack and Rainbow Dash came zooming toward Flutterbat with ropes and quickly tied her down. Flutterbat tried to break free but soon the other ponies came and with all of their strength they tied her to the wall with no escape. Flutterbat tried to break free from the ropes but they were too tight.

"It's time to show who you really are you beast!" Twilight bellowed.

Once Twilight lit a torch to show the monster's face, everypony gasped in shock and fear. They couldn't believe their own eyes! It had to be a dream, a nightmare even.

"You?" Twilight asked.

"What?" Rainbow Dash said.

"It can't be!!" Said Applejack.

"This has to be a dream!!!" Rarity said.

"Tell me it's not true!!!" Pinkie said about to cry.

Flutterbat looked at all of the mane 5 who were on the verge of tears. She smirked and chuckled.

"So now you all finally get to see who I really am! How nice." Flutterbat said.

"F-Fluttershy...h-how...?" Twilight began to speak, but was lost in what she was trying to say.

"Fluttershy doesn't exist anymore!!! You may call me Flutterbat!" Flutterbat boasted at the mane 5. "Well...what are you waiting for?! Kill me already!! That was your main goal right? Do it!!"

The mane 5 just looked at each other. They knew that they needed to put a stop to the madness, but they never thought that the one causing it was their best friend.

"Um, yeah...go on twilight." Rainbow Dash said trying to hide her tears.

"Yes Twilight. It was p-part of the plan." Said rarity as her makeup was running down her face because of the stream of tears.

Everypony had rivers of tears pouring down their faces while Flutterbat just watched in amusement. Then Twilight slowly walked toward Flutterbat, remembering the spell that would destroy her once and for all. Twilight was now staring face to face with Flutterbat. Then Flutterbat made a target on her chest with some blood that was dripping from her fangs.

"You may fire when you're ready." Flutterbat said proudly while closing her eyes.

Twilight's horn glowed as she was about to set the spell but she stopped and dropped to the floor. She sobbed into her hooves as the others sobbed with her. Flutterbat opened one of her eyes to see the suffering of the mane 5. She smirked as she saw them cry like little fillies. With her fangs, she cut the ropes and walked over to Twilight. She lifted up her chin with her hoof and smiled.

"I knew you couldn't do it. And since after all this time, you and your friends finally had the chance to vanquish me forever!! Yet you didn't because you didn't want to lose your dear friend. Pathetic!....Which is exactly what I was hoping for." Flutterbat said.

She let go of Twilight's chin and and called loudly. After a few cries in the night, there was some calling noises in the distant sky. It got louder and louder! What could it be? The mane 5 looked up to the night sky and their jaws dropped to the floor. Swarms and swarms of bats came flying through the sky, there were so many that you can barely see the moon and stars! Flutterbat broke free from the ropes and flew up to the swarms of bats. She looked down at the mane 5.

"I want you guys to take a good long look at this town. Because it's the last time you'll ever see it this way!!!!" Flutterbat shouted.

Flutterbat nodded to the bats and all at once they came, rapidly flying down! Most of them breaking through windows to get a quick bite before ponies start running for their lives. It wasn't long until the screaming a and blood began. Ponies tried to run but they only gotten themselves dead. Some tried to escape but the bats weren't letting them, until they had their midnight snack. The mane 5 tried to help the ponies but instead they were bitten and taken away.

To where, no pony knows for sure. But we all know that it can't be good. While all of the mayhem was going on, Pinkie pie managed to escape the town and ran to the Everfree Forest. She barely made it out alive as her bite marks and cuts were bleeding. Flutterbat saw Pinkie run into the Everfree Forest and then five bats appeared by her side.

"No pony is allowed to escape!! Make sure she doesn't reach Discord's castle!!! If she makes it there and tells him before I strike him it's all over!! NOW GO!!!!" Flutterbat shouted.

The five bats zoomed into the Everfree Forest, dodging back and forth to avoid branches. Pinkie ran and ran, her heart thumping so fast it could jump out of her chest.
Then she saw a light not that far, she was still ahead of the bats but she still kept running. When she made it out of the forest she saw Discord's castle and immediately sprinted to the door.

"DISCORD ITS ME PINKIE!!!!! OPENED THE DOOR PLEASE!!!! I DON'T WANNA DIE!!!!!!!" Pinkie screamed as she rapidly pounded the door.

When Discord opened the door, Pinkie rushed in and slammed it shut while blocking it with her body. She was panting really hard, her eyes were wide and her heart away still thumping fast but not as much. Not as much like when she was being chased by the bats.

"Pinkie what's wrong? You look like you were chased by a ghost!" Discord teased.


"Which is?" Discord asked.

"BATS!!!!!!!" Pinkie said.

Discord tried to hold in his laugh, but couldn't. He was then on the floor laughing so hard he couldn't breath. Pinkie got angry and you can tell by her face. And Discord noticed it.

"Wait, are you serious?" Discord asked just noticing that this was really happening.


"Who's their leader?" Discord asked.

"It's Fl-" but pinkie was then cut off by the bats breaking though the window.

With their sharp little feet they dug into Pinkie's skin. They lifted her in the air and dragged her to the window. Discord grabbed Pinkie's hooves before she went out the window, but he bats were too strong. She was slowly slipping out of discord's paws and claw.

"LET ME GO!!! ITS TOO LATE FOR ME!!!!! SAVE YOURSELF!!!!!!" Pinkie screamed before the bats pulled her out of the window and disappeared into the night.

Discord was confused. Who was the leader of the bats? How dangerous is this situation?


Discord turned around but he was knocked out by a frying pan and every girl went black, all he heard before he was completely knocked out was an evil laugh that echoed throughout the castle.

(Hey guys!!! I updated this before Christmas!!!! Huzzah!!!! Sorry if this chapter might seem a little bit crappy but hey what are we gonna do about it? Also I think you guys needed a little break from all of the songs. So I hope you all have a lovely Christmas!!!! Don't forget to vote and comment and I'll see all you ponies in the next chapter!!!!🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄☃☃☃)

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