Wanderlust [Ziam]

By Styles_bandana_x

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wanderlust: ˈwɒndəlʌst/ noun; a strong desire to travel. More



759 44 26
By Styles_bandana_x

-Zayn's pov-

"Let's sit down, shall we?" Liam asks then I realise I'm still holding his hand and quickly pull it away.

"Yeah you guys do and I'll go dance or something." Harry says and leaves us alone.

"Alright Zayn come over here." Liam leads me to a table in the corner away from the crowd.

"So, tell me about yourself." Liam says after we settle down.

"Uhm well I'm Zayn, Zayn Malik, I'm 21, I work with Harry at his father's cafè and I live in a small apartment on my own." Lame as fuck.

"I'm Liam Payne, I'm the owner of this club and another two clubs and I'd like to help you with your dream." He says, I have a feeling what he wants is something bad.

"Why do want to help me and what do you want in return?" I ask him.

"First of all tell me more about your dream." He more demands than ask.

I sigh "well you see since I was a kid I had this dream of travelling the world but growing up I realised that I just want to travel and discover new places even if it wasn't the whole world you know? But my parents thought it was silly and didn't agree especially after.." I stop talking because what if he's homophopic? Oh gosh.

"After what?" He raises an eyebrow.

"After they found out I was-"

"Gay?" He interrupts me. How the fuck? "How did you know?" I speak my mind.

"The way you looked at me." He says and I wish I could just vanish, I mean he's as straight as a ruler.

"Oh, sorry." I blush, could this be more embarrassing?

"Nah it's fine, you're kinda cute." I'm not cute I'm sexy, the fuck.

"Me?" I act surprised. "Are you..you know?" What is wrong with me?

"I'm bi, now that's not why we're here." He says and I nod for him to continue.

"Well Zayn Harry told me that you're a good looking lad, and that's what I need at the moment, now before you say anything I know that you've been saving money for almost three years but it's not enough." He says, what does he need me for? "So Zayn how about you work for me? And you'd make as much as you saved for three years in a month?" I'm so in what the hell.

"What's the job?" I ask him.

"You're job is to be my boyfriend." He says as if it's the most obvious thing in the world. What the actual fuck?

"Your boyfriend? I don't understand."

"My ex is coming back after disappearing for a year, and I want him to see that I moved on." He explains, he's crazy.

"No Liam that's twisted why don't you get yourself a real boyfriend?" I blurt out.

"I have my reason, which is none of your business." Why did he get so worked up?

"Well Liam, money can't buy love." I leave the table and go to find Harry.

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